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Limosa 76.4 2003



Limosa 76.4 front
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Limosa 76.4 colophon
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Limosa 76.4 content (Dutch)
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Limosa 76.4 content (English)
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

LEOPOLD MF, BRUIN CJW, CAMPHUYSEN CJ, WINTER C & KOKS B Why do Ospreys Pandion haliaetus so rarely utilise Dutch marine waters for feeding?
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

PARLEVLIET J Breeding birds in The Netherlands in the 20th century
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

VERKUIL Y & DE GOEIJ P Do Reeves make different choices? Meadow selection by spring staging Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in Southwest Friesland
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

limosa 76.4 2003
