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WESSELS H (1989) Actualities: Cranes counted, Wessels already called?. LIMOSA 62 (2): 119-119.

Common Crane Grus grus Since 1970, observations of migrating and Cranes plaster income collected nationwide. It Netherlands was divided into two parts: the southern and North of the River Waal. In the north coordinated Henk Wessels investigations, William Widen Vergoossen. After consultations between the two people is that coordination and reporting of research into the prevention of cranes in the Netherlands from he-. values ​​for the entire country into the hands of Henk Wessels. Aile sightings of cranes can telephone or in writing passed. Should we still have sightings of cranes from the years 1970-88 that have not been passed, it is therefore recommended undersigned. Of every observation like date, time, number, Instead, flight direction, details and observer (s) mention.

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limosa 62.2 1989
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