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VANGELUWE D (1997) Actualities: coloured- Eurings Egyptian Goose. LIMOSA 70 (2): 87-87.

Belgium the population grows Nile Geese. They are birds escaped from captivity from which this population was created. During the eighties have Nile Geese settled in the pairs of the Brussels Capital Region. In 1995 the estimated population at 500 birds and their number appears still to be take. Ringed animals from this region were observed on the river upstream of Namur, in Northern France, and even in Zeeland Area of Amsterdam. To travel and to study the increase A number of Nile Geese with a PVC shade (black, white, red, yellow, green, blue) with an inscription (3 x same letter or number) to the left or right leg. To the other leg is a metal ring of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

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limosa 70.2 1997
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