Hay Wijnhoven (2024) Are Woodpigeons Columba palumbus advancing their moulting date?. LIMOSA 97 (2): 62-72.
To study the moult process in the Woodpigeon, shed
feathers were collected systematically within the city
of Nijmegen from July 2020 to December 2022. This
resulted in 956 primaries and 783 rectrices (appendix
1). Additionally, 126 primaries and 156 rectrices were
collected from dead specimens and prey remains,
and used as a reference collection. Both adults and
juveniles displayed a complete moult (pictures 1 & 2).
The descendent primary moult of adults started with
primary 1 mid-March, and last primaries 10 were shed
at the beginning of December, resulting in an average
moult period of 9 months (figure 1 & 4). Within this period
rectrices were moulted, with largest numbers (67%) shed
in September and October (figure 3). Juveniles started
moulting in their year of hatching, few birds succeeded in
completing their first moult within the same year (figures
1 & 2). Later born juveniles were at all stages of primary
moult by the end of November. Moult was arrested in
December and during winter and restarted early February
or March. If not completed in the previous year, juvenile
moult resumed where it had been arrested (figure 2).
After completion a new cycle was started and completed
within the same year. However, some resumed their first
cycle, simultaneously starting a second one. The latest
born young of previous year did not resume moult in
their second calendar year, but started a new cycle with
P1, shedding the remaining juvenile primaries only in
the course of this second cycle. It is concluded that, as
a result of climate change (possibly enhanced by higher
temperatures in the urban environment), the moult of
the Woodpigeon nowadays starts about three weeks
earlier than half a century ago.
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