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Madsen J. (1991) Status and trends of goose populations in the western palearctic in the 1980s. ARDEA 79 (2) : 113 - 122. [abstract]
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Raudonikis L. & Shvazhas S. (1991) A short note on geese migration in Lithuania. ARDEA 79 (2) : 123 - 124. [samenvatting]
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Mooij J.H. (1991) Numbers and distribution of Grey geese (genus Anser) in the Federal Republic of Germany, with special reference to the lower Rhine region. ARDEA 79 (2) : 125 - 133. [abstract]
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Prokosch P. (1991) Present status and recent changes in numbers and feeding sites of Branta species on the coasts of the Federal Republic of Germany during the 1980s. ARDEA 79 (2) : 135 - 139. [abstract]
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Engel J. (1991) A short note on the distribution of geese in Poland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 141 - 142. [samenvatting]
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Meire P. & Kuijken E. (1991) Factors affecting the number and distribution of wintering geese and some implications for their conservation in Flanders, Belgium. ARDEA 79 (2) : 143 - 157. [abstract]
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Yesou P. (1991) A short note on the status of grey geese (genus Anser) in France. ARDEA 79 (2) : 159 - 160. [samenvatting]
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Farago S., Kovcas G. & Sterbetz T. (1991) Goose populations staging and wintering in Hungary 1984-1988. ARDEA 79 (2) : 161 - 163. [abstract]
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Munteanu D., Weber P., Szabo J., Gogubogdan M. & Marinov M. (1991) A note on the present status of geese in Romania. ARDEA 79 (2) : 165 - 166. [samenvatting]
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Michev T.M., Pomakov V.A., Nankinov D., Ivanov B.E. & Profirof L. (1991) A short note on wild geese in Bulgaria during the period 1977 to 1989. ARDEA 79 (2) : 167 - 168. [samenvatting]
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Perco F. (1991) Recent changes in size of goose populations in Italy. ARDEA 79 (2) : 169 - 171. [abstract]
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Boldreghini P. & Montanari F.L. (1991) A short note on wintering geese in northern Italy. ARDEA 79 (2) : 173 - 174. [samenvatting]
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Handrinos G.I. (1991) The status of geese in Greece. ARDEA 79 (2) : 175 - 177. [abstract]
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Patterson I.J. (1991) Conflict between geese and agriculture - does goose grazing cause damage to crops. ARDEA 79 (2) : 179 - 186. [abstract]
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Ernst P. (1991) The influence of winter goose grazing on dry-matter yields of grassland in North-Rhine-Westphalia. ARDEA 79 (2) : 187 - 190. [abstract]
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Jepsen P.U. (1991) Crop damage and management of the Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus in Denmark. ARDEA 79 (2) : 191 - 194. [abstract]
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Owen M. & Black J.M. (1991) A note on migration mortality and its significance in goose populations dynamics. ARDEA 79 (2) : 195 - 196. [samenvatting]
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Ebbinge B.S. (1991) The impact of hunting on mortality-rates and spatial-distribution of geese wintering in the western palearctic. ARDEA 79 (2) : 197 - 209. [abstract]
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Kalchreuter H. (1991) On the impact of hunting on goose populations - a literature search. ARDEA 79 (2) : 211 - 216. [abstract]
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Harradine J. (1991) A short note on shooting and management of geese in Britain. ARDEA 79 (2) : 217 - 218. [samenvatting]
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Mooij J.H. (1991) Hunting - a questionable method of regulating goose damage. ARDEA 79 (2) : 219 - 223. [abstract]
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Hudec K. (1991) A note on hunting exploitation of the Central-european population of the Greylag goose Anser anser. ARDEA 79 (2) : 225 - 227. [samenvatting]
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Keller V.E. (1991) The effect of disturbance from roads on the distribution of feeding sites of geese (Anser brachyrhynchus, A anser), wintering in north-east Scotland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 229 - 231. [abstract]
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Mosbech A. & Glahder C. (1991) Assessment of the impact of helicopter disturbance on moulting Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Jameson Land, Greenland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 233 - 237. [abstract]
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Nilsson L. & Persson H. (1991) An increasing breeding population of Greylag Geese Anser anser in southern Sweden - a neck-banding study. ARDEA 79 (2) : 239 - 242. [abstract]
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Paterson I.W. (1991) The status and breeding distribution of Greylag Geese Anser anser in the Uists (Scotland) and their impact upon crofting agriculture. ARDEA 79 (2) : 243 - 251. [abstract]
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Loonen M.J.J.E., Zijlstra M. & Van Eerden M.R. (1991) Timing of wing moult in Greylag Geese Anser anser in relation to the availability of their food plants. ARDEA 79 (2) : 253 - 259. [abstract]
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Van Eerden M.R., Zijlstra M. & Loonen M.J.J.E. (1991) Individual patterns of staging during autumn migration in relation to body condition in Greylag Geese Anser anser in The Netherlands. ARDEA 79 (2) : 261 - 264. [abstract]
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Dick G. (1991) On the spatial-distribution and social-organization of neck-banded Greylag Geese Anser anser in their breeding area of Lake Neusiedl, Austria. ARDEA 79 (2) : 265 - 268. [abstract]
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Calderon J., Manez M. & Garcia L. (1991) A note on wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser of the Guadalquivir Marismas. ARDEA 79 (2) : 269 - 270. [samenvatting]
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Amat J.A., Garciacriado B. & Garciaciudad A. (1991) Food, feeding-behaviour and nutritional ecology of wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser. ARDEA 79 (2) : 271 - 282. [abstract]
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Dick G., Rehfisch M., Skinner J. & Smart M. (1991) Wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser in North-Africa. ARDEA 79 (2) : 283 - 286. [abstract]
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Wilson H.J., Norriss D.W., Walsh A., Fox A.D. & Stroud D.A. (1991) Winter site fidelity in Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris, implications for conservation and management. ARDEA 79 (2) : 287 - 294. [abstract]
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Mayes E. (1991) The winter ecology of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris on seminatural grassland and intensive farmland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 295 - 304. [abstract]
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Von Essen L. (1991) A note on the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Sweden and the result of a reintroduction scheme. ARDEA 79 (2) : 305 - 306. [samenvatting]
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Burgers J., Smit J.J. & Van der Voet H. (1991) Origins and systematics of 2 types of the Bean Goose Anser fabalis (Latham, 1787) wintering in The Netherlands. ARDEA 79 (2) : 307 - 315. [abstract]
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Obriain M. & Healy B. (1991) Winter distribution of Light-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota in Ireland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 317 - 326. [abstract]
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Salmon D.G. & Fox A.D. (1991) Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla in Britain, 1976-1987. ARDEA 79 (2) : 327 - 330. [abstract]
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Prop J. (1991) Food exploitation patterns by Brent Geese Branta bernicla during spring staging. ARDEA 79 (2) : 331 - 341. [abstract]
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Forslund P. & Larsson K. (1991) Breeding range expansion of the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis in the Baltic area. ARDEA 79 (2) : 343 - 346. [abstract]
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Leito A. (1991) A note on migration ecology, population status and interactions with agriculture of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Estonia. ARDEA 79 (2) : 347 - 348. [samenvatting]
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Black J.M., Deerenberg C. & Owen M. (1991) Foraging behaviour and site selection of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in a traditional and newly colonized spring staging habitat. ARDEA 79 (2) : 349 - 358. [abstract]
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Fox A.D. & Gitay H. (1991) Breeding success in Greenland Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis wintering on Islay, Scotland. ARDEA 79 (2) : 359 - 363. [abstract]
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Heggberget T.M. (1991) Establishment of breeding populations and population development in the Canada Goose Branta canadensis in Norway. ARDEA 79 (2) : 365 - 370. [abstract]
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