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Limosa 74.1 2001



Limosa 74.1 front
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Limosa 74.1 content (Dutch)
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Limosa 74.1 content (English)
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DIJK AJ VAN, WEIDE M VAN DER , ZOETEBIER D & PLATE C Rare and colonial breeding birds in The Netherlands in 1998
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

JUKEMA J, WYMENGA E & PIERSMA T Stopping over in SW Friesland: fattening and moulting in Ruffs Philomachus pugnax during northward migration in The Netherlands
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

GERRITSEN GJ Post-breeding concentrations of more than 1000 Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiacus in Zwolle
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

KEIJL GO Ring-necked Parakeets Psittacula krameri in Amsterdam, 1976-2000
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

CASTELEIJNS H Dramatic decline of the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix in central Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book reviews: Heath FH. ... (et al), 2000. Important Bird Areas in Europe, priority sites for conservation
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book reviews: Jong M. de. 2000. Buiten beeld - Natuur in Nederland
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Aebisher NJ. ...(et al).Ecology and conservation of lowland farmland birds
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Sibley D. 2000. he North American Bird Guide
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Wader Study Group meeting
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

WELBERGEN J, BERG M, KATS R & KOMDEUR J Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave'; Egg discrimination in the Australian Reed Warbler
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

limosa 74.1 2001
