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Kempenaers B. (2024) Life's mass murderers. ARDEA 112 (1): 1 - 3. |
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Wijnhorst R.E., Janoo I., Ferret P., Tatayah V., Probst J.-M., Florens F.B.V. & Warren B.H. (2024) Phylogeny and conservation status of Mascarene Aerodramus swiftlets. ARDEA 112 (1): 5 - 20. |
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Berdikulov B.T., Gavrilov A.E., Ilina V.O., Song G. & Lei F.M. (2024) Autumn migration of the rare Yellow-eyed Pigeon Columba eversmanni from western Tian Shan (Tanyrtau), Kazakhstan. ARDEA 112 (1): 21 - 30. |
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Camphuysen C.J., van Donk S.C., Shamoun-Baranes J. & Kentie R. (2024) The annual cycle, breeding biology and feeding ecology of the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus. ARDEA 112 (1): 31 - 61. |
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van den Bremer L., Piersma T. & van Turnhout C.A.M. (2024) Does the provisioning of artificial nest cups and nesting structures help House Martins Delichon urbicum? ARDEA 112 (1): 63 - 72. |
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Vergin L., Fox A.D., Fischer K., Sterup J. & Bregnballe T. (2024) Post-breeding distribution and origins of Sandwich Terns Thalasseus sandvicensis in Danish waters. ARDEA 112 (1): 73 - 88. |
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Coelho A.P., Lopes P., Rocha A.D., de Barros A.R., Piersma T. & Alves J.A. (2024) Seasonal variation in the diet of migratory shorebirds wintering in the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. ARDEA 112 (1): 89 - 102. |
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Piersma T. (2024) Ornithology from the flatlands: Humans guiding the first migration of hand-raised ibises: On social learning and culture in birds. ARDEA 112 (2): 165 - 170. |
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de Boer A.P., Vansteelant W.M.G. & Piersma T. (2024) Primary moult of Eurasian Spoonbills Platalea l. leucorodia in the Wadden Sea in relation to age, breeding and migration. ARDEA 112 (2): 217 - 227. |
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Schnelle A., Winter M., Bouwhuis S. & Risch M. (2024) Diet composition and reproductive performance in Central Europe’s last Gull-billed Tern population – a long term study. ARDEA 112 (2): 247 - 258. |
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Tinbergen J.M., Graveland J.M. & Both C. (2024) The importance of ambient temperature correction for estimating seasonality of caterpillar abundance through frass-fall. ARDEA 112 (2): 305 - 322. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2024) Book review: Sale R. & Watson S. 2022. The Peregrine Falcon.. ARDEA 112 (2): 339 - 345. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2024) Book review: Avery M. 2023. Reflections: What wildlife needs and how to provide it. ARDEA 112 (2): 339 - 345. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2024) Book review: Van Nieuwenhuyse D., van Harxen R. & Johnson D.H. 2023. The Little Owl: Population dynamics, behavior and management of Athene noctua. ARDEA 112 (2): 339 - 345. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2024) Book review: Donald P.F. 2023. Traffication: how cars destroy nature and what we can do about it. ARDEA 112 (2): 339 - 345. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2024) Book review: Newton I. 2024. The migration ecology of birds. Second edition. ARDEA 112 (2): 339 - 345. |
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Thiaw I. (2023) Foreword. ARDEA 111 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Theunis Piersma & El-Hacen M. El-Hacen (2023) To see, hear and speak: how counts of birds in individual trees help address the environmental causes of the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1): 3 - 6. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G, van der Kamp J. & Sikkema M. (2023) Distribution and numbers of ground-foraging birds between the hyper-arid Sahara and the hyperhumid Guinea forests. ARDEA 111 (1): 7 - 66. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G, van der Kamp J. & Sikkema M. (2023) Distribution and numbers of arboreal birds between the hyper-arid Sahara and the hyper-humid Guinea forests. ARDEA 111 (1): 67 - 102. |
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Bijlsma R.G., van der Kamp J. & Zwarts L. (2023) Distribution and relative density of raptors in the sub-Sahara during the dry season. ARDEA 111 (1): 103 - 117. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Revisiting published distribution maps and estimates of population size of landbirds breeding in Eurasia and wintering in Africa. ARDEA 111 (1): 119 - 142. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Selection by birds of shrub and tree species in the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1): 143 - 174. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Frequent agonistic interactions among arboreal birds in savannahs but not in humid forests of Africa. ARDEA 111 (1): 175 - 188. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Savannah trees attract more migratory bird species than residents, but why? ARDEA 111 (1): 189 - 206. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) The Gap of Chad, a dearth of migratory birds in the central Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1): 207 - 226. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Seasonal shifts in habitat choice of birds in the Sahel and the importance of ‘refuge trees’ for surviving the dry season. ARDEA 111 (1): 227 - 250. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Effects on birds of the conversion of savannah to farmland in the Sahel: habitats are lost, but not everywhere and not for all species. ARDEA 111 (1): 251 - 268. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Downstream ecological consequences of livestock grazing in the Sahel: a space-for-time analysis of the relations between livestock and birds. ARDEA 111 (1): 269 - 282. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Granivorous birds in the Sahel: is seed supply limiting bird numbers? ARDEA 111 (1): 283 - 304. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Birds and bush fires in African savannahs. ARDEA 111 (1): 305 - 314. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Shrub-dwelling birds in the Sahel forage less often on the ground in grazed areas. ARDEA 111 (1): 315 - 320. |
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Schlaich A.E., Bretagnolle V., Both C., Koks B.J. & Klaassen R.H.G. (2023) On the wintering ecology of Montagu’s Harriers in West Africa: itinerancy in relation to varying annual environmental conditions. ARDEA 111 (1): 321 - 342. |
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Ouwehand J., Asso A.A., Johnston B., Bot S., Bil W., Groenewoud F. & Both C. (2023) Experimental food supplementation at African wintering sites allows for earlier and faster fuelling and reveals large flexibility in spring migration departure in Pied Flycatchers. ARDEA 111 (1): 343 - 370. |
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Bil W., Asso A.A., van Eekelen P., Both C. & Ouwehand J. (2023) Living on the forest edge: flexible habitat use in sedentary Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca during the non-breeding season. ARDEA 111 (1): 371 - 396. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) The fortunes of migratory birds from Eurasia: being on a tightrope in the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1): 397 - 438. |
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Gutiérrez-Expósito C., Clavero M. & Revilla E. (2023) Prioritizing the conservation and research efforts for poorly known species: the buttonquails (Turnicidae) as a study case. ARDEA 111 (2): 501 - 510. |
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Kempenaers B. (2022) The Firebirds. ARDEA 110 (1): 1 - 4. |
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Vervoort R., Schmaltz L.E., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Verkuil Y.I., Kempenaers B. & Piersma T (2022) Within- and between-year variation in the presence of individually marked Ruff Calidris pugnax at a stopover site during northward migration. ARDEA 110 (1): 41 - 59. |
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Piersma T. (2022) Socially migrating Cuckoos? On genes being just one of many resources shaping the individual development of migration. ARDEA 110 (2): 107 - 110. |
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Sarà M., Mascara R., Nardo A. & Zanca L. (2022) Climate effects on breeding phenology of Peregrine and Lanner Falcons in the Mediterranean. ARDEA 110 (2): 145 - 159. |
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Schreven K.H.T., Bijlsma R.G. & Both C. (2022) Brood sex ratio in European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus is related to spring phenology. ARDEA 110 (2): 169 - 186. |
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Penning E., Verkuil Y.I., Klunder L. & Reneerkens J. (2022) Sanderlings feed on a diverse spectrum of prey worldwide but primarily rely on Brown Shrimp in the Wadden Sea. ARDEA 110 (2): 187 - 199. |
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Temizyürek T., Johannknecht M. & Korsten P. (2022) Incubation before clutch completion predicts incubation time and hatching asynchrony in the Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 110 (2): 213 - 225. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2021) The strange and not so strange love for re-wilding. ARDEA 109 (1): 1 - 3. |
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Nascimento T., Oliveira N. & LuÃs A. (2021) Supplement: Hey, that’s my fish – Overlap in prey composition between European Shag and local fisheries in Portugal. ARDEA 109 (1): 77 - 90. |
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Schlicht E. & Kempenaers B. (2021) Supplement: Origin and outcome of social polygyny in the Blue Tit. ARDEA 109 (1): 91 - 118. |
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Book reviews (2021) Book reviews. ARDEA 109 (1): 119 - 121. |
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Barros R., Medrano F., Silva R., Schmitt F., Malinarich V., Terán D., Peredo R., Pinto C., Vallverdú A., Fuchs J. & Norambuena H.V. (2021) Rectifications: Breeding sites, distribution and conservation status of the White-vented Storm-petrel Oceanites gracilis in the Atacama Desert. Ardea 108: 203–212. doi:10.5253/arde.v108i2.a7. ARDEA 109 (1): 122 - 122. |
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Barboutis C., Kassara C., Alexandrou O. & Catsadorakis G. (2021) Long-term changes in the wintering population of the Dalmatian Pelican along the Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway. ARDEA 109 (2): 133 - 147. |
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Honda R. & Azuma N. (2021) Asymmetric antipredator behaviour in a mixedspecies colony of two non-mobbing bird species. ARDEA 109 (2): 167 - 173. |
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van Eerden M.R. (2021) Preamble: Sailing down-wind, a breakwaters' perspective on the Great Cormorant . ARDEA 109 (3): 265 - 269. |
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Kempenaers B. (2020) Editorial: Ornithology from the lakeshore. Moult and misfortune. ARDEA 108 (1): 1 - 4. |
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Langeveld B.W. (2020) New finds, sites and radiocarbon dates of skeletal remains of the Great Auk Pinguinus impennis from The Netherlands. ARDEA 108 (1): 5 - 19. |
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Pérez-Granados C. (2020) Post-juvenile and post-breeding moult of the Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucura in south-eastern Spain: slowed down due to climatic aridity? ARDEA 108 (1): 21 - 29. |
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Angelov I., Bougain C., Schulze M., Al Sariri T., McGrady M. & Meyburg B.-U. (2020) A globally-important stronghold in Oman for a resident population of the endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. ARDEA 108 (1): 73 - 82. |
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Capainolo P., PerktaÅŸ U. & Fellowes M.D.E. (2020) Late Quaternary range dynamics in the Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula. ARDEA 108 (1): 95 - 104. |
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Book reviews (2020) Book reviews. ARDEA 108 (1): 105 - 110. |
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Piersma T. (2020) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. Satellite sensing of greenness and the resource landscapes of birds. ARDEA 108 (2): 111 - 114. |
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Book reviews (2020) Book reviews. ARDEA 108 (2): 223 - 227. |
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Kempenaear B. (2019) Editorial: Ornithology from the lakeshore. Antipodean attractions. ARDEA 107 (1): 1 - 4. |
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Barros R., Medrano F., Norambuena H.V., Peredo R., Silva R., de Groote F. & Schmitt F. (2019) Breeding phenology, distribution and conservation status of Markham’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma markhami in the Atacama Desert. ARDEA 107 (1): 75 - 84. |
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Piersma T. (2019) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. Seasonal selective forces and innovations in bird migration. ARDEA 107 (2): 115 - 117. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2019) Editorial: Ornithology from the tree tops. Insect declines versus forest birds. ARDEA 107 (3): 223 - 226. |
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Loonstra A.H.J., Verhoeven M.A., Zbyryt A., Schaaf E., Both C. & Piersma T. (2019) Individual Black-tailed Godwits do not stick to single routes: a hypothesis on how low population densities might decrease social conformity. ARDEA 107 (3): 251 - 261. |
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Verhoeven M.A., Loonstra A.H.J., McBride A.D., Tinbergen J.M., Kentie R., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Both C., Senner N.R. & Piersma T. (2019) Variation in egg size of Black-tailed Godwits. ARDEA 107 (3): 291 - 302. |
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Vervoort R. & Kempenaers B. (2019) Variation in lek attendance and copulation success of Independent and Satellite male Ruffs Calidris pugnax. ARDEA 107 (3): 303 - 320. |
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Shiomi K., Kokubun N., Shimabukuro U. & Takahashi A. (2019) Homing ability of Adélie Penguins investigated with displacement experiments and bio-logging. ARDEA 107 (3): 333 - 339. |
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Book reviews (2019) Book reviews. ARDEA 107 (3): 345 - 346. |
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Piersma T. (2018) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. The logic to questions about birds (and other topics). ARDEA 106 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Bijlsma, R.G. (2018) Ornithology from the tree tops. Raptors and homing pigeons, from boom to bust. ARDEA 106 (2): 95 - 96. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2018) Book reviews. ARDEA 106 (2): 209 - 211. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2017) Ornithology from the tree tops. Of predation and life. ARDEA 105 (1): 1 - 3. |
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ÄŒech M. & ÄŒech P. (2017) Effect of brood size on food provisioning rate in Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis. ARDEA 105 (1): 5 - 17. |
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Brandsma O.H., Kentie R. & Piersma T. (2017) Why did Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in managed habitat advance egg laying during a period without warming early springs? ARDEA 105 (1): 19 - 26. |
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Gholamhosseini1 A., Aliabadian M., Darvish J., Töpfer T. & Sætre G.-P. (2017) An expanding hybrid zone between Black-headed and Red-headed Buntings in northern Iran. ARDEA 105 (1): 27 - 36. |
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Gammon D.E. & Lyon R.P. (2017) An acoustic comparison of mimetic and nonmimetic song in Northern Mockingbirds Mimus polyglottos. ARDEA 105 (1): 37 - 42. |
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Both C., Burger C., Ouwehand J., Samplonius J.M., Ubels R. & Bijlsma R.G. (2017) Delayed age at first breeding and experimental removals show large non-breeding surplus in Pied Flycatchers. ARDEA 105 (1): 43 - 60. |
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Hebda G., Wesołowski T. & Rowiński P. (2017) Nest sites of a strong excavator, the Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, in a primeval forest. ARDEA 105 (1): 61 - 71. |
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van Nus T. & Neto J.M. (2017) Urban roost of wintering Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in Aveiro, Portugal. ARDEA 105 (1): 73 - 78. |
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Ferreiro-Carballal S., Belda E.J., Ceresa F. & Monrós J.S. (2017) Dietary characterization of Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides and Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in eastern Spain. ARDEA 105 (1): 79 - 83. |
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Kempenaers B. (2017) Ornithology from the lakeshore. The evolution of advertising. ARDEA 105 (2): 85 - 87. |
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Zarco A. & Cueto V.R. (2017) Winter flock structure in the central Monte desert, Argentina. ARDEA 105 (2): 89 - 97. |
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Carrillo J., González-Dávila E. & Ruiz X. (2017) Breeding diet of Eurasian Kestrels Falco tinnunculus on the oceanic island of Tenerife. ARDEA 105 (2): 99 - 111. |
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Oudman T., de Goeij P., Piersma T. & Lok T. (2017) Colony-breeding Eurasian Spoonbills in The Netherlands: local limits to population growth with expansion into new areas. ARDEA 105 (2): 113 - 124. |
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Kappers E.F., Chakarov N., Krüger O., Mueller A.K., Valcu M., Kempenaers B. & Both C. (2017) Classification and temporal stability of plumage variation in Common Buzzards. ARDEA 105 (2): 125 - 136. |
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Li S., Cao Z., Li G. & Li W. (2017) Breeding ecology of the Masked Laughingthrush Garrulax perspicillatus, a cooperative breeder in central China. ARDEA 105 (2): 137 - 144. |
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Tanneberger F., Flinks H., Arbeiter S., Minets M. & Hegemann A. (2017) Diet analysis of wetland passerine nestlings using neck collars or faecal sampling produces similar results. ARDEA 105 (2): 145 - 152. |
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Onrust J. & Piersma T. (2017) The hungry worm feeds the bird. ARDEA 105 (2): 153 - 161. |
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Karimov T. & Guliyev G. (2017) Diet composition of four vulture species in Azerbaijan. ARDEA 105 (2): 163 - 168. |
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Book reviews (2017) Book reviews. ARDEA 105 (2): 169 - 175. |
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Bijlsma R. (2016) Ornithology from the tree tops. On writing readable papers.. ARDEA 104 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Both C., Bijlsma R.G. & Ouwehand J. (2016) Repeatability in spring arrival dates in Pied Flycatchers varies among years and sexes. ARDEA 104 (1): 3 - 21. |
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Schmaltz L.E., Vega M.L., Verkuil Y.I., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W. & Piersma T. (2016) Use of agricultural fields by Ruffs staging in southwest Friesland in 2003-2013. ARDEA 104 (1): 23 - 32. |
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Castillo-Guerrero J.A., Lerma M., Mellink E., Suazo-Guillén E. & Peñaloza- Padilla E.A. (2016) Environmentally-mediated flexible foraging strategies in Brown Boobies in the Gulf of California. ARDEA 104 (1): 33 - 47. |
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Loonstra A.H.J., Piersma T. & Reneerkens J. (2016) Staging duration and passage population size of Sanderlings in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. ARDEA 104 (1): 49 - 61. |
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Adam M., Podhrázský M. & Musil P. (2016) Effect of start of hunting season on behaviour of Greylag Geese Anser anser. ARDEA 104 (1): 63 - 68. |
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Caldwell C.J. (2016) Energetics of Great Egrets foraging in upland agricultural fields. ARDEA 104 (1): 69 - 82. |
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Scholer M.N., Martín B., Ferrer M., Onrubia A., Bechard M.J., Kaltenecker G.S. & Carlisle J.D. (2016) Variable shifts in the autumn migration phenology of soaring birds in southern Spain. ARDEA 104 (1): 83 - 93. |
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Gwiazda R. & Ledwon M. (2016) Sex-specific food choices in Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybrida during chick rearing. ARDEA 104 (1): 95 - 98. |
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Book reviews (2016) . ARDEA 104 (1): 99 - 102. |
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Kempenaers B. (2016) Ornithology from the Lakeshore. ARDEA 104 (2): 103 - 105. |
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Schlicht L. & Kempenaers B. (2016) Courtship calls in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus: daily and seasonal occurrence and link to paternity. ARDEA 104 (2): 107 - 117. |
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Hebda G., Wesołowski T. & Rowiński P. (2016) Nest sites of Middle Spotted Woodpeckers Leiopicus medius in a primeval forest. ARDEA 104 (2): 119 - 128. |
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Soares L., Escudero G., Penha V.A.S. & Ricklefs R.E. (2016) Low prevalence of haemosporidian parasites in shorebirds. ARDEA 104 (2): 129 - 141. |
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Berkunsky I., Segura L.N., Aramburú R.M., Ruggera R.A., Svagelj W.S. & Reboreda J.C. (2016) Nest survival and predation in Blue-fronted Parrots Amazona aestiva: effects of nesting behaviour and cavity characteristics. ARDEA 104 (2): 143 - 151. |
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Versluijs M., van Turnhout C.A.M., Kleijn D. & van der Jeugd H.P. (2016) Demographic changes underpinning the population decline of Starlings Sturnus vulgaris in The Netherlands. ARDEA 104 (2): 153 - 165. |
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Pagani-Núñez E. & Senar J.C. (2016) More ornamented Great Tit Parus major fathers start feeding their offspring earlier. ARDEA 104 (2): 167 - 176. |
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Liu P. & Sun Y. (2016) Sexual size dimorphism and assortative mating in Elliot’s Laughingthrush Trochalopteron elliotii. ARDEA 104 (2): 177 - 181. |
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Filipiuk M. & Kucharczyk M. (2016) A puzzling case of successful double-brooding in the Little Bittern Ixobrychus m. minutus. ARDEA 104 (2): 182 - 186. |
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Book reviews (2016) . ARDEA 104 (2): 187 - 193. |
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Piersma T. (2016) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. ARDEA 104 (3): 195 - 197. |
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van Oosten H.H. (2016) Comparative breeding biology of three insectivorous songbirds in Dutch dune grasslands. ARDEA 104 (3): 199 - 212. |
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Kentie R., Senner N.R., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Márquez-Ferrando R., Figuerola J., Masero J.A., Verhoeven M.A. & Piersma T. (2016) Estimating the size of the Dutch breeding population of Continental Black-tailed Godwits from 2007–2015 using resighting data from spring staging sites. ARDEA 104 (3): 213 - 225. |
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Hedh L. & Hedenström A. (2016) Autumn migration strategies and trapping numbers in the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in southern Sweden. ARDEA 104 (3): 227 - 237. |
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Tinbergen J.M. & Heemskerk L.M. (2016) Local Black Tern Chlidonias niger population trends in relation to nest platform provisioning. ARDEA 104 (3): 239 - 252. |
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Masoero G., Tamietti A., Boano G. & Caprio E. (2016) Apparent constant adult survival of a Sand Martin Riparia riparia population in relation to climatic variables. ARDEA 104 (3): 253 - 262. |
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Boeken M. (2016) Breeding success of Red-billed Tropicbirds Phaethon aethereus on the Caribbean island of Saba. ARDEA 104 (3): 263 - 271. |
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Miguélez D., GarcÃa-Tejero S., Hernández Ã. & Valladares L.F. (2016) Diet selection of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola during its post-nuptial migration stopover in NW Spain. ARDEA 104 (3): 273 - 282. |
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Zieliński J. (2016) Partial incubation during the egg-laying period in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. ARDEA 104 (3): 283 - 287. |
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Book reviews (2016) . ARDEA 104 (3): 289 - 291. |
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Kempenears B. (2015) Editorial: Ornithology from the lakeshore. ARDEA 103 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Lindström Å., Green M., Husby M., Kålås J.A. & Lehikoinen A. (2015) Largescale monitoring of waders on their boreal and arctic breeding grounds in northern Europe. ARDEA 103 (1): 3 - 15. |
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Wiggers J.M.R., van Ruijven J., Schaffers A.P., Berendse F. & de Snoo G.R. (2015) Food availability for meadow bird families in grass field margins. ARDEA 103 (1): 17 - 26. |
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Zhao M., Cao L., Klaassen M., Zhang Y. & Fox A.D. (2015) Avoiding competition? Site use, diet and foraging behaviours in two similarly sized geese wintering in China. ARDEA 103 (1): 27 - 38. |
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Tomasz Janiszewski, Piotr Minias & Zbigniew Wojciechowski (2015) Selective forces responsible for transition to nesting on electricity poles in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. ARDEA 103 (1): 39 - 50. |
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Klimczuk E., Halupka L., Czyż B., Borowiec M., Nowakowski J.J. & Sztwiertnia H. (2015) Factors driving variation in biparental incubation behaviour in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. ARDEA 103 (1): 51 - 59. |
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Kulaszewicz I. & Jakubas D. (2015) Factors affecting post-breeding moult in the Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides in northern Poland. ARDEA 103 (1): 61 - 68. |
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Thorley J.B. & Lord A.M. (2015) Laying date is a plastic and repeatable trait in a population of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 103 (1): 69 - 78. |
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Raap T., Van Schoote G., van Dieren M., Hedger C., Kuipers H. & Weterings M. (2015) The effect of fire on the habitat use of the Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis. ARDEA 103 (1): 79 - 90. |
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Cantarero A., López-Arrabé J. & Moreno J. (2015) Selection of nest site and nesting material in the Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europea. ARDEA 103 (1): 91 - 94. |
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Book reviews (2015) . ARDEA 103 (1): 95 - 96. |
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Piersma T. (2015) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. ARDEA 103 (2): 97 - 98. |
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Zhao M., Cao L., Klaassen M., Zhang Y. & Fox A.D. (2015) Appendix. ARDEA 103 (1): 99 - 101. |
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Zwarts L. & Bijlsma R.G. (2015) Detection probabilities and absolute densities of birds in trees. ARDEA 103 (2): 99 - 122. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G., van der Kamp J., Sikkema M. & Wymenga E. (2015) Moreau's paradox reversed, or why insectivorous birds reach high densities in savanna trees. ARDEA 103 (2): 123 - 144. |
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Boano G. & Silvano F. (2015) Adult survival probability in a recovered population of Scops Owls Otus scops. ARDEA 103 (2): 145 - 153. |
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Raquel A.J., Ringelman K.M., Ackerman J.T. & Eadie J.M. (2015) Habitat edges have weak effects on duck nest survival at local spatial scales. ARDEA 103 (2): 155 - 162. |
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Jansen D.Y.M., Wilson A.M. & Altwegg R. (2015) Climatic influences on survival of migratory African Reed Warblers Acrocephalus baeticatus in South Africa. ARDEA 103 (2): 163 - 174. |
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Végvári Z. & Barta Z. (2015) Roost site selection of the Common Crane in its largest European stop-over site. ARDEA 103 (2): 175 - 181. |
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Bellebaum J. & Mädlow W. (2015) Survival explains sex ratio in an introduced Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata population. ARDEA 103 (2): 183 - 187. |
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Book reviews (2015) . ARDEA 103 (2): 189 - 196. |
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Erratum (2015) . ARDEA 103 (2): 197 - 197. |
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Bijlsma R.G., Kempenaers, B. & Piersma T. (2014) Editorial. Creating long-term value: Natural history is the basis. ARDEA 102 (1): 1 - 1. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2014) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 102 (1): 3 - 4. |
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van Rhijn J., Jukema J. & Piersma T. (2014) Diversity of nuptial plumages in male Ruffs Philomachus pugnax. ARDEA 102 (1): 5 - 20. |
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van Rhijn J., Jukema J. & Piersma T. (2014) Supplement: Diversity of nuptial plumages in male Ruffs Philomachus pugnax. ARDEA 102 (1): 20 - 20. |
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Duckworth G.D. & Altwegg R. (2014) Environmental drivers of an urban Hadeda Ibis population. ARDEA 102 (1): 21 - 29. |
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Remisiewicz M., Tree A.J., Underhill L.G. & Nowakowski J.K. (2014) Geographical patterns in primary moult and body mass of Greenshank Tringa nebularia in southern Africa. ARDEA 102 (1): 31 - 46. |
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Kasahara S., Yamaguchi Y., Mikami O.K. & Ueda K. (2014) Conspecific egg removal behaviour in Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. ARDEA 102 (1): 47 - 52. |
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Mikula P. (2014) Pedestrian density influences flight distances of urban birds. ARDEA 102 (1): 53 - 60. |
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van Oosten H.H, van den Burg A.B., Versluijs R. & Siepel H. (2014) Habitat selection of brood-rearing Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe and their invertebrate prey. ARDEA 102 (1): 61 - 69. |
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Turrin C. & Watts B.D. (2014) Intraspecific intrusion at Bald Eagle nests. ARDEA 102 (1): 71 - 78. |
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Bordjan D. & Tome D. (2014) Rain may have more influence than temperature on nest abandonment in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 102 (1): 79 - 85. |
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Praus L, Hegemann A. Tieleman B.I & Weidinger K. (2014) Predators and predation rates of Skylark Alauda arvensis and Woodlark Lullula arborea nests in a semi-natural area in The Netherlands. ARDEA 102 (1): 87 - 94. |
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Lin W.-L., Lin S.-M. & Tseng H.-Y. (2014) Colour morphs in the Collared Pygmy Owl Glaucidium brodiei are age-related, not a polymorphism. ARDEA 102 (1): 95 - 99. |
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Töpfer T., Mazánek L. & Bureš S. (2014) Deadly gastroliths: Eurasian Siskins Carduelis spinus poisoned by road salt grains. ARDEA 102 (1): 101 - 104. |
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Samplonius J.M. & Both C. (2014) A case of a three species mixed brood after two interspecific nest takeovers. ARDEA 102 (1): 105 - 107. |
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Book reviews (2014) . ARDEA 102 (1): 109 - 114. |
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Tinbergen J. (2014) In memoriam: Hans van Balen (16 September 1930 – 30 April 2013). ARDEA 102 (1): 115 - 117. |
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Wattel J. (2014) Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Karel Hendrik Voous (1920–2002). ARDEA 102 (1): 118 - 118. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2014) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 102 (2): 119 - 120. |
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Zwarts L., van der Kamp J., Klop E., Sikkema M. & Wymenga E. (2014) West African mangroves harbour millions of wintering European warblers. ARDEA 102 (2): 121 - 130. |
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Ntiamoa-Baidu Y., Nuoh A.A., Reneerkens J. & Piersma T. (2014) Population increases in non-breeding Sanderlings in Ghana indicate site preference. ARDEA 102 (2): 131 - 137. |
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Summers R.W., Boland H., Colhoun K., Elkins N., Etheridge B., Foster S., Fox J.W., Mackie K., Quinn L.R. & Swann R.L. (2014) Contrasting trans-Atlantic migratory routes of Nearctic Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima associated with low pressure systems in spring and winter. ARDEA 102 (2): 139 - 152. |
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Jukema J. & Wiersma P. (2014) Climate change and advanced primary moult in Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria. ARDEA 102 (2): 153 - 159. |
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Ottens H.J., Kuiper M.W., Flinks H., van Ruijven J., Siepel H., Koks B.J., Berendse F. & de Snoo G.R. (2014) Do field margins enrich the diet of the Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis on intensive farmland? ARDEA 102 (2): 161 - 171. |
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Kurvers R.H.J.M., Straates K., Ydenberg R.C., van Wieren S.E., Swierstra P.S. & Prins H.H.T. (2014) Social information use by Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis, an experiment revisited. ARDEA 102 (2): 173 - 180. |
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Lok T., Overdijk O. & Piersma T. (2014) Interpreting variation in growth of Eurasian Spoonbill chicks: disentangling the effects of age, sex and environment. ARDEA 102 (2): 181 - 194. |
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Sotillo A., Depestele J., Courtens W., Vincx M. & Stienen E.W.M. (2014) Consumption of discards by Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus off the Belgian coast in the breeding season. ARDEA 102 (2): 195 - 205. |
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Amat J.A., Varo N., Sánchez M.I., Green A.J & Ramo C. (2014) Female-biased sex ratio in moulting Black-necked Grebes Podiceps nigricollis in southern Spain. ARDEA 102 (2): 207 - 212. |
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Dann P. (2014) Prey availability, and not energy content, explains diet and prey choice of Eastern Curlews Numenius madagascariensis in southern Australia. ARDEA 102 (2): 213 - 224. |
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Book review (2014) . ARDEA 102 (2): 225 - 226. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2013) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 101 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Fijn R.C., Hiemstra D., Phillips R.A. & van der Winden J. (2013) Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea from the Netherlands migrate record distances across three oceans to Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. ARDEA 101 (1): 3 - 12. |
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Barshep Y., Underhill L.G., Balachandran S. & Pearson D.J. (2013) Conditions on the non-breeding areas affect primary moult strategy of the Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea. ARDEA 101 (1): 13 - 22. |
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Piersma T. (2013) Timing, nest site selection and multiple breeding in House Martins: age-related variation and the preference for self-built mud nests. ARDEA 101 (1): 23 - 32. |
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Dixon A. & Haffield J.P. (2013) Seed availability and timing of breeding of Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra at Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis dominated forestry plantations. ARDEA 101 (1): 33 - 38. |
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Poisbleau M., Demongin L., Hardouin L.A., Carslake D., Eens M. & Quillfeldt P. (2013) Hatching vocalisations in free-living Rockhopper Penguins. ARDEA 101 (1): 39 - 44. |
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Huysentruyt F., Baert K. & Casaer J. (2013) Onset of Common Woodpigeon Columba palumbus breeding season in Flanders as based on gonadal development. ARDEA 101 (1): 45 - 48. |
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Atema E., van Oers K., Verhulst S. (2013) GAPDH as control gene to estimate genome copy number in Great Tits, with cross-amplification in Blue Tits. ARDEA 101 (1): 49 - 54. |
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Bijlsma R.G. & ten Seldam H. (2013) Impact of focal food bonanzas on breeding Ravens Corvus corax. ARDEA 101 (1): 55 - 59. |
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Williams J.B. & Du Plessis M. (2013) Field metabolism and water influx of communal roosting Green Woodhoopoes Phoeniculus purpureus. ARDEA 101 (1): 60 - 64. |
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van Oosten H.H. & Emtsev A.A. (2013) Putative segregation of two Yellow Wagtail taxa by breeding habitat in Western Siberia: possible implications for Motacilla flava taxonomy. ARDEA 101 (1): 65 - 70. |
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Martens J., Hoppe D. & Woog F. (2013) Diet and feeding behaviour of naturalised Amazon Parrots in a European city. ARDEA 101 (1): 71 - 76. |
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Book reviews (2013) . ARDEA 101 (1): 77 - 80. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2013) . ARDEA 101 (1): 81 - 84. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2013) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 101 (2): 85 - 86. |
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Quaintenne G., Bocher P., Ponsero A., Caillot E. & Feunteun E. (2013) Contrasting benthos communities and prey selection by Red Knot Calidris canutus in three nearby bays on the Channel coast. ARDEA 101 (2): 87 - 98. |
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Yoon J., Yoon H-J., Go B-G., Joo E-J. & Park S-R. (2013) Tide associated incubation and foraging behaviour of Saunders’s Gulls Larus saundersi. ARDEA 101 (2): 99 - 104. |
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Mandema F.S., Tinbergen J.M., Ens B.J. & Bakker J.P. (2013) Spatial diversity in canopy height at Redshank and Oystercatcher nest-sites in relation to livestock grazing. ARDEA 101 (2): 105 - 112. |
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Cianchetti Benedetti M., Fusani L., Bonanni R., Cardinale M. & Carere C. (2013) Condition-dependent nocturnal hypothermia in Garden Warblers Sylvia borin at a spring stopover site. ARDEA 101 (2): 113 - 119. |
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Jukema J., van Rhijn J.G., Olsson P. & Piersma T. (2013) In tundra plovers the frequency of inner flight feather replacement varies with length of long-distance flights. ARDEA 101 (2): 121 - 132. |
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Andueza M., Barba E., Arroyo J.L., Feliu J., Greño J.L., Jubete F., Lozano L., Monrós J.S., Moreno-Opo R., Neto J.M., Onrubia A., Tenreiro P., Valkenburg T., Zumalacárregui C., González C., Herrero A. & Arizaga J. (2013) Connectivity in Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus between breeding grounds in Europe and autumn stopover sites in Iberia. ARDEA 101 (2): 133 - 140. |
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Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Senner N.R., Tibbitts T.L., Gill, Jr R.L., Douglas D.C., Bruinzeel L.W., Wymenga E. & Piersma T. (2013) Post-breeding migration of Dutch-breeding Black-tailed Godwits: timing, routes, use of stopovers, and nonbreeding destinations. ARDEA 101 (2): 141 - 152. |
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Tinbergen J.M., Tinbergen J. & Ubels R. (2013) Is fitness affected by ring colour? ARDEA 101 (2): 153 - 163. |
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Farrell L.L. (2013) Examining the genetic distinctiveness of the western subspecies of Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus occidentalis. ARDEA 101 (2): 165 - 170. |
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Sharikov A.V. , Makarova T.V. & Ganova E.V. (2013) Long-term dynamics of Long-eared Owls Asio otus at a northern winter roost in European Russia. ARDEA 101 (2): 171 - 176. |
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Ryan P.G. (2013) Moult of flight feathers in darters (Anhingidae). ARDEA 101 (2): 177 - 180. |
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Book reviews (2013) . ARDEA 101 (2): 181 - 188. |
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Tinbergen J.M. (2012) One hundred years Ardea!. ARDEA 100 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2012) Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 100 (1): 3 - 4. |
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Cong P., Wang X., Cao L. & Fox A.D. (2012) Within-winter shifts in Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus distribution at East Dongting Lake, China. ARDEA 100 (1): 5 - 11. |
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Hallgrimsson G.T., Summers R.W., Etheridge B. & Swann R.L. (2012) The winter range of Nearctic Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima on the East Atlantic flyway. ARDEA 100 (1): 13 - 18. |
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Groen N.M., Kentie R., de Goeij P., Verheijen B., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W. & Piersma T. (2012) A modern landscape ecology of Black-tailed Godwits: habitat selection in southwest Friesland, The Netherlands. ARDEA 100 (1): 19 - 28. |
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Toral G.M. & Figuerola J. (2012) Nest success of Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus and Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in rice fields, southwest Spain. ARDEA 100 (1): 29 - 36. |
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Duijns S., Jukema J., Spaans B., van Horssen P. & Piersma T. (2012) Revisiting the proposed leap-frog migration of Bar-tailed Godwits along the East Atlantic Flyway. ARDEA 100 (1): 37 - 43. |
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Grönroos J., Green M. & Alerstam T. (2012) Fine-scaled orientation changes in migrating shorebirds. ARDEA 100 (1): 45 - 53. |
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Gyimesi A., van Lith B. & Nolet B.A. (2012) Commensal foraging with Bewick’s Swans Cygnus bewickii doubles instantaneous intake rate of Common Pochards Aythya ferina. ARDEA 100 (1): 55 - 62. |
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Duda N. & Chętnicki W. (2012) Conspecific brood parasitism is biased towards relatives in the Black-headed gull Croicocephalus ridibundus. ARDEA 100 (1): 63 - 70. |
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González-Braojos S., Vela A.I., Ruiz-de-Castañeda R., Briones V. & Moreno J. (2012) Sources of variation in enterococci and Enterobacteriaceae loads in nestlings of a hole-nesting passerine. ARDEA 100 (1): 71 - 77. |
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García-Navas V. & Sanz J.J. (2012) Yearly and seasonal variation of breeding parameters in a declining multi-brooded passerine, the Tree Sparrow. ARDEA 100 (1): 79 - 88. |
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Ryan P.G., Edwards L. & Pichegru L. (2012) African Penguins Spheniscus demersus, bait balls and the Allee effect. ARDEA 100 (1): 89 - 94. |
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de Jong J. & van den Burg A. (2012) A new method to sex Barn Owls Tyto alba. ARDEA 100 (1): 95 - 97. |
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Zieliński J. (2012) Nest reuse by Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. ARDEA 100 (1): 98 - 100. |
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Book reviews (2012) . ARDEA 100 (1): 101 - 103. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2012) . ARDEA 100 (1): 104 - 110. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2012) Editorial: Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 100 (2): 111 - 112. |
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Camphuysen C.J. & Gronert A. (2012) Apparent survival and fecundity of sympatric Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls with contrasting population trends. ARDEA 100 (2): 113 - 122. |
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Veen J., Overdijk O. & Veen T. (2012) The diet of an endemic subspecies of the Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia balsaci, breeding at the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. ARDEA 100 (2): 123 - 130. |
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Piersma T., van der Velde M., Mohamed El-Hacen E-H., Lok T. & Overdijk O. (2012) Molecular verification of the subspecies status of the Mauritanian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia balsaci. ARDEA 100 (2): 131 - 136. |
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Veen J., Mullié W.C. & Veen T. (2012) The diet of the White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus along the Atlantic coast of West Africa. ARDEA 100 (2): 137 - 148. |
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Yamaç E. & Bilgin C.C. (2012) Post-fledging movements of Cinereous Vultures Aegypius monachus in Turkey revealed by GPS telemetry. ARDEA 100 (2): 149 - 156. |
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Strandberg R., Hake M., Klaassen R.H.G. & Alerstam T. (2012) Movements of immature European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus in tropical Africa. ARDEA 100 (2): 157 - 162. |
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Bijlsma R.G., Vermeulen M., Hemerik L. & Klok C. (2012) Demography of European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus. ARDEA 100 (2): 163 - 177. |
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Węgrzyn E. (2012) In the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla last-hatched nestlings can catch up with older siblings. ARDEA 100 (2): 179 - 186. |
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Duckworth J.W. (2012) Recent, rapid colonisation of Lao PDR from the south by Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier. ARDEA 100 (2): 187 - 195. |
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Yuta T. & Koizumi I. (2012) Long breeding season and high frequency of multiple brooding in Great Tits in northern Japan. ARDEA 100 (2): 197 - 201. |
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Schut E., Magrath M.J.L., van Oers K. & Komdeur J. (2012) Volume of the cloacal protuberance as an indication of reproductive state in male Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 100 (2): 202 - 205. |
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Langlois L.A., Murböck K., Bulla M. & Kempenaers B. (2012) Unusual incubation: Long-billed Dowitcher incubates mammalian bones. ARDEA 100 (2): 206 - 210. |
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Maniarski R. & Ciach M. (2012) Plumage aberration in Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis. ARDEA 100 (2): 211 - 213. |
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Book reviews (2012) . ARDEA 100 (2): 215 - 216. |
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Dissertation reviews (2012) . ARDEA 100 (2): 217 - 218. |
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Steen R., Løw L.M., Sonerud G.A., Selås V. & Slagsvold T. (2011) Prey delivery rates as estimates of prey consumption by Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus nestlings. ARDEA 99 (1): 1 - 8. |
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Probst R., Nemeschkal H.L., McGrady M., Tucakov M. & Szép T. (2011) Aerial hunting techniques and predation success of Hobbies Falco subbuteo on Sand Martin Riparia riparia at breeding colonies. ARDEA 99 (1): 9 - 16. |
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Tomé R., Dias M.P., Chumbinho A.C. & Bloise C. (2011) Influence of perch height and vegetation structure on the foraging behaviour of Little Owls Athene noctua: how to achieve the same success in two distinct habitats. ARDEA 99 (1): 17 - 26. |
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Czyż B. (2011) Do female Penduline Tits Remiz pendulinus adjust parental decisions to their mates’ behaviour? ARDEA 99 (1): 27 - 32. |
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Cecere J.G., Cornara L., Mezzetta S., Ferri A., Spina F. & Boitani L. (2011) Pollen couriers across the Mediterranean: the case of migrating warblers. ARDEA 99 (1): 33 - 42. |
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Barshep Y., Minton C., Underhill L.G. & Remisiewicz M. (2011) The primary moult of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea in North-western Australia shifts according to breeding success. ARDEA 99 (1): 43 - 51. |
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Vágási C.I., Pap P.L., Tökölyi J., Székely E. & Barta Z. (2011) Correlates of variation in flight feather quality in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 99 (1): 53 - 60. |
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Castillo-Guerrero J.A., Guevara-Medina M.A. & Mellink E. (2011) Breeding ecology of the Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus under contrasting environmental conditions in the Gulf of California. ARDEA 99 (1): 61 - 71. |
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Zozaya E.L., Brotons L. & Vallecillo S. (2011) Bird community responses to vegetation heterogeneity following non-direct regeneration of Mediterranean forests after fireBird community responses to vegetation heterogeneity following non-direct regeneration of Mediterranean forests after fire. ARDEA 99 (1): 73 - 84. |
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Konter A. (2011) Seasonal patterns of aggressiveness in colonial Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus. ARDEA 99 (1): 85 - 92. |
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Albano N., Masero J.A., Sánchez-Guzmán J.M., Villegas A., Santiago-Quesada F. (2011) Effects of diet on growth-related patterns of energy and macronutrient assimilation efficiency in a semi-precocial bird, the Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica. ARDEA 99 (1): 93 - 101. |
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Ruokonen M. & Aarvak T. (2011) Typology revisited: historical taxa of the bean goose – pink-footed goose complex. ARDEA 99 (1): 103 - 112. |
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Onrubia A., Muñoz A.-R., Arroyo G.M., Ramírez J., de la Cruz A., Barrios L., Meyburg B.-U., Meyburg C. & Langgemach T. (2011) Autumn migration of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in the Strait of Gibraltar: accidental or regular? ARDEA 99 (1): 113 - 116. |
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Hegemann A. & Voesten R. (2011) Can Skylarks Alauda arvensis discriminate a parasite nestling? Possible case of nestling Cuckoo Cuculus canorus ejection by its host parents. ARDEA 99 (1): 117 - 120. |
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Book reviews (2011) . ARDEA 99 (1): 121 - 123. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2011) . ARDEA 99 (1): 124 - 126. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2011) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 99 (2): 127 - 128. |
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Kampichler C. & van der Jeugd H.P. (2011) Monitoring passerine reproduction by constant effort ringing: evaluation of the efficiency of trend detection. ARDEA 99 (2): 129 - 136. |
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Verhelst B., Jansen J. & Vansteelant W. (2011) South West Georgia: an important bottleneck for raptor migration during autumn. ARDEA 99 (2): 137 - 146. |
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Meissner W., Karlionova N. & Pinchuk P. (2011) Fuelling rates by spring-staging Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in southern Belarus. ARDEA 99 (2): 147 - 155. |
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Arizaga J., Schmaljohann H. & Bairlein F. (2011) Stopover behaviour and dominance: a case study of the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 99 (2): 157 - 165. |
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Mainwaring M.C. (2011) The use of nestboxes by roosting birds during the non-breeding season: a review of the costs and benefits. ARDEA 99 (2): 167 - 176. |
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Amo L., Visser M.E. & van Oers K. (2011) Smelling out predators is innate in birds. ARDEA 99 (2): 177 - 184. |
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Braby J., Braby S.J., Braby R.J. & Altwegg R. (2011) Immature survival and age at first breeding of Damara Terns: conservation from a non-breeding perspective. ARDEA 99 (2): 185 - 190. |
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Ledwoń M. (2011) Sexual size dimorphism, assortative mating and sex identification in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida. ARDEA 99 (2): 191 - 198. |
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Yang N., Zhang K., Lloyd H., Ran J., Xu Y., Du B., Yue B., Wang Y. & Klaus S. (2011) Group size does not influence territory size and overlap in a habituated population of a cooperative breeding Himalayan Galliforme species. ARDEA 99 (2): 199 - 206. |
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Emmrich M. & Düttmann H. (2011) Seasonal shifts in diet composition of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis foraging at a shallow eutrophic inland lake. ARDEA 99 (2): 207 - 216. |
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Si Y., Skidmore A.K., Wang T., de Boer W.F., Toxopeus A.G., Schlerf M., Oudshoorn M., Zwerver S., van der Jeugd H., Exo K.-M. & Prins H.H.T. (2011) Distribution of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in relation to food resources, distance to roosts, and the location of refuges. ARDEA 99 (2): 217 - 226. |
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Sasvári L. & Hegyi Z. (2011) Predation risk of Tawny Owl Strix aluco nests in relation to altitude, breeding experience, breeding density and weather conditions. ARDEA 99 (2): 227 - 232. |
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Källander H. (2011) Fishing flocks of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus consist of breeding birds. ARDEA 99 (2): 232 - 234. |
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Lu X., Ke D., Guo Y., Tang S., Zhang L. & Wang C. (2011) Breeding ecology of the Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros at a Tibetan site, with special reference to cooperative breeding. ARDEA 99 (2): 235 - 240. |
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Martínez de Lecea F., Hernando A., Illana A. & Echegaray J. (2011) Cannibalism in Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus. ARDEA 99 (2): 240 - 242. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2011) . ARDEA 99 (2): 243 - 252. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2010) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 98 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Navedo J.G., Masero J.A., Overdijk O., Orizaola G. & Sánchez-Guzmán J.M. (2010) Assessing the role of multiple environmental factors on Eurasian Spoonbill departure decisions from stopover sites. ARDEA 98 (1): 3 - 12. |
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Minias P., Włodarczyk R., Meissner W., Remisiewicz M., Kaczmarek K., Czapulak A., Chylarecki P., Wojciechowski A. & Janiszewski T. (2010) The migration system of Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago on autumn passage through Central Europe. ARDEA 98 (1): 13 - 19. |
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Verkuil Y.I., Wijmenga J.J., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W. & Piersma T. (2010) Spring migration of Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in Fryslân: methodological issues affecting estimates of staging duration using resighting data. ARDEA 98 (1): 21 - 33. |
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Lourenço P.M., Kentie R., Schroeder J., Alves J.A., Groen N.M., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W. & Piersma T. (2010) Phenology, stopover dynamics and population size of migrating Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa in Portuguese rice plantations. ARDEA 98 (1): 35 - 42. |
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Allard K.A., Gilchrist H.G., Breton A.R., Gilbert C.D. & Mallory M.L. (2010) Apparent survival of adult Thayer’s and Glaucous Gulls nesting sympatrically in the Canadian high Arctic. ARDEA 98 (1): 43 - 50. |
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Carrillo J. & González-Dávila E. (2010) Impact of weather on breeding success of the Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus in a semi-arid island habitat. ARDEA 98 (1): 51 - 58. |
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Bluso-Demers J.D., Ackerman J.T. & Takekawa J.Y. (2010) Colony attendance patterns by mated Forster’s Terns Sterna forsteri using an automated data-logging receiver system. ARDEA 98 (1): 59 - 65. |
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Zingg S., Arlettaz R. & Schaub M. (2010) Nestbox design influences territory occupancy and reproduction in a declining, secondary cavity-breeding bird. ARDEA 98 (1): 67 - 75. |
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Atiénzar F., Visser M.E., Greño J.L., Holleman L.J.M., Belda E.J. & Barba E. (2010) Across and within-forest effects on breeding success in Mediterranean Great Tits Parus major. ARDEA 98 (1): 77 - 89. |
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Chevallier D., Duponnois R., Baillon F.,Brossault P., Grégoire J-M., Eva H., Le Maho Y. & Massemin S. (2010) The importance of roosts for Black Storks Ciconia nigra wintering in West Africa. ARDEA 98 (1): 91 - 96. |
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Dolnik O.V., Dolnik V.R. & Bairlein F. (2010) The effect of host foraging ecology on the prevalence and intensity of coccidian infection in wild passerine birds. ARDEA 98 (1): 97 - 103. |
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Pap P.L., Vágási C.I., Tökölyi J., Czirják G.Á. & Barta Z. (2010) Variation in haematological indices and immune function during the annual cycle in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 98 (1): 105 - 112. |
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Pavón D., Limiñana R., Urios V., Izquierdo A., Yáñez B., Ferrer M. & de la Vega A. (2010) Autumn migration of juvenile Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus from southeastern Spain. ARDEA 98 (1): 113 - 117. |
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Book reviews (2010) . ARDEA 98 (1): 119 - 122. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2010) . ARDEA 98 (1): 123 - 130. |
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Visser M.E. (2010) In Memoriam. Albert Christiaan Perdeck (1923-2009). ARDEA 98 (1): 131 - 132. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2010) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 98 (2): 133 - 134. |
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Hegemann A., van der Jeugd H.P., de Graaf M., Oostebrink L.L. & Tieleman B.I. (2010) Are Dutch Skylarks partial migrants? Ring recovery data and radio-telemetry suggest local coexistence of contrasting migration strategies. ARDEA 98 (2): 135 - 143. |
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Hübner C.E., Tombre I.M., Griffin L.R., Loonen M.J.J.E., Shimmings P. & Jónsdóttir I.S. (2010) The connectivity of spring stopover sites for geese heading to arctic breeding grounds. ARDEA 98 (2): 145 - 154. |
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Kraan C., van Gils J.A., Spaans B., Dekinga A. & Piersma T. (2010) Why Afro-Siberian Red Knots Calidris canutus canutus have stopped staging in the western Dutch Wadden Sea during southward migration. ARDEA 98 (2): 155 - 160. |
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Arizaga J., Mendiburu A., Alonso D., Cuadrado J.F., Jauregi J.I. & Sánchez J.M. (2010) Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis along the coast of northern Iberia during the autumn migration period. ARDEA 98 (2): 161 - 167. |
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Peterz M. & Blomqvist S. (2010) 2010. Connectivity and age distribution of the Baltic Common Guillemot Uria aalge population: evidence from morphometry and ringing recoveries. ARDEA 98 (2): 169 - 178. |
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del Val E., Quesada J. & Senar J.C. (2010) Age-related differences in a carotenoid-based coloration trait are due to within-individual changes in Great Tits Parus major. ARDEA 98 (2): 179 - 184. |
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Delgado M.P., Traba J., García de la Morena E.L. & Morales M.B. (2010) Habitat selection and density-dependent relationships in spatial occupancy by male Little Bustards Tetrax tetrax. ARDEA 98 (2): 185 - 194. |
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Musters C.J.M., ter Keurs W.J. & de Snoo G.R. (2010) Timing of the breeding season of Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa and Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus in The Netherlands. ARDEA 98 (2): 195 - 202. |
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van der Vliet R.E., van Dijk J. & Wassen M.J. (2010) How different landscape elements limit the breeding habitat of meadow bird species. ARDEA 98 (2): 203 - 209. |
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Garcia-del-Rey E., Collins C.T. & Volpone N.W. (2010) Food composition of the endemic Plain Swift Apus unicolor in the Canary Islands (Macaronesia). ARDEA 98 (2): 211 - 215. |
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Poisbleau M., Demongin L., van Noordwijk H.J., Strange I.J. & Quillfeldt P. (2010) Sexual dimorphism and use of morphological measurements to sex adults, immatures and chicks of Rockhopper Penguins. ARDEA 98 (2): 217 - 224. |
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Amezian M., Cortes J., Thompson I., Bensusan K., Perez C., Louah A. & El Agbani M.A. & Qninba A. (2010) Complete moult of an undescribed resident taxon of the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus / baeticatus complex in the Smir marshes, Northern Morocco. ARDEA 98 (2): 225 - 234. |
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Väli Ü. (2010) Successful breeding of a ten-year-old hybrid spotted eagle Aquila clanga × A. pomarina retaining immature plumage characters. ARDEA 98 (2): 235 - 241. |
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Wilson J.W., Wanless R.M., Burle M.-H., Angel A., Kritzinger P. & Stead B. (2010) Breeding biology of Brown Noddies Anous stolidus at their southern-most breeding site, Gough Island, in comparison to other sites. ARDEA 98 (2): 242 - 246. |
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Ryan P.G. & Ronconi R.A. (2010) The Tristan Thrush Nesocichla eremita as seabird predator. ARDEA 98 (2): 247 - 250. |
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Book reviews (2010) . ARDEA 98 (2): 251 - 252. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2010) . ARDEA 98 (2): 253 - 258. |
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Bijlsma R.G., Platteeuw M. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) Wetlands and birds: expected and unexpected changes in the birdscape. ARDEA 98 (3): 259 - 263. |
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van Eerden M.R., Lenselink G. & Zijlstra M. (2010) Long-term changes in wetland area and composition in The Netherlands affecting the carrying capacity for wintering waterbirds. ARDEA 98 (3): 265 - 282. |
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van Turnhout C.A.M.,Hagemeijer E.J.M. & Foppen R.P.B. (2010) Long-term population developments in typical marshland birds in The Netherlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 283 - 299. |
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Dyrcz A. (2010) Polish wetlands and marshland birds: looking for undisturbed references. ARDEA 98 (3): 301 - 308. |
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Nager R.G., Hafner H., Johnson A.R. & Cézilly F. (2010) Environmental impacts on wetland birds: long-term monitoring programmes in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 98 (3): 309 - 318. |
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Vulink J.T., van Eerden M.R. & Drent R.H. (2010) Abundance of migratory and wintering geese in relation to vegetation succession in man-made wetlands: the effects of grazing regimes. ARDEA 98 (3): 319 - 327. |
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Voslamber B. & Vulink J.T. (2010) Experimental manipulation of water table and grazing pressure as a tool for developing and maintaining habitat diversity for waterbirds. ARDEA 98 (3): 329 - 338. |
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Beemster N., Troost E. & Platteeuw M. (2010) Early successional stages of Reed Phragmites australis vegetations and its importance for the Bearded Reedling Panurus biarmicus in Oostvaardersplassen, The Netherlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 339 - 354. |
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Voslamber B., Platteeuw M. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) Individual differences in feeding habits in a newly established Great Egret Casmerodius albus population: key factors for recolonisation. ARDEA 98 (3): 355 - 363. |
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Beintema A.J., van der Winden J., Baarspul T., de Krijger J.P., van Oers K. & Keller M. (2010) Black Terns Chlidonias niger and their dietary problems in Dutch wetlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 365 - 372. |
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van Rijn S., Zijlstra M. & Bijlsma R.G. (2010) Wintering White-tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in The Netherlands: aspects of habitat scale and quality. ARDEA 98 (3): 373 - 382. |
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Bosschieter L., Goedhart P.W., Foppen R.P.B. & Vos C.C. (2010) Modelling small-scale dispersal of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in a fragmented landscape. ARDEA 98 (3): 383 - 394. |
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van der Winden J., Poot M.J.M. & van Horssen P.W. (2010) Large birds can migrate fast: the post-breeding flight of the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea to the Sahel. ARDEA 98 (3): 395 - 402. |
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Platteeuw M., Foppen R.P.B. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) The need for future wetland bird studies: scales of habitat use as input for ecological restoration and spatial water management. ARDEA 98 (3): 403 - 416. |
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Tinbergen J.M. (2009) In memoriam. Rudolf Herman Drent (1937-2008). ARDEA 97 (1): 1 - 6. |
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Delgado M.M., Penteriani V. & Nams V.O. (2009) How fledglings explore surroundings from fledging to dispersal. A case study with Eagle Owls Bubo bubo. ARDEA 97 (1): 7 - 15. |
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Adamík P., Hušek J. & Cepák J. (2009) Rapid decline of Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism in Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio. ARDEA 97 (1): 17 - 22. |
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Arizaga J., Hernández M.A., Rivas J. & Miranda R. (2009) Biometrics of Iberian Dippers Cinclus cinclus: environmental sources of among-population variation. ARDEA 97 (1): 23 - 30. |
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Kober K. & Bairlein F. (2009) Habitat choice and niche characteristics under poor food conditions. A study on migratory nearctic shorebirds in the intertidal flats of Brazil. ARDEA 97 (1): 31 - 42. |
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Thorup O., Timonen S., Blomqvist D., Flodin L-Å., Jönsson P.E., Larsson M., Pakanen V-M. & Soikkeli M. (2009) Migration and wintering of Baltic Dunlins Calidris alpina schinzii with known breeding origin. ARDEA 97 (1): 43 - 50. |
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Duijns S., van Dijk J.G.B., Spaans B., Jukema J., de Boer W.F. & Piersma T. (2009) Foraging site selection of two subspecies of Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica: Time minimizers accept greater predation danger than energy minimizers. ARDEA 97 (1): 51 - 59. |
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Choi C.Y., Gan X.J., Ma Q., Zhang K.J., Chen J.K. & Ma Z.J. (2009) Body condition and fuel deposition patterns of calidrid sandpipers during migratory stopover. ARDEA 97 (1): 61 - 70. |
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Leyrer J., Pruiksma S. & Piersma T. (2009) On 4 June 2008 Siberian Red Knots at Elbe Mouth kissed the canonical evening migration departure rule goodbye. ARDEA 97 (1): 71 - 79. |
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Vanermen N., Stienen E.W.M., De Meulenaer B., Van Ginderdeuren K. & Degraer S. (2009) Low dietary importance of polychaetes in opportunistic feeding Sanderlings Calidris alba on Belgian beaches. ARDEA 97 (1): 81 - 87. |
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Mullers R.H.E & Tinbergen J.M. (2009) Individual variation in parental provisioning behaviour predicts survival of Cape Gannet chicks under poor conditions. ARDEA 97 (1): 89 - 98. |
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Merkel F.R., Mosbech A. & Riget F. (2009) Common Eider Somateria mollissima feeding activity and the influence of human disturbances. ARDEA 97 (1): 99 - 107. |
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Trnka A., Batáry P. & Prokop P. (2009) Interacting effects of vegetation structure and breeding patterns on the survival of Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests. ARDEA 97 (1): 109 - 116. |
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Wiącek J. (2009) Nest site selection of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus breeding in natural habitats in eastern Poland. ARDEA 97 (1): 117 - 119. |
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Williams J.B., Tieleman B.I. & Shobrak M. (2009) Validation of temperature-sensitive radio transmitters for measurement of body temperature in small animals. ARDEA 97 (1): 120 - 124. |
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Isaksson C. (2009) The chemical pathway of carotenoids: From plants to birds. ARDEA 97 (1): 125 - 128. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2009) . ARDEA 97 (1): 129 - 136. |
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Prins T.G., Reuter J.H., Debrot A.O., Wattel J. & Nijman V. (2009) Checklist of the birds of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire, South Caribbean. ARDEA 97 (2): 137 - 268. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2009) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 97 (3): 269 - 270. |
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Remisiewicz M., Tree A.J., Underhill L.G., Gustowska A. & Taylor P.B. (2009) Extended primary moult as an adaptation of adult Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola to their freshwater habitats in southern Africa. ARDEA 97 (3): 271 - 280. |
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Helberg M., Systad G.H., Birkeland I., Lorentzen N.H. & Bustnes J.O. (2009) Migration patterns of adult and juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus from northern Norway. ARDEA 97 (3): 281 - 286. |
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Strandberg R., Klaassen R.H.G., Olofsson P. & Alerstam T. (2009) Daily travel schedules of adult Eurasian Hobbies Falco subbuteo – variability in flight hours and migration speed along the route. ARDEA 97 (3): 287 - 295. |
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Arizaga J. & Barba E. (2009) Importance of sampling frequency to detect differential timing of migration: a case study with Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla. ARDEA 97 (3): 297 - 304. |
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te Marvelde L., Meininger P.L., Flamant R. & Dingemanse N.J. (2009) Age-specific density-dependent survival in Mediterranean Gulls Larus melanocephalus. ARDEA 97 (3): 305 - 312. |
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Abt K. & Konter A. (2009) Survival rates of adult European grebes (Podicipedidae). ARDEA 97 (3): 313 - 321. |
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Menz M.H.M., Mosimann-Kampe P. & Arlettaz R. (2009) Foraging habitat selection in the last Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana population in Switzerland: final lessons before extinction. ARDEA 97 (3): 323 - 333. |
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van de Pol M., Ens B.J., Oosterbeek K., Brouwer L., Verhulst S., Tinbergen J.M., Rutten A.L. & de Jong M. (2009) Oystercatchers’ bill shapes as a proxy for diet specialization: more differentiation than meets the eye. ARDEA 97 (3): 335 - 347. |
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Hofer J., Korner-Nievergelt F., Korner-Nievergelt P., Kestenholz M. & Jenni L. (2009) An indication of long-term group formation in Tufted Ducks Aythya fuligula. ARDEA 97 (3): 349 - 355. |
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Krijgsveld K.L., Akershoek K., Schenk F., Dijk F. & Dirksen S. (2009) Collision risk of birds with modern large wind turbines. ARDEA 97 (3): 357 - 366. |
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MacGregor-Fors I., Vázquez L., Vega-Rivera J.H. & Schondube J.E. (2009) Non-exotic invasion of Great-tailed Grackles Quiscalus mexicanus in a tropical dry forest reserve. ARDEA 97 (3): 367 - 369. |
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Sunde P., Odderskær P. & Storgaard K. (2009) Flight distances of incubating Common Buzzards Buteo buteo are independent of human disturbance. ARDEA 97 (3): 369 - 372. |
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Sangster G., van den Berg A.B., van Loon A.J. & Roselaar C.S. (2009) Dutch avifaunal list: taxonomic changes in 2004-2008. ARDEA 97 (3): 373 - 381. |
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Book reviews (2009) . ARDEA 97 (3): 383 - 388. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2009) . ARDEA 97 (3): 389 - 393. |
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Braga A.C.R. & Motta-Junior J.C. (2009) Weather conditions and moon phase influence on Tropical Screech Owl and Burrowing Owl detection by playback. ARDEA 97 (4): 395 - 401. |
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Johnson D.H., Van Nieuwenhuyse D. & Génot J-C. (2009) Survey protocol for the Little Owl Athene noctua. ARDEA 97 (4): 403 - 412. |
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Kinstler K.A. (2009) Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus vocalizations and associated behaviours. ARDEA 97 (4): 413 - 420. |
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Leech D.I., Shawyer C.R., Barimore C.J. & Crick H.Q.P. (2009) The Barn Owl Monitoring Programme: establishing a protocol to assess temporal and spatial variation in productivity at a national scale. ARDEA 97 (4): 421 - 428. |
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Warburton T. (2009) The Philippine Owl Conservation Programme: why is it needed? ARDEA 97 (4): 429 - 438. |
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Block B. (2009) Long-term research of population density and trends of Long-eared Owls Asio otus in Brandenburg, Germany. ARDEA 97 (4): 439 - 443. |
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de Jong J. (2009) The recovery of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in Friesland, northern Netherlands: population growth in relation to landscape features. ARDEA 97 (4): 445 - 452. |
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Koning F.J., Koning H.J. & Baeyens G. (2009) Long-term study on relationships between Tawny Owl Strix aluco, Jackdaw Corvus monedula and Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in a Dutch dune reserve. ARDEA 97 (4): 453 - 456. |
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Leadprathom K., Chimchome V. & Bumrungsri S. (2009) Nesting ecology of the Collared Scops Owl Otus lettia in Thailand. ARDEA 97 (4): 457 - 461. |
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Meyrom K., Motro Y., Leshem Y., Aviel S., Izhaki I., Argyle F. & Charter M. (2009) Nest-box use by the Barn Owl Tyto alba in a biological pest control program in the Beit She'an valley, Israel. ARDEA 97 (4): 463 - 467. |
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Saurola P. (2009) Bad news and good news: population changes of Finnish owls during 1982–2007. ARDEA 97 (4): 469 - 482. |
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Bashta A.-T. (2009) Ural Owl Strix uralensis population dynamics and range expansion in western Ukraine. ARDEA 97 (4): 483 - 487. |
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Duncan J.R., Swengel S.R. & Swengel A.B. (2009) Correlations of Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus calling indices from surveys in southern Wisconsin, USA with owl and small mammal surveys in Manitoba, Canada, 1986–2006. ARDEA 97 (4): 489 - 496. |
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Lauff R.F. (2009) First nest records of the Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus in Nova Scotia, Canada. ARDEA 97 (4): 497 - 502. |
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Shehab A.H. & Johnson D.H. (2009) Distribution of owls in Syria. ARDEA 97 (4): 503 - 514. |
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Solheim R., Bekken J., Bjørnstad R., Bye F.N., Hagen T.K., Isaksen K. & Strøm H. (2009) Ural Owls Strix uralensis at the border line: nesting places are not a limiting factor. ARDEA 97 (4): 515 - 518. |
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Tumurbat J., Sundev G. & Yosef R. (2009) Nest site and food composition of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo in Mongolia. ARDEA 97 (4): 519 - 523. |
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Artuso C. (2009) Breeding and population density of the Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio at the northern periphery of its range. ARDEA 97 (4): 525 - 533. |
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Denac K. (2009) Habitat selection of Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops on the northern border of its range in Europe. ARDEA 97 (4): 535 - 540. |
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Grzywaczewski G. (2009) Home range size and habitat use of the Little Owl Athene noctua in East Poland. ARDEA 97 (4): 541 - 545. |
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Holsegård-Rasmussen M.H., Sunde P., Thorup K., Jacobsen L.B., Ottesen N., Svenne S. & Rahbek C. (2009) Variation in working effort in Danish Little Owls Athene noctua. ARDEA 97 (4): 547 - 554. |
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Holt D.W., Maples M.T., Petersen-Parret J.L., Korti M., Seidensticker M. & Gray K. (2009) Characteristics of nest mounds used by Snowy Owls in Barrow, Alaska, with conservation and management implications. ARDEA 97 (4): 555 - 561. |
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Tutiš V., Radović D., Ćiković D., Barišić S. & Kralj J. (2009) Distribution, density and habitat relationships of the Ural Owl Strix uralensis macroura in Croatia. ARDEA 97 (4): 563 - 570. |
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Cieślak M. & Kwieciński Z. (2009) Moult and breeding of captive Northern Hawk Owls Surnia ulula. ARDEA 97 (4): 571 - 579. |
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Wink M., El-Sayed A.-A., Sauer-Gürth H. & Gonzalez J. (2009) Molecular phylogeny of owls (Strigiformes) inferred from DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and the nuclear RAG-1 gene. ARDEA 97 (4): 581 - 591. |
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Holt D.W., Paulson A. & Romero M. (2009) Corticosterone as a measure of stress in nest-bound and nest-departed Long-eared Owl Asio otus chicks. ARDEA 97 (4): 593 - 596. |
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Solheim R. (2009) Age, sex and size of dead Tawny Owls Strix aluco found during a winter famine in 2006. ARDEA 97 (4): 597 - 601. |
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Romero L.M., Holt D.W. & Petersen J.L. (2009) Flushing effects and seasonal changes on corticosterone levels in adult Long-Eared Owls Asio otus. ARDEA 97 (4): 603 - 608. |
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van den Burg A.B. (2009) Limitations of owl reproduction in the wild: is there a role for food quality besides quantity? ARDEA 97 (4): 609 - 614. |
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Birrer S. (2009) Synthesis of 312 studies on the diet of the Long-eared Owl Asio otus. ARDEA 97 (4): 615 - 624. |
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Bontzorlos V.A., Peris S.J., Vlachos C.G. & Bakaloudis D.E. (2009) Barn Owl Tyto alba prey in Thessaly, and evaluation of Barn Owl diets throughout Greece. ARDEA 97 (4): 625 - 630. |
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Khaleghizadeh A., Arbabi T., Noori G., Javidkar M. & Shahriari A. (2009) Diet of wintering Long-eared Owls Asio otus in Zabol, Southeastern Iran. ARDEA 97 (4): 631 - 633. |
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Taylor I.R. (2009) How owls select their prey: a study of Barn Owls Tyto alba and their small mammal prey. ARDEA 97 (4): 635 - 644. |
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Project reviews (2009) . ARDEA 97 (4): 645 - 649. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2008) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 96 (1): 1 - 2. |
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van Dijk R.E., Pilon A.E., Szentirmai I., Székely T. & Komdeur J. (2008) The influence of habitat structure on sexual conflict over care in Penduline Tits Remiz pendulinus. ARDEA 96 (1): 3 - 11. |
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Konter A. (2008) Seasonal evolution of colonial breeding in the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus: a four years’ study at Lake IJssel. ARDEA 96 (1): 13 - 24. |
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Schroeder J., Lourenço P.M., van der Velde M., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Both C. & Piersma T. (2008) Sexual dimorphism in plumage and size in Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa. ARDEA 96 (1): 25 - 37. |
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Karlionova N., Meissner W. & Pinchuk P. (2008) Differential development of breeding plumage in adult and second-year male Ruffs Philomachus pugnax. ARDEA 96 (1): 39 - 45. |
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van Noordwijk A.J. & Thomson D.L. (2008) Survival rates of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa breeding in The Netherlands estimated from ring recoveries. ARDEA 96 (1): 47 - 57. |
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Yasué M. & Dearden P. (2008) Replacement nesting and double-brooding in Malaysian Plovers Charadrius peronii: effects of season and food availability. ARDEA 96 (1): 59 - 72. |
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Randler C. (2008) Mating patterns in avian hybrid zones – a meta-analysis and review. ARDEA 96 (1): 73 - 80. |
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Limiñana R., Soutullo A., López-López P. & Urios V. (2008) Pre-migratory movements of adult Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus. ARDEA 96 (1): 81 - 90. |
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Xirouchakis S.M. & Poulakakis N. (2008) Biometrics, sexual dimorphism and gender determination of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus from Crete. ARDEA 96 (1): 91 - 98. |
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Si Bachir S., Barbraud C., Doumandji S. & Hafner H. (2008) Nest site selection and breeding success in an expanding species, the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis. ARDEA 96 (1): 99 - 107. |
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Zuberogoitia I., Martínez J.E., Zabala J., Martínez J.A., Azkona A., Castillo I. & Hidalgo S. (2008) Social interactions between two owl species sometimes associated with intraguild predation. ARDEA 96 (1): 109 - 113. |
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Moreno-Rueda G. & Pizarro M. (2008) Temperature differentially mediates species richness of birds of different biogeographic types. ARDEA 96 (1): 115 - 120. |
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Jourdain E., Gauthier-Clerc M., Kayser Y., Lafaye M. & Sabatier P. (2008) Satellite-tracking migrating juvenile Purple Herons Ardea purpurea from the Camargue area, France. ARDEA 96 (1): 121 - 124. |
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Källander H. (2008) Flock-fishing in the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus. ARDEA 96 (1): 125 - 128. |
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Ryan P.G., Sommer E. & Breytenbach E. (2008) Giant petrels Macronectes hunting Northern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes moseleyi at sea. ARDEA 96 (1): 129 - 134. |
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Poisbleau M., Desmonts D. & Fritz H. (2008) Dominance relationships in Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla at spring staging areas. ARDEA 96 (1): 135 - 139. |
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Piersma T. (2008) Female House Martin Delichon urbica provisions chicks at nests in two separate subcolonies. ARDEA 96 (1): 140 - 144. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2008) . ARDEA 96 (1): 145 - 152. |
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Book reviews (2008) . ARDEA 96 (1): 153 - 156. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2008) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 96 (2): 157 - 158. |
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Strandberg R., Klaassen R.H.G., Hake M., Olofsson P., Thorup K. & Alerstam T. (2008) Complex timing of Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus migration due to pre- and post-migratory movements. ARDEA 96 (2): 159 - 171. |
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Margalida A., Mañosa S., González L.M., Ortega E., Sánchez R. & Oria J. (2008) Breeding of non-adults and effects of age on productivity in the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti. ARDEA 96 (2): 173 - 180. |
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Naef-Daenzer B. & Grüebler M.U. (2008) Post-fledging range use of Great Tit Parus major families in relation to chick body condition. ARDEA 96 (2): 181 - 190. |
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Burton N.H.K. & Armitage M.J.S. (2008) Settlement of Redshank Tringa totanus following winter habitat loss: effects of prior knowledge and age. ARDEA 96 (2): 191 - 205. |
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Roodbergen M., Klok C. & Schekkerman H. (2008) The ongoing decline of the breeding population of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa l. limosa in the Netherlands is not explained by changes in adult survival. ARDEA 96 (2): 207 - 218. |
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Roodbergen M. & Klok C. (2008) Timing of breeding and reproductive output in two Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa populations in The Netherlands. ARDEA 96 (2): 219 - 232. |
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López G., Figuerola J. & Soriguer R. (2008) Carotenoid-based masks in the European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis reflect different information in males and females. ARDEA 96 (2): 233 - 242. |
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Stienen E.W.M., Brenninkmeijer A. & Klaassen M. (2008) Why do Gull-billed Terns Gelochelidon nilotica feed on fiddler crabs Uca tangeri in Guinea-Bissau? ARDEA 96 (2): 243 - 250. |
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Giunchi D., Caccamo C. & Pollonara E. (2008) Pattern of wing moult and its relationship to breeding in the Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus. ARDEA 96 (2): 251 - 260. |
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Sedlacek O. & Fuchs R. (2008) Breeding site fidelity in urban Common Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicurus. ARDEA 96 (2): 261 - 269. |
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Paillisson J-M., Latraube F. & Reeber S. (2008) Assessing growth and age of Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida chicks using biometrics. ARDEA 96 (2): 271 - 277. |
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Mainwaring M.C. & Hartley I.R. (2008) Seasonal adjustments in nest cup lining in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 96 (2): 278 - 282. |
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Troscianko J., Bluff L.A. & Rutz C. (2008) Grass-stem tool use in New Caledonian Crows Corvus moneduloides. ARDEA 96 (2): 283 - 285. |
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Nicolaus M., Bouwman K.M. & Dingemanse N.J. (2008) Effect of PIT tags on the survival and recruitment of Great Tits Parus major. ARDEA 96 (2): 286 - 292. |
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Book reviews (2008) . ARDEA 96 (2): 293 - 298. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2008) . ARDEA 96 (2): 299 - 310. |
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Notices (2008) . ARDEA 96 (2): 311 - 313. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2007) Editorial. Ornithology from the treetops. ARDEA 95 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Spaans B., van’t Hoff C.A., van der Veer W. & Ebbinge B.S. (2007) The significance of female body stores for egg laying and incubation in Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 95 (1): 3 - 15. |
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Bocca M., Carisio L. & Rolando A. (2007) Habitat use, home ranges and census techniques in the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius in the Alps. ARDEA 95 (1): 17 - 29. |
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Polak M. (2007) Nest-site selection and nest predation in the Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris population in eastern Poland. ARDEA 95 (1): 31 - 38. |
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Schekkerman H. & Beintema A.J. (2007) Abundance of invertebrates and foraging success of Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa chicks in relation to agricultural grassland management. ARDEA 95 (1): 39 - 54. |
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Cabezas-Díaz S. & Virgós E. (2007) Adaptive and non-adaptive explanations for hatching failure in eggs of the Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa. ARDEA 95 (1): 55 - 63. |
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Bojarinova J. & Markovets M. (2007) Late-hatched Great Tits Parus major: how do they contribute to the next year breeding population? ARDEA 95 (1): 65 - 73. |
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Flikweert M., Prins T.G., de Freitas J.A. & Nijman V. (2007) Spatial variation in the diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in the Caribbean. ARDEA 95 (1): 75 - 82. |
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Bensusan K.J., Garcia E.F.J. & Cortes J.E. (2007) Trends in abundance of migrating raptors at Gibraltar in spring. ARDEA 95 (1): 83 - 90. |
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Barriocanal C. & Robson D. (2007) Spring passage of Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus across the western Mediterranean: comparing islands with the mainland. ARDEA 95 (1): 91 - 96. |
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Meissner W. (2007) Stopover strategy of adult and juvenile Red Knots Calidris c. canutus in the Puck Bay, southern Baltic. ARDEA 95 (1): 97 - 104. |
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Duckworth J.W. (2007) Seasonality of the Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis in northern Korea, with refutation of previous assumptions of Korean breeding. ARDEA 95 (1): 105 - 113. |
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Mariano-Jelicich R., Madrid E. & Favero M. (2007) Sexual dimorphism and diet segregation in the Black Skimmer Rynchops niger. ARDEA 95 (1): 115 - 124. |
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Sikora A. & Dubiec A. (2007) Sex identification of Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus by discriminant analysis of morphometric measurements. ARDEA 95 (1): 125 - 133. |
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Bowen J.E. & Petrie S.A. (2007) Incidence of artifact ingestion in Mute Swans and Tundra Swans on the lower Great Lakes, Canada. ARDEA 95 (1): 135 - 142. |
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Randler C. (2007) Assortative mating of Carrion Corvus corone and Hooded Crows C. cornix in the hybrid zone in eastern Germany. ARDEA 95 (1): 143 - 149. |
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Lourenço P.M. (2007) Analysing the faecal samples of Ragworm predators: not just a matter of counting mandibles. ARDEA 95 (1): 151 - 155. |
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Book reviews (2007) . ARDEA 95 (1): 157 - 164. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2007) . ARDEA 95 (1): 165 - 171. |
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Veling E. (2007) In memoriam. Jo Rampen (1915-2006). ARDEA 95 (1): 172 - 174. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2007) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 95 (2): 175 - 176. |
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Kossenko S. & Kaygorodova E. (2007) Reproduction of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in the Nerussa-Desna woodland, SW Russia, with particular reference to habitat fragmentation, weather conditions and food supply. ARDEA 95 (2): 177 - 189. |
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Pimentel C. & Nilsson J.-Å. (2007) Response of Great Tits Parus major to an irruption of a Pine Processionary Moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa population with a shifted phenology. ARDEA 95 (2): 191 - 199. |
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Costillo E., Corbacho C., Morán R. & Villegas A. (2007) Diet plasticity of Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus in different colonies in the Extremadura (SW Spain). ARDEA 95 (2): 201 - 211. |
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Rodríguez B., Siverio M., Rodríguez A. & Siverio F. (2007) Density, habitat selection and breeding success of an insular population of Barbary Falcon Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides. ARDEA 95 (2): 213 - 223. |
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Lu X. & Zheng G. (2007) Dominance-dependent microroost use in flock-living Tibetan Eared-pheasants. ARDEA 95 (2): 225 - 234. |
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Nikolov B.P. & Hristova I.P. (2007) Time-activity budgets of juvenile Woodchat Shrikes Lanius senator during the post-fledging period. ARDEA 95 (2): 235 - 241. |
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Gillings S. & Sutherland W.J. (2007) Comparative diurnal and nocturnal diet and foraging in Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria and Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus wintering on arable farmland. ARDEA 95 (2): 243 - 257. |
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Masero J.A., Estrella S.M. & Sánchez-Guzmán J.M. (2007) Behavioural plasticity in foraging mode of typical plovers. ARDEA 95 (2): 259 - 265. |
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Düttmann H., Lettau K. & Barkow A. (2007) Can noxious odours effectively protect clutches of ground-nesting birds? ARDEA 95 (2): 267 - 274. |
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Hickey C., Warnock N., Takekawa J.Y. & Athearn N.D. (2007) Space use by Black-necked Stilts Himantopus mexicanus in the San Francisco Bay estuary. ARDEA 95 (2): 275 - 288. |
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Vandendriessche S., Stienen E.W.M., Vincx M. & Degraer S. (2007) Seabirds foraging at floating seaweeds in the Northeast Atlantic. ARDEA 95 (2): 289 - 298. |
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Santos S.I.C.O., Lumeij J.T., Westers P. & van Wandelen B.B.I. (2007) Sexual dichromatism in the European Magpie Pica pica. Not as black and white as expected. ARDEA 95 (2): 299 - 310. |
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Wanless R.M. & Wilson J.W. (2007) Predatory behaviour of the Gough Moorhen Gallinula comeri: conservation implications. ARDEA 95 (2): 311 - 315. |
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Tryjanowski P., Goławski A., Kuźniak S., Mokwa T. & Antczak M. (2007) Disperse or stay? Exceptionally high breeding-site infidelity in the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio. ARDEA 95 (2): 316 - 320. |
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Book reviews (2007) . ARDEA 95 (2): 321 - 325. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews (2007) . ARDEA 95 (2): 326 - 332. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2006) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 94 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Dalbeck L. & Heg D. (2006) Reproductive success of a reintroduced population of Eagle Owls Bubo bubo in relation to habitat characteristics in the Eifel, Germany. ARDEA 94 (1): 3 - 21. |
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Mayr G. (2006) A rail (Aves, Rallidae) from the early Oligocene of Germany. ARDEA 94 (1): 23 - 31. |
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Helm B., Fiedler W. & Callion J. (2006) Movements of European Stonechats Saxicola torquata according to ringing recoveries. ARDEA 94 (1): 33 - 44. |
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Andreu J. & Barba E. (2006) Breeding dispersal of Great Tits Parus major in a homogeneous habitat: effects of sex, age, and mating status. ARDEA 94 (1): 45 - 58. |
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Jubb M.R., Wilkin T.A. & Gosler A.G. (2006) Eggshell-pigmentation, soil calcium and the local abundance, distribution and diversity of woodland snails (Mollusca). ARDEA 94 (1): 59 - 70. |
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Trnka A. & Prokop P. (2006) Do predators cause a change in passerine movement patterns as indicated by mist-net trapping rates? ARDEA 94 (1): 71 - 76. |
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Post P. & Götmark F. (2006) Seasonal changes in Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus predation: prey vulnerability in relation to visibility in hunting habitats and prey behaviour. ARDEA 94 (1): 77 - 86. |
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Paracuellos M. (2006) Relationships of songbird occupation with habitat configuration and bird abundance in patchy reed beds. ARDEA 94 (1): 87 - 98. |
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Alonso D., Arizaga J., Miranda R. & Hernández M.A. (2006) Morphological diversification of Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra populations within Iberia and the Balearics. ARDEA 94 (1): 99 - 107. |
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Scholte P. (2006) Waterbird recovery in Waza-Logone (Cameroon), resulting from increased rainfall, floodplain rehabilitation and colony protection. ARDEA 94 (1): 109 - 125. |
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Poisbleau M., Fritz H., Dano S. & Lambrechts M.M. (2006) Body measurements and hormonal within-pair covariation in wintering and spring staging Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 94 (1): 127 - 131. |
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Bulyuk V.N. (2006) At what time of the day do passerine nocturnal migrants arrive at their breeding sites? ARDEA 94 (1): 132 - 139. |
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Drent R.H. (2006) In memoriam G.F. Makkink, 1907–2006, Prolific Pioneer. ARDEA 94 (1): 141 - 143. |
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Book reviews
Camphuysen C.J.: BWPi 2006. The birds of the western Palearctic interactive, 2006 Upgrade Bijlsma R.G.: Bakken V., Runde O. & Tjørve E. 2006. Norsk ringmerkingsatlas. Vol. 2 Bijlsma R.G.: Mebs T. & Schmidt D. 2006. Roofvogels van Europa, Noord-Afrika en Voor-Azië Bijlsma R.G.: Pannach G. 2006. Die Uferschwalbe . ARDEA 94 (1): 145 - 148. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews
Elemans C.: Terpstra N.J. 2005. The neural substrate for auditory perception and memory in birds Wymenga E.: Scholte P. 2005. Floodplain Rehabilitation and the future of Conservation & Development. Adaptive management of success in Waza-Logone, Cameroon. ARDEA 94 (1): 149 - 154. |
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. ARDEA 94 (1): 155 - 155. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2006) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 94 (2): 157 - 158. |
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Foppen R.P.B., Majoor F.A., Willems F.J., Meininger P.L., van Houwelingen G.Ch. & Wolf P.A. (2006) Survival and emigration rates in Kentish Charadrius alexandrinus and Ringed Plovers Ch. hiaticula in the Delta area, SW-Netherlands. ARDEA 94 (2): 159 - 173. |
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Patterson I.J. & Hearn R.D. (2006) Month to month changes in age ratio and brood size in Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus in autumn. ARDEA 94 (2): 175 - 183. |
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Rutz C. (2006) Home range size, habitat use, activity patterns and hunting behaviour of urban-breeding Northern Goshawks Accipiter gentilis. ARDEA 94 (2): 185 - 202. |
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Marques P.A.M., Márquez R. & Vicente L. (2006) Brood size and nestling vocal begging behaviour in the Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. ARDEA 94 (2): 203 - 210. |
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Thingstad P.G., Nyholm N.E.I. & Fjeldheim B. (2006) Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca population dynamics in peripheral habitats in Scandinavia. ARDEA 94 (2): 211 - 223. |
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Steen R., Selås V. & Stenberg I. (2006) Impact of weather on annual fluctuations in breeding numbers of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor in Norway. ARDEA 94 (2): 225 - 231. |
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Denac D. (2006) Resource-dependent weather effect in the reproduction of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. ARDEA 94 (2): 233 - 240. |
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Paiva V.H., Ramos J.A., Machado D., Penha-Lopes G., Bouslama M.F., Dias N., Nielsen S. (2006) Importance of marine prey to growth of estuarine tern chicks: evidence from an energetic balance model. ARDEA 94 (2): 241 - 255. |
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Chiaradia A. & Nisbet I.C.T. (2006) Plasticity in parental provisioning and chick growth in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in years of high and low breeding success. ARDEA 94 (2): 257 - 270. |
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van den Hout P.J. (2006) Dense foraging flotillas of Eurasian Coots Fulica atra explained by predation by Ganges Soft-shell Turtle Aspideretus gangeticus. ARDEA 94 (2): 271 - 274. |
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Förschler M.I. & Kalko E.K.V. (2006) Age-specific reproductive performance in Citril Finches Carduelis [citrinella]. ARDEA 94 (2): 275 - 279. |
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Limiñana R., Soutullo A., Urios V. & Surroca M. (2006) Vegetation height selection in Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus breeding in a natural habitat. ARDEA 94 (2): 280 - 284. |
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Book reviews
Bijlsma R.G.: Caro T. 2005. Antipredator defenses in birds and mammals Bijlsma R.G.: Boyd I.L., Wanless S. & Camphuysen C.J. (eds) 2006. Top predators in marine ecosystems: Their role in monitoring and management Bijlsma R.G.: Gamauf A. & Berg H.-M. (eds). 2006. Greifvögel & Eulen in Österreich Bijlsma R.G.: Marzluff J.H. & Angell T. 2005. In the company of crows and ravens Bijlsma R.G.: Mizera T. & Meyburg B.-U. 2005. International Meeting on Spotted Eagles (Aquila clanga, A. pomarina, A. hastata) – Research and conservation Bijlsma R.G.: Resetaritz A. 2006. Ökologie überwinternder Rotmilane Milvus milvus (Linné, 1758) im Nordharzvorland Bijlsma R.G.: Stubbe M. & Stubbe A. (eds) 2006. Populationsökologie von Greifvogel- und Eulenarten van Manen W.: Südbeck P., Andretzke H., Fischer S., Gedeon K., Schikore T., Schröder K. & Sudfeldt C. 2005. Methodenstandards zur Erfassung der Brutvögel Deutschlands. ARDEA 94 (2): 285 - 292. |
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PhD-dissertation reviews
van der Jeugd H.: Van der Graaf A.J. 2006. Geese on a green wave: Flexible migrants in a changing world. ARDEA 94 (2): 293 - 296. |
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Notices (2006) . ARDEA 94 (2): 297 - 297. |
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Drent R.H. & Daan S. (2006) Eberhard Gwinner 1938–2004: An appreciation. ARDEA 94 (3): 299 - 303. |
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Drent R.H. (2006) The timing of birds’ breeding seasons: the Perrins hypothesis revisited especially for migrants. ARDEA 94 (3): 305 - 322. |
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Nager R.G. (2006) The challenges of making eggs. ARDEA 94 (3): 323 - 346. |
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Alerstam T. (2006) Strategies for the transition to breeding in time-selected bird migration. ARDEA 94 (3): 347 - 357. |
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Hobson K.A. (2006) Using stable isotopes to quantitatively track endogenous and exogenous nutrient allocations to eggs of birds that travel to breed. ARDEA 94 (3): 359 - 369. |
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Klaassen M., Abraham K.F., Jefferies R.L. & Vrtiska M. (2006) Factors affecting the site of investment, and the reliance on savings for arctic breeders: the capital–income dichotomy revisited. ARDEA 94 (3): 371 - 384. |
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Schmutz J.A., Hobson K.A. & Morse J.A. (2006) An isotopic assessment of protein from diet and endogenous stores: effects on egg production and incubation behaviour of geese. ARDEA 94 (3): 385 - 397. |
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Hedenström A. (2006) Scaling of migration and the annual cycle of birds. ARDEA 94 (3): 399 - 408. |
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van Gils J.A., Piersma T., Dekinga A. & Battley P.F. (2006) Modelling phenotypic flexibility: an optimality analysis of gizzard size in Red Knots Calidris canutus. ARDEA 94 (3): 409 - 420. |
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van der Jeugd H.P. & Litvin K.Y. (2006) Travels and traditions: long-distance dispersal in the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis based on individual case histories. ARDEA 94 (3): 421 - 432. |
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Newton I. (2006) Advances in the study of irruptive migration. ARDEA 94 (3): 433 - 460. |
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Roshier D.A., Klomp N.I. & Asmus M. (2006) Movements of a nomadic waterfowl, Grey Teal Anas gracilis, across inland Australia – results from satellite telemetry spanning fifteen months. ARDEA 94 (3): 461 - 475. |
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Klaassen R.H.G., Nolet B.A. & Bankert D. (2006) The influence of social interactions on the foraging path of Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii. ARDEA 94 (3): 477 - 484. |
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Buehler D.M., Baker A.J. & Piersma T. (2006) Reconstructing palaeoflyways of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene Red Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 94 (3): 485 - 498. |
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Henningsson S.S. & Alerstam T. (2006) Implications of migratory connectivity for species’ ranges and subspeciation of arctic shorebirds. ARDEA 94 (3): 499 - 509. |
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Both C., Sanz J.J., Artemyev A.A., Blaauw B., Cowie R.J., Dekhuijzen A.J., Enemar A., Järvinen A., Nyholm N.E.I., Potti J., Ravussin P.-A., Silverin B., Slater F.M., Sokolov L.V., Visser M.E., Winkel W., Wright J. & Zang H. (2006) Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca travelling from Africa to breed in Europe: differential effects of winter and migration conditions on breeding date. ARDEA 94 (3): 511 - 525. |
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Tøttrup A.P., Thorup K. & Rahbek C. (2006) Changes in timing of autumn migration in North European songbird populations. ARDEA 94 (3): 527 - 536. |
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Jefferies R.L. & Drent R.H. (2006) Arctic geese, migratory connectivity and agricultural change: calling the sorcerer’s apprentice to order. ARDEA 94 (3): 537 - 554. |
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Bauer S., Madsen J. & Klaassen M. (2006) Intake rates, stochasticity, or onset of spring – what aspects of food availability affect spring migration patterns in Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus? ARDEA 94 (3): 555 - 566. |
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van der Graaf A.J., Stahl J., Klimkowska A., Bakker J.P. & Drent R.H. (2006) Surfing on a green wave – how plant growth drives spring migration in the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. ARDEA 94 (3): 567 - 577. |
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Nolet B.A. (2006) Speed of spring migration of Tundra Swans Cygnus columbianus in accordance with income or capital breeding strategy? ARDEA 94 (3): 579 - 591. |
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Delingat J., Dierschke V., Schmaljohann H., Mendel B. & Bairlein F. (2006) Daily stopovers as optimal migration strategy in a long-distance migrating passerine: the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 94 (3): 593 - 605. |
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Morrison R.I.G. (2006) Body transformations, condition, and survival in Red Knots Calidris canutus travelling to breed at Alert, Ellesmere Island, Canada. ARDEA 94 (3): 607 - 618. |
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Bregnballe T., Frederiksen M. & Gregersen J. (2006) Effects of distance to wintering area on arrival date and breeding performance in Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. ARDEA 94 (3): 619 - 630. |
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Furness R.W., Crane J.E., Bearhop S., Garthe S., Käkelä A., Käkelä R., Kelly A., Kubetzki U., Votier S.C. & Waldron S. (2006) Techniques to link migration patterns of seabirds with diet specialization, condition and breeding performance. ARDEA 94 (3): 631 - 638. |
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Merkel F.R., Mosbech A., Sonne C., Flagstad A., Falk K. & Jamieson S.E. (2006) Local movements, home ranges and body condition of Common Eiders Somateria mollissima wintering in Southwest Greenland. ARDEA 94 (3): 639 - 650. |
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Mosbech A., Gilchrist G., Merkel F., Sonne C., Flagstad A. & Nyegaard H. (2006) Year-round movements of Northern Common Eiders Somateria mollissima borealis breeding in Arctic Canada and West Greenland followed by satellite telemetry. ARDEA 94 (3): 651 - 665. |
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Eichhorn G., Afanasyev V., Drent R.H. & van der Jeugd H.P. (2006) Spring stopover routines in Russian Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis tracked by resightings and geolocation. ARDEA 94 (3): 667 - 678. |
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Glahder C.M., Fox A.D., Hübner C.E., Madsen J. & Tombre I.M. (2006) Pre-nesting site use of satellite transmitter tagged Svalbard Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus. ARDEA 94 (3): 679 - 690. |
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Fox A.D., Francis I.S. & Bergersen E. (2006) Diet and habitat use of Svalbard Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus during arrival and pre-breeding periods in Adventdalen. ARDEA 94 (3): 691 - 699. |
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Hübner C.E. (2006) The importance of pre-breeding areas for the arctic Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. ARDEA 94 (3): 701 - 713. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2005) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 93 (1): 3 - 4. |
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Bos D., Drent R.H., Rubinigg M. & Stahl J. (2005) The relative importance of food biomass and quality for patch and habitat choice in Brent Geese Branta bernicla. ARDEA 93 (1): 5 - 16. |
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Lu X. & Zheng G.M. (2005) Cooperative young-caring behaviour in a hybrid population of White and Tibetan Eared-pheasants in Tibet. ARDEA 93 (1): 17 - 24. |
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Mallory M.L. & Forbes M.R. (2005) Sex discrimination and measurement bias in Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from the Canadian Arctic. ARDEA 93 (1): 25 - 36. |
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Bijlsma R.G. & van den Brink B. (2005) A Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica roost under attack: timing and risks in the presence of African Hobbies Falco cuvieri. ARDEA 93 (1): 37 - 48. |
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Piersma T., Rogers K.G., Boyd H., Bunskoeke E.J. & Jukema J. (2005) Demography of Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria staging in The Netherlands, 1949–2000. ARDEA 93 (1): 49 - 64. |
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Rogers K.G. & Piersma T. (2005) Monitoring vital rates of a migrant shorebird population: the case of ‘wilsternetted’ Eurasian Golden Plovers. ARDEA 93 (1): 65 - 77. |
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Both C., Piersma T. & Roodbergen S.P. (2005) Climate change explains much of the 20th century advance in laying date of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus in The Netherlands. ARDEA 93 (1): 79 - 88. |
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Neto J.M. & Gosler A.G. (2005) Breeding biology of the Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides in Portugal. ARDEA 93 (1): 89 - 100. |
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Antczak M., Hromada M. & Tryjanowski P. (2005) Spatio-temporal changes in Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor impaling behaviour: from food caching to communication signs. ARDEA 93 (1): 101 - 107. |
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Moreno-Rueda G. (2005) Is the white wing-stripe of male House Sparrows Passer domesticus an indicator of the load of Mallophaga? ARDEA 93 (1): 109 - 114. |
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Bell C.P. (2005) The origin and development of bird migration: comments on Rappole and Jones, and an alternative evolutionary model. ARDEA 93 (1): 115 - 123. |
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Rappole J.H. (2005) Evolution of old and new world migration systems: a response to Bell. ARDEA 93 (1): 125 - 131. |
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Tsachalidis E.P., Liordos V. & Goutner V. (2005) Growth of White Stork Ciconia ciconia nestlings. ARDEA 93 (1): 133 - 137. |
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Oliver P.J. (2005) Roosting behaviour and wintering of Eurasian Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in south-east England. ARDEA 93 (1): 137 - 140. |
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Dissertation reviews
Fawcett T.W.: von Engelhardt N. 2004. Proximate control of avian sex allocation: a study on Zebra Finches Thomassen H.: Elemans C.P.H. 2004. How do birds sing? Sound analysis - mechanical modelling - muscular control . ARDEA 93 (1): 141 - 146. |
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Nuijen H. (2005) In memoriam: Gerardus Albertus de Vries. ARDEA 93 (1): 147 - 148. |
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Book reviews
Schröder J.: Møller A.P., Fiedler W. & Berthold P. (eds) 2004. Birds and climate change Carere C.: Gariboldi A., Andreotti A., Bogliani G. (eds) 2004. La Conservazione degli Uccelli in Italia. Strategie e azioni Bijlsma R.G.: Calvert M. 2005. Reed warblers at Rostherne Mere Bijlsma R.G.: Gálvez R.A., Gavashelishvii L. & Javakhishvii Z. 2005. Raptors and owls of Georgia Bijlsma R.G.:Patrikeev M. 2004. The birds of Azerbaijan Tennekes H.: Videler J.J. 2005. Avian Flight . ARDEA 93 (1): 149 - 158. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2005) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 93 (2): 161 - 162. |
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Kraaijeveld K. (2005) Black Swans Cygnus atratus adopt related cygnets. ARDEA 93 (2): 163 - 169. |
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Quillfeldt P., Strange I.J. & Masello J.F. (2005) Escape decisions of incubating females and sex ratio of juveniles in the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta. ARDEA 93 (2): 171 - 178. |
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Vedder O., Dijkstra C., Dekker A.L., Waasdorp S. & Visser G.H. (2005) Sex-specific nestling body mass in relation to brood sex composition in the Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 93 (2): 179 - 187. |
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Balbontín J. & Ferrer M. (2005) Factors affecting the length of the post-fledging period in the Bonelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus. ARDEA 93 (2): 189 - 198. |
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Atkinson P.W, Clark N.A., Dodd S.G. & Moss D. (2005) Changes in fisheries practices and Oystercatcher survival, recruitment and body mass in a marginal Cockle fishery. ARDEA 93 (2): 199 - 212. |
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Helseth A., Lindström Å. & Stervander M. (2005) Southward migration and fuel deposition of Red Knots Calidris canutus. ARDEA 93 (2): 213 - 224. |
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Ottvall R. (2005) Breeding success and adult survival of Redshank Tringa totanus on coastal meadows in SE Sweden. ARDEA 93 (2): 225 - 236. |
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López G., Figuerola J., Varo N. & Soriguer R. (2005) White Wagtails Motacilla alba showing extensive post-juvenile moult are more stressed. ARDEA 93 (2): 237 - 244. |
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Balança G. & Schaub M. (2005) Post-breeding migration ecology of Reed Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Moustached A. melanopogon and Cetti’s Warblers Cettia cetti at a Mediterranean stopover site. ARDEA 93 (2): 245 - 257. |
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Mols C.M.M., van Noordwijk A.J. & Visser M.E. (2005) Assessing the reduction of caterpillar numbers by Great Tits Parus major breeding in apple orchards. ARDEA 93 (2): 259 - 269. |
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Dmitrenok M., Demongin L. & Zhurauliov D. (2005) Three cases of replacement clutches in the Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris. ARDEA 93 (2): 271 - 274. |
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Book reviews
Bijlsma R.G.: Kelcey J.G. & Rheinwald G. (eds) 2005. Birds in European cities Bijlsma R.G. Nowak E. 2005. Wissenschaftler in turbulenten Zeiten. Erinnerungen an Ornithologen, Naturschützer und andere Naturkundler Bijlsma R.G. Potapov E. & Sale R. 2005. The Gyrfalcon . ARDEA 93 (2): 275 - 278. |
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Dissertation reviews
Verboven, N.: Postma E. 2005. Evolutionary genetics of life history traits in a structured environment, understanding variation in clutch size and laying date in great tits (Parus major) Tjørve K.M.C.: Engel S.B. 2005. Racing the wind. Water economy and energy expenditure in avian endurance flight Camphuysen C.J.: Stienen E.W.M. 2005. Living with gulls: trading off food and predation in the Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis . ARDEA 93 (2): 279 - 285. |
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IOC 2006
Editorial acknowledgements.
ARDEA 93 (2): 286 - 286.
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Bijlsma R.G. (2004) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 92 (1): 1 - 2. |
[free copy] |
Newsom S.E., Hughes B., Russell I.C., Ekins G.R. & Sellers R.M. (2004) Sub-specific differentiation and distribution of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Europe. ARDEA 92 (1): 3 - 9. |
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Brambilla M. & Rubolini D. (2004) Water Rail Rallus aquaticus breeding density and habitat preferences in northern Italy. ARDEA 92 (1): 11 - 17. |
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Lislevand T. & Byrkjedal I. (2004) Incubation behaviour in male Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in relation to mating opportunities and female body condition. ARDEA 92 (1): 19 - 29. |
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Duriez O., Pastout-Lucchini L., Boos M., Chastel O., Fritz H., Ferrand Y. & Clobert J. (2004) Low levels of energy expenditure in a nocturnal, forest-dwelling wader, the Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola. ARDEA 92 (1): 31 - 42. |
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Bull J., Wanless S., Elston D.A., Daunt F., Lewis S. & Harris M.P. (2004) Local-scale variability in the diet of Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla. ARDEA 92 (1): 43 - 52. |
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van der Winden J., Beintema A.J. & Heemskerk L. (2004) Habitat-related Black Tern Chlidonias niger breeding success in The Netherlands. ARDEA 92 (1): 53 - 61. |
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Alvarez F. (2004) The conspicuous gape of the nestling Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus as a supernormal stimulus for Rufous Bush Chat Cercotrichas galactotes hosts. ARDEA 92 (1): 63 - 68. |
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Roulin A. (2004) The function of food stores in bird nests: Observations and experiments in the Barn Owl Tyto alba. ARDEA 92 (1): 69 - 78. |
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Hogstad O. (2004) Nest defence strategies in the Fieldfare Turdus pilaris: The responses on an avian and a mammalian predator. ARDEA 92 (1): 79 - 84. |
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Iborra G.M., Pinheiro R.T., Sancho C. & Martinez A. (2004) Nest size influences nest predation risk in two coexisting Acrocephalus Warblers. ARDEA 92 (1): 85 - 91. |
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Edelaar P. & Terpstra K. (2004) The nominate subspecies of the Common Crossbill Loxia c. curvirostra polytypic? I. Morphological differences among years at a single site. ARDEA 92 (1): 93 - 102. |
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Wysocki D. (2004) Alternative mating strategies in the urban population of the European Blackbird Turdus merula in Szczecin (NW Poland). ARDEA 92 (1): 103 - 107. |
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Both C. (2004) Does mate-guarding give non-territorial birds the chance to settle? ARDEA 92 (1): 107 - 111. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2004) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 92 (2): 143 - 144. |
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Green M. (2004) Flying with the wind – spring migration of Arctic-breeding waders and geese over South Sweden. ARDEA 92 (2): 145 - 159. |
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Nijman V. (2004) Magnitude and timing of migrant raptors in central Java, Indonesia. ARDEA 92 (2): 161 - 168. |
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DeCandido R., Allen D. & Yosef R. (2004) A comparison of spring migration phenology of bee-eaters and Oriental Honey-buzzards Pernis ptilorhyncus at Tanjung Tuan, Malaysia, 2000-01. ARDEA 92 (2): 169 - 173. |
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Giannangeli L., de Sanctis A., Manginelli R. & Medina F.M. (2004) Seasonal variation of the diet of the Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus at the island of La Palma, Canary Islands. ARDEA 92 (2): 175 - 184. |
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Bishop M.A. (2004) Differential spring migration by male and female Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri at interior and coastal stopover sites. ARDEA 92 (2): 185 - 196. |
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Wilson L.J., Daunt F. & Wanless S. (2004) Self-feeding and chick provisioning diet differ in the Common Guillemot Uria aalge. ARDEA 92 (2): 197 - 207. |
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Herranz J., Traba J., Morales M.B. & Suárez F. (2004) Nest size and structure variation in two ground nesting passerines, the Skylark Alauda arvensis and the Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla. ARDEA 92 (2): 209 - 218. |
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Wysocki D. (2004) Within-season divorce rate in an urban population of European Blackbird Turdus merula. ARDEA 92 (2): 219 - 227. |
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Naef-Daenzer L., Nager R.G., Keller L.F. & Naef-Daenzer B. (2004) Are hatching delays a cost or a benefit for Great Tit Parus major parents? ARDEA 92 (2): 229 - 237. |
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Hoset K.S., Espmark Y., Moksnes A., Haugan T., Ingebrigtsen M. & Lier M. (2004) Effect of ambient temperature on food provisioning and reproductive success in snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis in the high arctic. ARDEA 92 (2): 239 - 246. |
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Pandolfi M., Gaibani G. & Tanferna A. (2004) Depicts the number of breeding pairs reliably the status of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus? ARDEA 92 (2): 247 - 251. |
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Tryjanowski, P., Surmacki A. & Bednorz J. (2004) Effect of prior nesting success on future nest occupation in Raven Corvus corax. ARDEA 92 (2): 251 - 254. |
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Robinson J.A., Aldridge N.S., Wright L. & Culzac L.G. (2003) Invertebrate food supply and breeding success of Mallards Anas platyrhynchos at flooded gravel quarries in southern Britain. ARDEA 91 (1): 3 - 9. |
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Scherini G.C., Tosi G. & Wauters L.A. (2003) Social behaviour, reproductive biology and breeding success of Alpine Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus mutus helveticus in northern Italy. ARDEA 91 (1): 11 - 23. |
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Kloskowski J. (2003) Offspring desertion in Red-necked Grebes Podiceps grisegena. ARDEA 91 (1): 25 - 34. |
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Gilbert G., Tyler G. & Smith K.W. (2003) Nestling diet and fish preference of Bitterns Botaurus stellaris in Britain. ARDEA 91 (1): 35 - 44. |
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Bourne W.P., Ashmole N.P. & Simmons K.L. (2003) A new subfossil Night Heron and a new genus for the extinct Rail from Ascension Island, central tropical Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 91 (1): 45 - 51. |
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Rehfisch M.M., Insley H. & Swann B. (2003) Fidelity of overwintering shorebirds to roosts on the Moray Basin, Scotland: Implications for predicting impacts of habitat loss. ARDEA 91 (1): 53 - 70. |
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Verkuil Y., van der Have T.M., van der Winden J. & Chernichko I.I. (2003) Habitat use and diet selection of northward migrating waders in the Sivash (Ukraine): The use of Brine Shrimp Artemia salina in a variably saline lagoon complex. ARDEA 91 (1): 71 - 83. |
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Barbosa A., Merino S., Cuervo J.J., De Lope F. & Moller A.P. (2003) Feather damage of long tails in Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 91 (1): 85 - 90. |
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Wiebe K.L. & Elchuk C.L. (2003) Correlates of parental care in Northern Flickers Colaptes auratus: Do the sexes contribute equally while provisioning young? ARDEA 91 (1): 91 - 101. |
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Lindström K.M., van der Veen I.T., Legault B.A. & Lundström J.O. (2003) Activity and predator escape performance of Common Greenfinches Carduelis chloris infected with Sindbis virus. ARDEA 91 (1): 103 - 111. |
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Minguez E. & Oro D. (2003) Variations in nest mortality in the European Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus. ARDEA 91 (1): 113 - 117. |
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Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2003) Moorhen Gallinula chloropus females lay eggs of different size and beta-carotene content. ARDEA 91 (1): 117 - 121. |
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Duda N., Chetnicki W. & Jadwiszczak P. (2003) Intra-specific nest parasitism in Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. ARDEA 91 (1): 122 - 124. |
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Stenhouse I.J. (2003) Egg loss in Sabine's Gull Larus sabini as a result of interaction with Lesser Snow Geese Anser caerulescens. ARDEA 91 (1): 125 - 126. |
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Alvarez F. (2003) Relationship between egg size and shape of an Iberian population of Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and its host. ARDEA 91 (1): 127 - 129. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2003) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 91 (2): 151 - 152. |
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Bos D. & Stahl J. (2003) Creating new foraging opportunities for Dark-bellied Brent Branta bernicla and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in spring insights from a large-scale experiment. ARDEA 91 (2): 153 - 165. |
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Lewis S., Sherratt T.N., Hamer K.C., Harris M.P. & Wanless S. (2003) Contrasting diet quality of Northern Gannets Morus bassanus at two colonies. ARDEA 91 (2): 167 - 176. |
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Poulin B. & Lefebvre G. (2003) Variation in booming among Great Bitterns Botaurus stellaris in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 91 (2): 177 - 181. |
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Chamberlain D.E. & Crick H.Q.P. (2003) Temporal and spatial associations in aspects of reproductive performance of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in the United Kingdom, 1962-99. ARDEA 91 (2): 183 - 196. |
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Antonov A. & Atanasova D. (2003) Chick conditions in first and second broods in the Pallid Swift Apus pallidus. ARDEA 91 (2): 197 - 204. |
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Scharlemann J.P.W. (2003) Long-term declines in eggshell thickness of Dutch thrushes Turdus spp. ARDEA 91 (2): 205 - 211. |
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Catry P., Catry I., Catry T. & Martins T. (2003) Within and between-year winter-site fidelity of Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita. ARDEA 91 (2): 213 - 219. |
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Czeszczewik D. & Walankiewicz W. (2003) Natural nest sites of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in a Primeval Forest. ARDEA 91 (2): 221 - 229. |
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Nowakowski J.K. & Vahatalo A.V. (2003) Is the Great Tit Parus major an irruptive migrant in north-east Europe? ARDEA 91 (2): 231 - 243. |
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Marques P.A.M. (2003) Male mate desertion in the Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. ARDEA 91 (2): 245 - 250. |
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Mezquida E.T. & Marone L. (2003) Comparison of the reproductive biology of two Poospiza warbling-finches of Argentina in wet and dry years. ARDEA 91 (2): 251 - 262. |
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Coleman R.A., Salmon N.A. & Hawkins S.J. (2003) Sub-dispersive human disturbance of foraging Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 91 (2): 263 - 268. |
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Both C., Edelaar P. & Renema W. (2003) Interference between the sexes in foraging Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica. ARDEA 91 (2): 268 - 272. |
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Laiolo P. (2003) Ecological and behavioural divergence by foraging Red-billed Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and Alpine Choughs P. graculus in the Himalayas. ARDEA 91 (2): 273 - 277. |
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Sangster G., Van Den Berg A.B., van Loon A.J. & Roselaar C.S. (2003) Dutch avifaunal list: Taxonomic changes in 1999-2003. ARDEA 91 (2): 279 - 285. |
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Kristiansen J.N. & Jarrett N.S. (2002) Inter-specific competition between Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris and Canada Geese Branta canadensis interior moulting in West Greenland: Mechanisms and consequences. ARDEA 90 (1): 1 - 13. |
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Deregnaucourt S., Guyomarc'h J.C. & Aebischer N.J. (2002) Hybridization between European Quail Coturnix coturnix and Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica. ARDEA 90 (1): 15 - 21. |
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Carss D.N. & Ekins G.R. (2002) Further European integration: Mixed sub-species colonies of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Britain - Colony establishment, diet, and implications for fisheries management. ARDEA 90 (1): 23 - 41. |
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Jiguet F. & Ollivier D. (2002) Male phenotypic repeatability in the threatened Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax: A tool to estimate turnover and dispersal. ARDEA 90 (1): 43 - 50. |
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Salek M. & Smilauer P. (2002) Predation on Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests: The effect of population density and spatial distribution of nests. ARDEA 90 (1): 51 - 60. |
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O'Hara P.D., Lank D.B. & Delgado F.S. (2002) Is the timing of moult altered by migration? Evidence from a comparison of age and residency classes of Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri in Panama. ARDEA 90 (1): 61 - 70. |
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Green M., Piersma T., Jukema J., De Goeij P., Spaans B. & Van Gils J. (2002) Radio-telemetry observations of the first 650 km of the migration of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica from the Wadden Sea to the Russian Arctic. ARDEA 90 (1): 71 - 80. |
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De Boer W.F. (2002) The shorebird community structure at an intertidal mudflat in southern Mozambique. ARDEA 90 (1): 81 - 92. |
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Lindstrom A., Klaassen M., Piersma T., Holmgren N. & Wennerberg L. (2002) Fuel stores of juvenile waders on autumn migration in high arctic Canada. ARDEA 90 (1): 93 - 101. |
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Camphuysen C.J. (2002) Post-fledging dispersal of Common Guillemots Uria aalge guarding chicks in the North Sea: The effect of predator presence and prey availability at sea. ARDEA 90 (1): 103 - 119. |
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Rubolini D. & Schiavi M. (2002) Tail length correlates with fat stores in pre-migratory roosting Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 90 (1): 121 - 127. |
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Both C. (2002) Fitness costs of polygyny in female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 90 (1): 129 - 138. |
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Laiolo P. & Rolando A. (2002) The begging call of the Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax: An analysis of its spectrotemporal variability. ARDEA 90 (1): 139 - 147. |
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Schwilch R., Piersma T., Holmgren N.M.A. & Jenni L. (2002) Do migratory birds need a nap after a long non-stop flight? ARDEA 90 (1): 149 - 154. |
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Erni B., Liechti F., Underhill L.G. & Bruderer B. (2002) Wind and rain govern the intensity of nocturnal bird migration in central Europe - A log-linear regression analysis. ARDEA 90 (1): 155 - 166. |
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Michaelsen T.C. & Byrkjedal I. (2002) 'Magic carpet' flight in shorebirds attacked by raptors on a migrational stopover site. ARDEA 90 (1): 167 - 171. |
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Wattel J. (2002) Karel Hendrik Voous (1920-2002) - In memoriam. ARDEA 90 (1): 189 - 200. |
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Stahl J., Bos D. & Loonen M.J.J.E. (2002) Foraging along a salinity gradient: The effect of tidal inundation on site choice by Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla and Barnacle Geese B. leucopsis. ARDEA 90 (2): 201 - 212. |
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Tryjanowski P. & Kuzniak S. (2002) Population size and productivity of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in relation to Common Vole Microtus arvalis density. ARDEA 90 (2): 213 - 217. |
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Hazlitt S.L., Ydenberg R.C. & Lank D.B. (2002) Territory structure, parental provisioning, and chick growth in the American Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani. ARDEA 90 (2): 219 - 227. |
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McGowan A., Cresswell W. & Ruxton G.D. (2002) The effects of daily weather variation on foraging and responsiveness to disturbance in overwintering Red Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 90 (2): 229 - 237. |
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Groen N.M. & Hemerik L. (2002) Reproductive success and survival of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in a declining local population in the Netherlands. ARDEA 90 (2): 239 - 248. |
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Marchesan M. (2002) Operational sex ratio and breeding strategies in the Feral Pigeon Columba livia. ARDEA 90 (2): 249 - 257. |
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Roulin A. (2002) Short- and long-term fitness correlates of rearing conditions in Barn Owls Tyto alba. ARDEA 90 (2): 259 - 267. |
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Van Den Burg A.B. (2002) A comparison of nutrient allocation in eggs of Barn Owls Tyto alba and Eurasian Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 90 (2): 269 - 274. |
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Exnerova A., Jarosik V. & Kristin A. (2002) Variation in foraging mode of the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 90 (2): 275 - 284. |
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Redfern C.P.F., Douglas G.W. & Halliday T.A. (2002) Intestine length and mass relative to fat in migrating Redwings Turdus iliacus. ARDEA 90 (2): 285 - 292. |
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Faivre B., Secondi J., Frochot B. & Cezilly F. (2002) Local survival and breeding ecology in an expanding population of Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta. ARDEA 90 (2): 293 - 301. |
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Herrando S., Brotons L., del Amo R. & Llacuna S. (2002) Bird community succession after fire in a dry Mediterranean shrubland. ARDEA 90 (2): 303 - 310. |
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Ward J.M., Blount J.D., Ruxton G.D. & Houston D.C. (2002) The adaptive significance of dark plumage for birds in desert environments. ARDEA 90 (2): 311 - 323. |
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Komenda-Zehnder S., Liechti F. & Bruderer B. (2002) Is reverse migration a common feature of nocturnal bird migration? An analysis of radar data from Israel. ARDEA 90 (2): 325 - 334. |
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Boertmann D. & Egevang C. (2002) Canada Geese Branta canadensis in West Greenland: In conflict with Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris? ARDEA 90 (2): 335 - 336. |
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Dawson A. (2002) Photoperiodic control of the annual cycle in birds and comparison with mammals. ARDEA 90 (3): 355 - 367. |
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Coppack T. & Both C. (2002) Predicting life-cycle adaptation of migratory birds to global climate change. ARDEA 90 (3): 369 - 378. |
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Hoetker H. (2002) Arrival of Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta at the breeding site: Effects of winter quarters and consequences for reproductive success. ARDEA 90 (3): 379 - 387. |
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Ludwigs J.D. & Becker P.H. (2002) The hurdle of recruitment: Influences of arrival date, colony experience and sex in the Common Tern Sterna hirundo. ARDEA 90 (3): 389 - 399. |
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Bojarinova J.G., Rymkevich T.A. & Smirnov O.P. (2002) Timing of autumn migration of early and late-hatched Great Tits Parus major in NW Russia. ARDEA 90 (3): 401 - 409. |
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Zenatello M., Serra L. & Baccetti N. (2002) Trade-offs among body mass and primary moult patterns in migrating Black Terns Chlidonias niger. ARDEA 90 (3): 411 - 420. |
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van der Winden J. (2002) The odyssey of the Black Tern Chlidonias niger: Migration ecology in Europe and Africa. ARDEA 90 (3): 421 - 435. |
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Beekman J.H., Nolet B.A. & Klaassen M. (2002) Skipping swans: Fuelling rates and wind conditions determine differential use of migratory stopover sites of Bewick's Swans Cygnus bewickii. ARDEA 90 (3): 437 - 459. |
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Sternberg H., Grinkov V.G., Ivankina E.V., Ilyina T.A., Kerimov A.B. & Schwarz A. (2002) Evaluation of the size and composition of nonbreeding surplus in a Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca population: Removal experiments in Germany and Russia. ARDEA 90 (3): 461 - 470. |
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Dierschke J. & Bairlein F. (2002) Why did granivorous passerines wintering in Wadden Sea salt marshes decline? ARDEA 90 (3): 471 - 477. |
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Salewski V., Falk K.H., Bairlein F. & Leisler B. (2002) Numbers, body mass and fat scores of three Palearctic migrants at a constant effort mist netting site in Ivory Coast, West Africa. ARDEA 90 (3): 479 - 487. |
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Remisiewicz M. (2002) The spatio-temporal pattern to Robin Erithacus rubecula migration: Evidence from ringing recoveries. ARDEA 90 (3): 489 - 502. |
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Baker A.J. (2002) The deep roots of bird migration: Inferences from the historical record preserved in DNA. ARDEA 90 (3): 503 - 513. |
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Bolshakov C.V. (2002) The Palaearctic-African bird migration system: The role of desert and highland barrier of western Asia. ARDEA 90 (3): 515 - 523. |
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Rappole J.H. & Jones P. (2002) Evolution of old and new world migration systems. ARDEA 90 (3): 525 - 537. |
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Preuss N.O. (2001) Hans Christian Cornelius Mortensen: Aspects of his life and of the history of bird ringing. ARDEA 89 (1): 1 - 6. |
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Bairlein F. (2001) Results of bird ringing in the study of migration routes. ARDEA 89 (1): 7 - 19. |
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Fransson T. (2001) To analyse ringing recoveries in a national atlas: Examples from the Swedish project. ARDEA 89 (1): 21 - 30. |
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Mouritsen H. (2001) Ringing recoveries contain hidden information about orientation mechanisms. ARDEA 89 (1): 31 - 42. |
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Madsen J. (2001) Spring migration strategies in Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus and consequences for spring fattening and fecundity. ARDEA 89 (1): 43 - 55. |
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Widmer M. & Biebach H. (2001) Changes in body condition from spring migration to reproduction in the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin: A comparison of a lowland and a mountain population. ARDEA 89 (1): 57 - 68. |
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Lubjuhn T., Bruen J., Gerken T. & Epplen J.T. (2001) Inconsistent pattern of extra-pair paternity in first and second broods of the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 89 (1): 69 - 73. |
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Gosler A.G. (2001) The effects of trapping on the perception, and trade-off, of risks in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 89 (1): 75 - 84. |
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Lebreton J.D. (2001) The use of bird rings in the study of survival. ARDEA 89 (1): 85 - 100. |
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Clausen P., Frederiksen M., Percival S.M., Anderson G.Q.A. & Denny M.J.H. (2001) Seasonal and annual survival of East-Atlantic Pale-bellied Brent Geese Branta hrota assessed by capture-recapture analysis. ARDEA 89 (1): 101 - 112. |
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Piper S.E. (2001) Elucidating population structure in the Long-tailed Wagtail Motacilla clara: The use of the space-time diagram. ARDEA 89 (1): 113 - 122. |
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Coleman A.E., Coleman J.T., Coleman P.A. & Minton C.T. (2001) A 39 year study on a Mute Swan Cygnus olor population in the English Midlands. ARDEA 89 (1): 123 - 133. |
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Perrins C.M. & McCleery R.H. (2001) The effect of fledging mass on the lives of Great Tits Parus major. ARDEA 89 (1): 135 - 142. |
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Newton I. (2001) Causes and consequences of breeding dispersal in the Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 89 (1): 143 - 154. |
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Dhondt A.A. (2001) Trade-offs between reproduction and survival in tits. ARDEA 89 (1): 155 - 166. |
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Baillie S.R. (2001) The contribution of ringing to the conservation and management of bird populations: A review. ARDEA 89 (1): 167 - 184. |
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Desante D.F., Nott M.P. & O'Grady D.R. (2001) Identifying the proximate demographic cause(s) of population change by modelling spatial variation in productivity, survivorship, and population trends. ARDEA 89 (1): 185 - 208. |
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Kershaw M., Hearn R.D. & Cranswick P.A. (2001) The role of ringing in integrated population monitoring of anatidae in the United Kingdom. ARDEA 89 (1): 209 - 220. |
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Gauthier-Clerc M. & Le Maho Y. (2001) Beyond bird marking with rings. ARDEA 89 (1): 221 - 230. |
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Wilson R.P. (2001) Beyond rings on birds for determination of movements: Wither the archival tag? ARDEA 89 (1): 231 - 240. |
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Becker P.H., Wendeln H. & Gonzalez-Solis J. (2001) Population dynamics, recruitment, individual quality and reproductive strategies in Common Terns Sterna hirundo marked with transponders. ARDEA 89 (1): 241 - 252. |
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Van Der Jeugd H.P., Olthoff M.P. & Stahl J. (2001) Breeding range translates into staging site choice: Baltic and Arctic Barnacle geese Branta leucopsis use different habitats at a Dutch Wadden Sea Island. ARDEA 89 (2): 253 - 265. |
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Bustnes J.O. & Systad G.H. (2001) Habitat use by wintering Steller's Eiders Polysticta stelleri in northern Norway. ARDEA 89 (2): 267 - 274. |
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Negro J.J., Tella J.L., Hiraldo F., Bortolotti G.R. & Prieto P. (2001) Sex- and age-related variation in plasma carotenoids despite a constant diet in the Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa. ARDEA 89 (2): 275 - 280. |
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Sasvari L. & Hegyi Z. (2001) Condition-dependent parental effort and reproductive performance in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. ARDEA 89 (2): 281 - 291. |
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Amat J.A., Fraga R.M. & Arroyo G.M. (2001) Variations in body condition and egg characteristics of female Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus. ARDEA 89 (2): 293 - 299. |
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Boyd H. & Piersma T. (2001) Changing balance between survival and recruitment explains population trends in Red Knots Calidris canutus islandica wintering in Britain, 1969-1995. ARDEA 89 (2): 301 - 317. |
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Delhey J.K., Carrete M. & Martinez M.M. (2001) Diet and feeding behavior of Olrog's Gull Larus atlanticus in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. ARDEA 89 (2): 319 - 329. |
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Penteriani V., Gallardo M., Roche P. & Cazassus H. (2001) Effects of landscape spatial structure and composition on the settlement of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo in a Mediterranean habitat. ARDEA 89 (2): 331 - 340. |
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Honza M., Moksnes A., Roskaft E. & Stokke B.G. (2001) How are different Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus egg morphs maintained? An evaluation of different hypotheses. ARDEA 89 (2): 341 - 352. |
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Pasinelli G. (2001) Breeding performance of the middle spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in relation to weather and territory quality. ARDEA 89 (2): 353 - 361. |
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Telleria J.L., Perez-Tris J., Ramirez A., Fernandez-Juricic E. & Carbonell R. (2001) Distribution of Robins Erithacus rubecula in wintering grounds: Effects of conspecific density, migratory status and age. ARDEA 89 (2): 363 - 373. |
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Doutrelant C., Lemaitre O. & Lambrechts M.M. (2001) Song variation in Blue Tit Parus caeruleus populations from Corsica and mainland southern France. ARDEA 89 (2): 375 - 385. |
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Verboven N., Tinbergen J.M. & Verhulst S. (2001) Food, reproductive success and multiple breeding in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 89 (2): 387 - 406. |
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Calmaestra R.G. & Moreno E. (2001) A phylogenetically-based analysis on the relationship between wing morphology and migratory behaviour in passeriformes. ARDEA 89 (2): 407 - 416. |
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Becking J.H. (2001) In memory of Hans Bartels (1906-1997). ARDEA 89 (2): 420 - 425. |
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Spaans B. & Postma P. (2001) Inland pastures are an appropriate alternative for salt-marshes as a feeding area for spring-fattening Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla. ARDEA 89 (3): 427 - 440. |
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Criscuolo F., Gauthier-Clerc M., Le Maho Y., Zorn T. & Gabrielsen G.W. (2001) Sleep changes during long-term fasting in the incubating female Common Eider Somateria mollissima. ARDEA 89 (3): 441 - 448. |
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Daunt F., Monaghan P., Wanless S. & Harris M.P. (2001) Parental age and offspring ectoparasite load in European Shags Stictocarbo aristotelis. ARDEA 89 (3): 449 - 455. |
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Moritzi M., Maumary L., Schmid D., Steiner I., Vallotton L., Spaar R. & Biber O. (2001) Time budget, habitat use and breeding success of White Storks Ciconia ciconia under variable foraging conditions during the breeding season in Switzerland. ARDEA 89 (3): 457 - 470. |
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Selas V. (2001) Breeding density and brood size of Common Buzzard Buteo buteo in relation to snow cover in spring. ARDEA 89 (3): 471 - 479. |
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Scheiffarth G. (2001) The diet of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica in the Wadden Sea: Combining visual observations and faeces analyses. ARDEA 89 (3): 481 - 494. |
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Sunde P., Overskaug K., Bolstad J.P. & Oien IJ. (2001) Living at the limit: Ecology and behaviour of Tawny Owls Strix aluco in a northern edge population in central Norway. ARDEA 89 (3): 495 - 508. |
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Chernetsov N. & Titov N. (2001) Movement patterns of European Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Sedge Warblers A. schoenobaenus before and during autumn migration. ARDEA 89 (3): 509 - 515. |
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Banbura J., Perret P., Blondel J., Sauvages A., Galan M.J. & Lambrechts M.M. (2001) Sex differences in parental care in a Corsican Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population. ARDEA 89 (3): 517 - 526. |
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Seguin J.F., Thibault J.C., Torre J., Bayle P. & Vigne JD. (2001) The diet of young Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Corsica: Foraging in a man-made mammal fauna. ARDEA 89 (3): 527 - 535. |
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Hoetker H. & Frederiksen M. (2001) Estimation of total numbers of Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta using a moulting site in the Danish Wadden Sea. ARDEA 89 (3): 537 - 541. |
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Antonov A. & Atanasova D. (2001) Second clutches in the Alpine Swift Apus melba. ARDEA 89 (3): 543 - 544. |
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Dale S. (2001) Necrophilic behaviour, corpses as nuclei of resting flock formation, and road-kills of Sand Martins Riparia riparia. ARDEA 89 (3): 545 - 547. |
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Voous K.H. (2001) In memoriam Jaap Taapken. ARDEA 89 (3): 558 - 561. |
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Marsden S.J. & Sullivan M.S. (2000) Intersexual differences in feeding ecology in a male dominated wintering Pochard Aythya ferina population. ARDEA 88 (1): 1 - 7. |
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Fritz H., Guillemain M. & Guerin S. (2000) Changes in the frequency of prospecting fly-overs by Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus in relation to short-term fluctuations in dabbling duck abundance. ARDEA 88 (1): 9 - 16. |
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Jenkins A.R. (2000) Variation in the quality of parental care at falcon nests in South Africa as evidence for postulated differences in food availability. ARDEA 88 (1): 17 - 32. |
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Stienen E.W.M., van Beers P.W.M, Brenninkmeijer A., Habraken J.M.P.M., Raaijmakers M.H.J.E. & van Tienen P.G.M. (2000) Reflections of a specialist: Patterns in food provisioning and foraging conditions in Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis. ARDEA 88 (1): 33 - 49. |
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Robinson J.A. & Hamer K.C. (2000) Brood size and food provisioning in Common Terns Sterna hirundo and Arctic Terns S. paradisaea: Consequences for chick growth. ARDEA 88 (1): 51 - 60. |
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Chamberlain D.E., Vickery J.A. & Gough S. (2000) Spatial and temporal distribution of breeding Skylarks Alauda arvensis in relation to crop type in periods of population increase and decrease. ARDEA 88 (1): 61 - 73. |
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Banbura J. & Zielinski P. (2000) Repeatability of reproductive traits in female Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 88 (1): 75 - 80. |
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Rauter C.M., Brodmann P.A. & Reyer H.U. (2000) Provisioning behaviour in relation to food availability and nestling food demand in the Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta. ARDEA 88 (1): 81 - 90. |
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Klemp S. (2000) Effects of parental effort on second brood, moult and survival in the Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea. ARDEA 88 (1): 91 - 98. |
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Perdeck A.C., Visser M.E. & van Balen J.H. (2000) Great Tit Parus major survival and the beech crop cycle. ARDEA 88 (1): 99 - 106. |
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Alvarez F. (2000) Clutches of Rufous Bush Chats Cercotrichas galactotes parasitised by Cuckoos Cuculus canorus contain larger eggs. ARDEA 88 (1): 109 - 112. |
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Drent R.H. (2000) Dropping the pilot: Gerard Baerends 1916-1999. ARDEA 88 (1): 113 - 118. |
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Kristiansen J.N., Fox T. & Nachman G. (2000) Does size matter? Maximising nutrient and biomass intake by shoot size selection amongst herbivorous geese. ARDEA 88 (2): 119 - 125. |
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Velando A., Graves J. & Freire J. (2000) Sex-specific growth in the European Shag Stictocarbo aristotelis, a sexually dimorphic seabird. ARDEA 88 (2): 127 - 136. |
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Johnstone I. & Norris K. (2000) Not all Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus select the most profitable Common Cockles Cerastoderma edule: A difference between feeding methods. ARDEA 88 (2): 137 - 153. |
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Kis J., Liker A. & Szekely T. (2000) Nest defence by Lapwings: Observations on natural behaviour and an experiment. ARDEA 88 (2): 155 - 163. |
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Nebel S., Piersma T., Van Gils J., Dekinga A. & Spaans B. (2000) Length of stopover, fuel storage and a sex-bias in the occurrence of Red Knots Calidris c. canutus and C. c. islandica in the Wadden Sea during southward migration. ARDEA 88 (2): 165 - 176. |
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Masero J.A., Perez-Hurtado A., Castro M. & Arroyo G.M. (2000) Complementary use of intertidal mudflats and adjacent salinas by foraging waders. ARDEA 88 (2): 177 - 191. |
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Kraaijeveld K. & Nieboer E.N. (2000) Late Quaternary paleogeography and evolution of arctic breeding waders. ARDEA 88 (2): 193 - 205. |
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Bertellotti M. & Yorio P. (2000) Age-related feeding behaviour and foraging efficiency in Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus attending coastal trawlers in Argentina. ARDEA 88 (2): 207 - 214. |
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Thessing A. (2000) Growth and final size of Willow Tit Parus montanus under different environmental conditions. ARDEA 88 (2): 215 - 224. |
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Weidinger K. (2000) The breeding performance of Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla in two types of forest habitat. ARDEA 88 (2): 225 - 233. |
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Fernandez-Juricic E. (2000) Forest fragmentation affects winter flock formation of an insectivorous guild. ARDEA 88 (2): 235 - 241. |
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Almeida J. & Granadeiro J.P. (2000) Seasonal variation of foraging niches in a guild of passerine birds in a cork-oak woodland. ARDEA 88 (2): 243 - 252. |
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Kristiansen J.N. & Petersen B.M. (2000) Remote sensing as a technique to asses reedbed suitability for nesting Greylag Geese Anser anser. ARDEA 88 (2): 253 - 257. |
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Margalida A. & Bertran J. (2000) Nest-building behaviour of the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus. ARDEA 88 (2): 259 - 264. |
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Kraaijeveld K. (2000) The phylogenetic species concept and its place in modern evolutionary thinking. ARDEA 88 (2): 265 - 267. |
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Bakker L., Van Der Wal R., Esselink P. & Siepel A. (1999) Exploitation of a new staging area in the Dutch Wadden Sea by Greylag Geese Anser anser: The importance of food-plant dynamics. ARDEA 87 (1): 1 - 13. |
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De Leeuw J.J. (1999) Food intake rates and habitat segregation of Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula and Scaup Aythya marila exploiting Zebra Mussels Dreissena polymorpha. ARDEA 87 (1): 15 - 31. |
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Duettmann H., Dieleman S. & Groothuis T.G. (1999) Timing of moult in male and female Shelducks Tadorna tadorna: Effects of androgens and mates. ARDEA 87 (1): 33 - 39. |
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Veit R.R. (1999) Behavioural responses by foraging Petrels to swarms of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba. ARDEA 87 (1): 41 - 50. |
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Velando A., Ortega-Ruano J.E. & Freire J. (1999) Chick mortality in European Shag Stictocarbo aristotelis related to food limitations during adverse weather events. ARDEA 87 (1): 51 - 59. |
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Keller T.M. & Visser G.H. (1999) Daily energy expenditure of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis wintering at Lake Chiemsee, Southern Germany. ARDEA 87 (1): 61 - 69. |
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Serra L., Whitelaw D.A., Tree A.J. & Underhill L.G. (1999) Moult, mass and migration of Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola wintering in South Africa. ARDEA 87 (1): 71 - 81. |
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Bosch M. & Figuerola J. (1999) Detrimental effects of ticks Ornithodoros maritimus on the growth of Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis chicks. ARDEA 87 (1): 83 - 89. |
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Roulin A., Ducrest A.L. & Dijkstra C. (1999) Effect of brood size manipulations on parents and offspring in the Barn Owl Tyto alba. ARDEA 87 (1): 91 - 100. |
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Grendstad L.C., Moksnes A. & Roskaft E. (1999) Do strategies against conspecific brood parasitism occur in Redwings Turdus iliacus? ARDEA 87 (1): 101 - 111. |
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Foppen R., Ter Braak C.J., Verboom J. & Reijnen R. (1999) Dutch Sedge Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus and West-African rainfall: Empirical data and simulation modelling show low population resilience in fragmented marshlands. ARDEA 87 (1): 113 - 127. |
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Akesson S. (1999) Do passerine migrants captured at an inland site perform temporary reverse migration in autumn? ARDEA 87 (1): 129 - 137. |
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Sangster G., Hazevoet C.J., Van Den Berg A.B., Kees-Roselaar C.S. & Sluys R. (1999) Dutch avifaunal list: Species concepts, taxonomic instability, and taxonomic changes in 1977-1998. ARDEA 87 (1): 139 - 165. |
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Camphuysen C.J. & Webb A. (1999) Multi-species feeding associations in North Sea seabirds: Jointly exploiting a patchy environment. ARDEA 87 (2): 177 - 198. |
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Bruinzeel L.W., Piersma T. & Kersten M. (1999) Low costs of terrestrial locomotion in waders. ARDEA 87 (2): 199 - 205. |
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Storch S., Gremillet D. & Culik B.M. (1999) The telltale heart: A non-invasive method to determine the energy expenditure of incubating Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo. ARDEA 87 (2): 207 - 215. |
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Deerenberg C. & Hafner H. (1999) Fluctuation in population size and colony dynamics in the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea in Mediterranean France. ARDEA 87 (2): 217 - 226. |
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Garthe S., Freyer T., Hueppop O. & Woelke D. (1999) Breeding Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus graellsii and Herring Gulls Larus argentatus: Coexistence or competition? ARDEA 87 (2): 227 - 236. |
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Roulin A. (1999) Natural and experimental nest-switching in Barn Owl Tyto alba fledglings. ARDEA 87 (2): 237 - 246. |
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Roedl T. (1999) Environmental factors determine numbers of overwintering European Stonechats Saxicola rubicola: A long-term study. ARDEA 87 (2): 247 - 259. |
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Fargallo J.A. & Merino S. (1999) Brood size manipulation modifies the intensity of infection by Haematozoa in female Blue Tits Parus caeruleus. ARDEA 87 (2): 261 - 268. |
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Figuerola J., Senar J.C. & Pascual J. (1999) The use of a colorimeter in field studies of Blue Tit Parus caeruleus coloration. ARDEA 87 (2): 269 - 275. |
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Domenech J. & Senar J.C. (1999) Are foraging Serin Serinus serinus females more vigilant than males? The effect of sex ratio. ARDEA 87 (2): 277 - 284. |
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Hernandez-Carrasquilla F., Tyrberg T. & den-Driesch A. (1999) A record of Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus from medieval Spain. ARDEA 87 (2): 285 - 288. |
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Tomkovich P.S. & Serra L. (1999) Morphometrics and prediction of breeding origin in some Holarctic Waders. ARDEA 87 (2): 289 - 300. |
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Both C. (1999) Bird population studies in the light of density dependence. ARDEA 87 (2): 301 - 304. |
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D'Elbee J. & Hemery G. (1998) Diet and foraging behaviour of the British Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in the Bay of Biscay during summer. ARDEA 86 (1): 1 - 10. |
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Spaans B., Blijleven H., Popov I.U., Rykhlikova M.E. & Ebbinge B.S. (1998) Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla forego breeding when Arctic foxes Alopex lagopus are present during nest initiation. ARDEA 86 (1): 11 - 20. |
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Newton I. & Rothery P. (1998) Age-related trends in the breeding success of individual female Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 86 (1): 21 - 31. |
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Hoetker H. (1998) Intraspecific variation in length of incubation period of Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta. ARDEA 86 (1): 33 - 41. |
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Hegyi Z. & Sasvari L. (1998) Components of fitness in Lapwings Vanellus vanellus and Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa during the breeding season: Do female body mass and egg size matter? ARDEA 86 (1): 43 - 50. |
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Summers R.W., Piersma T., Strann K.B. & Wiersma P. (1998) How do Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima survive the winter north of the Arctic circle? ARDEA 86 (1): 51 - 58. |
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Dierschke V. (1998) High profit at high risk for juvenile Dunlins Calidris alpina stopping over at helgoland (German Bight). ARDEA 86 (1): 59 - 69. |
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Kersten M., Bruinzeel L.W., Wiersma P. & Piersma T. (1998) Reduced basal metabolic rate of migratory waders wintering in coastal Africa. ARDEA 86 (1): 71 - 80. |
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Sanz J.J. (1998) Effect of habitat and latitude on nestling diet of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 86 (1): 81 - 88. |
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Wesolowski T. (1998) Timing and synchronisation of breeding in a Marsh Tit Parus palustris population from a primaeval forest. ARDEA 86 (1): 89 - 100. |
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Sanz J.J., Tinbergen J.M., Orell M. & Rytkonen S. (1998) Daily energy expenditure during brood rearing of Great Tits Parus major in northern Finland. ARDEA 86 (1): 101 - 107. |
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Carlson A., Sandstrom U. & Olsson K. (1998) Availability and use of natural tree holes by cavity nesting birds in a Swedish deciduous forest. ARDEA 86 (1): 109 - 119. |
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Fischbacher M., Naef-Daenzer B. & Naef-Daenzer L. (1998) Estimating caterpillar density on trees by collection of frass droppings. ARDEA 86 (1): 121 - 129. |
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Kristiansen J.N. (1998) Egg predation in reedbed nesting Greylag Geese Anser anser in Vejlerne, Denmark. ARDEA 86 (2): 137 - 145. |
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Adriaensen F., Verwimp N. & Dhondt A.A. (1998) Between cohort variation in dispersal distance in the European Kestrel Falco tinnunculus as shown by ringing recoveries. ARDEA 86 (2): 147 - 152. |
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Schekkerman H., Van Roomen M.W.J. & Underhill L.G. (1998) Growth, behaviour of broods and weather-related variation in breeding productivity of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea. ARDEA 86 (2): 153 - 168. |
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Thomson D.L., Furness R.W. & Monaghan P. (1998) Field metabolic rates of Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla during incubation and chick rearing. ARDEA 86 (2): 169 - 175. |
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Palomino J.J., Martin-Vivaldi M., Soler M. & Soler J.J. (1998) Functional significance of nest size variation in the Rufous Bush Robin Cercotrichas galactotes. ARDEA 86 (2): 177 - 185. |
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Graveland J. (1998) Reed die-back, water level management and the decline of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in The Netherlands. ARDEA 86 (2): 187 - 201. |
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Slagsvold T. & Johansen M.A. (1998) Mass loss in female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca during late incubation: Supplementation fails to support the reproductive stress hypothesis. ARDEA 86 (2): 203 - 211. |
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Monros J.S., Belda E.J. & Barba E. (1998) Delays of the hatching dates in Great Tits Parus major: Effects on breeding performance. ARDEA 86 (2): 213 - 220. |
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Liebers D. & Peter H.U. (1998) Intraspecific interactions in Jackdaws Corvus monedula: A field study combined with parentage analysis. ARDEA 86 (2): 221 - 235. |
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Blanco G., Cuevas J.A. & Fargallo J.A. (1998) Breeding density and distribution of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax nesting in river cliffs: The role of nest-site availability. ARDEA 86 (2): 237 - 244. |
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Figuerola J. & Gutierrez R. (1998) Sexual differences in levels of blood carotenoids in Cirl Buntings Emberiza cirlus. ARDEA 86 (2): 245 - 248. |
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Ericson P.G.P. & Hernandez-Carrasquilla F. (1997) Subspecific identity of prehistoric Baltic Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. ARDEA 85 (1): 1 - 7. |
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Suter W. (1997) Roach rules: Shoaling fish are a constant factor in the diet of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbox in Switzerland. ARDEA 85 (1): 9 - 27. |
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Hedenstrom A. (1997) Predicted and observed migration speed in Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. ARDEA 85 (1): 29 - 36. |
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Dijkstra C. & Zijlstra M. (1997) Reproduction of the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in recent land reclamations in The Netherlands. ARDEA 85 (1): 37 - 50. |
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Brinkhof M.W.G. (1997) Seasonal variation in food supply and breeding success in European Coots Fulica atra. ARDEA 85 (1): 51 - 65. |
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Pulliainen E. & Saari L. (1997) Attendance at the nest of polyandrous Dotterel Charadrius morinellus in Finland. ARDEA 85 (1): 67 - 71. |
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Reinhardt K. (1997) Breeding success of southern hemisphere skuas Catharacta spp.: The influence of latitude. ARDEA 85 (1): 73 - 82. |
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Bollman K., Reyer H.U. & Brodmann P.A. (1997) Territory quality and reproductive success: Can water pipits Anthus spinoletta assess the relationship reliably? ARDEA 85 (1): 83 - 98. |
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Lambrechts M.M. (1997) Song frequency plasticity and composition of phrase versions in Great Tits Parus major. ARDEA 85 (1): 99 - 109. |
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Verhulst S. & Tinbergen J.M. (1997) Clutch size and parental effort in the Great Tit Parus major. ARDEA 85 (1): 111 - 126. |
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Veit R.R. (1997) Symposium for XXI international congress, Vienna, Austria, August 1994. ARDEA 85 (1): 127 - 127. |
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Veit R.R. & Prince P.A. (1997) Individual and population level dispersal of Black-browed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and Grey-headed Albatrosses D. chrysostoma in response to Antarctic krill. ARDEA 85 (1): 129 - 134. |
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Veit R.R. (1997) Long-distance dispersal and population growth of the Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. ARDEA 85 (1): 135 - 143. |
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Morton M.L. (1997) Natal and breeding dispersal in the mount White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha. ARDEA 85 (1): 145 - 154. |
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Wingfield J.C. & Ramenofsky M. (1997) Corticosterone and facultative dispersal in responses to unpredictable events. ARDEA 85 (1): 155 - 166. |
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Loonen M.J.J.E., Oosterbeek K. & Drent R.H. (1997) Variation in growth of young and adult size in Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis: Evidence for density dependence. ARDEA 85 (2): 177 - 192. |
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Le-Court C. & Aguilera E. (1997) Dispersal and migration in Eurasian Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia. ARDEA 85 (2): 193 - 202. |
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Pasinelli G. & Hegelbach J. (1997) Characteristics of trees preferred by foraging Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in northern Switzerland. ARDEA 85 (2): 203 - 209. |
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Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1997) The effect of supplemental food on time budget and body condition in the Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros. ARDEA 85 (2): 211 - 221. |
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Laursen K., Holm E. & Sorensen I. (1997) Pollen as a marker in migratory warblers, Sylviidae. ARDEA 85 (2): 223 - 231. |
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Saetre G.P., Slagsvold T., Kruszewicz A. & Viljugrein H. (1997) Paternal care in Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca: Energy expenditure in relation to plumage colour and mating status. ARDEA 85 (2): 233 - 242. |
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Bauchau V. (1997) Do parasitic mites decrease growth of nestling Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca? ARDEA 85 (2): 243 - 247. |
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Brotons L. (1997) Changes in foraging behaviour of the Coal Tit Parus ater due to snow cover. ARDEA 85 (2): 249 - 257. |
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Nour N., Suhonen J., Van Damme R., Matthysen E. & Dhondt A.A. (1997) Does the dominant Nuthatch Sitta europaea affect the foraging behaviour of the subordinate treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla in small forest fragments? ARDEA 85 (2): 259 - 267. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Senar J.C. & Pascual J. (1997) Keel and tarsus length may provide a good predictor of avian body size. ARDEA 85 (2): 269 - 274. |
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Mitchell C. (1997) Re-mating in migratory Wigeon Anas penelope. ARDEA 85 (2): 275 - 277. |
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Illera J.C. & Atienza J.C. (1997) Blue tits Parus caeruleus exploiting Gum Cistus capsules Cistus ladanifer as sources of arthropod food. ARDEA 85 (2): 279 - 281. |
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Drent R.H. (1996) Foreword: foreward, ever onwards. ARDEA 84 (A): 0 - 0. |
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Discriminating the sex of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 1 - 12. |
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Liechti F., Ehrich D. & Bruderer B. (1996) Flight behaviour of White Stork Ciconia ciconia on their migration over southern Israel. ARDEA 84 (1): 3 - 13. |
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Weight loss in Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus at the high roost. ARDEA 84 (A): 13 - 20. |
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Kahlert J., Fox A.D. & Ettrup H. (1996) Nocturnal feeding in moulting Greylag Geese Anser anser- An anti-predator response? ARDEA 84 (1): 15 - 22. |
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Body weight in relation to variation in body size of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 21 - 28. |
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Nehls G. (1996) Low costs of salt turnover in Common Eiders Somateria mollissima. ARDEA 84 (1): 23 - 30. |
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Exo K.M., Scheiffarth G. & Haesihus U. (1996) The application of motion sensitive transmitters to record activity and foraging patterns of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 29 - 38. |
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Meltofte H. (1996) Are African wintering waders really forced south by competition from northerly wintering conspecifics? Benefits and constraints of northern versus southern wintering and breeding in waders. ARDEA 84 (1): 31 - 44. |
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van der Meer J., Duin R.N.M. & Meininger P.L. (1996) Statistical analysis of long-term monthly Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus counts. ARDEA 84 (A): 39 - 55. |
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Gronstol G.B. (1996) Aerobatic components in the song-flight display of male Lapwings Vanellus vanellus as cues in female choice. ARDEA 84 (1): 45 - 55. |
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Turpie J.K. & Hockey P.A.R. (1996) Foraging ecology and seasonal energy budgets of estuarine Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola and Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus at the Southern tip of Africa. ARDEA 84 (1): 57 - 74. |
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Kersten M. & Visser W. (1996) Food intake by Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus by day and by night measured with an electronic nest balance. ARDEA 84 (A): 57 - 72. |
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Ens B.J., Bunskoeke E.J., Hoekstra R., Hulscher J.B., Kersten M. & de Vlas S.J. (1996) Prey choice and search speed: why simple optimality fails to explain the prey choice of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica. ARDEA 84 (A): 73 - 89. |
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Cadee N., Piersma T. & Daan S. (1996) Endogenous circannual rhythmicity in a non-passerine migrant, the Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 84 (1): 75 - 84. |
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Tomkovich P.S. & Soloviev M.Y. (1996) Distribution, migrations and biometrics of Knots Calidris canutus canutus on Taimyr, Siberia. ARDEA 84 (1): 85 - 98. |
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Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J., Hulscher J.B. & de Vlas S.J. (1996) Why do Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus switch from feeding on Baltic Tellin Macoma balthica to feeding on the Ragworm Nereis diversicolor during the breeding season? ARDEA 84 (A): 91 - 104. |
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Cherubini G., Serra L. & Baccetti N. (1996) Primary moult, body mass and moult migration of Little Tern Sterna albifrons in NE Italy. ARDEA 84 (1): 99 - 114. |
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de Vlas S.J., Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J. & Hulscher J.B. (1996) Tidal changes in the choice of Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica as main prey species in de diet of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 105 - 116. |
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Nager R.G. & Wiersma P. (1996) Physiological adjustment to heat in Blue Tit Parus caeruleus nestlings from a Mediterranean habitat. ARDEA 84 (1): 115 - 125. |
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Hulscher J.B., Alting D., Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J. & Heg D. (1996) Subtle differences between male and female Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus in feeding on the bivalve Macoma balthica. ARDEA 84 (A): 117 - 130. |
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Horak P. & Tammaru T. (1996) Between-year variation in breeding conditions biases heritability estimates for body size in birds. ARDEA 84 (1): 127 - 135. |
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Hulsman K., Zalucki M.P. & Iedema A. (1996) Searching behaviour and diet of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus pairs feeding in their territories. ARDEA 84 (A): 131 - 139. |
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Meire P.M. (1996) Using optimal foraging theory to determine the density of Mussels Mytilus edulis that can be harvested by hammering Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 141 - 152. |
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Durell S.E.A. le V.Dit, Goss-Custard J.D. & Perez-Hurtado A. (1996) The efficiency of juvenile Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Ragworms Nereis diversicolor. ARDEA 84 (A): 153 - 157. |
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Ens B.J., Dirksen S., Smit C.J. & Bunskoeke E.J. (1996) Seasonal changes in size selection and intake rate of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule. ARDEA 84 (A): 159 - 176. |
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Wanink J.H. & Zwarts L. (1996) Can food specialization by individual Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus be explained by differences in prey specific handling efficiencies? ARDEA 84 (A): 177 - 198. |
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Goss-Custard J.D., West A.D., Caldow R.W.G. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) An emperical optimality model to predict the intake rates of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Mussels Mytilus edulis. ARDEA 84 (A): 199 - 214. |
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Ens B.J. & Alting D. (1996) Prey selection of a captive Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 215 - 219. |
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Zwarts L. & Blomert A.M. (1996) Daily metabolized energy consumption of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on larvae of the crane fly Tipula paludosa. ARDEA 84 (A): 221 - 228. |
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Zwarts L., Ens B.J., Goss-Custard J.D., Hulscher J.B. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) Causes of variation in prey profitability and its consequences for the intake rate of the Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 229 - 268. |
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Zwarts L., Ens B.J., Goss-Custard J.D., Hulscher J.B. & Kersten M. (1996) Why Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus cannot meet their daily energy requirements in a single low water period. ARDEA 84 (A): 269 - 290. |
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Kersten M. (1996) Time and energy budgets of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus occupying territories of different quality. ARDEA 84 (A): 291 - 310. |
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Leopold M.F., van Elk J.F. & van Heezik Y.M. (1996) Central place foraging in Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: can parents that transport Mussels Mytilus edulis to their young profit from size selection? ARDEA 84 (A): 311 - 325. |
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K., Piersma T. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Seasonal and annual variation in body weight, nutrient stores and mortality of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 327 - 356. |
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K., & Zegers P.M. (1996) Short-term variation in the body weight of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: effect of exposure time by day and night, temperature and wind force . ARDEA 84 (A): 357 - 372. |
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Durell S.E.A. le V. dit & Goss-Custard J.D. (1996) Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus sex ratios on the wintering grounds: the case of the Exe estuary. ARDEA 84 (A): 373 - 381. |
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Durell S.E.A. le V. dit, Ormerod S.J. & Dare P.J. (1996) Differences in population structure between two Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus roosts on the Burry Inlet, South Wales. ARDEA 84 (A): 383 - 388. |
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Caldow R.W.G. & Goss-Custard J.D. (1996) Temporal variation in the social rank of adult Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 389 - 399. |
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Zwarts L., Wannink J.H. & Ens B.J. (1996) Predicting seasonal and annual fluctuations in the local exploitation of different prey by Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: a ten-year study in the Wadden Sea. ARDEA 84 (A): 401 - 440. |
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Ens B.J., Merck T., Smit C.J. & Bunskoeke E.J. (1996) Functional and numerical response of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on shellfish populations. ARDEA 84 (A): 441 - 452. |
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Goss-Custard J.D., McGrorty S. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) The effect of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on shellfish populations. ARDEA 84 (A): 453 - 468. |
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Camphuysen C.J., Ens B.J., Heg D., Hulscher J.B., van der Meer J. & Smit C.J. (1996) Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus winter mortality in The Netherlands: the effect of severe weather and food supply. ARDEA 84 (A): 469 - 492. |
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Ens B.J. & Alting D. (1996) The effect of an experimentally created mussel bed on bird densities and food intake of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A): 493 - 507. |
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Meire P.M. (1996) Feeding behaviour of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus during a period of tidal manipulations. ARDEA 84 (A): 509 - 524. |
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Meire P.M. (1996) Distribution of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus over a tidal flat in relation to their main prey species, Cockles Cerastoderma edule and Mussels Mytilus edulis: did it change after a substantial habitat loss? ARDEA 84 (A): 525 - 538. |
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Van Eerden M.R., Koffijberg K. & Platteeuw M. (1995) Riding on the crest of the wave: Possibilities and limitations for a thriving population of migratory Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in man-dominated wetlands. ARDEA 83 (1): 1 - 9. |
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Kortlandt A. (1995) Patterns of pair-formation and nest-building in the European Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. ARDEA 83 (1): 11 - 25. |
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Sellers R.M. (1995) Wing-spreading behaviour of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. ARDEA 83 (1): 27 - 36. |
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Koffijberg K. & Van Eerden M.R. (1995) Sexual dimorphism in the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis: Possible implications for differences in structural size. ARDEA 83 (1): 37 - 46. |
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Debout G., Rov N. & Sellers R.M. (1995) Status and population development of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo breeding on the Atlantic coast of Europe. ARDEA 83 (1): 47 - 59. |
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Van Eerden M.R. & Gregersen J. (1995) Long-term changes in the northwest European population of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. ARDEA 83 (1): 61 - 79. |
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Lindell L., Mellin M., Musil P., Przybysz J. & Zimmerman H. (1995) Status and population development of breeding Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis of the central European flyway. ARDEA 83 (1): 81 - 92. |
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Kirby J.S., Gilburn A.S. & Sellers R.M. (1995) Status distribution and habitat use by Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo wintering in Britain. ARDEA 83 (1): 93 - 102. |
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Marion L. (1995) Where two subspecies meet: Origin, habitat choice and niche segregation of Cormorant Phalacrocorax c. carbo and P. c. sinensis in the common wintering area France, in relation to breeding isolation in Europe. ARDEA 83 (1): 103 - 114. |
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De Nie H. (1995) Changes in the inland fish populations in Europe in relation to the increase of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. ARDEA 83 (1): 115 - 122. |
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Zijlstra M. & Van Eerden M.R. (1995) Pellet production and the use of otoliths in determining the diet of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis: Trials with captive birds. ARDEA 83 (1): 123 - 131. |
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Trauttmansdorff J. & Wassermann G. (1995) Number of pellets produced by immature Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. ARDEA 83 (1): 133 - 134. |
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Veldkamp R. (1995) The use of chewing pads for estimating the consumption of cyprinids by Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. ARDEA 83 (1): 135 - 138. |
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Van Dobben W.H. (1995) The food of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis: Old and new research compared. ARDEA 83 (1): 139 - 142. |
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Veldkamp R. (1995) Diet of Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis at Wanneperveen, The Netherlands, with special reference to Bream Abramis brama. ARDEA 83 (1): 143 - 155. |
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Warke G.A. & Day K.R. (1995) Changes in abundance of cyprinid and percid prey affect rate of predation by Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo on Salmon Salmo salar smolt in northern Ireland. ARDEA 83 (1): 157 - 166. |
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Dirksen S., Boudewijn T.J., Noordhuis R. & Marteijn E.C.L. (1995) Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in shallow eutrophic freshwater lakes: Prey choice and fish consumption in the non-breeding period and effects of large-scale fish removal. ARDEA 83 (1): 167 - 184. |
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Keller T. (1995) Food of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis wintering in Bavaria, southern Germany. ARDEA 83 (1): 185 - 192. |
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Richner H. (1995) Wintering Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo in the Ythan estuary, Scotland: Numerical and behavioural responses to fluctuating prey availability. ARDEA 83 (1): 193 - 197. |
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Van Eerden M.R. & Voslamber B. (1995) Mass fishing by Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis at lake Ijsselmeer, The Netherlands: A recent and successful adaptation to a turbid environment. ARDEA 83 (1): 199 - 212. |
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Voslamber B., Platteeuw M. & Van Eerden M.R. (1995) Solitary foraging in sand pits by breeding Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis: Does specialised knowledge about fishing sites and fish behaviour pay off? ARDEA 83 (1): 213 - 222. |
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Platteeuw M. & Van Eerden M.R. (1995) Time and energy constraints of fishing behaviour in breeding Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis at lake Ijsselmeer, The Netherlands. ARDEA 83 (1): 223 - 234. |
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Platteeuw M., Koffijberg K. & Dubbeldam W. (1995) Growth of Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis chicks in relation to brood size, age ranking and parental fishing effort. ARDEA 83 (1): 235 - 245. |
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Musil P., Janda J. & De Nie H. (1995) Changes in abundance and selection of foraging habitat in Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in south Bohemia (Czech Republic). ARDEA 83 (1): 247 - 253. |
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Suter W. (1995) Are Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo wintering in Switzerland approaching carrying capacity? An analysis of increase patterns and habitat choice. ARDEA 83 (1): 255 - 266. |
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Yesou P. (1995) Individual migration strategies in Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo passing through or wintering in western France. ARDEA 83 (1): 267 - 274. |
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Reymond A. & Zuchuat O. (1995) Axial migration routes in Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo passing through or wintering in Switzerland. ARDEA 83 (1): 275 - 280. |
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Reymond A. & Zuchuat O. (1995) Perch fidelity of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo outside the breeding season. ARDEA 83 (1): 281 - 284. |
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Van Eerden M.R. & Munsterman M.J. (1995) Sex and age dependent distribution in wintering Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in western Europe. ARDEA 83 (1): 285 - 297. |
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Van Den Berg M., Craane L.J., Van Mourik S. & Brouwer A. (1995) The (possible) impact of chlorinated dioxins (PCDDS), dibenzofurans (PCDFS) and biphenyls (PCBS) on the reproduction of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo: An ecotoxicological approach. ARDEA 83 (1): 299 - 313. |
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Platteeuw M., Van Eerden M.R. & Van de Guchte K. (1995) Variation in contaminant content of livers from Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis living nearby a polluted sedimentation area in lake Ijsselmeer, The Netherlands. ARDEA 83 (1): 315 - 324. |
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Boudewijn T.J. & Dirksen S. (1995) Impact of contaminants on the breeding success of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in The Netherlands. ARDEA 83 (1): 325 - 338. |
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Wiersma P., Piersma T. & Van Eerden M.R. (1995) Food intake of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus wintering on cold water as a function of various cost factors. ARDEA 83 (2): 339 - 350. |
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Summers R.W., Underhill L.G. & Prys-Jones R.P. (1995) Why do young waders in southern Africa delay their first return migration to the breeding grounds? ARDEA 83 (2): 351 - 357. |
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Scott I.A., Mitchell P.I. & Evans P.R. (1995) The reliability of fat scores as predictors of the mass of fat carried by individual birds. ARDEA 83 (2): 359 - 363. |
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Camphuysen C.J. (1995) Herring Gull Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gull L. fuscus feeding at fishing vessels in the breeding season: Competitive scavenging versus efficient flying. ARDEA 83 (2): 365 - 380. |
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Cresswell W. (1995) Selection of avian prey by wintering Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus in Southern Scotland. ARDEA 83 (2): 381 - 389. |
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Moreno E. & Carrascal L.M. (1995) Hoarding Nuthatches spend more time hiding a husked seed than an unhusked seed. ARDEA 83 (2): 391 - 395. |
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Koivula K., Rytkonen S. & Orell M. (1995) Hunger-dependency of hiding behaviour after a predator attack in dominant and subordinate Willow Tits. ARDEA 83 (2): 397 - 404. |
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Erez A. & Yom-Tov Y. (1995) Reproduction of a Hooded Crow Corvus corone population in Israel. ARDEA 83 (2): 405 - 409. |
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Ludvig E., Vanicsek L., Torok J. & Csorgo T. (1995) The effect of nest-height on the seasonal pattern of breeding success in Blackbirds Turdus merula. ARDEA 83 (2): 411 - 418. |
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Veistola S., Lehikoinen E. & Iso-Iivari L. (1995) Breeding biology of the Great Tit Parus major in a marginal population in northernmost Finland. ARDEA 83 (2): 419 - 420. |
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Sanz J.J. (1995) Environmental restrictions on reproduction in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 83 (2): 421 - 430. |
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Cuadrado M. (1995) Female-like plumage does not reduce aggression from adult male Black Redstarts Phoenicurus ochrurus in winter. ARDEA 83 (2): 431 - 434. |
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Tella J.L., Gortazar C., Gajon A. & Osacar J.J. (1995) Apparent lack of effects of a high louse-fly infestation (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) on adult colonial Alpine Swifts. ARDEA 83 (2): 435 - 439. |
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De Bruijn O. (1994) Population ecology and conservation of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in farmland habitats in Liemers and Achterhoek (The Netherlands). ARDEA 82 (1): 1 - 109. |
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Bruderer B., Blitzblau S. & Peter D. (1994) Migration and flight behaviour of Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus in Southern Israel observed by radar. ARDEA 82 (1): 111 - 122. |
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Mckay H., Bishop J.D. & Ennis D.C. (1994) The possible importance of nutritional requirements for Dark-bellied Brent Geese in the seasonal shift from winter cereals to pasture. ARDEA 82 (1): 123 - 132. |
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Moreira F. (1994) Diet and feeding rates of knots Calidris canutus in the Tagus estuary (Portugal). ARDEA 82 (1): 133 - 135. |
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Salvig J.C., Asbirk S., Kjeldsen J.P. & Rasmussen P.A.F. (1994) Wintering waders in the Bijagos Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau 1992-1993. ARDEA 82 (1): 137 - 141. |
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McNeil R., Diaz M.T. & Villeneuve A. (1994) The mystery of shorebird over-summering: A new hypothesis. ARDEA 82 (1): 143 - 151. |
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Marks J.S. & Underhill L.G. (1994) Moult, migration and mass of a handicapped Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis. ARDEA 82 (1): 153 - 155. |
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Senar J.C., Copete J.L., Domenech J. & Von Walter G. (1994) Prevalence of louse-flies Diptera, Hippoboscidae parasitizing a cardueline finch and its effect on body condition. ARDEA 82 (1): 157 - 160. |
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Moller A.P. (1994) Parasites as an environmental component of reproduction in birds as exemplified by the swallow Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 82 (1): 161 - 171. |
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Hartley I.R. & Shepherd M. (1994) Nesting success in relation to timing of breeding in the Corn Bunting on North Uist. ARDEA 82 (1): 173 - 183. |
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Kempenaers B., Plompen W. & Briskie J.V. (1994) Patterns of sperm storage in two species of tits. ARDEA 82 (1): 185 - 191. |
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Rolando A. & Laiolo P. (1994) Habitat selection of Hooded and Carrion Crows in the alpine hybrid zone. ARDEA 82 (1): 193 - 199. |
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Tulp I., McChesney S. & De Goeij P. (1994) Migratory departures of waders from northwestern Australia: Behaviour, timing and possible migration routes. ARDEA 82 (2): 201 - 221. |
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Brouwer A. & Spaans A.L. (1994) Egg predation in the Herring Gull Larus argentatus: Why does it vary so much between nests? ARDEA 82 (2): 223 - 230. |
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Ganter B. (1994) Site tenacity and mobility of staging Barnacle Geese. ARDEA 82 (2): 231 - 240. |
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Bowler J.M. (1994) The condition of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii in winter as assessed by their abdominal profiles. ARDEA 82 (2): 241 - 248. |
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Green D.J. & Ydenberg R.C. (1994) Energetic expenditure of male Ospreys provisioning natural and manipulated broods. ARDEA 82 (2): 249 - 262. |
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Negro J.J., Bildstein K.L. & Bird D.M. (1994) Effects of food deprivation and handling stress on fault-bar formation in nestling American kestrels: Falco sparverius. ARDEA 82 (2): 263 - 267. |
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Alvarez F. (1994) Cuckoo predation on nests of nearest neighbours of parasitized nests. ARDEA 82 (2): 269 - 270. |
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Prins T.G. (1994) First record of Redwing Turdus iliacus from Novaya Zemlya, Russia. ARDEA 82 (2): 271 - 271. |
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Rendell W.B. & Robertson R.J. (1994) Defense of extra nest-sites by a cavity nesting bird, the Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor. ARDEA 82 (2): 273 - 285. |
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Heeb P. (1994) Intraclutch egg-mass variation and hatching asynchrony in the Jackdaw Corvus monedula. ARDEA 82 (2): 287 - 297. |
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Graveland J. & Van Gijzen T. (1994) Arthropods and seeds are not sufficient as calcium sources for shell formation and skeletal growth in passerines. ARDEA 82 (2): 299 - 314. |
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Nager R.G. & Zandt H.S. (1994) Variation in egg size in Great Tits. ARDEA 82 (2): 315 - 328. |
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Barba E., Garcia D.M., Gil-Delgado J.A. & Lopez G.M. (1994) Moth abundance and breeding success in a Great Tit population where moths are the main nestling food. ARDEA 82 (2): 329 - 334. |
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Naef-Daenzer B. (1994) Radiotracking of Great and Blue Tits: New tools to assess territoriality, home-range use and resource distribution. ARDEA 82 (2): 335 - 347. |
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Keller L.F. & Van Noordwijk A.J. (1994) Effects of local environmental conditions on nestling growth in the Great Tit Parus major L. ARDEA 82 (2): 349 - 362. |
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Dias P.C., Meunier F., Beltra S. & Cartan-Son M. (1994) Blue Tits in Mediterranean habitat mosaics. ARDEA 82 (2): 363 - 372. |
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Piersma T. & Poot M. (1993) Where waders may parallel penguins: Spontaneous increase in locomotor activity triggered by fat depletion in a voluntarily fasting Knot. ARDEA 81 (1): 1 - 8. |
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Holmgren N., Ellegren H. & Pettersson J. (1993) Stopover length, body mass and fuel deposition rate in autumn migrating adult Dunlins Calidris alpina: Evaluating the effects of moulting status and age. ARDEA 81 (1): 9 - 20. |
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Earle R.A. & Underhill L.G. (1993) Absence of haematozoa in some Charadriiformes breeding in the Taimyr Peninsula, Russia. ARDEA 81 (1): 21 - 24. |
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Johnson A., Cezilly F. & Boy V. (1993) Plumage development and maturation in the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus. ARDEA 81 (1): 25 - 33. |
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Slagsvold T. (1993) Sex recognition and breast stripe size in Great Tits. ARDEA 81 (1): 35 - 41. |
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Monkkoenen M. & Koivula K. (1993) Neophobia and social learning of foraging skills in willow tits Parus montanus. ARDEA 81 (1): 43 - 45. |
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Smith RD., Marquiss M., Rae R. & Metcalfe N.B. (1993) Age and sex variation in choice of wintering site by Snow Buntings: The effect of altitude. ARDEA 81 (1): 47 - 52. |
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Delov V.G. (1993) A new heronry on the Sofia Plain. ARDEA 81 (1): 53 - 54. |
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Adriaensen F., Ulenaers P. & Dhondt A.A. (1993) Ringing recoveries and the increase in numbers of European Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus. ARDEA 81 (2): 59 - 70. |
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Ntiamoa-Baidu Y. (1993) Trends in the use of Ghanaian coastal wetlands by migrating Knots Calidris canutus. ARDEA 81 (2): 71 - 79. |
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Goede A.A. (1993) Longevity in homeotherms, the high lifespan and lifespan energy potential in charadriiformes. ARDEA 81 (2): 81 - 88. |
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Goede A.A. (1993) Variation in the energy intake of captive Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 81 (2): 89 - 97. |
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Berg A. (1993) Habitat selection by monogamous and polygamous Lapwings on farmland: The importance of foraging habitats and suitable nest sites. ARDEA 81 (2): 99 - 105. |
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Groen N.M. (1993) Breeding site tenacity and natal philopatry in the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa l. limosa. ARDEA 81 (2): 107 - 113. |
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Ramo C. (1993) Extra-pair copulations of Grey Herons nesting at high densities. ARDEA 81 (2): 115 - 120. |
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Sanchez-Lafuente A.M. (1993) Breeding systems related to incubation investment in the Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio (L.). ARDEA 81 (2): 121 - 124. |
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Pinxten R., Eens M. & Verheyen R.F. (1993) Male and female nest attendance during incubation in the facultatively polygynous European Starling. ARDEA 81 (2): 125 - 133. |
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Carrascal L.M. & Moreno E. (1993) Food caching versus immediate consumption in the Nuthatch: The effect of social context. ARDEA 81 (2): 135 - 141. |
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Soler J.J., Soler M., Gabriel-Martinez J. (1993) Grit ingestion and cereal consumption in five corvid species. ARDEA 81 (2): 143 - 149. |
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Rey P.J. (1993) The role of olive orchards in the wintering of frugivorous birds in Spain. ARDEA 81 (2): 151 - 159. |
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Blokpoel H. (1992) Population-dynamics of Lari in relation to food resources - general introduction. ARDEA 80 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Drent R.H. (1992) Energetic requirements of annual processes - introduction. ARDEA 80 (1): 3 - 4. |
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Drent R.H., Klaassen M. & Zwaan B. (1992) Predictive growth budgets in terns and gulls. ARDEA 80 (1): 5 - 17. |
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Klaassen M., Zwaan B., Heslenfeld P., Lucas P. & Luijckx B. (1992) Growth-rate associated changes in the energy-requirements of tern chicks. ARDEA 80 (1): 19 - 28. |
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Gabrielsen G.W., Klaassen M. & Mehlum F. (1992) Energetics of Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla chicks. ARDEA 80 (1): 29 - 40. |
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Monaghan P. (1992) Availability and exploitation of food resources - introduction. ARDEA 80 (1): 41 - 43. |
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Frank D. (1992) The influence of feeding conditions on food provisioning of chicks in Common Terns Sterna hirundo nesting in the German Wadden Sea. ARDEA 80 (1): 45 - 55. |
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Frank D. & Becker P.H. (1992) Body-mass and nest reliefs in Common Terns Sterna hirundo exposed to different feeding conditions. ARDEA 80 (1): 57 - 69. |
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Monaghan P., Uttley J.D. & Burns M.D. (1992) Effect of changes in food availability on reproductive effort in Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea. ARDEA 80 (1): 71 - 81. |
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Uttley J.D. (1992) Food-supply and allocation of parental effort in Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea. ARDEA 80 (1): 83 - 91. |
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Danchin E. (1992) Food shortage as a factor in the 1988 Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla breeding failure in Shetland. ARDEA 80 (1): 93 - 98. |
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Blokpoel H., Boersma DC., Hughes R.A. & Tessier G.D. (1992) Foraging by larids on Sand Crabs Emerita analoga along the coast of southern Peru. ARDEA 80 (1): 99 - 104. |
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Furness R.W., Ensor K. & Hudson A.V. (1992) The use of fishery waste by gull populations around the British isles. ARDEA 80 (1): 105 - 113. |
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Noordhuis R. & Spaans A.L. (1992) Interspecific competition for food between Herring Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls L fuscus in the Dutch Wadden Sea area. ARDEA 80 (1): 115 - 132. |
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Strann K.B. & Vader W. (1992) The nominate Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus fuscus, a gull with a tern-like feeding biology, and its recent decrease in northern Norway. ARDEA 80 (1): 133 - 142. |
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Pons J.M. (1992) Effects of changes in the availability of human refuse on breeding parameters in a Herring Gull Larus argentatus population in Brittany, France. ARDEA 80 (1): 143 - 150. |
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Van Klinken A. (1992) The impact of additional food provisioning on chick growth and breeding output in the Herring Gull Larus argentatus - a pilot experiment. ARDEA 80 (1): 151 - 155. |
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Danchin E. (1992) Modeling seabird populations and implications for management - Introduction. ARDEA 80 (1): 157 - 160. |
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Migot P. (1992) Demographic-changes in French Herring Gull Larus argentatus populations - a modeling approach and hypotheses concerning the regulation of numbers. ARDEA 80 (1): 161 - 169. |
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Danchin E. & Monnat J.Y. (1992) Population-dynamics modeling of two neighbouring Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla colonies. ARDEA 80 (1): 171 - 180. |
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Vermeer K. (1992) Population-growth of the Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens in the Strait of Georgia, British-Columbia, Canada. ARDEA 80 (1): 181 - 185. |
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Coulson J.C. & Demevergnies G.N. (1992) Where do young Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla breed, philopatry or dispersal. ARDEA 80 (1): 187 - 197. |
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Ebbinge B.S. (1992) Regulation of numbers of Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla on spring staging sites. ARDEA 80 (2): 203 - 228. |
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Suter W. & Van Eerden M.R. (1992) Simultaneous mass starvation of wintering diving ducks in Switzerland and The Netherlands a wrong decision in the right strategy? ARDEA 80 (2): 229 - 242. |
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Velasquez CR. & Hockey P.R. (1992) The importance of supratidal foraging habitats for waders at a south temperate estuary. ARDEA 80 (2): 243 - 253. |
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Ellegren H. (1992) Estimated effects of age and sex on the fat-free body mass of autumn migrating Bluethroats Luscinia svecica svecica. ARDEA 80 (2): 255 - 259. |
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Machmer M.M., Esselink H., Steeger C. & Ydenberg R.C. (1992) The occurrence of fault bars in the plumage of nestling Ospreys. ARDEA 80 (2): 261 - 272. |
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Mulder J.L. & Swaan A.H. (1992) Body-weight changes of egg-laying Curlews Numenius arquata as monitored by an automatic weighing system. ARDEA 80 (2): 273 - 279. |
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Fernandez C. (1992) New material supplies in the Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus sexual roles daily and seasonal activity patterns and rainfall influence. ARDEA 80 (2): 281 - 284. |
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Verhulst S. (1992) Effects of density beech crop and winter feeding on survival of juvenile Great Tits an analysis of Kluyver's removal experiment. ARDEA 80 (2): 285 - 292. |
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Soler M., Soler J.J. (1992) Latitudinal trends in clutch size in single brooded hole nesting bird species a new hypothesis. ARDEA 80 (2): 293 - 300. |
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Meijer T. (1992) Egg-laying patterns in captive Starlings. ARDEA 80 (2): 301 - 310. |
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Gudmundsson G.A. & Lindstrom A. (1992) Spring migration of Sanderlings Calidris alba through SW Iceland: Wherefrom and whereto? ARDEA 80 (3): 315 - 326. |
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Kalejta B. (1992) Time budgets and predatory impact of waders at the Berg River Estuary, South Africa. ARDEA 80 (3): 327 - 342. |
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Alonso J.C. & Alonso J.A. (1992) Daily activity and intake rate patterns of wintering Common Cranes Grus grus. ARDEA 80 (3): 343 - 351. |
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De Leeuw J.J. & Van Eerden M.R. (1992) Size selection in diving Tufted Ducks Aythya fuligula explained by differential handling of small and large mussels Dreissena polymorpha. ARDEA 80 (3): 353 - 362. |
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Swennen C. & Van Der Meer J. (1992) Variation in egg size of Common Eiders. ARDEA 80 (3): 363 - 373. |
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Hilgerloh G., Laty M. & Wiltschko W. (1992) Are the Pyrenees and the western Mediterranean barriers for trans-saharan migrants in spring? ARDEA 80 (3): 375 - 381. |
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Vila C. & Rodriguez-Teijeiro J.D. (1992) Resource partitioning in forest passerines: The temporal dimension. ARDEA 80 (3): 383 - 388. |
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Fraga R.M. (1992) Biparental care in Bay-winged Cowbirds Molothrus badius. ARDEA 80 (3): 389 - 393. |
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Hogan-Warburg, A.J. (1992) Female choice and the evolution of mating strategies in the Ruff Philomachus pugnax. ARDEA 80 (2): 395 - 403. |
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Van Den Berg A.B., Smeenk C., Bosman C.W., Haase B.J., Van Der Niet A.M. & Cadee G.C. (1991) Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui, Jouanin's Petrel Bulweria fallax and other seabirds in the northern indian ocean in June-July 1984 and 1985. ARDEA 79 (1): 1 - 14. |
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Pinxten R., Eens M. & Verheyen R.F. (1991) Conspecific nest parasitism in the European Starling. ARDEA 79 (1): 15 - 30. |
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Beintema A.J., Thissen J.B., Tensen D. & Visser G.H. (1991) Feeding ecology of charadriiform chicks in agricultural grassland. ARDEA 79 (1): 31 - 44. |
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Becker P.H. & Specht R. (1991) Body mass fluctuations and mortality in Common Tern Sterna hirundo chicks dependent on weather and tide in the wadden sea germany. ARDEA 79 (1): 45 - 56. |
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Hilgerloh G. (1991) Spring migration of passerine trans-Saharan migrants across the Straits of Gibraltar. ARDEA 79 (1): 57 - 62. |
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Kok O.B., Van Ee C.A. & Nel D.G. (1991) Daylength determines departure date of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata from its winter quarters. ARDEA 79 (1): 63 - 66. |
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Hengeveld R. & Van den Bosch F. (1991) The expansion velocity of the Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto population in europe. ARDEA 79 (1): 67 - 72. |
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Ebbinge B.S., Van Biezen J.B. & Van der Voet H. (1991) Estimation of annual adult survival rates of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis using multiple resightings of marked individuals. ARDEA 79 (1): 73 - 112. |
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Madsen J. (1991) Status and trends of goose populations in the western palearctic in the 1980s. ARDEA 79 (2): 113 - 122. |
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Raudonikis L. & Shvazhas S. (1991) A short note on geese migration in Lithuania. ARDEA 79 (2): 123 - 124. |
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Mooij J.H. (1991) Numbers and distribution of Grey geese (genus Anser) in the Federal Republic of Germany, with special reference to the lower Rhine region. ARDEA 79 (2): 125 - 133. |
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Prokosch P. (1991) Present status and recent changes in numbers and feeding sites of Branta species on the coasts of the Federal Republic of Germany during the 1980s. ARDEA 79 (2): 135 - 139. |
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Engel J. (1991) A short note on the distribution of geese in Poland. ARDEA 79 (2): 141 - 142. |
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Meire P. & Kuijken E. (1991) Factors affecting the number and distribution of wintering geese and some implications for their conservation in Flanders, Belgium. ARDEA 79 (2): 143 - 157. |
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Yesou P. (1991) A short note on the status of grey geese (genus Anser) in France. ARDEA 79 (2): 159 - 160. |
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Farago S., Kovcas G. & Sterbetz T. (1991) Goose populations staging and wintering in Hungary 1984-1988. ARDEA 79 (2): 161 - 163. |
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Munteanu D., Weber P., Szabo J., Gogubogdan M. & Marinov M. (1991) A note on the present status of geese in Romania. ARDEA 79 (2): 165 - 166. |
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Michev T.M., Pomakov V.A., Nankinov D., Ivanov B.E. & Profirof L. (1991) A short note on wild geese in Bulgaria during the period 1977 to 1989. ARDEA 79 (2): 167 - 168. |
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Perco F. (1991) Recent changes in size of goose populations in Italy. ARDEA 79 (2): 169 - 171. |
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Boldreghini P. & Montanari F.L. (1991) A short note on wintering geese in northern Italy. ARDEA 79 (2): 173 - 174. |
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Handrinos G.I. (1991) The status of geese in Greece. ARDEA 79 (2): 175 - 177. |
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Patterson I.J. (1991) Conflict between geese and agriculture - does goose grazing cause damage to crops. ARDEA 79 (2): 179 - 186. |
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Ernst P. (1991) The influence of winter goose grazing on dry-matter yields of grassland in North-Rhine-Westphalia. ARDEA 79 (2): 187 - 190. |
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Jepsen P.U. (1991) Crop damage and management of the Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus in Denmark. ARDEA 79 (2): 191 - 194. |
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Owen M. & Black J.M. (1991) A note on migration mortality and its significance in goose populations dynamics. ARDEA 79 (2): 195 - 196. |
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Ebbinge B.S. (1991) The impact of hunting on mortality-rates and spatial-distribution of geese wintering in the western palearctic. ARDEA 79 (2): 197 - 209. |
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Kalchreuter H. (1991) On the impact of hunting on goose populations - a literature search. ARDEA 79 (2): 211 - 216. |
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Harradine J. (1991) A short note on shooting and management of geese in Britain. ARDEA 79 (2): 217 - 218. |
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Mooij J.H. (1991) Hunting - a questionable method of regulating goose damage. ARDEA 79 (2): 219 - 223. |
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Hudec K. (1991) A note on hunting exploitation of the Central-european population of the Greylag goose Anser anser. ARDEA 79 (2): 225 - 227. |
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Keller V.E. (1991) The effect of disturbance from roads on the distribution of feeding sites of geese (Anser brachyrhynchus, A anser), wintering in north-east Scotland. ARDEA 79 (2): 229 - 231. |
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Mosbech A. & Glahder C. (1991) Assessment of the impact of helicopter disturbance on moulting Pink-footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Jameson Land, Greenland. ARDEA 79 (2): 233 - 237. |
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Nilsson L. & Persson H. (1991) An increasing breeding population of Greylag Geese Anser anser in southern Sweden - a neck-banding study. ARDEA 79 (2): 239 - 242. |
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Paterson I.W. (1991) The status and breeding distribution of Greylag Geese Anser anser in the Uists (Scotland) and their impact upon crofting agriculture. ARDEA 79 (2): 243 - 251. |
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Loonen M.J.J.E., Zijlstra M. & Van Eerden M.R. (1991) Timing of wing moult in Greylag Geese Anser anser in relation to the availability of their food plants. ARDEA 79 (2): 253 - 259. |
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Van Eerden M.R., Zijlstra M. & Loonen M.J.J.E. (1991) Individual patterns of staging during autumn migration in relation to body condition in Greylag Geese Anser anser in The Netherlands. ARDEA 79 (2): 261 - 264. |
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Dick G. (1991) On the spatial-distribution and social-organization of neck-banded Greylag Geese Anser anser in their breeding area of Lake Neusiedl, Austria. ARDEA 79 (2): 265 - 268. |
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Calderon J., Manez M. & Garcia L. (1991) A note on wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser of the Guadalquivir Marismas. ARDEA 79 (2): 269 - 270. |
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Amat J.A., Garciacriado B. & Garciaciudad A. (1991) Food, feeding-behaviour and nutritional ecology of wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser. ARDEA 79 (2): 271 - 282. |
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Dick G., Rehfisch M., Skinner J. & Smart M. (1991) Wintering Greylag Geese Anser anser in North-Africa. ARDEA 79 (2): 283 - 286. |
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Wilson H.J., Norriss D.W., Walsh A., Fox A.D. & Stroud D.A. (1991) Winter site fidelity in Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris, implications for conservation and management. ARDEA 79 (2): 287 - 294. |
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Mayes E. (1991) The winter ecology of Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris on seminatural grassland and intensive farmland. ARDEA 79 (2): 295 - 304. |
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Von Essen L. (1991) A note on the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Sweden and the result of a reintroduction scheme. ARDEA 79 (2): 305 - 306. |
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Burgers J., Smit J.J. & Van der Voet H. (1991) Origins and systematics of 2 types of the Bean Goose Anser fabalis (Latham, 1787) wintering in The Netherlands. ARDEA 79 (2): 307 - 315. |
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Obriain M. & Healy B. (1991) Winter distribution of Light-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota in Ireland. ARDEA 79 (2): 317 - 326. |
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Salmon D.G. & Fox A.D. (1991) Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla in Britain, 1976-1987. ARDEA 79 (2): 327 - 330. |
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Prop J. (1991) Food exploitation patterns by Brent Geese Branta bernicla during spring staging. ARDEA 79 (2): 331 - 341. |
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Forslund P. & Larsson K. (1991) Breeding range expansion of the Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis in the Baltic area. ARDEA 79 (2): 343 - 346. |
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Leito A. (1991) A note on migration ecology, population status and interactions with agriculture of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Estonia. ARDEA 79 (2): 347 - 348. |
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Black J.M., Deerenberg C. & Owen M. (1991) Foraging behaviour and site selection of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in a traditional and newly colonized spring staging habitat. ARDEA 79 (2): 349 - 358. |
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Fox A.D. & Gitay H. (1991) Breeding success in Greenland Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis wintering on Islay, Scotland. ARDEA 79 (2): 359 - 363. |
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Heggberget T.M. (1991) Establishment of breeding populations and population development in the Canada Goose Branta canadensis in Norway. ARDEA 79 (2): 365 - 370. |
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Syroechkovskiy Y., Litvin K.Y. & Ebbinge B.S. (1991) Breeding success of geese and swans on Vaygach Island (USSR) during 1986-1988; interplay of weather and arctic fox predation. ARDEA 79 (3): 373 - 382. |
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Lequette B. & Jouventin P. (1991) Comparison of visual and vocal signals of Great Albatrosses. ARDEA 79 (3): 383 - 394. |
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Ulenaers P. & Dhondt AA. (1991) Phenology habitat choice and reproduction of the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus on a fish-farm. ARDEA 79 (3): 395 - 408. |
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Jacobsen O.W. (1991) Feeding behaviour of breeding Wigeon Anas penelope in relation to seasonal emergence and swarming behaviour of chironomids. ARDEA 79 (3): 409 - 418. |
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Potti J. & Montalvo S. (1991) Return rate age at first breeding and natal dispersal of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca in central spain. ARDEA 79 (3): 419 - 428. |
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Martin J.L. (1991) The Parus caeruleus complex revisited. ARDEA 79 (3): 429 - 438. |
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Verhagen M. (1991) A Black Vulture Aegypius monachus from Roman Valkenburg The Netherlands. ARDEA 79 (3): 439 - 442. |
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Ens, B., Piersma, T., Wolf, W.J. & Zwarts, L. (1990) Homeward bound: problems waders face when migrating from the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, to their northern breeding grounds in spring. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 1 - 16. |
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Wolff W.J. & Smit C.J. (1990) The Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, as an environment for coastal birds. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 17 - 38. |
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Zwarts L., Blomert A.M., Ens B.J., Hupkes R. & Van Spanje T.M. (1990) Why do waders reach high feeding densities on the intertidal flats of the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 39 - 52. |
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Swennen C. (1990) Oystercatchers feeding on giant Bloody Cockles on the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 53 - 62. |
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Klaassen M. (1990) Short note on the possible occurence of heat stress in roosting waders on the Banque d'Arguin, Mauretania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 63 - 65. |
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Klaassen M. & Ens B.J. (1990) Is salt stress a problem for waders wintering on the Banc D'arguin Mauritania? ARDEA 78 (1-2): 67 - 74. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (1990) Predation of large falcons on wintering waders on the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 75 - 82. |
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Wymenga E., Engelmoer M., Smit C.J. & Van Spanje T.M. (1990) Geographical breeding origin and migration of waders wintering in west Africa. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 83 - 112. |
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Zwarts L. & Piersma T. (1990) How important is the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania as a temporary staging area for waders in spring? ARDEA 78 (1-2): 113 - 122. |
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Piersma T., Klaassen M., Bruggemann, J.H. Blomert A.M., Gueye A., Ntiamoa B.Y. & Van Brederode N.E. (1990) Seasonal timing of the spring departure of waders from the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 123 - 134. |
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Goede A.A., Nieboer E. & Zegers P.M. (1990) Body mass increase migration pattern and breeding grounds of Dunlins Calidris alpina alpina staging in the dutch wadden sea in spring. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 135 - 144. |
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Van Dijk A.J., De Roder F.E., Marteijn E.L. & Spiekman H. (1990) Summering waders on the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania a census in june 1988. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 145 - 156. |
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Piersma T., Zwarts L. & Bruggemann J.H. (1990) Behavioural aspects of the departure of waders before long-distance flights flocking vocalizations flight paths and diurnal timing. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 157 - 184. |
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Blomert A.M., Engelmoer M. & Ntiamoa B.Y. (1990) The Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, as a meeting point for Avocets during spring migration. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 185 - 192. |
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Zwarts L. & Blomert A.M. (1990) Selectivity of Whimbrels feeding on Fiddler Crabs explained by component specific digestibilities. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 193 - 208. |
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Klaassen M., Kersten M. & Ens B.J. (1990) Energetic requirements for maintenance and premigratory body mass gain of waders wintering in Africa. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 209 - 220. |
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Piersma T. & Van Brederode N.E. (1990) The estimation of fat reserves in coastal waders before their departure from northwest Africa in spring. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 221 - 236. |
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Zwarts L., Blomert A.M. & Hupkes R. (1990) Increase of feeding time in waders preparing for spring migration from the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 237 - 256. |
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Zwarts L. & Dirksen S. (1990) Digestive bottleneck limits the increase in food intake of Whimbrels preparing for spring migration from the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 257 - 278. |
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Zwarts L. (1990) Increased prey availability drives premigration hyperphagia in Whimbrels and allows them to leave the Banc d'Arguin Mauritania in time. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 279 - 300. |
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Ens B.J., Duiven P., Smit C.J. & Van Spanje T.M. (1990) Spring migration of Turnstones from the Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 301 - 314. |
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Piersma T. & Jukema J. (1990) Budgeting the flight of a long-distance migrant changes in nutrient reserve levels of Bar-tailed Godwits at successive spring staging sites. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 315 - 338. |
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Zwarts L., Ens B.J., Kersten M. & Piersma T. (1990) Moult mass and flight range of waders ready to take off for long-distance migrations. ARDEA 78 (1-2): 339 - 364. |
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Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Cantos F.J. & Bautista L.M. (1990) Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta Spain i. Daily variations in migration volume. ARDEA 78 (3): 365 - 378. |
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Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Cantos F.J. & Bautista L.M. (1990) Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta Spain ii. Timing and pattern of daily departures. ARDEA 78 (3): 379 - 386. |
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Donazar J.A. & Ceballos O. (1990) Post-fledging dependence period and development of flight and foraging behaviour in the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. ARDEA 78 (3): 387 - 394. |
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Ferrer M., Garcia L. & Cadenas R. (1990) Long-term changes in nest defense intensity of the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti. ARDEA 78 (3): 395 - 398. |
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Carrascal L.M., Alonso J.C. & Alonso J.A. (1990) Aggregation size and foraging behaviour of White Storks Ciconia ciconia during the breeding season. ARDEA 78 (3): 399 - 404. |
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Green R.E., Hirons G.M. & Kirby J.S. (1990) The effectiveness of nest defense by Black-Tailed Godwits Limosa limosa. ARDEA 78 (3): 405 - 413. |
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Lambeck R.D. (1990) The applicability of age ratio and brood size counts in population dynamic studies of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 78 (3): 414 - 425. |
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Lambeck R.D. (1990) Differences in migratory pattern and habitat choice between social classes of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 78 (3): 426 - 440. |
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Herremans M. (1990) Taxonomy and evolution in Redpolls Carduelis flammea hornemanni a multivariate study of their biometry. ARDEA 78 (3): 441 - 458. |
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Adriaensen F. & Dhondt A.A. (1990) Territoriality in the continental European Robin Erithacus rubecula rubecula. ARDEA 78 (3): 459 - 465. |
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Bedard J. & Gauthier G. (1989) Comparative energy budgets of Greater Snow Geese Chen caerulescens atlantica staging in two habitats in spring. ARDEA 77 (1): 3 - 20. |
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Swennen C. (1989) Gull predation upon Eider Somateria mollissima ducklings destruction or elimination of the unfit? ARDEA 77 (1): 21 - 46. |
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Underhill-Day J.C. (1989) The effect of predation by Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus on the survival of ducklings and game bird chicks. ARDEA 77 (1): 47 - 56. |
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Altenburg W. & Van Spanje T. (1989) Utilization of mangroves by birds in Guinea-Bissau. ARDEA 77 (1): 57 - 74. |
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Eens M., Pinxten R. & Verheyen R.F. (1989) Temporal and sequential organization of song bouts in the Starling. ARDEA 77 (1): 75 - 86. |
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Cave A.J., Visser J. & Perdeck A.C. (1989) Size and quality of the Coot Fulica atra territory in relation to age of its tenants and neighbours. ARDEA 77 (1): 87 - 98. |
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Perdeck A.C. & Cave A.J. (1989) Influence of temperature on the laying date of the Coot Fulica atra between-pairs and within-individuals relationships. ARDEA 77 (1): 99 - 106. |
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Moreno J. (1989) Energetic constraints on uniparental incubation in the Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 77 (1): 107 - 115. |
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Matthysen E. (1989) Seasonal variation in bill morphology of Nuthatches Sitta europaea dietary adaptations or consequences? ARDEA 77 (1): 117 - 125. |
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Summers R.W., Underhill L.G., Clinning C.F. & Nicoll M. (1989) Populations migrations biometrics and moult of the Turnstone Arenaria interpres interpres on the East Atlantic coastline with special reference to the Siberian population. ARDEA 77 (2): 145 - 168. |
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Beintema A.J. & Visser G.H. (1989) Growth parameters in chicks of charadriiform birds. ARDEA 77 (2): 169 - 180. |
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Beintema A.J. & Visser G.H. (1989) The effect of weather on time budgets and development of chicks of meadow birds. ARDEA 77 (2): 181 - 192. |
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Klaassen M., Bech C. & Slagsvold G. (1989) Basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance in Arctic Tern chicks and the effect of heat increment of feeding on thermoregulatory expenses. ARDEA 77 (2): 193 - 200. |
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Burger J. & Gochfeld M. (1989) Age differences in Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis foraging with wild ungulates in Kenya. ARDEA 77 (2): 201 - 204. |
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Hockey P.R., Ryan P.G. & Bosman A.L. (1989) Age-related intraspecific kleptoparasitism and foraging success of Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus. ARDEA 77 (2): 205 - 210. |
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Veltman C.J. (1989) Effects of experimental food addition on post-natal dispersal polygyny and reproductive success in pair-defended territories of the Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen. ARDEA 77 (2): 211 - 216. |
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Donazar J.A. & Ceballos O. (1989) Growth rates of nestling Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus in relation to brood size hatching order and environmental factors. ARDEA 77 (2): 217 - 226. |
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Languy M. & Vansteenwegen C. (1989) Influence of parental age on the growth of nestling Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 77 (2): 227 - 232. |
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Knox A. (1988) The taxonomy of Redpolls. ARDEA 76 (1): 1 - 26. |
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de Korte J. & Wattel J. (1988) Food and breeding success of the Long-tailed Skua at Scoresby sund, Northeast Greenland. ARDEA 76 (1): 27 - 41. |
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Zwarts L. (1988) Numbers and distribution of coastal waders in Guinea-Bissau. ARDEA 76 (1): 42 - 55. |
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Visser J. (1988) Seasonal changes in shield size in the Coot. ARDEA 76 (1): 56 - 63. |
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Masman D., Daan S. & Beldhuis H.J.A. (1988) Ecological energetics of the Kestrel: daily energy expenditure throughout the year based on time-energy budget, food intake and doubly labeled water methods. ARDEA 76 (1): 64 - 81. |
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Piersma T. (1988) The annual moult cycle of Great Crested Grebes. ARDEA 76 (1): 82 - 95. |
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Piersma T. (1988) Breast muscle atrophy and constraints on foraging during the flightless period of wing moulting Great Crested Grebes. ARDEA 76 (1): 96 - 106. |
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Gutierrez M.C. (1988) Winter foraging behaviour of Blackcap and Sardinian Warbler in a Mediterranean scrubland. ARDEA 76 (1): 107 - 110. |
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Voous K.H. (1988) In memoriam Stanley Cramp (1913-1987). ARDEA 76 (1): 111 - 111. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Andersen L.N. 1987. Birdwatching in Israel and adjacent areas, 1972-85. ARDEA 76 (1): 112 - 112. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Beehler B.M. & Finch B.W. 1985. Species checklist of the birds of New Guinea. ARDEA 76 (1): 112 - 112. |
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van Halewijn R. (1988) Boekbespreking. Buden D.W. 1987. The birds of the Southern Bahamas. ARDEA 76 (1): 112 - 112. |
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van Halewijn R. (1988) Boekbespreking. Campbell B. & Lack E. (eds). 1985. A dictionary of birds. ARDEA 76 (1): 112 - 113. |
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van Halewijn R. (1988) Boekbespreking. Croxall J.P. (ed). 1987. Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. ARDEA 76 (1): 113 - 114. |
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van Halewijn R. (1988) Boekbespreking. Diamond A.W., Cheke A.S. & Elliott F.I. (eds). 1987. Studies of Mascarene Island birds. ARDEA 76 (1): 114 - 115. |
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van Scharenburg C.W.M. (1988) Boekbespreking. Greenberg R. The winter exploitation systems of Bay-breasted and Chestnut-sided Warblers in Panama. ARDEA 76 (1): 115 - 116. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Hoppe D. 1987. Sittiche und Papageien. ARDEA 76 (1): 116 - 116. |
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de Vos G.J. (1988) Boekbespreking. Hudson P.J. Lovel T.W.I. (eds). 1984. Grouse. Proceedings of the 3rd International Grouse Symposium. ARDEA 76 (1): 116 - 117. |
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van Franeker J.A. (1988) Boekbespreking. Harrison P. 1987. Seabirds of the world: a photographic guide. ARDEA 76 (1): 116 - 116. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Isler M.L. & P.R. 1987. The Tanagers. Natural history, distribution and identification. ARDEA 76 (1): 117 - 117. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. de Kiriline Lawrence L. 1986. A glimpse into the natural life of a bird. ARDEA 76 (1): 117 - 117. |
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Camphuysen C.J. (1988) Boekbespreking. Nelson J.B. 1986. Living with seabirds. ARDEA 76 (1): 117 - 118. |
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Ens B.J. (1988) Boekbespreking. Perrins C.M. & Birkhead T.R. 1983. Avian ecology. Tertiary level biology. ARDEA 76 (1): 118 - 118. |
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van Halewijn R. (1988) Boekbespreking. Phillips A.R. The known birds of North and Middle America. Distribution and variation, migrations, changes, hybrids, etc. Part I. Hirundinidae to Mimidae. ARDEA 76 (1): 118 - 119. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Raikow R.J. 1987. Hindlimb myology and evolution of the Old World suboscine passerine birds. ARDEA 76 (1): 119 - 119. |
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Swennen C. (1988) Boekbespreking. Reed A. (ed). 1986. Eider ducks in Canada. ARDEA 76 (1): 119 - 120. |
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Prins H.H.T. (1988) Boekbespreking. Rowan M.K. 1983. The doves, parrots, louries and cuckoos of southern Africa. ARDEA 76 (1): 120 - 120. |
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van der Ven J.A. (1988) Boekbespreking. Ali S. 1985. The fall of a sparrow. ARDEA 76 (1): 120 - 121. |
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Prins H.H.T. (1988) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1983. Handbook of birds of India and Pakistan, together with those of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Vol. 4. ARDEA 76 (1): 121 - 121. |
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Prins H.H.T. (1988) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1983. A pictoral guide to the birds of the Indian Subcontinent. ARDEA 76 (1): 121 - 122. |
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Rooth J. (1988) Boekbespreking. Scott D.A. & Carbonell M. 1986. A directory of Neotropical wetlands. ARDEA 76 (1): 122 - 122. |
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Piersma T. (1988) Boekbespreking. Simmons K.E.L. 1986. The sunning behaviour of birds. ARDEA 76 (1): 123 - 123. |
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van Scharenburg C.W.M. (1988) Boekbespreking. Taylor K., Fuller R.J. & Lack P.C. (eds). 1985. Birds census and atlas studies. Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on bird census and atlas work. ARDEA 76 (1): 123 - 124. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1988) Boekbespreking. Zink G. 1985. Der Zug europaischer Singvogel. Ein Atlas der Wiederfunde beringter Vogel. ARDEA 76 (1): 124 - 125. |
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Prins H.H.T. (1988) Boekbespreking. Urban E.K., Frey C.R. & Keith S. (eds) 1986. The birds of Africa. Vol. 2. ARDEA 76 (1): 124 - 124. |
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anon. (1988) Boekbespreking. Zink R.M. 1986. Patterns and evolutionary significance of geographic variation in the schistacean group of the Fox Sparrow. ARDEA 76 (1): 125 - 125. |
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Dijkstra C. (1988) Daily and seasonal variations in body mass of the Kestrel in relation to food availability and reproduction. ARDEA 76 (2): 127 - 140. |
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Meijer T., Daan S. & Dijkstra C. (1988) Female condition and reproduction: effects of food manipulation in free-living and captive Kestrels. ARDEA 76 (2): 141 - 154. |
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Nur N. (1988) The cost of reproduction in birds: an examination of the evidence. ARDEA 76 (2): 155 - 168. |
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Goldstein H. & Tom-Tov Y. (1988) Breeding biology of the Orange-tufted Sunbird in Israel. ARDEA 76 (2): 169 - 174. |
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Parr R. & Watson A. (1988) Habitat preferences of Black Grouse on moorland-dominated ground in North-east Scotland. ARDEA 76 (2): 175 - 180. |
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Tollan A.M. (1988) Maintenance energy requirements and energy assimilation efficiency of the Australasian Harrier. ARDEA 76 (2): 181 - 186. |
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Draulans D. (1988) The importance of heronries for mate attraction. ARDEA 76 (2): 187 - 192. |
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Jordano P. (1988) Diet, fruit choice and variation in body condition of frugivorous warblers in Mediterranean scrubland. ARDEA 76 (2): 193 - 209. |
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Haase B.J.M. (1988) Notes on sea-birds 75. A sight-record of a White-bellied Storm Petrel Fregetta grallaria in the western Palearctic. ARDEA 76 (2): 210 - 210. |
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Mees G.F. (1988) In memoriam mr. Francois Haverschmidt (1906-1987). ARDEA 76 (2): 211 - 221. |
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Kruijt J.P. (1988) Boekbespreking. Johnsgard P.A. 1986. The pheasants of the world. ARDEA 76 (2): 222 - 222. |
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Voous K.H. (1988) Boekbespreking. Zoological record - section 18, Aves vol 119 (1982), vol 120 (1983), 1985. ARDEA 76 (2): 222 - 222. |
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van Balen J.H., van Noordwijk A.J. & Visser J. (1987) Lifetime reproductive success and recruitment in two Great Tit populations. ARDEA 75 (1): 1 - 11. |
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van Noordwijk A.J. (1987) On the implications of genetic variation for ecological research. ARDEA 75 (1): 13 - 19. |
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Blondel J., Clamens A., Cramm P., Gaubert H. & Isemann P. (1987) Population studies on tits in the Mediterranean region. ARDEA 75 (1): 21 - 34. |
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Curio E. (1987) Brood defence in the Great Tit: the influence of age, number and quality of young. ARDEA 75 (1): 35 - 42. |
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Lambrechts M. & Dhondt A.A. (1987) Differences in singing performance between male Great Tits. ARDEA 75 (1): 43 - 52. |
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Matthysen E. (1987) Territory establishment of juvenile Nuthatches after fledging. ARDEA 75 (1): 53 - 57. |
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Drent P.J. (1987) The importance of nestboxes for territory settlement, survival and density of the Great Tit. ARDEA 75 (1): 59 - 71. |
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Mertens J.A.L. (1987) The influence of temperature on the energy reserves of female Great Tits during the breeding season. ARDEA 75 (1): 73 - 80. |
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Cowie R.J. & Hinsley S.A. (1987) Breeding success of Blue Tits and Great Tits in suburban gardens. ARDEA 75 (1): 81 - 90. |
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Gosler A. (1987) Sexual dimorphisms in the summer bill length of the Great Tit. ARDEA 75 (1): 91 - 98. |
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den Boer-Hazewinkel J. (1987) On the costs of reproduction: parental survival and production of second clutches in the Great Tit. ARDEA 75 (1): 99 - 110. |
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Tinbergen J.M. (1987) Costs of reproduction in the Great Tit: intreasonal costs associated with brood size. ARDEA 75 (1): 111 - 122. |
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Mace R. (1987) Why do birds sing at dawn? ARDEA 75 (1): 123 - 132. |
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Clobert J., Lebreton J.D. & Allaine D. (1987) A general approach to survival rate estimation by recaptures or resightings of marked birds. ARDEA 75 (1): 133 - 142. |
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Veen J. (1987) In memoriam Herman Klomp (1920-1985). ARDEA 75 (2): 143 - 144. |
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Jones G. (1987) Parent-offspring resource allocation in Swallows during nestling rearding: an experimental study. ARDEA 75 (2): 145 - 168. |
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Jones G. (1987) Parental foraging ecology and feeding behaviour during nestling rearing in the Swallow. ARDEA 75 (2): 169 - 174. |
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Kersten M. & Piersma T. (1987) High levels energy expenditure in shorebirds: metabolic adaptations to an energetically expensive way of life. ARDEA 75 (2): 175 - 187. |
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Lessells C.M. (1987) Parental investment, brood size and time budgets: behaviour of Lesser Snow Goose families. ARDEA 75 (2): 189 - 203. |
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Opdam P., Burgers J. & Muskens G. (1987) Population trend, reproduction, and pesticides in Dutch Sparrowhawks following the ban on DDT. ARDEA 75 (2): 205 - 212. |
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Altenburg W., Bruinenberg J., Wildschut P. & Zijlstra M. (1987) Colonization of a new area by the Marsh Harrier. ARDEA 75 (2): 213 - 220. |
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Salathe T. (1987) Crow predation on Coot eggs: effects of investigator disturbance, nest cover and predator learning. ARDEA 75 (2): 221 - 229. |
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Scheffer M. (1987) An automated method for estimating the number of bird territories from an observation map. ARDEA 75 (2): 231 - 236. |
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Cuperus R. & de Bruyn G.J. (1987) Statistical impacts of the detection of natural regulation in bird populations on account of census data. ARDEA 75 (2): 237 - 243. |
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Laske V. & Helbig A. (1987) Influence of atmospheric turbidity on counts of visible migration and a method of correction. ARDEA 75 (2): 245 - 254. |
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Hulsman K. (1987) Resource partipitioning amoong sympatric species of tern. ARDEA 75 (2): 255 - 262. |
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Pinxten R., van Elsacker L. & van Verheyen R.F. (1987) Duration and temporal pattern of mate guarding in the Starling. ARDEA 75 (2): 263 - 269. |
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Jenni L. & Jenni-Eierman S. (1987) Body weight and energy reserves of Bramblings in winter. ARDEA 75 (2): 271 - 284. |
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Lamprecht J. & Buhrow H. (1987) Harem polygyny in Bar-headed Geese. ARDEA 75 (2): 285 - 292. |
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Goldstein H., Verbeek N.A.M., Eisikowitch D. & Yom-Tov Y. (1987) Sunbirds prefer to feed in the sun. ARDEA 75 (2): 293 - 295. |
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de Vos G.J. (1987) Boekbespreking. Aschenbrenner H. 1985. Raufusshühner; Lebensweise, Zucht, Krankheiten, Ausbürgerung. ARDEA 75 (2): 296 - 296. |
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Winkelman J.E. (1987) Boekbespreking. Armani G.C. 1985. Guide des passereaux gravinores. Emberizines. ARDEA 75 (2): 296 - 297. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Burtt jr. E.H. 1986. An analysis of physical, physiological and optical aspects of avian coloration with emphasis on wood-warblers. ARDEA 75 (2): 297 - 297. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Buckley P.A. et al. (eds). 1985. Neotropical ornithology. ARDEA 75 (2): 297 - 297. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Beehler B.M. & Finch B.W. 1985. Species checklist of the birds of New Guinea. ARDEA 75 (2): 297 - 297. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Brosset A. & Erard C. 1986. Les oiseaux des regions forestieres du nord-est du Gabon. Vol. 1. Ecologie et comportement des especes. ARDEA 75 (2): 297 - 297. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (1987) Boekbespreking. Brooke R.K. 1984. South African red data book - birds. ARDEA 75 (2): 297 - 297. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (1987) Boekbespreking. Collar N.J. & Stuart S.N. 1985. Threatened birds of Africa and related islands. ARDEA 75 (2): 298 - 298. |
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Platteeuw M. (1987) Boekbespreking. Croxall J.P., Evans P.G.H. & Schreiber R.W. (eds). 1984. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ARDEA 75 (2): 298 - 299. |
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Ens B.J. (1987) Boekbespreking. Diamond A.W. & Lovejoy T.E. (eds). 1985. Conservation of tropical forest birds. ARDEA 75 (2): 299 - 299. |
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Voous K.H. (1987) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. & Bauer K.M. 1985. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 10. Passeriformes (1.Teil). ARDEA 75 (2): 299 - 301. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Gowaty P.A. & Mock D.W. (eds). 1985. Avian monogamy. ARDEA 75 (2): 301 - 301. |
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anon. (1987) Boekbespreking. Homberger D.G. 1986. The lingual apparatus of the African Grey Parrot: description and theoretical mechanical analysis. ARDEA 75 (2): 301 - 301. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (1987) Boekbespreking. Keast A., Recher H.F., Ford H. & Saunders D. 1985. Birds of Eucalypt forests and woodlands: ecology, conservation, management. ARDEA 75 (2): 301 - 302. |
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van Scharenburg C.W.M. (1987) Boekbespreking. Greenberg R. 1984. The winter exploitation systems of Bay-breasted and Chestnut-side Warblers in Panama. ARDEA 75 (2): 301 - 301. |
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Ens B.J. (1987) Boekbespreking. Moors P.J. (ed). 1985. Conservation of island birds. ARDEA 75 (2): 302 - 302. |
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Piersma T. (1987) Boekbespreking. de Kiriline Lawrence L. 1986. A glimpse into the natural life of a bird. ARDEA 75 (2): 302 - 302. |
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Piersma T. (1987) Boekbespreking. Rayner J.M.V. 1986. Vertebrate flight: a bibliography to 1985. ARDEA 75 (2): 302 - 302. |
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Norstrom R.J., Clark T.P., Kearney J.P. & Gilman A.P. (1986) Herring gull energy requirements and body constituents in the Great Lakes. ARDEA 74 (1): 1 - 23. |
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Masman D., Gordijn M., Daan S. & Dijkstra C. (1986) Ecological energetics of the Kestrel: field estimates of energy intake throughout the year. ARDEA 74 (1): 24 - 39. |
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Fjeldsa J. (1986) Feeding ecology and possible life history tactics of the Hooded Grebe Podiceps gallardoi. ARDEA 74 (1): 40 - 58. |
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Birkhead T.R., Eden S.F., Clarkson K., Goodburn S.F. & Pellat J. (1986) Social organisation of a population of Magpies Pica pica. ARDEA 74 (1): 59 - 68. |
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Koopman K. (1986) Primary moult and weight changes of Ruffs in The Netherlands in relation to migrants. ARDEA 74 (1): 69 - 77. |
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Carlson A. & Moreno J. (1986) Foraging behaviour and parental care in the Fieldfare. ARDEA 74 (1): 79 - 90. |
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Moser M.E. (1986) Breeding strategies of Purple Herons in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 74 (1): 91 - 100. |
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Schuchmann K.L. (1986) Natal care and growth in a nestling Reddish Hermit Phaethornis ruber in Surinam. ARDEA 74 (1): 101 - 104. |
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Göransson G. & Loman J. (1986) Predation and habitat distribution of Pheasant nests: a case of ideal free distribution. ARDEA 74 (1): 105 - 109. |
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van Franeker J.A. (1986) Boekbespreking. Gaston A.J. et al. 1985. A natural history of Digges Sound. ARDEA 74 (1): 110 - 110. |
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Voous K.H. (1986) Boekbespreking. 1984. Zoological record - section 18, Aves, vol. 118, 1981. ARDEA 74 (1): 110 - 110. |
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Voous K.H. (1986) Boekbespreking. Heltmann H. (ed). 1984. Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen über Siebenburgen. ARDEA 74 (1): 110 - 110. |
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Lack P.C. (1986) Ecological correlates of migrants and residents in a tropical African savanna. ARDEA 74 (2): 111 - 119. |
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Rijnsdorp A.D. (1986) Winter ecology and food of Wigeon in inland pasture areas in The Netherlands. ARDEA 74 (2): 121 - 128. |
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Torok J. (1986) Food segregation in three hole-nesting bird species during the breeding season. ARDEA 74 (2): 129 - 136. |
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Simmons R. (1986) Ecological segregation of the Red-breasted Sparrowhawk Accipiter rufiventris and six coexisting Accipitrine raptors in southern Africa. ARDEA 74 (2): 137 - 149. |
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Barnard P. (1986) Windhovering patterns of three African raptors in montane conditions. ARDEA 74 (2): 151 - 158. |
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van der Hut R.M.G. (1986) Habitat choice and temporal differentiation in reed passerines of a Dutch marsh. ARDEA 74 (2): 159 - 176. |
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Matthysen E. (1986) Some observations on sex-specific territoriality in the Nuthatch. ARDEA 74 (2): 177 - 183. |
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Voous K.H. (1986) Boekbespreking. Aldrich J.W. 1984. Ecogeographical variation in size and proportions of Song Sparrows. ARDEA 74 (2): 184 - 184. |
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Voous K.H. (1986) Boekbespreking. MacLean G.L. 1984. Roberts' birds of southern Africa. ARDEA 74 (2): 184 - 184. |
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Voous K.H. (1986) Boekbespreking. 1985. Zoological record, section Aves, vol. 119, 1982. ARDEA 74 (2): 184 - 184. |
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Kalas J.A. (1986) Incubation schedules in different parental care systems in the Dotterel Charadrius morinellus. ARDEA 74 (2): 185 - 190. |
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Davidson N.C., Uttley J.D. & Evans P.R. (1986) Geographic variation in the lean mass of Dunlins wintering in Britain. ARDEA 74 (2): 191 - 198. |
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Bossema I., Roell A. & Baeyens G. (1986) Adaptations to interspecific competition in five corvid species in The Netherlands. ARDEA 74 (2): 199 - 210. |
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Wilson R.P. & Duffy D.C. (1986) Prey seizing in African Penguins Spheniscus demersus. ARDEA 74 (2): 211 - 214. |
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Prins H.H.T. (1986) Spring migration of Cuckoo through the Rift Valley in northern Tanzania. ARDEA 74 (2): 215 - 217. |
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Drent R.H. (1985) Retirement of Prof. Dr. H. Klomp as editor of Ardea. ARDEA 73 (1): 1 - 2. |
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Zwarts L. (1985) The winter exploitation of Fiddler Crabs Uca tangeri by waders in Guinea-Bissau. ARDEA 73 (1): 3 - 12. |
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Rappoldt C., Kersten M. & Smit C. (1985) Errors in large-scale shorebird counts. ARDEA 73 (1): 13 - 24. |
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van Rhijn J. (1985) A scenario for the evolution of social organization in Ruffs Philomachus pugnax and other Charadriform species. ARDEA 73 (1): 25 - 37. |
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Tinbergen J.M., van Balen J.H. & van Eck H.M. (1985) Density dependent survival in an isolated Great Tit population: Kluyvers data reanalysed. ARDEA 73 (1): 38 - 48. |
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Ruiz X. (1985) An analysis of the diet of Cattle Egrets in the Ebro Delta, Spain. ARDEA 73 (1): 49 - 60. |
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Loman J. (1985) Social organization in a population of the Hooded Crow. ARDEA 73 (1): 61 - 75. |
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Leopold M.F., Marteijn E.C.L. & Swennen C. (1985) Long-distance transport of prey from the intertidal zone to high-tide roosts by the Oystercatcher. ARDEA 73 (1): 76 - 82. |
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Beintema A.J., Beintema-Hietbrink R.J. & Muskens G.J.D.M. (1985) A shift in the timing of breeding in meadow birds. ARDEA 73 (1): 83 - 89. |
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van der Zande A.N. & Verstrael T.J. (1985) Impacts of outdoor recreation upon nest-site choice and breeding success of the Kestrel. ARDEA 73 (1): 90 - 98. |
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ten Cate C. (1985) Functional aspects of head-scratching methods and other preening movements in birds. ARDEA 73 (1): 99 - 104. |
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James P.C. & Robertson H.A. (1985) Notes on sea-birds 74. First record of Swinhoe's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis in the Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 73 (1): 105 - 106. |
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van Franeker J.A. (1985) Boekbespreking. Ainley D.G., O'Connor E.F. & Boekelheide R.J. 1984. The marine ecology of birds in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. ARDEA 73 (1): 107 - 107. |
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Veen J. (1985) Boekbespreking. Kersten M., Smit C. & Zeegers P. Wader migration along the Atlantic coast of Marocco, March 1981. ARDEA 73 (1): 107 - 108. |
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Teunissen W., Spaans B.A. & Drent R.H. (1985) Breeding success in Brent in relation to individual feeding opportunities during spring staging in the Wadden Sea. ARDEA 73 (2): 109 - 119. |
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Ebbinge B.S. (1985) Factors determining the population size of arctic-breeding geese, wintering in Western Europe. ARDEA 73 (2): 121 - 128. |
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Cavé A.J.A. (1985) Winter severity and breeding bird numbers in a Coot population. ARDEA 73 (2): 129 - 138. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1985) Methods of predicting fat reserves in the Coot. ARDEA 73 (2): 139 - 146. |
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Bossema I. & Roemers E. (1985) Mating strategy, including mate choice, in Mallards. ARDEA 73 (2): 147 - 157. |
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van Rhijn J. & Groothuis T. (1985) Biparental care and the basis for alternative bond-types among gulls, with special reference to Black-headed Gulls. ARDEA 73 (2): 159 - 174. |
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Pinowska B. & Krasnicki K. (1985) Changes in the content of magnesium, copper, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus in female House Sparrows during the breeding cycle. ARDEA 73 (2): 175 - 182. |
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Cadée G.C. (1985) Some data on seabird abundance in Indonesian waters, July/August 1984. ARDEA 73 (2): 183 - 188. |
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Galdika B.M.F., Sgapiro G.L. & Katz F. (1985) Danau Burung, a bird lake in southern Indonesian Borneo. ARDEA 73 (2): 189 - 190. |
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Jennings P.P. (1985) Observations on an instance of hybridization between an male Firecrest and a female Goldcrest. ARDEA 73 (2): 191 - 192. |
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Faaborg J. (1985) De struktuur van West-Indische landvogel-gemeenschappen. ARDEA 73 (2): 193 - 194. |
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van Halewijn R. (1985) Zeevogelonderzoek in het Caraibisch gebied. ARDEA 73 (2): 194 - 196. |
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Rooth J. (1985) De flamingo's van Bonaire en Venezuela. ARDEA 73 (2): 196 - 197. |
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de Bruijn O. (1985) Boekbespreking. Brull H. 1984. Das leben europaischer Greifvogel. ARDEA 73 (2): 198 - 198. |
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Voous K.H. (1985) Boekbespreking. Mengel R.M. 1983. A calatogue of the Ellis Collection of ornithological books in the University of Kansas Libraries. ARDEA 73 (2): 198 - 199. |
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van den Berg A.B. (1985) Boekbespreking. National Geographic Society. 1983. Field guide to the birds of North America. ARDEA 73 (2): 199 - 200. |
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Voous K.H. (1985) Boekbespreking. Zoological Society of London. 1983. Zoological record, section Aves, vol 117 (1980). ARDEA 73 (2): 199 - 199. |
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van Rhijn J. (1985) Boekbespreking. Payne R.B. 1984. Sexual selection, lek and arena behaviour, and sexual size demorphism in birds. ARDEA 73 (2): 200 - 200. |
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Wijnandts H. (1984) Ecological energetics of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus). ARDEA 72 (1): 1 - 92. |
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van Dobben W.H. (1984) Jan Verwey - an obituary. ARDEA 72 (1): 93 - 94. |
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Bilcke G. (1984) Seasonal changes in habitat use of resident passerines. ARDEA 72 (1): 95 - 99. |
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Boere G.C., Roselaar C.S. & Engelmoer M.E. (1984) The breeding origins of Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima present in the Netherlands. ARDEA 72 (1): 101 - 109. |
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Hockey P.A.R. (1984) Growth and energetics of the African Black Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini. ARDEA 72 (1): 111 - 117. |
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Piersma T. (1984) Estimating energy reserves of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus on the basis of body dimensions. ARDEA 72 (1): 119 - 126. |
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Drent P.J. (1984) Mortality and dispersal in summer and its consequences for the density of Great Tits Parus major at the onset of autumn. ARDEA 72 (2): 127 - 162. |
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van Balen J.H. (1984) The relationship between nest-box size, occupation and breeding parameters of the Great Tit Parus major and some other hole- nesting species. ARDEA 72 (2): 163 - 175. |
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Millington S.J. & Grant P.R. (1984) The breeding ecology of the Cactus Finch Geospiza scandens on Isla Daphne major, Galapagos. ARDEA 72 (2): 177 - 188. |
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Perdeck A.C. & Speek G. (1984) A radar study on the influence of expected ground speed, cloudiness and temperature on diurnal migration intensity. ARDEA 72 (2): 189 - 198. |
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Hockey P.A.R. & Branch G.M. (1984) Oystercatchers and limpets: impact and implications. A preliminary assessment. ARDEA 72 (2): 199 - 206. |
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James P.C. & Verbeek N.A.M. (1984) Temporal and energetic aspects of food storage in Northwestern Crows. ARDEA 72 (2): 207 - 215. |
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Fasola M. (1984) Activity rhythm and feeding success of nesting Night Herons Nyciticorax nycticorax. ARDEA 72 (2): 217 - 222. |
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Bilcke G. (1984) Residence and non-residence in passerines: dependence on the vegetation structure. ARDEA 72 (2): 223 - 227. |
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Amat J.A. (1984) Ecological segregation between Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina and Pochard Aythya ferina in a fluctuating environment. ARDEA 72 (2): 229 - 233. |
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van Balen S. (1984) Sight records of the Black Baza Aviceda leuphotes on Java. ARDEA 72 (2): 234 - 234. |
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Vader W. & Barrett R.T. (1984) Notes on sea-birds 72. Wilson's Storm Petrel at 77 N late November 1980. ARDEA 72 (2): 235 - 235. |
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James P.C. & Alexander M. (1984) Notes on sea-birds 73. Madeiran Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis baroli prospecting on Skomer Island, U.K. ARDEA 72 (2): 236 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) In memoriam Finn Salomonsen (1909-1983). ARDEA 72 (2): 238 - 239. |
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Swennen C. (1984) Boekbespreking. Altenburg W., Engelmoer M., Es R. & Piersma T. 1982. Wintering waders on the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. ARDEA 72 (2): 240 - 241. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. American Ornithologists Union. 1983. Check list of North American birds. ARDEA 72 (2): 241 - 243. |
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Mees G.F. (1984) Boekbespreking. Cramp S. 1983. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. III. Waders to Gulls.. ARDEA 72 (2): 243 - 245. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. & Neufeldt J.A. 1982. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel, 10. Lieferung. ARDEA 72 (2): 245 - 245. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. & Neufeldt J.A. 1983. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel,11. Lieferung. ARDEA 72 (2): 245 - 246. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Ripley S.D. 1982.A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan. 2nd ed. Bombay Natural History Society. ARDEA 72 (2): 246 - 247. |
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van der Ven J.A. (1984) Boekbespreking. Flint P.R. & Steward P.F. 1983. The birds of Cyprus. An annotated check list. ARDEA 72 (2): 247 - 247. |
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van Eerden M.R. (1984) Boekbespreking. Fox A.D. & Stroud D.A. 1981. Report of the 1979 Greenland White-Fronted Goose study expedition to Eqalungmiut Nunat, West Greenland. ARDEA 72 (2): 247 - 248. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. & Bauer K.M. 1982. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 8. Chadriiformes (3. Teil). ARDEA 72 (2): 248 - 250. |
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van Halewijn R. (1984) Boekbespreking. Harrison P. 1983. Seabirds: an identification guide. ARDEA 72 (2): 250 - 251. |
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van Eerden M.R. (1984) Boekbespreking. Matthews G.V.T. & Smart M. 1981. Proceedings of the Second International Swan Symposium, Sapporo Japan. International Waterfowl Bureau, Slimbridge, England. ARDEA 72 (2): 251 - 251. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Salmen H. 1981. Die Ornis Siebenburgens. ARDEA 72 (2): 252 - 253. |
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Wijnandts H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Mikkola H. 1981. Der Bartkauz. ARDEA 72 (2): 252 - 252. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1984) Boekbespreking. Zink G. 1981. Der Zug europaischer Singvogel. 3. Lieferung. ARDEA 72 (2): 253 - 254. |
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Rooth J. (1984) Boekbespreking. Voous K.H. 1983. Birds of the Netherlands Antilles. ARDEA 72 (2): 253 - 253. |
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Voous K.H. (1984) Boekbespreking. Zoological Society of London. 1976-1979. Zoological record, section Aves, vol. 113-116. ARDEA 72 (2): 254 - 254. |
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de Vos G.J. (1983) Social behaviour of Black Grouse. An observational and experimental field study. ARDEA 71 (1): 1 - 103. |
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Patterson I.J., Makepeace M. & Williams M. (1983) Limitation of local population size in the Shelduck. ARDEA 71 (1): 105 - 116. |
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Village A. (1983) Seasonal changes in the hunting behaviour of Kestrels. ARDEA 71 (1): 117 - 124. |
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Ydenberg R.C., Prins H.H.T. & van Dijk J. (1983) The post-roost gatherings of wintering Barnacle Geese: Information centres? ARDEA 71 (1): 125 - 131. |
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Smeenk C.A. (1983) Observations of the Harrier Hawk Polyboroides typus in Nigeria, with comparative notes on the neotropical Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens. ARDEA 71 (1): 133 - 143. |
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Griffiths A.M. (1983) Factors affecting the distribution of the Snow Petrel Pagadroma nivea and the Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica. ARDEA 71 (1): 145 - 150. |
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Summers R.W. & Smith S.M. (1983) The diet of the Knot (Calidris canutus) on rocky shores of eastern Scotland in winter. ARDEA 71 (1): 151 - 153. |
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Swennen C. & Duiven P. (1983) Characteristics of Oystercatchers by cold-stress in the Dutch Wadden Sea area. ARDEA 71 (1): 155 - 159. |
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Helbig A. (1983) Notes on sea-birds 71. Mass occurence of Manx Shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) at the coast of southern California coincides with exceptionally warm water temperatures. ARDEA 71 (1): 161 - 162. |
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Voous K.H. (1983) Boekbespreking. Bub H. 1981. Kennzeichen und Mauser europaischer Singvögel. 1.Teil. Lerchen und Schwalben. ARDEA 71 (1): 163 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1983) Boekbespreking. Kear J. & Berger A.J. 1980. The Hawaiian Goose. ARDEA 71 (1): 163 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1983) Boekbespreking. Keulemans T. & Coldewey J. 1982. Feathers to brush. The Victorian bird artist John Gerrard Keulemans. ARDEA 71 (1): 163 - 164. |
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Voous K.H. (1983) Boekbespreking. Simms E. 1978. British thrushes. ARDEA 71 (1): 164 - 165. |
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Voous K.H. (1983) Boekbespreking. Wolters H.E. Die Vogelarten der Erde. ARDEA 71 (1): 165 - 166. |
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de Groot R.S. (1983) Origin, status and ecology of the owls in Galapagos. ARDEA 71 (2): 167 - 182. |
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Orell M. & Ojanen M. (1983) Timing and length of the breeding season of the Great Tit Parus major and the Willow Tit Parus montanus near Oulu, northern Finland. ARDEA 71 (2): 183 - 198. |
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Prevost Y. (1983) The moult of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus. ARDEA 71 (2): 199 - 209. |
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Skipnes K. (1983) Incubation behaviour of the Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea, in relation to time of day and stage of incubation. ARDEA 71 (2): 211 - 215. |
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Cavé A.J. (1983) Purple Heron survival and drought in tropical West-Africa. ARDEA 71 (2): 217 - 224. |
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Espin P.M.J., Mather R.M. & Adams J. (1983) Age and foraging in Black-winged Stilts Himantopus himantopus. ARDEA 71 (2): 225 - 228. |
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Martinez A., Motis A., Matheu E. & Llimona F. (1983) Data on the breeding biology of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus L. in the Ebro delta. ARDEA 71 (2): 229 - 234. |
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Coulson J.C., Monaghan P., Butterfield J., Duncan N., Thomas C. & Shedden C. (1983) Seasonal changes in the Herring Gull in Britain: weight, moult and mortality. ARDEA 71 (2): 235 - 244. |
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Swennen C. (1983) Reproductive output of Eiders Somateria m. mollissima on the southern border of its breeding range. ARDEA 71 (2): 245 - 254. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1983) An experiment of the orientation of juvenile Starlings during spring migration: an addendum. ARDEA 71 (2): 255 - 255. |
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van Balen J.H., Booy C.J.H., van Franeker J.A. & Osieck E.R. (1982) Studies on hole-nesting birds in natural nest sites. 1. Availability and occupation of natural nest-sites. ARDEA 70 (1): 1 - 24. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (1982) Breeding season, clutch size and breeding success in the Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula. ARDEA 70 (1): 25 - 30. |
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van Franeker J.A. & Wattel J. (1982) Geographical variation of the Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis in the North Atlantic. ARDEA 70 (1): 31 - 44. |
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Hafner H., Boy V. & Gory G. (1982) Feeding methods, flock size and feeding success in the Little Egret Egretta garzetta and the Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides in Camargue, southern France. ARDEA 70 (1): 45 - 54. |
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Hockey P.A.R. & Cooper J. (1982) Occurence of the European Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus in southern Africa. ARDEA 70 (1): 55 - 58. |
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Evans M.E. (1982) Movements of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii marked at Slimbridge, England from 1960 to 1979. ARDEA 70 (1): 59 - 75. |
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Harrison C.J.O. (1982) A new tiny raptor from the Lower Eocene of England. ARDEA 70 (1): 77 - 80. |
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van den Berg A.B., Bosman C.A.W. & Rozendaal F.G. (1982) Notes on sea-birds 67. Mass movement of Bridled Terns Sterna anaethetus and Wilson's Petrels Oceanites oeceanicus off Columbo, Sri Lanka. ARDEA 70 (1): 81 - 82. |
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van den Berg A.B., Bosman C.A.W. & Rozendaal F.G. (1982) Notes on sea-birds 68. First record of Slender-billed Gull Larus genei in Sri Lanka. ARDEA 70 (1): 82 - 83. |
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van den Berg A.B., Bosman C.A.W. & Rozendaal F.G. (1982) Notes on sea-birds 69. First sight-record of White-faced Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas in Sri Lanka. ARDEA 70 (1): 83 - 83. |
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van den Berg A.B., Bosman C.A.W. & Rozendaal F.G. (1982) Notes on sea-birds 70. First sight-records of Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis in Sri Lanka. ARDEA 70 (1): 83 - 84. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) In memoriam Phyllis Barclay-Smith (1902-1980). ARDEA 70 (1): 84 - 84. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Britton P.L. (ed). 1980. Birds of East-Africa, their habitat, status and distribution. ARDEA 70 (1): 85 - 85. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. & Bauer K.M. 1981. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 9. Columbiformes - Piciformes. ARDEA 70 (1): 85 - 86. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Johnson D.N. (ed). 1980. Proceedings of the Fourth Pan-African Ornithological Congress. ARDEA 70 (1): 86 - 87. |
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Hulscher J.B. (1982) The Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus as a predator of the bivalve Macoma balthica in the Dutch Wadden Sea. ARDEA 70 (2): 89 - 152. |
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Westerterp K., Gortmaker W. & Wijngaarden H. (1982) An energetic optimum in brood-raising in the Starling Sturnus vulgaris: an experimental study. ARDEA 70 (2): 153 - 162. |
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Newton I. & Marquiss M. (1982) Moult in the Sparrowhawk. ARDEA 70 (2): 163 - 172. |
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van der Molen E.J., Blok A.A & de Graaf G.J. (1982) Winter starvation and mercury intoxication in Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) in The Netherlands. ARDEA 70 (2): 173 - 184. |
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Dhondt A.A., Schillemans J. & de Laet J. (1982) Blue Tit territories in populations at different density levels. ARDEA 70 (2): 185 - 188. |
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Askenmo C. (1982) Clutch size flexibility in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 70 (2): 189 - 196. |
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Cavé A.J. (1982) Experiments on the use of the sun by Starlings in the discrimination of geographical locations for navigation. ARDEA 70 (2): 197 - 216. |
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Lyons D. & Mosher J.A. (1982) Food caching by raptors and caching of a nestling by the Broad-winged Hawk. ARDEA 70 (2): 217 - 219. |
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Ouweneel G.J. (1982) Ornithological importance of the Kopacki-Rit, Yugoslavia. ARDEA 70 (2): 221 - 223. |
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Klomp H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1981. Bird migration in Africa. ARDEA 70 (2): 225 - 226. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Bozhko S.I. 1980. Der Karmingimpel. ARDEA 70 (2): 225 - 225. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. Neufeldt I.A. 1981. Atlas der Verbreitungg palearktischer Vögel. ARDEA 70 (2): 226 - 227. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Kahl M.P. 1981. Welt der Störche, 1981. ARDEA 70 (2): 227 - 227. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Fischer W. 1980. Die Habichte. ARDEA 70 (2): 227 - 227. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Ortlieb R. 1980. Der Rotmilan. ARDEA 70 (2): 227 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Porter R.F., Willis I., Christensen S. & Nielsen B.P. 1981. Flight indentification of European raptors. ARDEA 70 (2): 228 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Smythies B.E. 1981. The birds of Borneo. ARDEA 70 (2): 228 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Sultana J. & Gauci C. 1982. A new guide to the birds of Malta. ARDEA 70 (2): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Tate P. 1981. Swallows. ARDEA 70 (2): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1982) Boekbespreking. Weaver P. 1981. The birdwatcher's dictionary. ARDEA 70 (2): 229 - 230. |
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Tinbergen J.M. (1981) Foraging decisions in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris L ). ARDEA 69 (1): 1 - 67. |
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Baeyens G. (1981) The role of the sexes in territory defence in the Magpie (Pica pica). ARDEA 69 (1): 69 - 82. |
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Feekes F. (1981) Biology and colonial organization of two sympatric caciques, Cacicis c. cela and Cacicus h. haemorrhous (Icteridae, Aves) in Suriname. ARDEA 69 (1): 83 - 107. |
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Duffy D.C. (1981) Seasonal changes in the seabird fauna of Peru. ARDEA 69 (1): 109 - 113. |
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den Blanken G., Boere G.C. & Nieboer E. (1981) Primary moult of the Redshank Tringa totanus in the Dutch Waddenzee studied by collecting shed feathers; a test. ARDEA 69 (1): 115 - 124. |
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Baeyens G. (1981) Magpie breeding success and Carrion Crow interference. ARDEA 69 (1): 125 - 139. |
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Biebach H. (1981) Energetic costs of incubation on different clutch sizes in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). ARDEA 69 (1): 141 - 142. |
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Brooke R.K. (1981) Notes on sea-birds 64. The type-locality of Pterodroma brevirostris (Lesson). ARDEA 69 (1): 143 - 143. |
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Brooke R.K. (1981) Notes on sea-birds 65. What is Stercorarius madagascariensis Bonaparte? ARDEA 69 (1): 144 - 144. |
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Baeyens G. (1981) Functional aspects of serial monogamy: the Magpie pair-bond in relation to its territorial system. ARDEA 69 (2): 145 - 166. |
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Burger A.E. (1981) Food and foraging behaviour of Lesser Sheathbills at Marion Island. ARDEA 69 (2): 167 - 180. |
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Hardy A.R., Hirons G.J.M., Stanley P.I. & Huson L.W. (1981) Sexual dimorphism in size of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco): a method for sexing in field studies. ARDEA 69 (2): 181 - 184. |
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den Held J.J. (1981) Population changes in the Purple Heron in relation to drought in the wintering area. ARDEA 69 (2): 185 - 191. |
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Moller A.P. (1981) Breeding cycle of the Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Gmel., especially in relation to colony size. ARDEA 69 (2): 193 - 198. |
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Verheijen F.J. (1981) Bird kills at tall lighted structures in the USA in the period 1935-1973 and kills at a Dutch lighthouse in the period 1924-1928 show similar lunar periodicity. ARDEA 69 (2): 199 - 203. |
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Wilson R.T. & Wilson M.P. (1981) Notes on the Giant Eagle Owl Bubo lacteus in Central Mali. ARDEA 69 (2): 205 - 208. |
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Katzir G. (1981) Inter-specific hierarchy and information use. ARDEA 69 (2): 209 - 210. |
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Cadée G.C. (1981) Seabird observations between Rotterdam and the equatorial Atlantic. ARDEA 69 (2): 211 - 216. |
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Sinclair J.C. (1981) Notes on sea-birds 66. Eight previously unreported seabirds at Marion Island, Indian Ocean. ARDEA 69 (2): 217 - 218. |
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Mees G.F. (1981) Boekbespreking. Cramp S. (ed). 1980. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. II. Hawks to Bustards. ARDEA 69 (2): 219 - 220. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Ali S. 1979. Indian hill birds. ARDEA 69 (2): 219 - 219. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Bull J. & Farrand J. 1980. The Audubon society field guide to North American birds. Eastern region. ARDEA 69 (2): 219 - 219. |
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Klomp H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Hollom P.A.D. 1980. The popular handbook of rarer British birds. ARDEA 69 (2): 220 - 220. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Howard R. & Moore A. 1980. A complete checklist of the birds of the world. ARDEA 69 (2): 221 - 221. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Howell T.R. 1980. Breeding biology of the Egyptian plover, Pluvianus aegyptius. ARDEA 69 (2): 221 - 222. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Vestergaard Jensen J. & Kirkeby J. 1980. The birds of the Gambia. ARDEA 69 (2): 222 - 222. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Johnsgard P.A. 1980. Birds of the Great Plains. ARDEA 69 (2): 222 - 223. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Konig C. & Ertel R. 1979. Vögel Afrikas. Ost- und Südafrika. ARDEA 69 (2): 223 - 223. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Kruger S. 1979. Der Kernbeisser. ARDEA 69 (2): 223 - 224. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Martens J. 1980. Lautausserungen, verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen und Verbreitungsgeschichte asiatischer Läubsanger (Phylloscopus). ARDEA 69 (2): 224 - 224. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Newton I. 1979. Population ecology of raptors. ARDEA 69 (2): 224 - 225. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Owen M. 1980. Wild geese of the world. ARDEA 69 (2): 225 - 226. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Pätzold R. 1979. Das Rotkelchen. ARDEA 69 (2): 226 - 227. |
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Klomp H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Prinzinger G. & R. 1980. Pestizide und Brutbiologie der Vögel. ARDEA 69 (2): 227 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. van der Plas-Haarsma M. 1980. De Huismus. ARDEA 69 (2): 227 - 227. |
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Bekhuis J. (1981) Boekbespreking. Schifferli A., Geroudet P. & Winkler R. 1980. Verbreitungsatlas der Brutvogel der Schweiz. ARDEA 69 (2): 228 - 229. |
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de Korte J. (1981) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1979. Ornithological and ecological studies in S.W. Greenland. ARDEA 69 (2): 228 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Thomsen P. & Jacobsen F. 1979. The birds of Tunisia. ARDEA 69 (2): 229 - 230. |
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Klomp H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Wright E.N., Inglis I.R. & Feare C.J. (eds). 1979. Bird problems in agriculture. ARDEA 69 (2): 230 - 231. |
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Voous K.H. (1981) Boekbespreking. Walter H. 1979. Eleonora's Falcon. Adaptations to prey and habitat in a social raptor. ARDEA 69 (2): 230 - 230. |
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Klomp H. & Woldendorp J.W. (1980) The integrated study of bird populations. Proceedings of a symposium held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, 17-21 September 1979. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 3 - 3. |
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Lever J. (1980) Aristotle and the birds. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 7 - 9. |
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Newton I. (1980) The role of food in limiting bird numbers. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 11 - 30. |
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Goss-Custard J.D. (1980) Competition for food and interference among waders. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 31 - 52. |
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Patterson I.J. (1980) Territorial behaviour and the limitation of population density. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 53 - 62. |
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Davies N.B. (1980) The economics of territorial behaviour in birds. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 63 - 74. |
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Pulliam H.R. (1980) Do Chipping Sparrows forage optimally? ARDEA 68 (1-4): 75 - 82. |
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Krebs J.R. (1980) Optimal foraging, predation risk and territory defence. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 83 - 90. |
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Bryant D.M. & Westerterp K.R. (1980) The energy budget of the House Martin Delichon urbica. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 91 - 102. |
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Watson A. & Moss R. (1980) Advances in our understanding of the population dynamics of Red Grouse from a recent fluctuation in numbers. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 103 - 111. |
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Moss R. & Watson A. (1980) Inherent changes in the aggressive behaviour of a fluctuating Red Grouse, Lagopus lagopus scoticus, population. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 113 - 119. |
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Dhondt A.A. & Eyckerman R. (1980) Competition and the regulation of numbers in Great and Blue Tit. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 121 - 132. |
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Perrins C.M. & Geer T.A. (1980) The effect of Sparrowhawks on tit populations. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 133 - 142. |
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van Balen J.H. (1980) Population fluctuations of the Great Tit and feeding conditions in winter. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 143 - 164. |
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O'Connor R.J. (1980) Pattern and process in Great Tit Parus major populations in Britain. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 165 - 183. |
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Mertens J.A.L. (1980) The energy requirements for incubation in Great Tits and other bird species. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 185 - 192. |
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van Noordwijk A.J., van Balen J.H. & Scharloo W. (1980) Heritability of ecologically important traits in the Great Tit. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 193 - 203. |
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Klomp H. (1980) Fluctuations and stability in Great Tit populations. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 205 - 224. |
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Drent R.H. & Daan S. (1980) The prudent parent: energetic adjustments in avian breeeding. ARDEA 68 (1-4): 225 - 252. |
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Burger A.E. (1979) Breeding biology, moult and survival of Lesser Sheathbills Chionis minor at Marion Island. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 1 - 14. |
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Croxall J.P. (1979) Distribution and population changes in the Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans at South Georgia. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 15 - 21. |
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Vermeer K. & Cullen L. (1979) Growth of Rhinoceros Auklets and Tufted Puffins, Triangle Island, British Columbia. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 22 - 27. |
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Baeyens G. (1979) Description of the social behaviour of the Magpie Pica pica. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 28 - 41. |
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Doornbos G. (1979) Winter food habits of smew (Mergus albellus) on Lake Yssel, the Netherlands: species and size selection in relation to fish stocks. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 42 - 48. |
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van Franeker J.A. (1979) Some notes on the Fulmar in the Netherlands. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 49 - 53. |
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Swennen C., Duiven P. & Reyrink L.A.F. (1979) Notes on the sex ratio in the Common Eider Somateria mollissima (L.). ARDEA 67 (1-2): 54 - 61. |
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Walters J. (1979) The onset of the postnuptial moult in the Common Tern Sterna hirundo near Amsterdam. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 62 - 67. |
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de Bie S. & Zijlstra M. (1979) Some remarks on the behaviour of the Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta L.) in relation to different breeding places. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 68 - 69. |
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Speek B.J. (1979) Boekbespreking. Bezzel E. & Lechner F. 1978. Die Vögel des Werdenfelser Landes. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 70 - 71. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Alison R.M. 1975. Breeding biology and behaviour of the Oldsquaw. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 70 - 70. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Beaman M. (ed). 1978. Bird report no. 4, 1974-1975. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 70 - 70. |
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Speek B.J. (1979) Boekbespreking. Bless R. 1978. Bestandsanderungen der Fischfauna in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 71 - 71. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Boyd H. & Finney G.H. 1978. Migratory game bird hunters and hunting in Canada. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 71 - 72. |
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Spaans A.L. (1979) Boekbespreking. Goodfellow P. 1978. Bouwvormen bij vogels. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 72 - 72. |
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Speek B.J. (1979) Boekbespreking. Hagen H. 1978. Nationalpark Lake Manyara. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 72 - 72. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Delta's Vogel-Encyclopedia. 1978. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 72 - 72. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Moller A.P. (ed). 1978. Nordjyllands Fugle. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 73 - 73. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Nethersole-Thompson D. & M. 1979. Greenshanks. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 73 - 74. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Severinghaus S.R. & Blackshaw K.T. 1976. A new guide to the birds of Taiwan. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 74 - 74. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Svensson L. (ed). 1978. Sveriges fäglar. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 74 - 75. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Taapken J. 1979. Elseviers vogelvademecum. ARDEA 67 (1-2): 75 - 75. |
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Brown L.H. & Brown B.E. (1979) The behaviour of the Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 77 - 95. |
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Daan S. & Tinbergen J.M. (1979) Young Guillemots (Uria lomvia) leaving their arctic breeding cliffs: a daily rhythm in numbers and risk. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 96 - 100. |
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Vermeer K. (1979) Nesting requirements, food and breeding distribution of Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata and Tufted Puffins Lunda cirrhata. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 101 - 110. |
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Puttick G.M. (1979) Foraging behaviour and activity budgets of Curlew Sandpipers. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 111 - 122. |
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Röell A. (1979) Bigamy in Jackdaws. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 123 - 129. |
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Orell M. & Ojanen M. (1979) Mortality rates of the Great Tit Parus major in a northern population. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 130 - 133. |
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van Balen J.H. (1979) Observations on the post-fledging dispersal of the Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 134 - 137. |
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Meeth P. & Meeth K. (1979) Notes on sea-birds 62. Sight record of Scooty Terns Sterna fuscata in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 138 - 138. |
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Wassink A. (1979) Notes on sea-birds 63. Brown Boobies attacking Slender-billed Gull. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 138 - 138. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Pakenham R.H.W. 1979. The birds of Zanzibar and Pemba. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 139 - 139. |
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Voous K.H. (1979) Boekbespreking. Radu D. 1979. Pasarile din Delta Dunarii. ARDEA 67 (3-4): 139 - 140. |
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Pomeroy D.E. (1978) The biology of Marabou Storks in Uganda. II. Breeding biology and general review. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 1 - 23. |
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Spaans A.L., Holthuizen A.M.A. & de Jong B.H.J. (1978) Spatial distribution and food of ducks in the coastal area of Surinam. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 24 - 31. |
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Walters J. (1978) The primary moult in four gull species near Amsterdam. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 32 - 47. |
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Mooij J.H. & Vos B.J. (1978) Zu einigen neu festgestellten Lautäusserungen des Waldkauzes (Strix aluco). ARDEA 66 (1-2): 48 - 52. |
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Thibault J.C. & Holyoak D.T. (1978) Vocal and olfactory displays in the petrel genera Bulweria and Pterodroma. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 53 - 56. |
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van Wijngaarden-Bakker L.H. (1978) A subfossil Great Auk Pinguins impennis (L.) from The Netherlands. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 57 - 61. |
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Klomp H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Blab J., Nowak E., Trautman W. & Sukopp H. 1977. Rote Liste der gefährdeten Tiere und Pflanzen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 62 - 63. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Bensson C.W. & Bensson F.M. 1977. The birds of Malawi. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 62 - 62. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Brown L. Roofvogels. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 63 - 63. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1975. Faglar over land och hav. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 63 - 64. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. 1977. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 64 - 64. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Emlen J.T. 1977. Land bird communities of Grand Bahama Island: the structure and dynamics of an avifauna. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 64 - 65. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Douglas Flack J.A. 1976. Bird populations of Aspen forests in western North America. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 65 - 66. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Hagen H. 1977. Nationalpark Serengeti. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 66 - 66. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Hudec K. & Cery W. 1977. Fauni CSSR. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 66 - 67. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Klafs G. & Stübs J. 1977. Die Vogelwelt Mecklenburgs. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 67 - 68. |
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Klomp H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Lindberg P. 1978. Pilgrimsfalk. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 68 - 69. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Marshall J.T. 1978. Systematics of smaller Asian night birds based on voice. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 69 - 69. |
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Klomp H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Poltz W. 1977. Bestandsentwicklungen bei Brutvögeln in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 70 - 71. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Opdam P. 1978. De havik. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 70 - 70. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Prater A.J., Marchant J.H. & Vuorinen J. 1978. Guide to the identification and ageing of holarctic waders. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 71 - 72. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Treleaven R.P. 1977. Peregrine, the private life of the Peregrine Falcon. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 72 - 73. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Watson D. 1977. The Hen Harrier. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 73 - 74. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Wolf L.L. 1977. Species relationships in the avian genus Aimophila. ARDEA 66 (1-2): 74 - 75. |
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Schipper W.J.A. (1978) A comparison of breeding ecology in three European harriers (Circus). ARDEA 66 (3): 77 - 102. |
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Jarvinen O., Vaisanen R.A. & Walankiewicz W. (1978) Efficiency of the line transect method in Central European forests. ARDEA 66 (3): 103 - 111. |
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Holyoak D.T. (1978) Variable albinism of the flight feathers as an adaptation for recognition of individual birds in some Polynesian populations of Acrocephalus warblers. ARDEA 66 (3): 112 - 117. |
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Meeth P. & Meeth K. (1978) Note on the birds seen in the estuary of the Rio Magdalena, Barranquilla, Colombia. ARDEA 66 (3): 118 - 120. |
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Bull J. (1978) Palearctic waders and larids in the southern Caribbean. ARDEA 66 (3): 121 - 123. |
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Meeth P. & Meeth K. (1978) Zone-tailed hawks Buteo albonotatus in Colombia. ARDEA 66 (3): 121 - 121. |
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Wassink A. (1978) Some additional field characters of the Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis. ARDEA 66 (3): 123 - 124. |
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Schuchmann K.L. (1978) Nectar intake in a Purple-throated Carib Hummingbird (Eulampis jugularis) in spite of tongue and beak injuries. ARDEA 66 (3): 124 - 125. |
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Mees G.F. (1978) Boekbespreking. Cramp S. & Simmons K.E.L. 1977. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. I. Ostrich to Ducks. ARDEA 66 (3): 126 - 129. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Ali S. 1978. Fieldguide to the birds of the Eastern Himalayas. ARDEA 66 (3): 126 - 126. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Etchecopar R.-D. & Hue F. 1978. Les oiseaux de Chine, de Mongolie et de Coree. ARDEA 66 (3): 129 - 130. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. MacLachlan G.R. & Liversidge R. 1978. Roberts Birds of South Africa. ARDEA 66 (3): 130 - 131. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Nelson J.B. 1978. The Sulidae, Gannets and Boobies. ARDEA 66 (3): 131 - 132. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Nolan V. 1978. The ecology and behavior of the Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor. ARDEA 66 (3): 133 - 133. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Ogilvie M.A. 1978. Wild Geese. ARDEA 66 (3): 133 - 134. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Wolters H.E. 1977. Die Vogelarten der Erde. 3.Lieferung, Bogen 11-15. ARDEA 66 (3): 135 - 135. |
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Opdam P. (1978) Feeding ecology of a Sparrowhawk population Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 66 (4): 137 - 155. |
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Schuchmann K.L. (1978) Allopatrische Artbildung bei der Kolibrigattung Trochilus. ARDEA 66 (4): 156 - 172. |
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Visser J. (1978) Fat and protein metabolism and mortality in the Coot Fulica atra. ARDEA 66 (4): 173 - 183. |
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Trail P.W. (1978) Sight records of two species new for Surinam. ARDEA 66 (4): 184 - 185. |
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Sinclair J.C. & Nicholls G.H. (1978) Notes on sea-birds 61. Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus foraging ashore in South Africa. ARDEA 66 (4): 186 - 186. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Arnhem R. 1979. Vogels van Europa. ARDEA 66 (4): 187 - 188. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. & Neufeldt I.A. 1978. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. ARDEA 66 (4): 188 - 188. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Geroudet P. 1978. Grands echassiers, Gallinices, Rales d'Europe. ARDEA 66 (4): 188 - 189. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Nederlands Valkeniersverbond 'Adriaan Mollen'. 1978. Jaarboek 1977. ARDEA 66 (4): 189 - 189. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Nelson B. 1978. The Gannet. ARDEA 66 (4): 189 - 190. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Tuck G. & Heinzel H. 1978. A field guide to the seabirds of Britain and the world. ARDEA 66 (4): 190 - 191. |
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Voous K.H. (1978) Boekbespreking. Boekbespreking. Zoological Society of London. 1976, 1978, 1979. Zoological Record. Section 18, Aves. ARDEA 66 (4): 192 - 192. |
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Pomeroy D.E. (1977) The biology of Marabou Storks in Uganda. I. Some characteristics of the species, and the population-structure. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 1 - 24. |
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Verbeek N.A.M. (1977) Comparative feeding ecology of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 25 - 42. |
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Harrison C.J.O. (1977) The limb obsteology of the diving petrels and the Little Auk as evidence of the retention of characters in morphologically convergent species. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 43 - 52. |
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Schipper W.J.A. (1977) Hunting in three European harriers (Circus) during the breeding season. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 53 - 72. |
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Dean W.R.J. (1977) Moult of Little Stints in South Africa. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 73 - 79. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Northern gulls in Aruba, Netherlands Antilles. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 80 - 82. |
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Spaans A.L. (1977) Are starlings faithful to their individual winter quarters? ARDEA 65 (1-2): 83 - 87. |
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Meeth P. (1977) Notes on sea-birds 56. Herring gulls Larus argentatus in Kenya. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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Meeth P. (1977) Notes on sea-birds 57. Northern records of the Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica in the South Pacific. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 89 - 89. |
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Meeth P. (1977) Notes on sea-birds 58. Christmas Island Frigatebirds Fregata andrewsi in the Java Sea. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 89 - 90. |
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Meeth P. (1977) Notes on sea-birds 59. Blue petrels Halobaena caerulea off Peru. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 90 - 91. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Bannerman D.A. & Vella-Gaffiero J.A. 1976. Birds of the Maltese archipelago. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 92 - 92. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Sultana J., Gauci C. & Beaman M. 1975. A guide to the birds of Malta. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 92 - 93. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Brown L. 1976. British birds of prey. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 93 - 93. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Bundy G. 1976. The birds of Libya. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 93 - 94. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Durman R. 1976. Bird observations in Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
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Beintema A.J. (1977) Boekbespreking. Haarman K. & Pretscher P. 1976. Die Feuchtgebiete internationaler Bedeutung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Lebensräume für Watt- und Wasservögel. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 95 - 96. |
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Renssen T.A. (1977) Boekbespreking. Heijnis R. 1976. Vogels onderweg..., Ornithologische mortaliteits- en milieuaspekten van bovengrondse hoogspanningstraces. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 96 - 97. |
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de Vos G.J. (1977) Boekbespreking. Lill A. 1976. Lek behavior in the Golden-headed Manakin, Pipra erythrocephala in Trinidad (West Indies). ARDEA 65 (1-2): 97 - 98. |
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Mees G.F. (1977) Boekbespreking. MacDonald J.D. 1973. Birds of Australia. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 98 - 99. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Mebs T. & Fischer W. 1976. Die Greifvögel der Erde. Tier und Umwelt. Neue Folge 13/14. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 99 - 99. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Nethersole-Thompson D. 1975. Pine Crossbills. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 99 - 100. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Palmer R.S. (ed). 1976. Handbook of North American birds. 2 & 3. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 100 - 101. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Proceedings of the 16th International Ornithological Congress (1974). 1976. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 101 - 102. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Ridgley R.S. 1976. A guide to the birds of Panama. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 102 - 103. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1977) Boekbespreking. Ringing and migration, Vol.1, no. 1, 1975. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 103 - 103. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Rudebeck G. The choice of prey and modes of hunting of predatory birds with special reference to their selective effect. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 103 - 103. |
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Teixeira R.M. (1977) Boekbespreking. Sanders J. & Berg K. 1975. A guide to bird- watching in Sweden. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 104 - 104. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Sanders J. & Berg K. 1976. A guide to bird- watching in Denmark. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 104 - 105. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Seebohm H. 1976. The birds of Siberia. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 105 - 105. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Sharrock J.T.R. & Sharrock E.M. 1976. Rare birds in Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 105 - 106. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Simpson G.G. 1976. Penguins, past and present, here and there. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 106 - 106. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Thielcke G. 1975. Das Schicksal der Greifvögel in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 106 - 107. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Valck A. 1976. De broedvogels van Ameland. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Watkinson E. 1975. A guide to bird-watching in Mallorca. ARDEA 65 (1-2): 107 - 108. |
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Klomp H. (1977) In memoriam Dr. H.N. Kluijver. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 109 - 114. |
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Fjeldsa J. (1977) Sex and age variation in wing-length in the Coot Fulica atra. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 115 - 125. |
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van Rhijn J.G. (1977) Processes in feathers caused by bathing in water. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 126 - 147. |
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Smeenk C. & Smeenk-Enserink N. (1977) Observations on the Shikra Accipiter badius in Nigeria. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 148 - 164. |
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Ouellet H. (1977) Relationships of woodpecker genera Dendrocopos Koch and Picoides Lacépède, (Aves, Picidae). ARDEA 65 (3-4): 165 - 183. |
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Mertens J.A.L. (1977) The energy requirements for incubation in Great Tits Parus major L. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 184 - 196. |
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Feekes F. (1977) Colony-specific song in Cacicus cela (Icteridae, Aves): the pass- word hypothesis. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 197 - 202. |
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de Jong B.H.J. & Holthuijzen A.M.A. (1977) Cliff Flycatcher Hirundinea ferruginea, a new species for the Surinam list. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 203 - 203. |
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Rozendaal F.G. (1977) Notes on sea-birds 60. A record of the Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis off the coast of South Africa. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 204 - 204. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Blake E.R. 1977. Manual of neotropical birds. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 205 - 205. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Dathe H. 1976. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 205 - 206. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Fjeldsa J. 1977. Guide to the young of European precocial birds. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 206 - 207. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N., Bauer K.M. & Bezzel E. 1977. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 7. Charadriiformes (2.Teil). ARDEA 65 (3-4): 207 - 208. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1976. Die Eier der Vögel Europas. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 208 - 209. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Medway L. & Wells D.R. 1976. The birds of the Malay Peninsula. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 209 - 210. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Menzel H. 1976. Der Hausrotschwanz. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 210 - 211. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Nadler T. 1976. Die Zwergseeschwalbe. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 211 - 212. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Poley D. 1976. Kolibris. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 212 - 212. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Rheinwald G. 1975. Atlas der Brutverbreitung Westdeutscher Vogelarten. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 212 - 213. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Ripley S.D. 1977. Rails of the world. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 213 - 215. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Schäfers H. 1975. Zur Brutverbreitung ausgewählter Vogelarten in Nordwest-Deutschland. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 215 - 215. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Schreiber R.W. 1977. Maintenance behaviour and communication in the Brown Pelican. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 215 - 216. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Sharrock J.T.R. 1976. The atlas of breeding birds in Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 216 - 216. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Yeatman L. 1976. Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de France 1970 a 1975. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 216 - 218. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Snyder N.F.R. & Wiley J.W. 1976. Sexual size dimorphism in hawks and owls of North America. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 218 - 219. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Strijbos J.P. 1976. Vogelvrij - mensen en tijden die ik gekend heb. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 219 - 219. |
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Voous K.H. (1977) Boekbespreking. Wolters H.E. 1976. Die Vogelarten der Erde. 2. Lieferung, Bogen 6-10. ARDEA 65 (3-4): 219 - 220. |
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Visser J. (1976) An evaluation of factors affecting wing length and its variability in the Coot Fulica atra. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 1 - 21. |
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Dick W.J.A., Pienkowski M.W., Walter M. & Minton C.D.T. (1976) Distribution and geographical origins of Knot Calidris canutus wintering in Europe and Africa. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 22 - 47. |
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Isenmann P. (1976) Contribution a l'etude de la biologie de la reproduction et de l'etho-ecologie du Goeland railleur, Larus genei. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 48 - 61. |
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Schubert M. (1976) Über die variabilität von Lockrufen des Gimpels Pyrrhula pyrrhula. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 62 - 71. |
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Cooper J. & Dowle J.E. (1976) Seasonal and spatial distribution of some procellariiform seabirds in Southern African waters. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 72 - 79. |
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Oreel G.J. (1976) On the alleged occurrence of the Brown-headed Gull Larus brunnicephalus in Tanzania. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 80 - 80. |
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Petit P. (1976) Notes on sea-birds 53. Presence et nidification d'une Sterne voyageuse (Sterna bengalensis) dans une colonie de Sterne caugek (Sterna sandvicensis) sur le Banc d'Arguin. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 81 - 82. |
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Araujo J., Cobos J.M. & Purroy F.J. (1976) Notes on sea-birds 54. Populations of sea birds in the Cabrera archipelago (Balearic islands). ARDEA 64 (1-2): 83 - 84. |
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Becking J.H. (1976) Notes on sea-birds 55. The Dove Prion Pachyptla desolata at the coast of Java. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 85 - 87. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Brown R.G.B., Nettleship D.N., Germain, P., Tull C.E. & Davis T. 1975. Atlas of eastern Canadian seabirds. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N., Bauer K.M. & Bezzel E. 1975. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 6. Charadriiformes (1.Teil). ARDEA 64 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Hudson R. & Cramp S. 1975. Bedreigde vogelsoorten in Europa. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 90 - 90. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1976) Boekbespreking. Mead C. 1974. Bird ringing. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 91 - 92. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Kerbes R.H. 1976. The nesting population of lesser snow geese on the eastern Canadian Arctic: a photographic inventory of June 1973. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 91 - 91. |
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Klomp H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Schwerdtfeger F. 1975. Ökologie der Tiere. bd.III: Synökologie. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 92 - 93. |
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Klomp H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Svensson L. 1975. Identification guide to European Passerines. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 93 - 93. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Watson G. 1975. Birds of the Antarctic and Sub- Antarctic. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 93 - 93. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Wolters H.E. 1975. Die Vogelarten der Erde. 1.Lieferung, Bogen 1-5. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 94 - 94. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1976) Boekbespreking. Zink, G. 1975. Der Zug europäischer Singvögel. Ein Atlas der Wiederfunde beringter Vögel. 2.Lieferung. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 95 - 96. |
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Voous K.H. (1976) Boekbespreking. Woods R.W. 1975. The birds of the Falkland Islands. ARDEA 64 (1-2): 95 - 95. |
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Krebs J.R. & Cowie R.J. (1976) Foraging strategies in birds. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 98 - 116. |
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Evans P.R. (1976) Energy balance and optimal foraging strategies in shorebirds: some implications for their distributions and movements in the non-breeding season. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 117 - 139. |
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Berthold P. (1976) The control and significance of animal and vegetable nutrition in omnivorous songbirds. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 140 - 154. |
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Tinbergen J.M. (1976) How Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris L.) apportion their foraging in a virtual single-prey situation on a meadow. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 155 - 170. |
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Siegfried W.R., Burger A.E. & Frost P.G.H. (1976) Energy requirements for breeding in the Maccoa duck. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 171 - 191. |
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Zwarts L. (1976) Density-related processes in feeding dispersion and feeding activity of Teal (Anas crecca). ARDEA 64 (3-4): 192 - 209. |
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Boere G.C. (1976) The significance of the Dutch Waddenzee in the annual life cycle of arctic, subarctic and boreal waders. Part 1. The function as a moulting area. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 210 - 291. |
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Hulscher J.B. (1976) Localisation of cockles (Cardium edule L.) by the Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus L.) in darkness and daylight. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 292 - 310. |
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Swennen C. (1976) Populatie-structuur en voedsel van de Eidereend (Somateria mollissima) in de Nederlandse Waddenzee. ARDEA 64 (3-4): 311 - 371. |
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Schipper W.J.A., Buurma L.S. & Bossenbroek P. (1975) Comparative study of hunting behaviour of wintering Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus and Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus. ARDEA 63 (1-2): 1 - 29. |
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Opdam P. (1975) Inter- and intraspecific differentation with respect to feeding ecology in two sympatric species of the genus Accipiter. ARDEA 63 (1-2): 30 - 54. |
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Houston D.C. (1975) Ecological isolation of African scavenging birds. ARDEA 63 (1-2): 55 - 64. |
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van der Weyden W.J. (1975) Scops and screech owls: vocal evidence for a basic subdivision in the genus Otus (Strigidae). ARDEA 63 (1-2): 65 - 77. |
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Mees G.F. (1975) Identiteit en status van Sterna bernsteini Schlegel. ARDEA 63 (1-2): 78 - 86. |
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Conroy J.W.H., Bruce G. & Furse J.R. (1975) A guide to the plumages and iris colours of the giant petrels. ARDEA 63 (1-2): 87 - 92. |
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Smeenk C. & Smeenk-Enserink N. (1975) Observations on the Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax poliopterus with comparative notes on the Gabar Goshawk Micronisus gabar. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 93 - 115. |
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Spaans A.L. (1975) The status of the Wood Stork, Jabiru, and Maguari Stork along the Surinam coast, South America. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 116 - 130. |
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Spaans A.L. (1975) Two misidentified eggs of the American Flamingo from Surinam in the oological collection of the Penard brothers. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 131 - 135. |
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Rheinwald G. (1975) The pattern of settling distances in a population of House Martins Delichon urbica. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 136 - 145. |
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Owre O.T. (1975) Notes on the food of some Guyana birds. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 146 - 147. |
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Wells D.R. (1975) The Moss-nest Swiftlet Collocalia vanikorensis Quoy and Gaimard in Sumatra. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 148 - 151. |
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Roselaar C.S. (1975) Notes on sea-birds 52. A record of the Frigate Petrel Pelagodroma marina off the Atlantic coast of North America. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 152 - 153. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1975. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Vol. 10. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 154 - 154. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Berndt R.K. & Drenckhahn D. 1974. Vogelwelt Schleswig-Holsteins. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 154 - 154. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Schmidt G.A.J. & Brehm K. 1974. Vogelleben zwischen Nord- und Ostsee: eine Vogelkunde Schleswig-Holsteins. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 154 - 156. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Burton J.A. 1973. Birds of the tropics. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 156 - 156. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Campbell B. 1974. The dictionary of birds in color. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 156 - 156. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Burton P.J.K. 1974. Feeding and the feeding apparatus in waders: a study of anatomy and adaptations in the Charadrii. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 156 - 157. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Cerny W. & Drchal 1973. Welke vogel is dat? ARDEA 63 (3-4): 157 - 158. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Condon H.T. 1975. Checklist of the birds of Australia. I. Non-passeres. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 158 - 159. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Eck S. & Busse H. 1973. Eulen. Die rezenten und fossilen Formen. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 159 - 159. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Eenshuistra O. 1973. Goudplevier en wilstervangst. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 159 - 160. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Felix J. 1975. Tropische vogelatlas. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 160 - 160. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Fleet R.R. 1974. The Red-tailed Tropicbird on Kure Atoll. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 160 - 161. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Hamilton R.B. 1975. Comparative behavior of the American Avocet and the Black-necked Stilt (Recurvirostridae). ARDEA 63 (3-4): 161 - 162. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Herrlinger E. 1973. Die Wiedereinburgerung des Uhus Bubo bubo in der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 162 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Howell T.R., Araya B. & Millie W.R. 1974. Breeding biology of the Gray Gull Larus modestus. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 163 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. van de Kam J. 1975. Rivierenland: plant, dier en mens in het gebied van de Rijn, Maas, Waal en IJssel. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 163 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Kear J. & Duplaix-Hall N. (eds), 1975. Flamingos. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 164 - 164. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1975. Die Eier der Vogel Europas. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 164 - 166. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Nethersole-Thompson D. 1973. The Dotterel. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 166 - 167. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Ogilvie M.A. 1975. Ducks of Britain and Europe. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 167 - 167. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Schröder P. & Burmeister G. 1974. Der Schwarzstorch. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 168 - 168. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Burkhard S. 1974. Urvögel, Archaeopterygiformes. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 168 - 169. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Yamashina Y. 1974. Birds in Japan. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 169 - 169. |
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Voous K.H. (1975) Boekbespreking. Zoological record, Aves. ARDEA 63 (3-4): 169 - 170. |
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Smeenk C. (1974) Comparative-ecological studies of some East African birds of prey. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 1 - 97. |
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Doude van Troostwijk W.J. (1974) Ringing data on White-fronted Geese Anser a. albifrons in The Netherlands, 1953-1968. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 98 - 110. |
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Swennen C. (1974) Observations on the effect of ejection of stomach oil by the Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis on other birds. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 111 - 117. |
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Renssen T.A. (1974) Twelve birds species new from Surinam. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 118 - 122. |
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Renssen T.A. (1974) New breeding records from Surinam. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 123 - 127. |
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Meijering M.P.D. (1974) Die Brandgans Tadorna tadorna brütete wieder in Nordnorwegen. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 128 - 129. |
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Oreel G.J. & Voous K.H. (1974) Notes on sea-birds 46. Masked boobies Sula dactylatra off the coast of West Africa: a correction. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 130 - 132. |
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Oreel G.J. (1974) Notes on sea-birds 47. Sooty terns Sterna fuscata off the coast of West Africa: a correction. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 133 - 134. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Alexander H.G. 1974. Seventy years of birdwatching. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 135 - 135. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Berger A.J. 1972. Hawaiian birdlife. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 135 - 136. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Boer P., Kattens J.R.M. & Vlies K.V.D. 1974. De Meerkoet. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 136 - 136. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Bonner zoologischer Beitrage 24 (1973). ARDEA 62 (1-2): 136 - 137. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Bos J.L. & van de Kam J. 1973. Die vreemde vogels. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 137 - 137. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Burton J.A. (ed). 1973. Owls of the world. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 137 - 138. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Canadian wildlife service. Report series. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 138 - 139. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Cramp S., Bowine W.R.P & Saunders D. 1974. The seabirds of Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 139 - 140. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1974) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. & Amadon D. 1973. Curassows and related birds. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 140 - 141. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Dwenger R. 1973. Das Rebhuhn. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 142 - 142. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Erskine A.J. 1971. Buffleheads. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 142 - 143. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Feduccia A. 1973. Evolutionary trends in the neotropical ovenbirds and woodhewers. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 143 - 143. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. French R. 1974. A guide to the birds of Trinidad and Tobago. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 144 - 144. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Fleay D. 1972. Nightwatchmen of bush and plain. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 144 - 145. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Galloway B., Meek E.R. & Armstrong J.H. 1972. Birds in Northumbria. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 145 - 145. |
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Mees G.F. (1974) Boekbespreking. Gill F.B. 1973. Intra-island variation in the Mascarene White-eye Zosterops borbonica. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 145 - 146. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Gliemann L. 1973. Die Grauammer. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 146 - 147. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Graul A. Belauschte Natur. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 147 - 147. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Hamerstrom F. 1973. Mein Adler kreist zum Himmel. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 147 - 148. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Holzenspies C. 1973. Alweer een vogel aan de deur. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 148 - 148. |
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Mertens J.A.L. (1974) Boekbespreking. Kendeigh S.C. 1973. A symposium on the House Sparrow and the European Tree Sparrow in North America. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 148 - 149. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Melde M. 1973. Der Haubentaucher. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 149 - 150. |
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Mertens J.A.L. (1974) Boekbespreking. Kendeigh S.C. & Pinowski J. (eds). 1973. Productivity, population dynamics and systematics of granivorous birds. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 149 - 149. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Het Nederlandse Valkeniersverbond 'Adriaan Mollen', Jaarboek 1972, 1974. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 150 - 150. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Newton I. 1972. Finches. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 150 - 151. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Parslow J. 1973. Breeding birds of Britain and Ireland, a historical survey. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 151 - 152. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Schubert M. Stimmen der Vögel Mitteleuropas. V.Vogel in Feld und Flur. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 152 - 153. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Sharrock J.T.R. (ed). 1973. The natural history of Cape Clear Island. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 153 - 153. |
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Klomp H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Tuck L.M. 1972. The snipes: a study of the genus Capella. ARDEA 62 (1-2): 154 - 154. |
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Hulscher J.B. (1974) An experimental study of the food intake of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus L. in captivity during the summer. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 155 - 171. |
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Visser J. (1974) The post-embryonic development of the Coot Fulica atra. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 172 - 189. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1974) An experiment on the orientation of juvenile Starlings during spring migration. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 190 - 195. |
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Diamond A.W. (1974) The Red-footed Booby on Aldabra atoll, Indian Ocean. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 196 - 218. |
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Scharringa C.J.G. (1974) Ornithological observations from the Coeroeni airstrip, Surinam. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 219 - 225. |
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Smith E.C. (1974) Some additional information on birds in Afghanistan. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 226 - 235. |
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Spaans A.L. (1974) Some bird records from Bonaire. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 236 - 238. |
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Carins M. (1974) Notes on sea-birds 48. The blue petrel Halobaena caerulea in the Falkland Islands. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 239 - 241. |
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Carins M. (1974) Notes on sea-birds 49. Garnot's Cormorants and the 'Brown Booby' in the Falkland Islands. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 242 - 245. |
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Clapp R.B. (1974) Notes on sea-birds 50. Specimens of three species of Pterodroma from the Pacific Ocean. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 246 - 247. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley D. 1972. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Deel 7. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 248 - 248. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Batten L. et al. 1973. Birdwatcher's Year. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 248 - 249. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Croin Michielsen N. (ed). 1974. Meijendel. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 249 - 250. |
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Kraak W.K. (1974) Boekbespreking. Kanellis A.Ch. & Bauer W. 1973. Die Volksnamen der Vögel Griechenlands. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 251 - 252. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Löhrl H. 1973. Nisthöhlen, Kunstnester und ihre Bewohner. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 252 - 252. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Ornithological Society of Japan. 1974. Check list of Japanese birds. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 252 - 253. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Porter R.F., Willis I., Christensen S. & Nielsen B.P. 1974. Flight identification of European raptors. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 253 - 253. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Sharrock J.T.R. 1974. Scarce migrant birds in Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 253 - 254. |
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Voous K.H. (1974) Boekbespreking. Streseman E., Portenko L.A., Dathe H. & Mauersberger G. 1974. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. ARDEA 62 (3-4): 254 - 255. |
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van Balen J.H. (1973) A comparative study of the breeding ecology of the Great Tit Parus major in different habitats. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 1 - 93. |
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Snow B.K. (1973) Social organization of the Hairy Hermit Glaucis hirsuta. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 94 - 105. |
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Snow D.W. & Snow B.K. (1973) The breeding of the Hairy Hermit Glaucis hirsuta in Trinidad. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 106 - 122. |
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Siegfried W.R. & Frost P.G.H. (1973) Systematic notes on the small African buteos. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 123 - 127. |
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Meijering M.P.D. (1973) Zum vorkommen der Elfenbeinmowe Pagophila eburnea Phipps auf Spitzbergen im 17. Jahrhundert. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 128 - 130. |
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Klomp H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Hickey J.J. 1972. Survival studies of banded birds. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 131 - 131. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1972. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Deel 5. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 131 - 132. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Campbell B. 1972. The Oxford book of birds. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 132 - 132. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Benson C.W., Brooke R.K., Dowsett R.J. & Stuart Irwin M.P. 1971. The birds of Zambia. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 132 - 132. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Menzel H. Der Gartenrotschwanz. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 133 - 133. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Mengel R.M. 1972. A catalogue of the Ellis Collection of ornithological books in the University of Kansas Libraries. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 133 - 133. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Ziswiler V., Güttinger H.R. & Bregullia H. 1972. Monographie der Gattung Erythrura. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 134 - 134. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Watson G.E. et al. 1971. Birds of the Antarctic and Subabtarctic. Antarctic map folio series. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 134 - 135. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Wetmore A. 1972. The birds of the republic of Panama. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 135 - 135. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Yapp W.B. 1970. The life and organization of birds. ARDEA 61 (1-2): 136 - 136. |
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Westerterp K. (1973) The energy budget of the nestling starling Sturnus vulgaris, a field study. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 137 - 158. |
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Dijksen A.J., Lebret T., Ouweneel G.L. & Philippona J. (1973) Ornithological observations on the lagoons of the Dobrogea, Rumania, in autumn and winter of 1969, 1970 and 1971. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 159 - 178. |
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Voous K.H. & van Dijk T. (1973) How do Snail Kites extract snails from their shells? ARDEA 61 (3-4): 179 - 185. |
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Somadikarta S. (1973) The White-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis in Java. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 186 - 187. |
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Renssen T.A. (1973) Social roosting of Circus buffoni in Surinam. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 188 - 188. |
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van Halewijn R. (1973) Notes on sea-birds 43. Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla off the coast of Surinam. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 189 - 189. |
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van Halewijn R. (1973) Notes on sea-birds 44. Black tern Chlidonias niger in the South Caribbean Sea. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 189 - 191. |
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Beintema A.J. (1973) Notes on sea-birds 45. Anous tenuirostris on Tristan da Cunha, a correction. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 191 - 191. |
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Buddingh J. (1973) Boekbespreking. Avifauna van Midden-Nederland, 1971. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 192 - 193. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1973) Boekbespreking. Edelstam C. 1972. The visible migration of birds at Ottenby, Sweden. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 193 - 194. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Eisentraut M. 1973. Die Wirbeltierfauna von Fernando Poo und Westkamerun. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 194 - 195. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N., Bauer K.M. & Bezzel E. 1973. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 5. Galliformes und Gruiformes. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 195 - 197. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Haanstra B. 1973. Bij de beesten af. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 197 - 198. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Harrison J. 1972. A gravel pit reserve. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 198 - 198. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Heinzel H., Fitter R. & Parslow J. 1973. De Europese vogels in kleur. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 198 - 200. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Luther D. 1970. Die ausgestorbenen Vögel der Welt. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 200 - 200. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Payne R.B. 1973. Behaviour, mimetic songs and song dialects, and relationships of the parasitic indigobirds (Vidua) of Africa. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 201 - 201. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Philippona J. 1972. Die Blessgans. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 201 - 202. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders. 1973. Dier en plant in polderland. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 202 - 203. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1972. Birds of South America. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 203 - 203. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Rydzewski W. 1972. Index ornithologorum. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 203 - 203. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Sparks J. & Soper T. 1967. Penguins. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 204 - 205. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1973) Boekbespreking. Zink G. 1973. Der Zug europäischer Singvogel. Ein Atlas der Wiederfunde beringter Vogel. 1. Lieferung. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 205 - 207. |
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Voous K.H. (1973) Boekbespreking. Willis E.O. 1972. The behavior of spotted antbirds. ARDEA 61 (3-4): 205 - 205. |
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Smeenk C. (1972) Ökologische Vergleiche zwischen Waldkauz Strix aluco und Waldohreule Asio otus. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 1 - 71. |
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van Beusekom C.F. (1972) Ecological isolation with respect to food between Sparrowhawk and Goshawk. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 72 - 96. |
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Kahl M.P. (1972) Comparative ethology of the Ciciniidae. Part 2. The adjutant storks, Leptoptilos dubius (Gmelin) and L. javanicus (Horsfield). ARDEA 60 (1-2): 97 - 111. |
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Nieboer E. (1972) Preliminary notes on the primary moult in Dunlins Calidris alpina. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 112 - 119. |
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Zwarts L. (1972) Bird counts in Merja Zerga, Morocco, December 1970. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 120 - 123. |
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Bailey R.S. & Bourne W.R.P. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 36. Counting birds at sea. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 124 - 127. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Intermediate scoter. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 128 - 129. |
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Buddingh J. (1972) Boekbespreking. Het Balgzand, bedreigd gebied, 1970. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 130 - 130. |
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Buddingh J. (1972) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. 1971. Spieden en speuren in de vrije natuur van Nederland, Groenland, Engeland, Zuid-Afrika, Canada en de Pacific-kust. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 130 - 130. |
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Klomp H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Thielcke G. 1970. Vogelstimmen. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 130 - 131. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1972) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1971. Ecological isolation in birds. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 131 - 131. |
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Kruijt J.P. (1972) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. & Falkus H. 1970. Signals for survival. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 132 - 132. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1972) Boekbespreking. Schuz E. 1971. Grundrisz der Vogelzugskunde. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 132 - 134. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1972) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1969. Vogelzug. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 134 - 134. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Udvardy M.D.F. 1969. Dynamic zoogeography. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 134 - 135. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Schubert M. & TEmbrock G. 1970-1971. Stimmen der Vogel Mitteleuropas. I. Waldvögel. II. Wasservögel. III. Vögel in Haus, Hof und Garten. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 135 - 136. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Schlegel R. 1969. Der Ziegenmelker. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 136 - 136. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1971. Het vogelparadijs in kleuren. Vogels van Zuid-Amerika. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 137 - 137. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Reinsch H.H. 1969. Der Basstölpel. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 137 - 137. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Pätzold R. Heidelerche und Haubenlerche. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 137 - 138. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Lohrl H. 1968. Tiere und wir. Beobachtungen und Erlebnisse am Rande der Verhaltensforschung. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 138 - 139. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Holzinger J., Knötsch G., Kroymann B. & Westermann K. 1970. Die Vogel Baden- Wurtembergs, eine übersicht. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 139 - 139. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Glutz von Blotzheim U.N., Bauer K.M. & Bezzel E. 1971. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 4. Falconiformes. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 139 - 140. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Gilliard E.T. 1969. Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 141 - 142. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Farkas T. 1967. Ornithogeographie Ungarns. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 142 - 142. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Bezzel E. Die Tafelente. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 142 - 143. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley D. 1969. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Deel 3. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 143 - 143. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Austin Jr. O.L. 1971. Families of birds. ARDEA 60 (1-2): 143 - 143. |
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Warham J. (1972) Aspects of the biology of the Erect-crested Penguin Eudyptes sclateri. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 145 - 184. |
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Ryder J.P. (1972) Biology of nesting Ross's Geese. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 185 - 215. |
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Dingle H. & Khamala C.P.M. (1972) Seasonal changes in insect abundance and biomass in an east African grassland with reference to breeding and migration birds. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 216 - 221. |
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Beintema A.J. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 37. On the occurrence of Anous tenuirostris on Tristan da Cunha. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 222 - 223. |
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Lathbury G. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 38. Large numbers of Hornby's Storm Petrels off Peru. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 223 - 224. |
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Lathbury G. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 39. Observations of Kerguelen Petrels in the Drake Passage. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 224 - 225. |
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Lathbury G. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 40. Concentration of sea-birds around Madeira. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 225 - 225. |
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Isenmann P. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 42. Bemerkungen zur Beobachting einer Sterna bengalensis in der Camargue (Südfrankreich). ARDEA 60 (3-4): 226 - 228. |
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Sage B.L. (1972) Notes on sea-birds 41. Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus in the Canary Islands. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 226 - 226. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Benson C.W. & Irwin M.P.S. 1967. A contribution to the ornithology of Zambia. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1971. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan. Deel 6. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Blume D. 1971. Die Spechte fremder Lander. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 230 - 230. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Burleigh T.D. 1972. Birds of Idaho. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 230 - 231. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Diesselhorst G. 1968. Khumbu Himal, Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya. 2. Beiträge zur Ökologie der Vögel Zentral- und Ost-Nepals. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 231 - 232. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Glenister A.G. 1971. The birds of the Malay Penisula, Singapore and Penang. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 232 - 232. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Haftorn S. 1971. Norges Fugler. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 232 - 233. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Hilprecht A. 1970. Höckerschwan, Singschwan, Zwergschwan. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 233 - 234. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Hudec K. & Rooth J. 1970. Die Graugans. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 234 - 234. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. van de Kam J. & Wolgg W. 1972. Op de grens van zout en zoet. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 234 - 235. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1972. Der Schwarze Milan. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 235 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Monroe B.L. 1968. A distribution survey of the birds of Honduras. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 236 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Peitzmeier J. 1969. Avifauna von Westfalen. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 236 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Sheldon W.G. 1967. The book of the American Woodcock. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 238 - 238. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Stewart P.F. & Christensen S.J. 1971. A check list of the birds of Cyprus. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 239 - 239. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Stresemann E., Portenko L.A. & Mauersberger G. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel, 1. Lieferung 1960, 2. Lieferung 1967, 3. Lieferung 1971. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 239 - 240. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Vauk G. 1972. Die Vögel Helgolands. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 240 - 241. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Uspenski S.M. 1972. Die Eiderenten. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 241 - 242. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Wayre P. 1969. A guide to the pheasants of the world. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 242 - 243. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Wüst W. 1970. Die Brutvögel Mitteleuropas. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 243 - 244. |
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Voous K.H. (1972) Boekbespreking. Yeatman L.J. 1971. Histoire des oiseaux d'Europe. ARDEA 60 (3-4): 244 - 245. |
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Dickerman R.W. & Juarez C.L. (1971) Nesting studies of the Boat-billed Heron Cochlearius cochlearius at San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 1 - 16. |
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Rooth J. (1971) The occurence of the Greylag Goose Anser anser in the western part of its distribution area. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 17 - 27. |
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van den Broek E. & Jansen J. (1971) Parasites of animals in the Netherlands, Supplement V. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 28 - 33. |
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Spronk N. & Hartog G.C. (1971) Mercury in birds of prey. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 34 - 37. |
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Siegfried W.R. (1971) Feeding activity of the Cattle Egret. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 38 - 46. |
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Lina P.H.C. (1971) Viral particles in Chaffinch papilloma cells. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 47 - 49. |
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Holyoak D.T. (1971) Comments on the extinct Parrot Lophopsittacus mauritianus. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 50 - 51. |
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Holyoak D.T. (1971) The supposed fossil of Conurus from the Pleistocene of Buenos Aires. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 51 - 52. |
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Meijering M.P.D. (1971) Note on extreme northern breeding of the Redwing Turdus iliacus. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 52 - 52. |
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Koning F.J. (1971) Notes on the winter distribution of the Stifftail Oxyura leucocephala in Turkey. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 53 - 55. |
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Kop P.P.A.M. (1971) Some notes on the moult and age determination in the Great Crested Grebe. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 56 - 60. |
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van der Lee H.F. (1971) Brown-headed Gull Larus brunnicephalus, a new species for Tanzania. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 60 - 61. |
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Kumerloeve H. (1971) Zur Brutverbreitung der Feldlerche in Kleinasien. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 61 - 63. |
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Verheyen J.A.J. (1971) Notes on sea-birds 35. Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus in the Island of Flores, Indonesia. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 64 - 64. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Fischer W. 1970. Die Seeadler. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 65 - 65. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Beckmann W. 1970. Kweken van grasparkieten. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 65 - 65. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Hall B.P. & MoreauR.E. 1970. An atlas of speciation in African passerine birds. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 66 - 67. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Hue F. & Etchecopar R.D. 1970. Les oiseaux du Proche et du Moyen Orient. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 67 - 68. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. MacLachlan G.R. & Liversidge R. 1970. Roberts birds of South Africa. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 68 - 69. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Prozesky O.P.M. 1970. A field guide to the birds of Southern Africa. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 69 - 69. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Meyer de Schauensee R. 1970. A guide to the birds of South America. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 69 - 70. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Scott P. 1970. The wild swans at Slimbridge. ARDEA 59 (1-2): 70 - 71. |
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Spaans A.L. (1971) On the feeding ecology of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus Pont. in the northern part of the Netherlands. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 73 - 188. |
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Spellenberg I.F. (1971) Breeding behaviour of the McCormick skua Catharacta maccormicki in Antarctica. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 189 - 230. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Brown L. 1970. African birds of prey. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 231 - 231. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Garthoff B. 1971. Vogel van de week. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 231 - 232. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Geroudet P. 1967. Les echassiers. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 232 - 232. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Harkness R. & Murdoch C. 1971. Birds of prey in the field. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 233 - 233. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Jacoby H., Knötsche G. & Schusters S. 1970. Die Vögel des Bodenseegebietes. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 233 - 234. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Kirby J. 1971. Hoor de vogels. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 234 - 235. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Ornis Scandinavia. Journal of the Scandinavian Ornithologists' Union, 1970. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 235 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Paccaud O. 1967. A la decouverte de la nature. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 236 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Pettingill O.S. 1970. Ornithology in labarotory and field. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 236 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Prevost J. & Mougin J.L. 1970. Guide des oiseaux et mammiferes des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 237 - 238. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Sparks J. & Soper T. 1970. Owls: their natural and unnatural history. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 238 - 239. |
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Voous K.H. (1971) Boekbespreking. Wickler W. 1971. De aard van het beestje. ARDEA 59 (3-4): 239 - 240. |
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Klomp H. (1970) The determination of clutch-size in birds. A review. ARDEA 58 (1-2): 1 - 124. |
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Young C.M. (1970) Shelduck parliaments. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 125 - 130. |
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Wolff W.J. (1970) Goal orientation versus one-direction orientation in Teal Anas c. crecca during autumn migration. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 131 - 141. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1970) The standard direction of the Scandinavian Chaffinch during autumn migration throughout its area of passage. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 142 - 170. |
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Milstein P., Prestt I. & Bell A.A. (1970) The breeding cycle of the Grey Heron. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 171 - 257. |
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Lina P.H.C. (1970) Observations on the infection of young Herring Gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls by ectoparasites. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 258 - 261. |
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Castro M. & de Vries T. (1970) Purple Gallinule (Porphyrula martibica) in eastern Pacific Ocean. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 262 - 263. |
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Plowes D.C.H. (1970) Shikra (Accipiter badius) capturing nestling Four-coloured Bush Shrike. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 262 - 262. |
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de Bruijne J.W.A. (1970) Notes on sea-birds 30. Black-browed Albatross (Diomedea melanophris) in the Carribean. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 264 - 264. |
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van Dijk J., Hofman J.D.D. & de Wilde W. (1970) Notes on sea-birds 31. Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) near Heligoland. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 264 - 265. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Notes on sea-birds 32. Moulting Great Shearwater (Puffinus gravis) in Bay of Biscaye. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 265 - 266. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Notes on sea-birds 33. Sabine's Gull (Larus sabini) along west coast of Africa. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 266 - 266. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Notes on sea-birds 34. Blue Petrels (Halobaena caerulea) in Cape Seas. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 266 - 267. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Ali S. 1969. Birds of Kerala. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 268 - 268. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. van Bemmel A.C.V. 1969. Een moderne ark van Noach. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 268 - 269. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Bensson S.V. 1970. Birds of Lebanon and the Jordan area. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 269 - 269. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Briejer C.J. 1967. Zilveren sluiers en verborgen gevaren. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 269 - 270. |
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Klomp H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Croze H. 1970. Searching image in Carrion Crows. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 270 - 272. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Darling L. & Darling L. 1970. Vogel. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 272 - 272. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Gilliard E.Th. & Parkes K.C. 1969. Elseviers wereld der dieren. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 272 - 273. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Hillenius D. 1967. De vreemde eilandbewoner. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 273 - 274. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Holdgate M.W. 1970. Antarctic ecology. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 274 - 275. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1970) Boekbespreking. Jacobi E.F. 1970. Dierbaar dier. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 275 - 275. |
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van Balen J.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Kirchner K. 1969. Die Uferschnepfe. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 275 - 275. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Humphrey P.S., Bridge D., Reynolds P.W. & peterson R.T. 1970. Birds of Isla Grande (Tierra del Fuego). ARDEA 58 (3-4): 275 - 275. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Klemm M. Zoologisches Wörterbuch, 1969- 1970. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 276 - 276. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Mackworth C.W. & Grant C.H.B. 1970. Birds of West Central and Western Africa. African handbook of birds. Serie III, deel 1. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 276 - 277. |
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Cavé A.J. (1970) Boekbespreking. Melde M. 1969. Raben- und Nebelkrabe. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 277 - 277. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Mahdi N. & Georg P.V. 1969. A systematic list of the vertebrates of Iraq. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 277 - 277. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Oldendorff R.R. & Oldendorff S.E. 1968-1970. An extensive bibliography of falconry, eagles, hawks, falcons, and other diurnal birds of prey. I-III. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 278 - 278. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Orlog C.Chr. 1968. Las aves Sudamericanas. 1. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 278 - 278. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Oosterveld P. 1970. Nederlandse Spitsbergen Expeditie '68/'69. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 278 - 279. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1970. Vogels van Zuid-Amerika. band 9, deel 1. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 279 - 279. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1969. Vogels van Nieuw Guinea. Band 7, deel 1 en band 8, deel 2. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 279 - 279. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1970) Boekbespreking. Svensson L. 1970. Identification guide to European Passerines. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 280 - 281. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Ornithological Society of Turkey. 1969. Bird report 1966-1967. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 281 - 281. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Uspenski S.M. 1969. Die Strandläufer Eurasiens. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 281 - 282. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. De valkerij in de Nederlanden, 1969. ARDEA 58 (3-4): 282 - 282. |
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Voous K.H. (1970) Boekbespreking. Zoological record, Aves, vol. 102, 103, 104, sect. 18. 1965, 1966, 1967 (1968, 1969, 1970). ARDEA 58 (3-4): 282 - 282. |
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Wolff W.J. (1969) Distribution of non-breeding waders in an estuarine area in relation to the distribution of their food organisms. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 1 - 28. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Moreau R.E., Oerrins M. & Hughes J.T. (1969) Tongues of the Zosteropidae (white-eyes). ARDEA 57 (1-2): 29 - 47. |
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Voipio P. (1969) Geographical variation in Corvus monedula in Finland. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 48 - 63. |
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Lina P.H.C. (1969) Tumours and wart-like excrescences on feet and legs of some wild birds. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 64 - 66. |
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Koeman J.H., Vink J.A.J. & de Goeij J.J.M. (1969) Causes of mortality in birds if prey and owls in the Netherlands in the winter of 1968-1969. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 67 - 76. |
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Owen D.F. (1969) The migration of the Yellow Wagtail from the equator. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 77 - 85. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1969) Opmerkingen over het voedsel van Caloenas nicobarica en Ducula bicolor. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 86 - 88. |
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Gill F.B. (1969) Additions to the birds known from the west Sumatran islands. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 89 - 91. |
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Meeth P. (1969) Notes on sea-birds. 28. Giant Petrel (Macronectus giganteus) in West European waters. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 92 - 92. |
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Meeth P. (1969) Notes on sea-birds. 29. Sabine's Gulls (Larus sabini) in Westafrican waters. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 92 - 93. |
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Philippona J. (1969) A visit to the Hortobagy in Hungary, autumn 1967. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
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Buckley P.A & Buckley F.G. (1969) Juvenile Royal Tern killing a conspecific downy chick. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 95 - 96. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Bährmann U. Die Elster. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 97 - 97. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Baker J.A. 1968. De slechtvalk. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 97 - 98. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Bannerman D.A. & Bannerman W.M. 1968. Birds of the Atlantic islands. 4.History of the birds of Cape Verde Islands. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 98 - 99. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Bauer K.M. & Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. 1968. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 99 - 100. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Cova C. 1969. Atlante degli uccelli Italiani. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 100 - 101. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1969) Boekbespreking. Eastwood E. 1967. Radar ornithology. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 101 - 101. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Glasier P. 1968. Zoals de valk haar bellen. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 102 - 102. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Harrison J.M. 1968. Bristow and the Hastings rarity affairs. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 102 - 103. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1969) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1968. Ecological adaptations for breeding in birds. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 103 - 105. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Keve A. 1968. Das Vogelleben der Mittleren Donau. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 103 - 103. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. de Lucca C. A revised check-list of the birds of the Maltese islands. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 105 - 106. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1969) Boekbespreking. Matthews G.V.T. 1968. Bird navigation. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 106 - 108. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. März R. 1968. Der Rauhfusskauz. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 106 - 106. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Menzel H. 1968. Der Wendehals. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Noll H. 1968. Bestimmungstabelle für Nester und Eier einheimischer Vögel. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Richmond W.K. 1968. A regional guide to the birds of Scotland. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 108 - 109. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1969) Boekbespreking. Schwerdtfeger F. 1968. Ökologie der Tiere. band II. Demökologie, Struktur und Dynamik tierischer Populationen. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 109 - 110. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. van de Werken H. 1969. Artis dieren-encyclopedie 1. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 110 - 110. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Wetmore A. 1968. The birds of the republic of Panama. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 111 - 111. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Valverde J.A. 1967. Estructura de una communidad mediterranea de vertebrados terrestres. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 111 - 112. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Graul A. Europaische Eulen. ARDEA 57 (1-2): 112 - 112. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) In memoriam Willem Hendrik Bierman. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 113 - 116. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Predation potential in birds of prey from Surinam. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 117 - 148. |
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Harris M.P. (1969) Factors influencing the breeding cycle of the Red-billed Tropicbird in the Galapagos Islands. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 149 - 157. |
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Fabritius H.E. (1969) Notes on the birds of Foula. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 158 - 162. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Snow D.W. (1969) An analysis of breeding success in the Blackbird, Turdus merula. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 163 - 171. |
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Kunkel P. (1969) Die Stammesgeschichte der Prachtfinken (Estrilididae) im Lichte des Brutparasitismus der Witwen (Viduinae). ARDEA 57 (3-4): 172 - 181. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1968. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan 1. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 182 - 182. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Ali S. & Ripley S.D. 1969. Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan 2. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 182 - 183. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Bauer K.M. & Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. 1969. Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas 3. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 183 - 183. |
[free copy] |
Kruijt J.P. (1969) Boekbespreking. Boback A.W. & Schwarze D.M. 1968. Das Birkhuhn. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 184 - 185. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Bauer W., von Helversen O., Hodge M. & Martens J. 1969 Catalogus faunae Graecia. II.Aves. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 184 - 184. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Lekagul B. 1968. Bird guide of Thailand. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 185 - 185. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Brown L. & Amadon D. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 186 - 187. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1969) Boekbespreking. Deckert G. 1968. Der Feldsperling. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 187 - 188. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Cooper W.T. & Hindwood K. 1968. A portfolio of Australian birds. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 187 - 187. |
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van Dijk T. (1969) Boekbespreking. Greenewalt C.H. 1968. Bird song: acoustics and physiology. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 188 - 189. |
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Klomp H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Hinde R.A. (ed). 1969. Bird vocalizations, their relation to current problems in biology and psychology. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 190 - 190. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Hindwood K. 1966. Australian birds in colour. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 190 - 190. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Moon G.J.H. 1967. Refocus on New Zealand birds. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 191 - 191. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Murton R.K. & Wright E.N. (eds). 1968. The problems of birds as pests. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 191 - 192. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Nederlandse Valkeniersverbond 'Adriaan Mollen'. 1968. De valkerij in de Nederlanden. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 192 - 192. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Proceeding of the XIV International Ornithological Congress, Oxford, England, 24-30 Juli 1966), 1967. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 192 - 192. |
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Klomp H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Tolman R. 1969. De kievit, een monografie over onze nationale vogel. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 193 - 194. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Ripley D. 1969. A paddling of ducks. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 193 - 193. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Stonehouse B. 1968. Birds of the New Zealand shore. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 193 - 193. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Ziswiller V. 1968. Nederige wereld. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 194 - 194. |
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Voous K.H. (1969) Boekbespreking. Williams G.R. 1969. Birds of New Zealand. ARDEA 57 (3-4): 194 - 194. |
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Ploeger P.L. (1968) Geographical differentiation in arctic Anatidae as a result of isolation during the last glacial. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 1 - 159. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Vespremeanu E.E. (1968) Distribution and biology of the Spoonbill in Roumania. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 160 - 177. |
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Hudson R. (1968) The white-phase Giant Petrels of the South Orkney Islands. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 178 - 183. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Geographical variation in the Cayenne Tern. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 184 - 187. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Gerharts L.D. & Voous K.H. (1968) Natural catastrophes in the flamingo colony of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 188 - 192. |
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Harris M.P. & de Vries T. (1968) Notes on sea-birds 25. White-faced Storm Petrels (Pelagodroma marina) near the Galapagos Islands. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 193 - 193. |
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van Vegten J.A. (1968) The Azores Bullfinch not extinct. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 194 - 194. |
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van Vegten J.A. & Schipper W.J.A. (1968) First observation of the Wren on Spo Miguel, Azores. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 194 - 195. |
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Schipper W.J.A. & van Vegten J.A. (1968) Two American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) near the Azores. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 195 - 196. |
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van Vegten J.A. (1968) Gull-billed tern on Spo Miguel, Azores. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 196 - 196. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1967. Thorburn's birds. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 197 - 197. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Etchecopar R.D. & Hüe F. 1967. The birds of North Africa. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 197 - 197. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Arnaud P., Arnaud F. & Hureau J-C. 1967. Bibliographie gTnTrale de biologie antarctique et subantarctique. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 197 - 197. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Graul A. Belauschte Natur. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 198 - 198. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Moreau R.E. 1966. The bird faunas of Africa and its islands. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 198 - 199. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Murphy R.C. 1967. Distribution of North Atlantic pelagic birds. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 199 - 200. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1968) Boekbespreking. Nethersole-Thompson D. 1966. The Snow Bunting. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 200 - 201. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Peterson R.T., Mountfort G. & Hollom P.A.D. 1967. Guide des oiseaux d'Europe. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 201 - 201. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Roberts B. 1967. Edward Wilson's birds of the Antarctic. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 201 - 202. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1967. Vogels van Azid. Band 5, deel I. ARDEA 56 (1-2): 202 - 202. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) In memoriam Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 202 - 208. |
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Moreau R.E. & Wayre P. (1968) On the Palaearctic quails. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 209 - 227. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
de Schneidauer T.R. (1968) La population expérimentale d'Oies Cendrées dans la reserve du Zwin. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 228 - 247. |
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Swennen C. (1968) Nest protection of Eiderducks and Shovelers by means of faeces. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 248 - 258. |
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Sterbetz I. (1968) Der Zug der Zwerggans auf der Ungarischen Puszta. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 259 - 266. |
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Gysels H. (1968) Biochemical approach of the central systematic position of the Ciconiiformes. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 267 - 280. |
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Rooth J. (1968) Over het voorkomen van de Geelvleugelamazone, Amazone barbadensis rothschildi, op Bonaire. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 281 - 283. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Harris M.P. (1968) Notes on sea-birds 26. Black-browed Albatross (Diomedea melanophris) and other sea-birds near Guyaquil, Ecuador. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 284 - 285. |
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de Bruijne J.W.A. (1968) Notes on sea-birds 27. Frigate-bird (Fregata magnificens)in Northeastern Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 285 - 285. |
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van den Broek E. (1968) Bird parasites collected by G.J. van Oordt on Spitsbergen. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 286 - 287. |
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Cramp S. & Ferguson-Lees I.J. (1968) Spoonbills in Roumania: a Correction. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 287 - 287. |
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Loterijman J.A. (1968) Observation of Streptopelia orientalis in Southeast Europe. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 287 - 288. |
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Belterman T. (1968) Boekbespreking. George J.C. & Berger A.J. 1966. Avian Myology. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 289 - 290. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. van Balen D.J. Birds of Sumatra. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 289 - 289. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Haverschmidt F. 1968. Birds of Surinam. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 291 - 292. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1968) Boekbespreking. Kuenen D.J. et al. 1967. Populatie biologie. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 292 - 293. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1968. Vogels van Azië. Band 6, deel II. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 293 - 293. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1967. Fugle på Grønland. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 293 - 294. |
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Voous K.H. (1968) Boekbespreking. Skead C.J. 1967. The sunbirds of Southern Africa, also the sugarbirds, the white-eyes and the spotted creeper. ARDEA 56 (3-4): 294 - 294. |
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van Balen J.H. (1967) The significance of variations in body weight and wing length in the Great Tit, Parus major. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 1 - 59. |
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Nelson J.B. (1967) Colonial and cliff nesting in the Gannet. Compared with other Sulidae and Kittiwake. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 60 - 90. |
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Meijering M.P.D. (1967) Werkzeuge der Spechte. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 91 - 111. |
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van den Broek E. (1967) Observations on the infection of young gulls by Mallophaga. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 112 - 114. |
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Voous K.H. & Koelers H.J. (1967) Check-list of the birds of St. Martin, Saba, and St. Eustatius. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 115 - 137. |
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Kumerloeve H. (1967) Zum Brutvorkommen der Saatkrähe in der Türkei. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 138 - 140. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1967) De broedkolonies van de Rode Ibis (Eudocimus ruher) in Suriname in 1966. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 141 - 143. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 19. Black-capped petrels (Pterodroma hasitata) in the Carribean. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 144 - 145. |
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Philippona J. (1967) The Carska Bara in Yugoslavia. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 146 - 147. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Blume D. 1965. Ausdruckformen unserer Vögel. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 148 - 148. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Bannerman D.A. & Bannerman W.M. 1965. Birds of the Atlantic Islands. 2.A history of birds of Madeira, the Desertas, and the Porto Santo Islands. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 148 - 148. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Brown P. Birds of prey. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 149 - 150. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. von Boetticher H. & Grummt W. 1965. Ganse- und Entenvogel aus aller Welt. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 149 - 149. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1965. Europa. Elsevierboek over de werelddelen. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 150 - 151. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Ferianc O. 1964- 1965. Stavovce Slovenska, II, III. Vtaky I, II. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 151 - 151. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1966. The Shell bird book. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 151 - 152. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Gentz K. 1965. Die Grosse Dommel. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 152 - 153. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1966. Shell Nature Lovers' atlas of England, Scotland & Wales. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 152 - 152. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Geroudet P. 1965. Les rapaces diurnes et nocturnes d'Europe. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 153 - 153. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Hanson H.C. 1965. The Giant Canada Goose. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 153 - 154. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1967) Boekbespreking. Herroelen P. van der Meiren P. & Dehaen M. Zangvogels in de hand, 1. Leeuweriken, zwaluwen, piepers en kwikstaarten. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 154 - 155. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Hilprecht A. 1965. Nachtigall und Sprosser. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 155 - 155. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Kirchner H. 1966. Der Vogel im Fluge, Aflevering 5-6. Möwen und Raubmöwen. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 155 - 155. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Krumbiegel I. 1966. Die Straussenvögel. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 155 - 156. |
[free copy] |
Klomp H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1966. Population studies of birds. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 156 - 157. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1965. Enjoying ornithology. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 156 - 156. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1965. Der Vogel und sein Nest. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 157 - 157. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Murton R.K. 1965. The Wood Pigeon. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 158 - 159. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Mengel R.M. 1965. The birds of Kentucky. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 158 - 158. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. van Oye P. & van Mieghem J. 1965. Biography and ecology in Antarctica. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 159 - 162. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Nowak E. 1965. Die Türkentaube. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 159 - 159. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Robbins C.S., Bruun B. & Zim H.S. 1966. Birds of North America. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 162 - 163. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Rooth J. 1965. The flamingos on Bonaire. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 163 - 164. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1966. Vogels van Australië. Band 3, deel I. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 164 - 164. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Schildmacher H. 1965. Wir beobachten Vögel. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 164 - 165. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Smith N.G. 1966. Evolution of arctic gull (Larus); an experimental study of isolating mechanisms. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 165 - 165. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Snyder D.E. 1966. The birds of Guyana. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 165 - 166. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Steiner G. 1965. The birds of Shakespeare by James Edmund Harting. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 166 - 166. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Stokes H. 1966. Birds'eggs and nests. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 166 - 166. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. van Tets G.F. 1965. A comparative study of some social communication patterns in the Pelecaniformes. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 167 - 167. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Jost T. & Just R. 1965. Vogelwelt im Oberbergischen. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 167 - 167. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Verheyen W.N. 1965. Der Kongopfau. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 168 - 168. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Watson G.E. 1966. Seabirds of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 168 - 168. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Wetmore A. et al. 1965. Water, prey, and game birds of North America. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 169 - 169. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Zoological record. Aves. Vol. 100, set. 18 (1963), 1964. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 169 - 169. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Zoological record. Aves. Vol. 101, set. 18 (1964), 1966. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 169 - 169. |
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anon. (1967) Annoucements. XV International ornithological congress. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 170 - 170. |
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anon. (1967) Annoucements. Third Pan-African Ornithological Congress. ARDEA 55 (1-2): 170 - 170. |
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Kruuk H. (1967) Competition for food between vultures in East Africa. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 171 - 193. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1967) Orientation of Starlings after displacement to Spain. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 194 - 202. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Kruijt J.P. & Hogan J.A. (1967) Social behavior of the lek in Black Grouse, Lyrurus tetrix tetrix (L.). ARDEA 55 (3-4): 203 - 240. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Pinowski J. (1967) Experimental studies on the dispersal of young Tree Sparrows. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 241 - 248. |
[free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1967) Verspreiding en voedsel van Caloenas nicobarica en Ducula bicolor. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 249 - 259. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Kumerloeve H. (1967) Über Durchzug und Brutverbreitung des Kranichs in Kleinasien. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 260 - 264. |
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Ashmole M.J. & Ashmole N.P. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 20. Notes on the breeding season and food of the Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) on Oahu, Hawaii. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 265 - 267. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 21. Leach's Storm Petrel in the tropical Pacific. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 268 - 268. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 22. Leach's Storm Petrel in the Caribbean. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 268 - 269. |
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Meischke M.H.A. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 23. Observation of salt excretion by Pacific Gull. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 269 - 269. |
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Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. (1967) Notes on sea-birds 24. Black-capped Petrels (Pterodroma hasitata) in the Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 270 - 270. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Asschenbrenner L. 1966. Der Waldlaubsänger. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 271 - 271. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Bannerman D.A & Bannerman W.M. 1966. Birds of the Atlantic Islands. 3.A history of the birds of the Azores. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 271 - 272. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Beckmann W. 1966. Handleiding voor de grasparkietkweker. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 272 - 272. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Boback A.W. 1966. Das Auerhuhn. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 272 - 272. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Broekhuysen G.J. 1966. The birds around us. The commoner birds of Southern Africa. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 272 - 273. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Creutz G. 166. Die Wasseramsel. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 273 - 273. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. (ed.). 1963. Natur i Lappland. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 273 - 274. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1967) Boekbespreking. Frankevoort W. & Hubatsch H. 1966. Unsere Wiesenschmätzer. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 274 - 275. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. 1966. Guide des oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 274 - 274. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Godfrey W.E. 1966. The birds of Canada. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 275 - 275. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Pettingill O.S. 1965. The bird watcher's America. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 275 - 276. |
[free copy] |
Mees G.F. (1967) Boekbespreking. Rand A.L. & Gilliard E.T. 1967. Handbook of New Guinea birds. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 276 - 277. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1967. Vogels van Australië. Band 4, deel II. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 278 - 278. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Sutton G.M. 1967. Oklahoma birds. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 278 - 279. |
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Hellebrekers W.P.J. (1967) Boekbespreking. Verheyen R.K. 1967. Oölogia belgica. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 279 - 280. |
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Voous K.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. van Tyne J. & Berger A.J. 1966. Fundamentals of ornithology. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 279 - 279. |
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Bierman W.H. (1967) Boekbespreking. Williamson K. 1965. Fair Isle and its birds. ARDEA 55 (3-4): 280 - 282. |
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de Vries P.G. (1966) De vogelkolonies van Coppenamepunt, Suriname. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 1 - 13. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Evans P.R. (1966) An approach to the analysis of visible migration and a comparison with radar observations. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 14 - 44. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Bourne W.R.P. & Warham J. (1966) Geographical variation in the Giant Petrels of the genus Macronectes. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 45 - 67. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Wolff W.J. (1966) Spring and summer observations from Mesolonghion, Greece. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 68 - 75. |
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von Westernhagen W. (1966) Ein neuer Brutplatz der Dünnschnabelmöwe in Südwesteuropa. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 76 - 80. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1966) The occurrence of Nycticorax caledonicus in Java. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 81 - 87. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Nieboer E. (1966) Notes on sea-birds 15. Probable sight record of Pterodroma hasitata in the Western Sargasso Sea. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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Nieboer E. (1966) Notes on sea-birds 16. Red-footed booby (Sula sula) far in the open sea. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Notes on sea-birds 17. Prions in the tropical Indian Ocean. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 89 - 89. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1966) Gabar Goshawk capturing nestling Laughing Dove. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 90 - 90. |
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Kruuk H. & Voous K.H. (1966) Gabar Goshawk capturing barbet. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 90 - 91. |
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de Vries T. (1966) Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in western Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 91 - 91. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Berglund B.E., Curry-Lindahl K., Luther H., Olsson V., Rohde W. & Sellerberg G. 1963. Ecological studies on the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in southeastern Sweden. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 92 - 92. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Bernis F. et al. 1964. Informacion Espanola sobre Anatidas y Fochas (epoca invernal). ARDEA 54 (1-2): 92 - 93. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Busnel R.-G. & Giban J. 1965. Le problème des oiseaux sur les aérodromes. Colloque tenu a Nice les 25, 26 et 27 novembre 1963. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 93 - 94. |
[free copy] |
Gruys-Casimir E.M. (1966) Boekbespreking. Gruys-Casimir E.M. 1965. On the influence of environmental factors on the autumn migration of Chaffinch and Starling: a field study. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Fitter R. 1965. Kingfisher. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 94 - 94. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1966) Boekbespreking. Grzimek B. 1963. Oase voor dieren. Om het behoud van Afrika's reservaten. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 96 - 96. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Harrison J.M. 1964. Bird taxidermy. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 96 - 96. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Höhn E.O. 1965. Die Wassertreter. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 96 - 97. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Karvik N.-G. 1964. The terrestrial vertebrates of Dalsland in Soutwestern Sweden. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 97 - 97. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Kirby J. 1965. Hoor de vogels. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 97 - 98. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Kruuk H. 1964. Predators and anti-predator behaviour of the Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus L.). ARDEA 54 (1-2): 98 - 99. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Markgren G. & Mathiasson S. 1963. Studies on wild geese in southernmost Sweden. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 99 - 100. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1966) Boekbespreking. Menzel H. 1964. Der Steinschmätzer. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 100 - 100. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Mountfort G. 1965. Portrait of a Desert. The story of an expedition to Jordan. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 100 - 101. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Moynihan M. 1962. Hostile and sexual behaviour patterns of South American and Pacific Laridae. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 101 - 102. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1966) Boekbespreking. Nice M.M. Studies in the history of the Song Sparrow. I. A population study of the Song Sparrow. II. The behaviour of the song sparrow and other passerines. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 102 - 103. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Bauer K.M. & Glutz von Blotzheim U.N. 1966. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 103 - 104. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1966) Boekbespreking. Pätzold R. 1963. Die Feldlerche. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 104 - 104. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Noll H. 1965. Die Brutvögel in ihren Lebensgebieten. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 104 - 104. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Piechocki R. 1965. Augenkatalog der Vögel Europas. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 104 - 105. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Rokitansky G. 1964. Catalogus faunae Austriae. XXI. 6. Aves. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 105 - 105. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1965. Vogels van Europa, Band 1, deel I. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 105 - 106. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1963. Oversigt over Danmarks fugle. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 106 - 106. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. & Rudebeck G. Danmarks fugle, 1962-1964. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 106 - 107. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. von Transehe N. 1965. Die Vogelwelt Letlands. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Tufts R.W. 1961. The birds of Nova Scotia. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 107 - 108. |
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Coomans de Ruiter L. (1966) Boekbespreking. Verheyen J.A.J. 1963. Bird-names in Manggarai, Flores, Indonesia. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Voous K.H. (1966) Boekbespreking. Uspenski S.M. 1965. Die Wildgänse Nordeurasias. ARDEA 54 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Hogan-Warburg A.J. (1966) Social behaviour of the Ruff, Philomachus pugnax (L.). ARDEA 54 (3-4): 109 - 229. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Wolff W.J. (1966) Migration of Teal ringed in the Netherlands. ARDEA 54 (3-4): 230 - 270. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1966) Notes on sea-birds 18. Sabine's gulls (Larus sabini) in the North Atlantic. ARDEA 54 (3-4): 271 - 271. |
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Vaurie C. (1966) The 'type' of Macronectes giganteus halli. ARDEA 54 (3-4): 272 - 272. |
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van den Hoek J. & Eygenraam J.A. (1965) Radioactive contamination in a wild bird population. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 1 - 8. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. & Payne H.A.W. (1965) The grebes of Madagascar. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 9 - 31. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1965) Notes on the taxonomy of Copsychus saularis, with special reference to the subspecies amoenus and javensis. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 32 - 37. |
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Mees G.F. (1965) Revision of Nectarinia sericea (Lesson). ARDEA 53 (1-2): 38 - 56. |
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Harrison C.J.O. (1965) 'Stare-down' in birds, and its apparent function. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 57 - 72. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Sokolowski J. (1965) Wann lässt der Buchfink den 'Regenruf' hören? ARDEA 53 (1-2): 73 - 78. |
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Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Voous K.H. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 8. Night-feeding by Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata). ARDEA 53 (1-2): 79 - 79. |
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Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Voous K.H. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 9. Great Skuas (Stercorarius skua) in Northern Indian Ocean. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 80 - 81. |
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Desfayes M. (1965) Biosystematic note on the genus Regulus. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 82 - 82. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Summer records of Larus fuscus in Mombasa, Kenya. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 83 - 83. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Austin O.L. 1964. De vogels van de wereld. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 84 - 84. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Clancey P.A. 1964. The birds of Natal and Zululand. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 84 - 85. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Rutgers A. 1964. Encyclopedie voor de vogelliefhebber. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 85 - 86. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Schneider W. 1964. Die Schleiereule. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 86 - 86. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1965) Boekbespreking. Schwerdtfeger F. 1963. Ökologie der Tiere. Band 1. Autökologie. Die Beziehungen zwischen Tier und Umwelt. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 86 - 87. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Landsborough Thomson F. (ed.). 1964. A new dictionary of birds. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 87 - 88. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Wenzel F. 1964. Sprookjesvogel: Wespendief. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Williamson K. 1964. The genus Sylvia. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
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anon. (1965) Mededelingen. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 90 - 90. |
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Tinbergen N. (1965) Mededelingen. XIV International Ornithological Congress, Great Britain, 1966. ARDEA 53 (1-2): 90 - 91. |
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Bierman W.H. (1965) Jacobus Pieter Thijsse 1865-1945. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 93 - 98. |
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Drent R.H. (1965) Breeding biology of the Pigeon Guillemot, Cepphus columba. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 99 - 160. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
de Wilde J.J.F.E. & de Wilde P.A.W.J. (1965) Het voorkomen van de Sporenkievit (Hoplopterus spinosus) in Europa. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 161 - 171. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Vader W.J.M. (1965) Bird observations by the 'Dutch biological expedition Turkey 1959'. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 172 - 204. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Check-list of the birds of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 205 - 234. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 11. Inland records of Sooty Terns (Stern fuscata) in Surinam. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 235 - 236. |
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Meeth P. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 10. Sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) in Southern Spain. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 235 - 235. |
[free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 12. Brown noddy (Anous stolidus) near the coast of Surinam. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 236 - 236. |
[free copy] |
Nieboer E. (1965) Notes on sea-birds 13. Magnificent Frigate-bird (Fregata magnificens) in western Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 236 - 236. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Notes on sea birds 14. White-faced Storm Petrels in the Indian Ocean: correction and addtitions. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 237 - 237. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1965) In memoriam Ir. F.J. Appelman. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 238 - 238. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1963. Nordens Djurvärld. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 239 - 239. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Davis P. Williamson K. The B.T.O. guide for ageing & sexing. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 239 - 240. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Hoogerwerf A. 1962. Enkele gegevens over het vogelschade-onderzoek bij het Rijstproefbedrijf 'Koembe' te Koerik (nabij Merauke) Zuid Nieuw Guinea. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 240 - 241. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Immelmann K. 1964. Die australischen Plattschweifsittiche. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 241 - 241. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. International Council for Bird Preservation. 1964. Working conference on birds of prey and owls (Caen, 10-12 april 1964). ARDEA 53 (3-4): 241 - 242. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Linduska J.P. & Nelson A.L. (eds). 1964. Waterfowl tomorrow. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 242 - 243. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Peterson R.T. 1964. De vogels. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 243 - 244. |
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Voous K.H. (1965) Boekbespreking. Vaurie C. The birds of the palearctic fauna. Non-passeriformes. ARDEA 53 (3-4): 244 - 245. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1964) In memoriam H.H. Buisman. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 1 - 8. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1964) In memoriam Jan Drijver. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 9 - 12. |
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Doude van Troostwijk W.J. (1964) Some aspects of the Woodpigeon population in the Netherlands. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 13 - 29. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Murton R.K. & Isaacson A.J. (1964) Productivity and egg predation in the Woodpigeon. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 30 - 47. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1964) Oecologische successie en waterwildconcentraties. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 48 - 92. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Bartels E. (1964) Vragen rond het merkwaardige leven van de Manenduif Caloenas nicobarica (L.). ARDEA 52 (1-2): 93 - 98. |
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Tammes P.M.L. (1964) Bird's egg shells, colour prints of nature. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 99 - 110. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
van den Broek E. & Jansen J. (1964) Parasites of animals in the Netherlands. Supplement I: Parasites of wild birds. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 111 - 116. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Voous K.H. (1964) Notes on sea-birds 4. Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) in Southern Indian Ocean. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 117 - 118. |
[free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1964) Notes on sea-birds 5. Leach's petrels (Oceanodrama leucorrhoa) near the coast of Surinam. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 118 - 118. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1964) Notes on sea-birds 6. Wilson's petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) near the coast of Surinam. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 118 - 118. |
[free copy] |
Boer P. & van Orden C. (1964) Breeding Notes from the Ebro-delta, Spain. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 119 - 120. |
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Boer P. & van Orden C. (1964) Late passerine migrants in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 120 - 120. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1964) The Common Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) breeding in Surinam. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 120 - 121. |
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Thompson M.C. (1964) Two new distributional records of birds from the Southwest Pacific. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 121 - 121. |
[free copy] |
Baerends G.P. (1964) Boekbespreking. Armstrong E.A. 1963. A Study of Bird Song. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 122 - 122. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1964) Boekbespreking. Blume D. 1962. Schwartzspecht, Grünspecht, Grauspecht. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 123 - 124. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Bannerman D.A. 1963. Birds of the Atlantic islands. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 123 - 123. |
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Hekstra G.P. (1964) Boekbespreking. de Boer H.F. 1963. Fvgelflecht. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 124 - 124. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. C.S.I.R.O. 1963. Waterfowl in New South Wales. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 124 - 124. |
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ten Kate C.G.B. (1964) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. (ed.) 1963. Värä fäglar i Norden. IV. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 125 - 125. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Hasse H. 1963. Die Goldammer. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 125 - 125. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Hines B. 1963. Ducks at a distance. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 125 - 125. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. International Council for Bird Preservation, Bulletin IX, 1963. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 125 - 126. |
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Hellebrekers W.P.J. (1964) Boekbespreking. Prynne M. 1963. Egg-shells. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 126 - 126. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1964) Boekbespreking. Legendre M. Exotische voliere vogels in kleur. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 126 - 126. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1964) Boekbespreking. Siefke A. 1962. Dorn- und Zaungrasmücke. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 126 - 127. |
[free copy] |
Baerends G.P. (1964) Boekbespreking. Thorpe W.H. 1963. Learning and Instinct in Animals. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 127 - 128. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Clyde Todd W.E. 1963. Birds of Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 128 - 129. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Wenzel F. & Ottens H.W. 1963. Das Bilderbuch der Vögel, 1961. - Taggreife, Wasser-, Sumpf- und Hühnervögel. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 129 - 130. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1964) Boekbespreking. Wynne Edwards V.C. 1962. Animal dispersion in relation to social behaviour. ARDEA 52 (1-2): 130 - 131. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1964) An experiment on the ending of autumn migration in Starlings. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 133 - 139. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Broekhuysen G.J. (1964) The status and movements of the European Swallow, Hirundo rustica, in the most southern part of Africa. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 140 - 165. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
de Vos A. (1964) Observations on the behaviour of captive Trumpeter Swans during the breeding season. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 166 - 189. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Mees G.F. (1964) Twee exemplaren van de uitgestorven Glansspreeuw Aplonis corvina (Kittlitz) in het Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 190 - 193. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Verheijen J.A.J. (1964) Breeding season on the island of Flores, Indonesia. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 194 - 201. |
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Sage B.L. (1964) Notes on the birds of the lower Neretva Valley, Yugoslavia. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 202 - 218. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Flipse E. & de Roever J.W. (1964) Ornithological observations made in Spitsbergen in the summer of 1963. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 219 - 222. |
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Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Voous K.H. (1964) Notes on sea-birds 7. White-faced storm petrels (Pelagodroma marina) in the Indian Ocean. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 223 - 224. |
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van Baars-Klinkenberg G. & Wattel J. (1964) Merlin (Falco columbarius) from Bahia, Brazil. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 225 - 226. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Atkinson-Willes G.L. 1963. Wildfowl in Great Britain. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 227 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Berlioz J. 1962. Les oiseaux. Que sais-je. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 228 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Bruns H. 1964. Das Leben. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 228 - 228. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Cohen E. 1963. Birds of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 228 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. et al. 1963. Colloque sur les problèmes biogéographiques du Parc National de l'Upemba. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1963. Arktis och tropik. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 229 - 229. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Deignan H.G., Paynter Jr R.A. & Ripley D.S. 1964. Check-list of birds of the world. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 229 - 230. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. 1964. The waterfowl of the world. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 230 - 231. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Drijver J. 1964. Vogeltrek en Trekvogels. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 231 - 231. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Eisentraut M. 1963. Die Wirbeltiere des Kamerungebirges. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 231 - 232. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Etchécopar R.D. & Hüe F. 1964. Les oiseaux du nord de l'Afrique. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 232 - 233. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Garms H. 1964. Planten en dieren van Europa. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 233 - 233. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Hvass H. 1963. Vogels der wereld. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 233 - 234. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Krösche O. 1963. Die Moa-Strausse. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 234 - 234. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. International Wildfowl Research Bureau, Special publications 17, 1949-1964. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 234 - 234. |
[free copy] |
Baerends G.P. (1964) Boekbespreking. Milne L.J. & Milne M. 1963. Die Sinneswelt der Tiere und Menschen. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 235 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Meyer de Schauensee R. 1964. The birds of Colombia. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 235 - 235. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Öhrn B. 1961. Fägelregioner. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 236 - 236. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Öhrn B. 1963. Barrskogsfäglar. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 236 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Prestwich A.A. 1963. 'I name this Parrot...'. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 237 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Proceedings XIII International Ornithological Congress (1962), 1963. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 237 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Robert L.-P. Les oiseaux dans la nature. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 237 - 237. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Russell S.M. 1964. A distributional study of the birds of British Honduras. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 238 - 238. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1963. Oversigt over Danmarks fugle. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 238 - 238. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Schwartz P. 1963. Bird songs from the tropics. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 239 - 239. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Spencer R. 1963. Instructions to young ornithologists. III. Bird migration. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 239 - 239. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Svensson L. 1964. Bestämningsguide för vissa tättingar. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 239 - 240. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Wakefield J. 1963. The strange world of birds. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 240 - 240. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Welty J.C. 1962. The life of birds. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 240 - 241. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. Zoological Record. Aves, vol. 99, sect. 18, 1962 (1963). ARDEA 52 (3-4): 241 - 241. |
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Voous K.H. (1964) Boekbespreking. World Wildlife Fund / Natuur-Noodfonds-Nederland. 1963. S.O.S. Moeder Aarde. ARDEA 52 (3-4): 241 - 241. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1963) The early reproductive behaviour of the Arctic Skua, Stercorarius parasiticus (L.). ARDEA 51 (1): 1 - 15. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Geographic variation of Larus fuscus in northwestern Europe. ARDEA 51 (1): 16 - 24. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Broekhuysen G.J. & Brown A.R. (1963) The moulting pattern of European Swallows, Hirundo rustica, wintering in the surroundings of Cape Town, South Africa. ARDEA 51 (1): 25 - 43. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Harrison C.J.O. (1963) The displays of some Starlings (Sturnidae) and their taxonomic value. ARDEA 51 (1): 44 - 52. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Blake E.R. (1963) The birds of southern Surinam. ARDEA 51 (1): 53 - 72. |
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Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Voous K.H. (1963) Notes on sea-birds 1. Black-winged Petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca nigripennis). ARDEA 51 (1): 73 - 73. |
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Stam D. & Voous K.H. (1963) Short notes. African record of Aquatic Warbler. ARDEA 51 (1): 74 - 74. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Dorst J. 1962. The Migration of Birds. ARDEA 51 (1): 75 - 76. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Banko W.E. 1960. The Trumpeter Swan, its history, habits, and population in the United States. ARDEA 51 (1): 75 - 75. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Harrison P.P.O. 1962. Sea Birds of the South Pacific. ARDEA 51 (1): 76 - 77. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1963) Boekbespreking. Heim de Balsac A. & Mayaud N. 1962. Les oiseaux du Nord-Ouest de l'Afrique. Distrubution géographique, écologie, migrations, reproduction. ARDEA 51 (1): 77 - 77. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Legendre M. 1962. Perroquets et Perruches. ARDEA 51 (1): 78 - 79. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Kumerloeve H. 1961. Zur Kenntnis der Avifauna Kleinasiens. ARDEA 51 (1): 78 - 78. |
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van Balen J.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Lind H. 1961. Studies on the behaviour of the Black- tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa (L.)). ARDEA 51 (1): 79 - 79. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1963) Boekbespreking. Lister M. 1962. A glossary for bird watchers. ARDEA 51 (1): 80 - 80. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1962. Die Vögel an Strand und Watt. ARDEA 51 (1): 81 - 81. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Mayr E. & Greenway J.C. 1960. Check-list of birds of the world, XV. ARDEA 51 (1): 81 - 82. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Skead C.J. 1960. The Canaries, seedeaters and buntings of Southern Africa. ARDEA 51 (1): 82 - 83. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1963) Boekbespreking. Turcek F.J. 1961. Oekologische Beziehungen der Vögel und Gehölze. ARDEA 51 (1): 83 - 83. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Zoological Record. Aves. Vol 98, sect. 18, 1961. ARDEA 51 (1): 83 - 83. |
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anon. (1963) Announcements. XIV International Ornithological Congress. ARDEA 51 (1): 84 - 84. |
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Bierman W.H. (1963) In memoriam Greogorius Johannes van Oordt. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 85 - 90. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1963) Does navigation without visual clues exist in Robins? ARDEA 51 (2-4): 91 - 104. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Tekke M.J. (1963) Gegevens over een vinkenbaan onder Loosduinen uit de jaren 1800-1840. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 105 - 110. |
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Thiede W. (1963) Die Verbreitung des Rotschenkels, Tringa totanus, IV. Mitteilung: Zug und Winterquartiere des Isländischen und des Britischen Rotschenkels (rubusta und britannica), ferner Zug und Überwinterung kontinentaleuropäischer Rotschenkel ('totanus') in Grossbrita. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 111 - 142. |
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Voous K.H. & Wattel J. (1963) Distribution and migration of the Greater Shearwater. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 143 - 157. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Honer M.R. (1963) Observations on the Barn Owl (Tyto alba guttata) in the Netherlands in relation to its ecology and population fluctuations. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 158 - 195. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Delvingt W. (1963) Ecologie de l'activite incubatrice d'un couple d'etourneaux, Sturnus vulgaris. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 196 - 211. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Benson C.W. & Irwin M.P.S. (1963) Some comments on the 'Atlas of European birds' from the Ethiopian aspect. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 212 - 229. |
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Owen D.F. (1963) The rufous and white forms of an Asiatic Paradise Flycatcher, Terpsiphone paradisi. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 230 - 236. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Marchant S. (1963) Notes on the winter status of certain species in Iraq. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 237 - 243. |
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McGeoch J.A. (1963) Observations from Ser Amadia, Kurdistan, Iraq (17-30 June 1954). ARDEA 51 (2-4): 244 - 250. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Notes on sea-birds 2. Royal Penguin (Eudyptes schlegeli) on Marion Island. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 251 - 251. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Notes on sea-birds 3. Food of White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phadthon lepturus). ARDEA 51 (2-4): 252 - 252. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1963) Dusky Parrot at sea near the coast of Surinam. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 253 - 253. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) in New Guinea. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 253 - 253. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Ali Salim. 1962. The birds of Sikkim. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 254 - 254. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Belopol'skii L.O. 1961. Ecology of sea colony of the Barents Sea. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 254 - 255. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1963) Boekbespreking. Brown P. & Waterston G. 1962. The return of the Osprey. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 255 - 256. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Dorst J. 1962. De wereld der vogels. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 256 - 257. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Fischer W. 1963. Die Geier. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 257 - 257. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Frisch J.D. 1962. Cantos de Aves de Brasil. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 257 - 258. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Gilham M.E. 1963. Instructions to young ornithologists. IV. Sea-birds. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 258 - 258. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Hulten M. & Wassenich V. 1963. Die Vogelfauna. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 258 - 259. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Imhof T.A. 1962. Alabama birds. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 259 - 260. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Kirchner H. 1963. Der Bruchwasserläufer. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 260 - 260. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1963) Boekbespreking. Marshall A.J. 1961. Biology and comparative physiology of birds. II. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 261 - 261. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Moll K.H. 1962. Der Fischadler (Pandion h. haliaetus). ARDEA 51 (2-4): 261 - 261. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Mountfort G. 1962. Portrait of a River. The wildlife of the Danube, from the Black Sea to Budapest. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 261 - 262. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Niethammer G. 1963. Die Einbürgerung von Säugetieren und Vögeln in Europa. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 262 - 263. |
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Kruijt J.P. (1963) Boekbespreking. Nice M.M. 1962. Development of Behaviour in Precocial Birds. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 263 - 265. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Ripley S.D. 1961. A synopsis of the Birds of India and Pakistan. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 265 - 266. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. & Rudebeck G. 1962. Danmarks Fugle. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 266 - 267. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Sterbetz I. 1961. Der Seidenreiher. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 267 - 267. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Stokes T. 1963. A sailor's guide to ocean birds, Atlantic and Mediterranean. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 267 - 268. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen L. 1962. Vogels in hun domein. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 268 - 269. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen L. 1962. Vogels onderweg. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 269 - 270. |
[free copy] |
de Beaufort L.F. (1963) Boekbespreking. Voous K.H. 1960. Atlas of European birds. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 270 - 271. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Tuck L.M. 1961. The Murres. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 270 - 270. |
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Voous K.H. (1963) Boekbespreking. Yamashina Y. 1961. Birds in Japan. ARDEA 51 (2-4): 271 - 271. |
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Commissie voor de Nederlandse Avifauna (1962) Avifauna van Nederland. Lijst van de in Nederland waargenomen vogelsoorten en hun geografische vormen. ARDEA 50 (1-2): 1 - 103. |
[free copy] |
Hens P.A., Junge G.C.A., van Marle J.G. & Voous K.H. (1962) Ondersoorten en ondersoortsnamen in de lijst van Nederlandsche vogels. ARDEA 50 (1-2): 104 - 130. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1962) In memoriam Dr. G.C.A. Junge. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 131 - 144. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) In memoriam Prof.Dr. R.K. Verheyen. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 145 - 146. |
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Voous K.H. (1962) De Kievitensterfte in de droge zomer van 1959. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 147 - 161. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Dekhuijzen-Maasland J.M., Stel H. & Hoogers B.J. (1962) Waarnemingen over de Draaihals, Jynx torquilla L. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 162 - 170. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Another presumed hybrid of Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gull in the Netherlands. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 171 - 172. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1962) Notes on some Surinam breeding birds (II). ARDEA 50 (3-4): 173 - 179. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1962) Some ornithological notes on the smaller Islands around Java (with the description of seven new subspecies). ARDEA 50 (3-4): 180 - 206. |
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Bartels E. (1962) Wat doen Boomeenden (Dendrocygna) in en voor zoet- en brakwaterplassen op Java? ARDEA 50 (3-4): 207 - 211. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Zweeres K. 1962. Vogelboek voor iedereen. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 212 - 212. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Zweeres K. 1962. Naardermeer. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 212 - 213. |
[free copy] |
Baerends G.P. (1962) Boekbespreking. Thorp W.H. 1961. Bird-song, the biology of vocal communication and expression in birds. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 213 - 214. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1962) Boekbespreking. Yapp W.B. 1962. Birds and woods. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 215 - 215. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1962) Boekbespreking. Sielmann H. 1961. Een jaar tussen de spechten. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 215 - 216. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Lucas A.M. & Jamroz C. 1961. Atlas of avian hematology. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 216 - 217. |
[free copy] |
ten Kate C.B.G. (1962) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1961. Värä Fäglar i Norden. III. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 217 - 217. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Urs N. Glutz von Blotzheim. 1962. Die Brutvogel der Schweiz. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 218 - 219. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Palmer R.S. 1962. Handbook of North American Birds. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 219 - 220. |
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Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Kozlova E.V. 1957. Fauna of USSR. Birds. II(3) Charadriiformes. Suborder Alcae. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 220 - 220. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Bouet G. 1961. Oiseaux de l'Afrique tropicale (deuxieme partie). ARDEA 50 (3-4): 221 - 221. |
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Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Ionescu M. & Schnapp B. 1961. Musee d'histoire naturelle 'Gr. Antipa' 1831-1961. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 221 - 221. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1962) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1961. Contribution a l'Étude des vertébrés terrestres en Afrique tropicale. ARDEA 50 (3-4): 221 - 222. |
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Kist J. (1961) 'Systematische' beschouwingen naar aanleiding van de waarneming van Heuglins Geelpootzilvermeeuw, Larus cachinnans heuglini Bree, in Nederland. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 1 - 50. |
[free copy] |
Eisner E. (1961) The behaviour of the Bengalese Finch in the nest. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 51 - 69. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1961) Micro-geographical variation in Netherlands Herring-Gulls, Larus argentatus. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 69 - 72. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1961) The breeding of the Common Heron in immature plumage. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 72 - 74. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Orden C. (1961) Een verandering in nestplaatskeuze bij de Zanglijster ten gevolge van natuurlijke regulatie. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 74 - 78. |
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Bierman W.H. (1961) De late voorjaarstrek. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 78 - 82. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
de Beaufort-van Raamsdonk J. (1961) Korte Mededeelingen. Profiterende Roodborst. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 82 - 82. |
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Stam K. (1961) Korte Mededeelingen. Slaaphouding Spechten. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 82 - 82. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Referaten. L. Tinbergen & H. Klomp. The natural control of insects in pinewoods. Conditions for damping of Nicholson oscilations in parasitehost systems. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 83 - 83. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Referaten. L. Tinbergen. The natural control of insects in pinewoods. Factors influencing the intensity of predation by songbirds. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 83 - 91. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Arn-Willi H. 1960. Biologische Studien am Alpensegler. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 92 - 92. |
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Voous K.H. (1961) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. 1960. Ecological studies on Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians in the Eastern Belgian Congo, Part II. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 92 - 93. |
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Baerends G.P. (1961) Boekbespreking. Markgren M. 1960. Fugitive reactions in avian behaviour. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 93 - 93. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1961) Boekbespreking. Melides N. 1960. Perruches Australiennes et autres Psittacides. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 93 - 94. |
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Voous K.H. (1961) Boekbespreking. Grzimek M. & Grzimek B. 1960. Flamingoes censused in East Africa by aerial photography. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
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Baerends G.P. (1961) Boekbespreking. Munro Fox H. 1960. Psychologie der dieren. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 95 - 95. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Sanft K. 1960. Bucerotidae. Das Tierreich. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 95 - 95. |
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Hulscher J.B. (1961) Boekbespreking. Streefkerk C.J. Verslag van het vergelijkend gedragsonderzoek naar de wijze van voedselzoeken van enige soorten steltlopers. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 96 - 96. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Traber H. 1960. Hoor de vogels. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 97 - 97. |
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Lebret T. (1961) The pair formation in the annual cycle of the Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos L. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 97 - 158. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1961) Boekbespreking. Westerskov K. 1960. Birds of Campbell Island. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 97 - 97. |
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W.H.B. (1961) Boekbespreking. Williamson K. & Morton Boyd J. St. Kilda Summer. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 97 - 98. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Anonymous 1958. Station biologique de la Tour du Valat. ARDEA 49 (1-2): 98 - 98. |
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Vlijm L. (1961) Observations on the daily rhythm of the song of some forest birds in central and northern Sweden. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 158 - 164. |
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Walrecht B.J.J.R. (1961) Opmerkingen over de nestbouw en nestplaatskeuze van zwaluwen. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 164 - 175. |
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Voous K.H. (1961) Records of Peregrine Falcons on the Atlantic Ocean. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 176 - 177. |
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Blake E.R. (1961) New bird records from Surinam. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 178 - 183. |
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Verheyen J.A.J. (1961) Some notes on the birds of the island of Palud, Flores, observed from 13th April to 5th May 1960. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 183 - 187. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Berndt R. & Meise W. 1957-1961. Naturgeschichte der Vogel. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 187 - 188. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Schildmacher H. 1961. Beiträge zur Kenntnis deutscher Vögel. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 188 - 188. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Berger A.J. 1961. Bird Study. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 188 - 188. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Boekbespreking. Freye H.A. 1960. Vögel. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 189 - 189. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Boekbespreking. Marshall A.J. 1960. Biology and comparative Physiology of Birds, I. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 189 - 190. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Boekbespreking. Goodwin D. 1961. Instructions to young ornithologists. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 189 - 189. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1961) Boekbespreking. Wiggelaar A.J & Veenman J. 1960. Botshol. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 190 - 191. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Boekbespreking. Hoogers B.J. 1960. De Avifauna van Wageningen en Omstreken. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 191 - 192. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1961) Boekbespreking. Agatho B. De Roodborsttapuit (Saxicola torquata rubicola L.). Een onderzoek naar zijn leefwijze en broedbiologie. ARDEA 49 (3-4): 192 - 192. |
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Cullen J.M. (1960) The aerial display of the Arctic Tern and other species. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 1 - 37. |
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Manley G.H. (1960) The swoop and soar performance of the Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus L. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 37 - 51. |
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Ansingh F.H., Koelers H.J., van der Werf P.A. & Voous K.H. (1960) The breeding of the Cayenne or Yellow-billed Sandwich Tern in Curacao in 1958. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 51 - 65. |
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Braaksma S. (1960) De verspreiding van de Wulp (Numenius arquata L.) als broedvogel. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 65 - 90. |
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Swennen C. & van den Broek E. (1960) Polymorphus botulus als parasiet bij de Eidereenden in de Waddenzee. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 90 - 97. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1960) Bird records from Surinam (IV). ARDEA 48 (1-2): 97 - 103. |
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de Vries G.A. (1960) Korte Mededelingen. Gedrag van Goudhaantje en Vuurgoudhaantje in hun winterkwartieren. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 103 - 106. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1960) Boekbespreking. Brown L. The mystery of the Flamingos. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 106 - 106. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1960) Boekbespreking. Martin A. & Musy A. 1959. La vie des Colibris. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1960) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. The Waterfowl of the World. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
[free copy] |
Kluijver H.N. (1960) Boekbespreking. MacDonald J.D. 1959. Instructions to young ornithologists. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1960) Boekbespreking. Curry-Lindahl K. (ed.) 1959. Värä Fäglar i Norden I. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1960) Boekbespreking. Kipps C. Gevederde vondeling. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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de Beaufort L.F. (1960) Boekbespreking. Voous K.H. 1960. Atlas van de Europese Vogels. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 109 - 109. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1960) Boekbespreking. Mayr E. & Greenway J.C. (eds) 1960. Check-list of Birds of the World. ARDEA 48 (1-2): 109 - 109. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1960) Observations on the reproductive behaviour of the Great Skua or Bonxie, Stercorarius skua skua (Brünn.), in Shetland. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 111 - 136. |
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Baerends G.P. & Baerends-van Roon J.M. (1960) Über die Schnappbewegung des Fischreihers, Ardea cinerea L. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 136 - 150. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1960) Waarnemingen over het uitvallen van in zee gaande (ultrahoge) trek, vooral aan de Hollandse kust, bij windstilte en zeer zwakke wind. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 150 - 160. |
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Sage B.L. (1960) Field notes on some birds of Eastern Iraq. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 160 - 178. |
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van den Assem J. (1960) Vogelwaarnemingen in Nieuw Guinea. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 178 - 182. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1960) Boekbespreking. Curio E. 1959. Verhaltensstudiën am Trauerschnäpper. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 182 - 183. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1960) Boekbespreking. Curio E. Beiträge zur Populationsökologie des Trauerschnäppers (Ficedula h. hypoleuca Pallas). ARDEA 48 (3-4): 182 - 183. |
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Verwey J. (1960) Boekbespreking. Meyerriecks A.J. 1960. Comparative breeding behavior of four species of North American Herons. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 183 - 184. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1960) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. Spieden en speuren in de vrije natuur. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 184 - 184. |
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anon. (1960) The Thirteenth International Ornithological Congress will be held at Cornell University, Thaca, New York, USA. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 185 - 185. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1960) Boekbespreking. Proceedings of the first Pan-African Ornithological Congress. ARDEA 48 (3-4): 185 - 185. |
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Donker J.K. (1959) Migration and distribution of the Wigeon, Anas penelope L., in Europe, based on ringing results. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 1 - 27. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1959) Individual and geographical variation in the Song-Thrush, Turdus philomelos Brehm. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 28 - 41. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1959) Summer records on pelagic birds in the North Altantic, 1948 and 1958. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 41 - 48. |
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Walters J. (1959) Waarnemingen bij twee Strandplevieren-broedsels, Charadrius alexandrinus, op Texel. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 48 - 67. |
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Walrecht B.J.J.R. (1959) Het individuele element in de Spreeuwenbeweging. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 67 - 76. |
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van Balen J.H. (1959) Over de voortplanting van de Grutto, Limosa limosa L. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 76 - 86. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Timmerman A. & Mörzer Bruyns M.F. (1959) Het broedseizoen van de Kievit, Vanellus vanellus, in 1957. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 87 - 98. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1959) Ten afscheid. Rede uitgesproken door Dr.W.H. Bierman, na zijn verkiezing tot voorzitter van de Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie, op de vergadering van 4 april 1959 te Utrecht. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 98 - 106. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1959) Boekbespreking. Vaucher C. 1958. Oiseaux de mer. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1959) Boekbespreking. van Oordt G.J. 1959. De oriëntatie van de trekvogel. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 108 - 108. |
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Mörzer Bruyns M.F (1959) Verzoek om medewerking. Onderzoek broedvogelstand van de Nachtzwaluw, Caprimulgus europaeus, in Nederland. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 109 - 109. |
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Mörzer Bruyns M.F (1959) Verzoek om medewerking. Kwartelkoning-Inventarisatie 1959. ARDEA 47 (1-2): 109 - 110. |
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Maas Geesteranus H.P. (1959) Ornithological report on a biological excursion to Asia minor. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 111 - 157. |
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Bateson P.P.G. & Plowright R.C. (1959) Some aspects of the reproductive behaviour of the Ivory Gull. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 157 - 172. |
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Tinbergen N. (1959) Comments on the preceding article. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 172 - 174. |
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Tinbergen N. (1959) Nederlandse samenvatting. Waarnemingen over het voortplantingsgedrag van de Ivoormeeuw door P.P.G. Bateson en R.C. Plowright met enige vergelijkende opmerkingen door N. Tinbergen. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 174 - 176. |
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Voous K.H. (1959) Geographical variation of the Herring-Gull, Larus argentatus, in Europe and North America. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 176 - 187. |
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Owen D.F. (1959) Some aspects of the behaviour of immature Herons, Ardea cinerea, in the breeding season. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 187 - 191. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1959) Enkele voorlopige mededelingen over de Ekstereend, Anseranas semipalmatus, in Zuid Nieuw-Guinea. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 192 - 199. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1959) De dagelijkse verplaatsingen tussen dagverblijf en nachtelijk voedselgebied bij Smienten, Anas penelope L., in enige terreinen in het lage midden van Friesland. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 199 - 210. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Bemmel A.C.V. (1959) In memoriam H.J.V. Sody. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 210 - 212. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1959) Boekbespreking. Bendt R. & Meise W. 1959. Naturgeschichte der Vögel. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 212 - 212. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1959) Boekbespreking. Vaurie C. The birds of the palearctic Fauna. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 212 - 213. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1959) Boekbespreking. Station biologique de la Tour du Valat. 1957. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 213 - 213. |
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Mörzer Bruyns M.F (1959) Verzoek om medewerking bij het onderzoek van het doodvliegen van vogels tegen glas. ARDEA 47 (3-4): 215 - 215. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1958) Two types of orientation in migrating Starlings, Sturnus vulgaris L., and Chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs L., as revealed by displacement experiments. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 1 - 37. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
van der Werf P.A., Zwaneveld J.S. & Voous K.H. (1958) Field observations on the birds of the islas Las Aves in the southern Caribbean Sea. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 37 - 58. |
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van Koersveld E. (1958) A few data on the reproduction of the Rook, Corvus f. frugilegus L. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 58 - 62. |
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Nijhoff P. (1958) Herfstwaarnemingen bij Cap Gris-nez. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 62 - 67. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1958) The 'jump-flight' of the Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos L., the Teal, Anas crecca L., and the Shoveler, Spatula clypeata L. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 68 - 72. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1958) Inciting ('Hetzen') by flying ducks. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 73 - 75. |
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Lebret T. (1958) Baltsbewegingen van het Nonnetje, Mergus albellus L. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 75 - 79. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1958) De Middelste Bonte Specht, Dendrocopos medius (L.), in Delden. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 79 - 86. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1958) Korte Mededelingen. Waarnemingen betreffende overzomerende vogels in Angola en Noord-Rodesid. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 87 - 87. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1958) Boekbespreking. Gray A.P. 1953. Bird Hybrids. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1958) Korte Mededelingen. Pitta erythrogaster bernsteini nov. subspec. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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Voous K.H. (1958) Boekbespreking. Larson S. 1957. The suborder Charadrii in arctic and boreal areas during the tertiary and pleistocene. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 89 - 90. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1958) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1956. Station biologique de la Tour du Valat. Troisième compte rendu d'activité et recueil des travaux. ARDEA 46 (1-2): 90 - 90. |
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Lack D. (1958) A quantitative breeding study of British Tits. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 91 - 124. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Walters J. (1958) Über die Brutflecktemperaturen bei See- und Flussregenpfeifern, Charadrius alexandrinus und dubius. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 124 - 138. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1958) Nesting notes on Amazilia fimbriata in Surinam. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 138 - 144. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1958) Notes on Nyctibius griseus in Surinam. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 144 - 148. |
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Hoogerheide C. & Hoogerheide J. (1958) Slagpenrui van de Bergeend, Tadorna tadorna L., in Artis. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 149 - 158. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Braaksma S. (1958) Aanvullende gegevens over de stand van de Roerdomp, Botaurus stellarus L., als broedvogel in Nederland. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 158 - 166. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Holthuis L.B. & Junge G.C.A. (1958) Korte Mededelingen. The status of the name Procellaria diomedia Scopoli. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 166 - 167. |
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Holthuis L.B. & Junge G.C.A. (1958) Korte Mededelingen. The specific names in Tunstall's Ornithologia Britannica 1771. ARDEA 46 (3-4): 167 - 170. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1958) Korte Mededelingen. Een nieuwe vogelsoort voor Nieuw Guinea? ARDEA 46 (3-4): 171 - 171. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Redactie (1957) Voorwoord. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 1 - 1. |
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Kist J. (1957) Schlegel en onze huidige avifauna. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 2 - 24. |
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Walters J. (1957) Gedrag in de legperiode en arbeidsverdeling in de voortplantingstijd bij de Strandpluvier, Charadrius alexandrinus L. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 24 - 62. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Walters J. (1957) Über den Balzruf des Flussregenpfeifers, Charadrius dubius Scop. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 62 - 72. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Mörzer Bruyns W.F.J. & Mörzer Bruyns M.F. (1957) Waarnemingen van de Grauwe Franjepoot, Phalaropus lobatus (L.), in de Indische Oceaan. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 72 - 84. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1957) Bird records from Surinam (III). ARDEA 45 (1-2): 84 - 89. |
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Voous K.H. (1957) A specimen of the Spotted Crake, Porzana porzana, from the Lesser Antilles. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 89 - 90. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1957) Boekbespreking. Mountfort G. The Hawfinch. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 90 - 91. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1957) Boekbespreking. Thomsen P. & Stresemann E. 1957. Johann Friedrich Naumann, der Altmeister. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 91 - 92. |
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Kluyver H.N. (1957) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. 1957. Vogelleven. ARDEA 45 (1-2): 91 - 91. |
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Rooth J. (1957) Over het voedsel, de terreinkeus en de achteruitgang van de Ooievaar, Ciconia ciconia L., in Nederland. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 93 - 116. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Eygenraam J.A. (1957) The sex-ratio and the production of the Mallard, Anas plathyrhynchos L. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 117 - 143. |
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Braaksma S. (1957) Pleisterplaatsen van Kraanvogels, Grus grus L., in Nederland. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 143 - 167. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1957) Notes on the Cattle Egret in Surinam. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 168 - 176. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1957) The bill colour of summering immature Common Terns. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 176 - 178. |
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Mörzer Bruijns M.F. (1957) In memoriam Dr. E. van Koersveld. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 178 - 180. |
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Engel H. (1957) Boekbespreking. Coiter V. 1955. Opuscula Selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medica XVIII. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 180 - 181. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1957) Boekbespreking. Pough R.H. Audubon Western Bird Guide. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 181 - 181. |
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anon. (1957) XII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologicus. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 182 - 182. |
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Tinbergen N. (1957) Boekbespreking. Portielje A.F.J. 1957. Dieren zien en leren kennen. ARDEA 45 (3-4): 182 - 182. |
[free copy] |
Baggerman B., Baerends G.P., Heikens H.S. & Mook J.H. (1956) Observations on the behaviour of the Black Tern, Chlidonias n. niger (L.), in the breeding area. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 1 - 71. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Rydzewski W. (1956) The nomadic movements and migrations of the European Common Heron, Ardea cinerea L. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 71 - 188. |
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Kist J. (1956) Het voorkomen van de rassen van de Rietgans, Anser fabalis, in Nederland. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 188 - 206. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1956) Waarnemingen aan verkeerde trek in het voorjaar. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 206 - 213. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1956) Bergeenden, Tadorna tadorna (L.), in vleugelrui in de monding van de Westerschelde. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 213 - 217. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Verwey J. (1956) De Waddenzee als voedsel-areaal voor vogels bij strenge kou. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 218 - 224. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Cornwallis R.K. (1956) Autumn migration on the east coast of Britain in relation to weather. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 224 - 231. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Tinbergen L. (1956) Field observations of migration and their significance for the problems of navigation. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 231 - 235. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Klomp H. (1956) The altitude of Chaffinch migration. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 235 - 239. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Taapken J. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Nieuwe vondst van een IJsduiker, Colymbus immer Brünn., en enkele nagekomen vondsten. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 239 - 241. |
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Kist J. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. De waarneming van de IJslandse Brilduiker, Bucephala islandica (Gm.), in Nederland. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 241 - 243. |
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Rijsdijk A. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Een nieuwe waarneming van de Reuzenstern, Hydroprogne caspia (Pall.). ARDEA 44 (1-3): 243 - 244. |
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Taapken J. & Bloem T. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Waarneming van de Notenkraker, Nucifraga caryocatactes, in 1955/1956 in Nederland. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 244 - 245. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1956) Boekbespreking. Alexander W.B. 1955. Birds of the ocean. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 246 - 246. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Coppens de Houthulst A. s.a. Oiseaux dans le temps, oiseaux dans le vent. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 247 - 248. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Anon. s.a. Check List of Birds of the S.W. Cape. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 247 - 247. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Bouet G. s.a. Oiseaux de l'Afrique tropicale. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 247 - 247. |
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Kluyver H.N. (1956) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1954. The natural regulation of animal numbers. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 248 - 251. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Merula P.G.F.P.N. s.a. Vlught-Bedrijf. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 251 - 251. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Voous K.H. 1955. De Vogels van de Nederlandse Antillen. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 251 - 252. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat. Premier compte rendu: 1950- 1954 et recueil des travaux. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 252 - 252. |
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Taapken J. (1956) Boekbespreking. Jaarverslagen 1952-1954 en andere mededelingen, uitgegeven door de Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Vogels. ARDEA 44 (1-3): 252 - 252. |
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Stresemann E. (1956) Aus dem Briefwechsel von C.J. Temminck mit dem Grafen von Hoffmannsegg und C. Illiger 1810-1814. ARDEA 44 (4): 253 - 263. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1956) Vogelwaarnemingen op de Noordelijke Atlantische Oceaan. ARDEA 44 (4): 263 - 269. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Klomp H. & van der Starre C. (1956) Verslag van het Kievitenringstation 'Reeuwijk' over de jaren 1946-1955. ARDEA 44 (4): 269 - 281. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1956) De Wilde Eend, Anas platyrhynchos L., als Nederlandse standvogel. ARDEA 44 (4): 281 - 283. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1956) Are group size counts of wild geese an index of productivity? ARDEA 44 (4): 284 - 288. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Bierens de Haan J.A (1956) Het honingaanwijzen van de Honingaanwijzers. ARDEA 44 (4): 289 - 293. |
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van der Velden B. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Waarneming van een Kleine Zilverreiger (Egretta garzetta). ARDEA 44 (4): 294 - 295. |
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Lebret T. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Ruiende Grauwe Ganzen in de Biesbosch. ARDEA 44 (4): 295 - 295. |
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Perdeck A.C. (1956) Korte Mededelingen. Bastaard tussen Keep en Vink. ARDEA 44 (4): 295 - 296. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. The Waterfowl of the World, Vol. II. ARDEA 44 (4): 296 - 297. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1956) Boekbespreking. Dorst J. 1956. Les migrations des oiseaux. ARDEA 44 (4): 297 - 298. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Freemann B. 1956. Macht den Knechtsand zum Naturschutzgebiet. ARDEA 44 (4): 298 - 300. |
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Voous K.H. (1956) Boekbespreking. Edelstam C. & Rammel C. 1956. Fäglarnes flyttning. ARDEA 44 (4): 298 - 298. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Lack D. 1956. Swifts in a tower. ARDEA 44 (4): 300 - 301. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1956) Boekbespreking. Lister M. 1956. The bird watcher's reference book. ARDEA 44 (4): 301 - 301. |
[free copy] |
Bierens de Haan J.A (1956) Boekbespreking. Thorp W.H. 1956. Learning and Instinct in Animals. ARDEA 44 (4): 302 - 305. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. van Ommen F. 1956. Over de jachtwijze van de in Nederland voorkomende roofvogels. ARDEA 44 (4): 302 - 302. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1956. Atlas der Natuurreservaten. ARDEA 44 (4): 305 - 306. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Wolfson A. et al. 1955. Studies in Avian Biology. ARDEA 44 (4): 305 - 305. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1956) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1955. Station biologique de la Tour du Valat. Deuxième compte rendu d'activité et recueil des travaux. ARDEA 44 (4): 306 - 306. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1956) Boekbespreking. Vogelkalender 1957. ARDEA 44 (4): 306 - 306. |
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Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 1 October 1955 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 44 (4): 307 - 308. |
[free copy] |
Kist J. (1956) Verslag van de Excursie naar De Beer. ARDEA 44 (4): 308 - 308. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 17 December 1955 in de Filmzaal van het Restaurant van Artis te Amsterdam. ARDEA 44 (4): 308 - 310. |
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Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 26 Mei 1956 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Leiden. ARDEA 44 (4): 310 - 311. |
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Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 8 September in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 44 (4): 311 - 315. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1956) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering van 15 December 1956 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 44 (4): 315 - 316. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 8 September 1956 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 44 (4): 315 - 315. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1956) Verslag van de Nederlandse Ornithologisch vereniging van 1 Januari 1955 tot 31 December 1955. ARDEA 44 (4): 316 - 319. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Nederlandse Ornithologische Vereniging van 1 Januari 1956 tot 31 December 1956. ARDEA 44 (4): 319 - 322. |
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Voous K.H. (1956) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 15 December 1956 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 44 (4): 322 - 322. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1955) Das Verhalten des Drosselrohrsängers, Acrocephalus arundinaceus (L.), am Brutplatz mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nestbautechnik und der Revierbehauptung. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 1 - 50. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Lack D. (1955) British tits (Parus spp.) in nesting boxes. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 50 - 84. |
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Weidmann U. (1955) Some reproductive activities of the Common Gull, Larus canus L. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 85 - 132. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Kist J. & Swaab J. (1955) Eerste waarneming van de Amerikaanse Zwarte Zeeëend, Melanitta nigra americana (Swainson). ARDEA 43 (1-3): 132 - 134. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Rooth J. (1955) IJslandse Brilduiker, Bucephala islandica (Gm.), nieuw voor Nederland. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 135 - 136. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1955) Notes on some Surinam breeding birds. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 137 - 144. |
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Taapken J. & Bloem T. (1955) Overzicht van het verloop der invasie van de Notenkraker, Nucifraga caryocatactes, in Nederland, 1954/1955. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 145 - 174. |
[free copy] |
de Reuver H.J.A (1955) Korte Mededelingen. De Monniksgier, Aegypius monachus (L.), een nieuwe soort voor Nederland. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 175 - 176. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van den Berg A. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Een waarneming van het Klein Waterhoen, Porzana parva (Scop.), in het Zwarte Meer. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 176 - 176. |
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van der Ploeg D.T.E (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Nest van Grutto op kale grond. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 176 - 177. |
[free copy] |
Rijsdijk A. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Een waarneming van drie Witwangsterns, Chlidonias hybridus (Pall.), bij Rotterdam. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 177 - 177. |
[free copy] |
de Reuver H.J.A. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. De sterfte van de IJsvogel, Alcedo atthis, en de Roerdomp, Botaurus stellaris, gedurende de vorstperiode van Januari-Februari 1954. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 178 - 179. |
[free copy] |
van den Berg A. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Waarneming van een Bruine Lijster, Turdus naumanni cunomus Temm. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 179 - 180. |
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van Woerden L. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. 'Gra-gra', de Notenkraker, Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos, uit Naarden. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 180 - 182. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Boekbespreking. Cave F.O. & MacDonald J.D. 1955. Birds of the Sudan, their identification and distribution. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 183 - 184. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1955) Boekbespreking. Ali S. 1953. The birds of Travancore and Cochin. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 183 - 183. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. 1954. The Waterfowl of the world. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 184 - 184. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1955. Bird Recognition. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 184 - 184. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Boekbespreking. Marshall A.J. 1954. Bower-Birds, their displays and breeding cycles. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 185 - 186. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Boekbespreking. Lippens L. 1954. Les Oiseaux d'eau de Belgique. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 185 - 185. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1955) Boekbespreking. Meinertzhagen R. 1954. Birds of Arabia. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 186 - 188. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1955) Boekbespreking. Kennedy P.G., Ruttledge R.F. & Scroope C.F. 1954. The Birds of Ireland. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 188 - 189. |
[free copy] |
Mees G.F. (1955) Boekbespreking. Stork C.J. 1955. Parkieten. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 190 - 190. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 11 December 1954 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 190 - 191. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering van 15 Januari 1955 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 191 - 192. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 19 Februari 1955 in de Bioscoopzaal van Artis te Amsterdam. ARDEA 43 (1-3): 192 - 193. |
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Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 17 April 1955 in het Restaurant van Artis te Amsterdam (gezamelijk met de Club van Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen en de British Trust for Ornithology). ARDEA 43 (1-3): 193 - 194. |
[free copy] |
Snow D.W. (1955) Geographical variation of the Coal Tit, Parus ater L. ARDEA 43 (4): 195 - 226. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) The distribution and the relationship of Sterna eurygnatha Saunders. ARDEA 43 (4): 226 - 247. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1955) Waarnemingen van broedvogels en trekvogels in 1954. I. Broedvogels. ARDEA 43 (4): 248 - 260. |
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Mörzer Bruijns M.F. & Tanis J. (1955) De Rotganzen, Branta bernicla (L.), op Terschelling. ARDEA 43 (4): 261 - 271. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Mörzer Bruijns M.F. & Rooth J. (1955) Een Grote Krekelzanger, Locustella fluviatilis (Wolff), op Terschelling. ARDEA 43 (4): 271 - 274. |
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Taapken J. (1955) Catastrophale sterfte van Apus apus (L.), Hirundo rustica L. en Delichon urbica (L.) gedurende de periode van eind Mei tot begin Juni 1953, veroorzaakt door abnormale lage temperaturen en voedselgebrek. ARDEA 43 (4): 275 - 283. |
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Voous K.H. (1955) Hybrids of Scaup Duck and Tufted Duck (Aythya marila x Aythya fuligula). ARDEA 43 (4): 284 - 286. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Taapken J., Bloem F. & Bloem T. (1955) Late voorjaars- en zomerwaarnemingen van Notenkrakers, Nucifraga caryocatactes, na de invasie 1954/1955. ARDEA 43 (4): 286 - 289. |
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de Vries G.A. (1955) Witkopeenden, Oxyura leucocephala (Scop.), op het IJsselmeer bij Huizen (N.H.). ARDEA 43 (4): 289 - 292. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Verwey J. (1955) In memoriam Luuk Tinbergen. ARDEA 43 (4): 293 - 308. |
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van der Veer J. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Een vondst van de Vale Noordse Pijlstormvogel, Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus Lowe, in Nederland. ARDEA 43 (4): 308 - 309. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1955) Korte Mededelingen. Bijzondere waarnemingen. ARDEA 43 (4): 309 - 311. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1955) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 14 mei 1955 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 43 (4): 312 - 312. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging 1 Januari 1954 tot 31 December 1954. ARDEA 43 (4): 312 - 315. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 14 mei 1955 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 43 (4): 315 - 316. |
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Voous K.H. (1955) Verslag van de Excursie op 18 April 1955 (gezamelijk met de Club van Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen en de British Trust for Ornithology). ARDEA 43 (4): 316 - 317. |
[free copy] |
Mörzer Bruijns M.F. (1955) Blauwe Reiger-telling 1956. ARDEA 43 (4): 317 - 317. |
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Klomp H. (1954) De terreinkeus van de Kievit, Vanellus vanellus (L.). ARDEA 42 (1-2): 1 - 139. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Simmons K.E.L. (1954) Field-notes on the behaviour of some Passerines migrating through Egypt. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 140 - 151. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Braaksma S. & Mörzer Bruijns M.F. (1954) De stand van de Roerdomp, Botaurus stellaris L., als broedvogel in Nederland tot 1953. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 151 - 162. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Meijering M.P.D. (1954) Zur Frage der Variationen in der Ernährung der Silbermöwe, Larus argentatus Pont. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 163 - 175. |
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Mörzer Bruijns M.F. & Braaksma S. (1954) Vogeltellingen in het staatsnatuurreservaat Boschplaat van 1951 t/m 1953. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 175 - 211. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Kist J. (1954) De Nederlandse Vogelnamen. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 211 - 217. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Nog iets over het voedsel van het Stormvogeltje, Hydrobates pelagicus (L.). ARDEA 42 (1-2): 217 - 218. |
[free copy] |
van Eck H.M. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Een nieuwe waarneming van de Steppenkuikendief, Circus macrourus (Gm.), in Nederland. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 218 - 221. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Nachttrek tijdens laaghangende mist. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 221 - 221. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Barruel P. 1953. Vie et moeurs des oiseaux. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 221 - 222. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1954) Boekbespreking. Jack A. Feathered wings, a study of the flight of birds. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 222 - 223. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Géroudet P. 1954. Les Passereaux. II Des Mésanges aux Fauvettes. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 222 - 222. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Paulian P. 1952. La vie animale aux Iles Kerguélen. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 223 - 224. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Jespersen P. 1952. Danske Fugle. Sjaeldnere Arter. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 223 - 223. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Peterson R.T., Mountfort G. & Hollum P.A.D. 1954. Vogelgids voor alle in ons land en in overig Europa voorkomende vogelsoorten. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 224 - 225. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1954) Boekbespreking. Saunders R.M. 1951. Carolina Quest. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 225 - 226. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Salomonson F. 1953. Fugletraekket og dets gäder. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 225 - 225. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1954) Boekbespreking. Schüz E. Vom Vogelzug. Grundriss der Vogelzugskunde. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 226 - 226. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Scott P. & Fisher J. 1953. A thousand Geese. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 227 - 227. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Simms E. 1952. Bird migrants. Some aspects and observations. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 227 - 228. |
[free copy] |
Perdeck A.C. (1954) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. 1953. Social behaviour in Animals. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 228 - 229. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Boekbespreking. Sutter E. & Linsenmaier W. 1953. Paradiesvögel und Kolibris. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 228 - 228. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Whitlock R. 1953. Rare and extinct Birds of Britain. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 229 - 230. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Watt G. 1951. The Farne Islands; their history and wild life. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 229 - 229. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1952. Checklist of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 230 - 230. |
[free copy] |
Taapken J. (1954) Boekbespreking. Vogelkalender 1954. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 230 - 231. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 10 Januari 1953 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Leiden. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 231 - 232. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 28 Februari 1953 in de Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 232 - 233. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1954) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 9 Mei 1953 in Hotel 'Het Witte Huis' te Olterterp. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 233 - 234. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van de Nederlandse Ornithologische Vereniging van 1 januari 1952 tot 31 December 1952. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 234 - 236. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1954) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 17 October 1953 in de Theeschenkerij van de Diergaarde Blijdorp te Rotterdam. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 237 - 238. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1954) Verslag van de Excursie op 10 Mei 1953 in de omgeving van Beetsterzwaag. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 237 - 237. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van het Internationale Ornithologische Kamp georganiseerd door de Nederlandse Ornithologische Vereniging op Terschelling van 31 Augustus tot 11 September 1953. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 238 - 242. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke vergadering op 12 December 1953 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te leiden. ARDEA 42 (1-2): 242 - 244. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. & Kruijt J.P. (1954) Birds, observed on a voyage in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans in 1951/1952. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 245 - 280. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Koersveld E. (1954) Rarae aves. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 281 - 313. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1954) Waarnemingen van broedvogels en trekvogels in 1952 en 1953. I. Broedvogels. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 314 - 328. |
[free copy] |
Haverschmidt F. (1954) New bird records from Surinam. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 328 - 335. |
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von Westernhagen W. (1954) Hochziehende Finken auch im norddeutschen und dänischen Küstengebiet. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 336 - 337. |
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Timmerman A. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Juli-waarnemingen betreffende ruiende Kolganzen, Anser albifrons Scop., in het Zwarte Meer. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 337 - 339. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Walters J. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Nest van Grutto op kale grond. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 339 - 340. |
[free copy] |
Sody H.J.V. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Waarnemingen over de trek van de Aziatische Watersnip, Capella stenura (Bp.). ARDEA 42 (3-4): 341 - 343. |
[free copy] |
van der Velden B. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Een waarneming van de Steppenvorkstaartplevier, Glareola nordmanni Fischer, op 'de Beer'. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 343 - 345. |
[free copy] |
Wolff A.B.H. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Waarneming van een viertal Reuzensterns, Hydroprogne caspia (Pall.), aan de zuidelijke IJsselmeerkust. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 345 - 346. |
[free copy] |
Mees G.F. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. De geluiden van Cacomantis variolosus sepulcralis (S. Müller) en Cacomantis merulinus lanceolatus (S. Müller). ARDEA 42 (3-4): 346 - 349. |
[free copy] |
van der Baan G. & Swaab J. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Veldwaarnemingen van de Roodstuitzwaluw, Hirundo daurica Temm., nabij Bergen (N.H.). ARDEA 42 (3-4): 350 - 352. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Heurn W. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Une Chouette hulotte cadavérivore. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 350 - 350. |
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Walters J. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Statistical data on the breeding-results of the Swallow, Hirundo rustica L., in 1952 and 1953 in the area West of Amsterdam. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 352 - 353. |
[free copy] |
Walrecht B.J.J.R. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Oeverzwaluwen in Zeeland. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 353 - 355. |
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de Graaf C. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. 'Bidden' en luchtacrobatiek van de Wielewaal. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 355 - 356. |
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van Heurn W.C. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. Een waarneming van Muscicapa parva Bechst. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 355 - 355. |
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Mees G.F. (1954) Korte Mededelingen. A new White-eye from Borneo: Chlorocharis emiliae fusciceps, nov. subspec. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 356 - 357. |
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anon. (1954) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 13 Maart 1954 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 357 - 358. |
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anon. (1954) Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering gehouden op Zaterdag 19 Juni 1954 te 21.00 uur in Hotel Hofker te Nes, Ameland. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 359 - 359. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1954) Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging van 1 Januari 1953 tot 31 December 1953. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 359 - 362. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1954) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering van 9 October 1954 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Amsterdam. ARDEA 42 (3-4): 370 - 370. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1953) Historische gegevens over onze vroegere ornithologen en over de avifauna van Nederland. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 1 - 225. |
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Voous K.H. & van Marle J.G. (1953) The distributional history of the Nuthatch, Sitta europaea L. ARDEA 41 (): 1 - 68. |
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Voous K.H. (1953) Het systematisch en zoögeographisch onderzoek betreffende de vogels van Nederland. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 226 - 238. |
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Tinbergen L. (1953) De vogelaar en de algemene oecologie. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 238 - 264. |
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Tinbergen N. (1953) Nederlandse bijdragen tot de vogelethologie. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 264 - 270. |
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Verwey J. (1953) Over het oriëntatievermogen van vogels en zeedieren. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 271 - 290. |
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Drijver J. (1953) Vorderingen op het gebied van vogelbescherming (1900-1950). ARDEA 41 (1-4): 290 - 301. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1953) Ornithologisch onderzoek in de Indische archipel. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 301 - 336. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1953) Ornithologisch onderzoek in Suriname. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 337 - 341. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1953) Het ornithologisch onderzoek van de Nederlandse Antillen tot 1951. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 342 - 349. |
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anon. (1953) Verslag van de Feestvergadering ter gelegenheid van de viering van het 50-jarig bestaan op 26 Mei 1951 in Restaurant 'De Rustende Jager', Bergen-Binnen (N.H.). ARDEA 41 (1-4): 349 - 349. |
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anon. (1953) De N.O.V. vijftig jaar. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 350 - 356. |
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Voous K.H. & Brouwer G.A. (1953) Verslag van de Excursies gehouden op 27, 28 en 29 Mei 1951 ter viering van het 50-jarig bestaan. ARDEA 41 (1-4): 356 - 358. |
[free copy] |
van Dobben W.H. (1952) The food of the Cormorant in the Netherlands. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 1 - 63. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Deelder C.L. (1952) Some historical data on the relation between wind direction and migration of Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs L.). ARDEA 40 (1-2): 63 - 66. |
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Simmons K.E.L. (1952) Social behaviour in the Desert Lark, Ammomanes deserti (Licht.). ARDEA 40 (1-2): 67 - 72. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Vaurie C. (1952) A new drongo from the Molucca Sea. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 72 - 73. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1952) A new race of babbler from the Togian Islands, North Celebes. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 74 - 74. |
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Lebret T. (1952) Pre-moult migration of a female Gadwall, Anas strepera L., and two female Wigeon, Anas penelope L. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 75 - 76. |
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Tinbergen N. (1952) De 'trek' van Zilvermeeuwen langs de Nederlandse kust. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 77 - 80. |
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Veenman J. & Wiggelaar A.J. (1952) Waarnemingen over het broeden van Porzana parva (Scop.) in 1951. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 80 - 83. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1952) Trekvogels 1948 t/m 1951. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 83 - 93. |
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Lebret T. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Ongewone neststand bij de Geoorde Fuut, Podiceps caspicus (Habl.). ARDEA 40 (1-2): 93 - 94. |
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Belterman T. & Bloem F. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Waarneming van een Grote Zilverreiger. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Phalacrocorax melanoleucos (Vieill.) in East Java. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 94 - 94. |
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de Vries G.A. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Een waarneming van een Vorkstaartpluvier, Glareola spec., aan de Slufter op Texel. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 95 - 96. |
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Tjittes A.A. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Meer nieuws over de Turkse Tortels, Streptopelia decaocto Friv., te Oldenbroek. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 96 - 99. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Korte mededelingen. On the occurrence of a specimen of Delichon urbica (L.) in the mid-Atlantic. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 99 - 99. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. 1951. The pheasants of the world. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 99 - 100. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Delsman H.C. 1951. Dierenleven in Indonesië. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 100 - 101. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Frieling H. 1950. Was fliegt denn da? ARDEA 40 (1-2): 101 - 102. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1951. Bird recognition. Vol. II. Birds of prey and waterfowl. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 101 - 101. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1952) Boekbespreking. Glenister A.G. 1951. The birds of the Malay Peninsulua, Singapore and Penang. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 102 - 103. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Lebret T. 1952. Suizende wieken. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 103 - 104. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Paludan K. 1951. Contributions to the breeding biology of Larus argentatus and Larus fuscus. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 104 - 105. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Smith S. 1950. The Yellow Wagtail. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 105 - 105. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Buxton J. 1950. The Redstart. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 105 - 106. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Nethersole-Thompson D. 1951. The Greenshank. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 106 - 106. |
[free copy] |
Tinbergen L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Uttendörfer O. 1951. Neue Ergebnisse über die Ernährung der Greifvogel und Eulen. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 106 - 107. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1952) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1950. Fair Isle Observatory, Second annual report. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 107 - 108. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Winterbottom J.M. 1951. Common birds of the Cape. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Verheyen R. 1950. De duiven en de hoenders, alsook de snorvogels en de zitvoetigen van België. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Verheyen R. 1951. De watervogels van België. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 107 - 107. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen. Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 26 Januari 1952 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 108 - 110. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1952) Verslagen van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 29 Maart in het Zoologisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 110 - 113. |
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Tinbergen L. & Zijlstra J.J. (1952) Plan voor vogeltrekwaarnemingen in het Zuiderzeegebied, October 1952. ARDEA 40 (1-2): 113 - 114. |
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Wichmann H. (1952) Een nieuw broedgeval van de Middelste Bonte Specht, Dendrocopos m. medius (L.). ARDEA 40 (3-4): 115 - 119. |
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Tjittes A.A. & van Koersveld E. (1952) Een geslaagd broedsel van de Turkse Tortel, Streptopelia decaocto Friv. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 119 - 122. |
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Kluyver H.N. (1952) Notes on body weight and time of breeding in the Great Tit, Parus m. major L.. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 123 - 141. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1952) Broedvogels 1947 t/m 1951. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 141 - 153. |
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Lels M.P. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Waar halen de Aalscholvers van Lekkerkerk zeedieren voor hun voedsel vandaan? ARDEA 40 (3-4): 153 - 154. |
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Walrecht B.J.J.R. (1952) Korte mededelingen. Hoe komen jonge Wilde eenden uit boomnesten in het water? ARDEA 40 (3-4): 154 - 155. |
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Bezemer K.W.L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Bates R.S.P. & Lowther E.H.N. 1952. Breeding birds of Kashmir. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 155 - 156. |
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Taapken J. (1952) Breeding of the Rook (Corvus frugilegus L.) on buildings in the Netherlands in 1952. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 155 - 155. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Hollom P.A.D. 1952. The popular handbook of British birds. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 156 - 157. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Fisher J. 1952. The Fulmar. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 157 - 158. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Boekbespreking. Kirchner H. 1951. Der Vogel im Fluge. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 157 - 157. |
[free copy] |
Tinbergen L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Lowery G.H. 1951. A quantitative study of the nocturnal migration of birds. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 158 - 160. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1952) Boekbespreking. Nicholson E.M. 1951. Birds and men. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 160 - 161. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1951. Gronlands Fugle III. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 161 - 162. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Sherman A.R. 1952. Birds of an Iowa Dooryard. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 162 - 162. |
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Portielje A.F.J. (1952) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen N. 1951. The study of instinct. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 162 - 165. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1952) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1952. Beringen nichtflügger Vögel. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 165 - 165. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 14 Juni 1952 in Hotel 'De Zwaan' te Delden (O.). ARDEA 40 (3-4): 166 - 166. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging van 1 Januari 1951 tot 31 December 1951. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 166 - 171. |
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Maaldrink E.D. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Excursie op 14 Juni 1952 door de tuinen en bossen van 'Twickel'. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 171 - 171. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Excursie op 15 Juni 1952 in de omgeving van Delden. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 171 - 172. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 11 October 1952 in Hotel Amerika te Hoek van Holland. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 172 - 175. |
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Swaab J. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Excursie naar de Beer op 12 October 1952. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 175 - 176. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1952) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 13 december 1952 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 176 - 177. |
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Voous K.H. (1952) Zoological record. ARDEA 40 (3-4): 177 - 177. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1951) The population ecology of the Great Tit, Parus m. major L.. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 1 - 135. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Delacour J. (1951) Taxonomic notes on the Bean Geese, Anser fabalis Lath.. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 135 - 142. |
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Klomp H. (1951) Over de achteruitgang van de Kievit, Vanellus vanellus (L.), in Nederland en gegevens over het legmechanisme in het eiproductie-vermogen. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 143 - 182. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Distributional and evolutionary history of the Kingfisher Genus Ceyx in Malaysia. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 182 - 196. |
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Mees G.F. (1951) Het areaal van Zosterops palpebrosa buxtoni Nicholson op Java. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 196 - 218. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Bal C. (1951) Prooien van Sperwers, Accipiter nisus L., in het roestbos. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 218 - 222. |
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Deelder C.L. (1951) Enige beschouwingen over de vinkentrek in Nederland van omstreeks 1800. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 222 - 228. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Haverschmidt F. 1949. The life of the White Stork. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 229 - 230. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Dupond C. 1950. Les oiseaux de la faune Belge. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 229 - 229. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1951) Boekbespreking. Slijper E.J. 1950. De vliegkunst in het dierenrijk. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 231 - 232. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Syllegomena biologica. Festschrift zum 80.Geburtstag von Herrn Pastor Dr.Med., H.C. Otto Kleinschmidt. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 232 - 233. |
[free copy] |
Lebret T. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Vangstcijfers van Nederlandse eendenkooien. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 233 - 235. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Halcyon smyrnensis in Sumatra. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 235 - 236. |
[free copy] |
van Lynden A.J.H.B. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Het nestelen van Halcyon smyrnensis op Sumatra's Oostkust. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 236 - 237. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Alcedo atthis bengalensis, a new migrant from the Sula Islands. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 237 - 237. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Korte mededelingen. The egg of Cacomantis sonneratii schlegeli (Junge). ARDEA 39 (1-3): 237 - 238. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Het voorkomen van de Roodborst Kardinaal (Hedymeles ludovicianus (L.) op Curacao. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 238 - 239. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Cloaca-pecking by House-sparrow. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 238 - 238. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1951) In memoriam Bernard W. Tucker (22 Jan. 1901-19 Dec. 1950). ARDEA 39 (1-3): 239 - 241. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Verslagen van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 11 November 1950 in Teyler's Stichting te Haarlem. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 241 - 242. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Verslagen van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 13 Januari 1951 in de Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 242 - 246. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Verslagen van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 10 Maart 1951 in Hotel Van Geijtenbeek te Zwolle. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 246 - 248. |
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van der Baan G. (1951) Excursie naar het Zwarte Meer op 10 Maart 1951. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 248 - 249. |
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Hoogerheide J. & Kraak W.K. (1951) Oproep tot medewerking bij ruitrek-onderzoek in Nederland. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 249 - 250. |
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anon. (1951) Verzoek om medewerking bij vogeltellingen in het natuurreservaat Boschplaat (Terschelling). ARDEA 39 (1-3): 250 - 251. |
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anon. (1951) Openstelling van het vogel- en waterwildreservaat het Zwarte Meer. ARDEA 39 (1-3): 251 - 252. |
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Stresemann E. (1951) Aus C.J. Temmincks Briefen an H. Lichtenstein. ARDEA 39 (4): 253 - 259. |
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Slijper H.J. (1951) Een 17e Eeuwse Hollandse tekening van de Steltkluut, Himantopus himantopus (L.). ARDEA 39 (4): 259 - 261. |
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Coomans de Ruiter L. (1951) Vogels van het dal van de Bodjo-rivier (Zuid-Celebes). ARDEA 39 (4): 261 - 318. |
[free copy] |
Biswas B. (1951) On some larger Spine-tailed Swifts, with the description of a new subspecies from Nepal. ARDEA 39 (4): 318 - 321. |
[free copy] |
Deelder C.L. (1951) Gegevens over Bloemendaalse vinkenbanen. ARDEA 39 (4): 321 - 341. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1951) Ultrahoge trek van Vinken, Fringilla coelebs L., over de Noordzee in verband met de windrichting. ARDEA 39 (4): 341 - 357. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Barclay-Smith P. 1951. A book of ducks. ARDEA 39 (4): 357 - 358. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Bouet G. 1951. La vie des cicognes. ARDEA 39 (4): 358 - 358. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Batchelder C.F. 1951. A bibliography of the published writings of William Brewster. ARDEA 39 (4): 358 - 358. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Drost R. 1951. Kennzeichen für Alter und Geschlecht bei Sperlingsvögeln. ARDEA 39 (4): 358 - 359. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Géroudet P. 1951. Les passereaux et ordres apparantés. I. Du coucou aux corvidés. ARDEA 39 (4): 359 - 359. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Makatsch W. 1950. Die Vogelwelt Macedoniens. ARDEA 39 (4): 359 - 360. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Matvejev S.D. 1950. La distribution et la vie des oiseaux en Serbie. ARDEA 39 (4): 360 - 360. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1951) Boekbespreking. Pough R.H. 1951. Audubon water bird guide. ARDEA 39 (4): 361 - 361. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1951) Boekbespreking. Peters J.L. 1951. Check-list of birds of the world. Vol. 7. ARDEA 39 (4): 361 - 361. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1951. Gronlands Fugle. Part II. ARDEA 39 (4): 361 - 362. |
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de Beaufort W.H. (1951) Boekbespreking. Slijper H.J. Het tekenen van vogels. ARDEA 39 (4): 362 - 364. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1951) Boekbespreking. Steinbacher J. 1951. Vogelzug und Vogelzugforschung. ARDEA 39 (4): 364 - 365. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1951) Boekbespreking. Whistler H. 1949. Popular handbook of Indian birds. ARDEA 39 (4): 365 - 367. |
[free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1951) Boekbespreking. Förteckning över Sveriges Fäglar. ARDEA 39 (4): 367 - 367. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1950. Seventeenth Annual Report of the British Trust for Ornithology. ARDEA 39 (4): 367 - 368. |
[free copy] |
Engel H. (1951) Boekbespreking. Stresemann E. 1951. Die Entwicklung der Ornithologie von Aristoteles bis zur Gegenwart. ARDEA 39 (4): 368 - 369. |
[free copy] |
Swaab J. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Visdief, Sterna hirundo L., in prachtkleed met zwarte snavel. ARDEA 39 (4): 370 - 371. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Kwartels, Coturnix coturnix (L.), in Amsterdam. ARDEA 39 (4): 370 - 370. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Een waarneming van de Zwarte Zeekoet, Uria grylle (L.), bij IJmuiden. ARDEA 39 (4): 371 - 371. |
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Taapken J. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Mislukte broedpogingen van de Roek, Corvus frugilegus L., op de gebouwen van de gasfabriek te Leiden. ARDEA 39 (4): 371 - 372. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Een geval van kannibalisme bij de Kerkuil, Tyto alba (Scop.). ARDEA 39 (4): 371 - 371. |
[free copy] |
Taapken J. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Waarnemingen van het Bladkoninkje, Phylloscopus i. inornatus (Blyth.), in het najaar van 1951. ARDEA 39 (4): 372 - 373. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1951) Korte mededelingen. Bladkoninkje, Phylloscopus i. inornatus (Blyth.), in Wassenaar op 19 November 1948. ARDEA 39 (4): 373 - 374. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1951) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 27 October 1950 in Hotel Amerika te Hoek van Holland. ARDEA 39 (4): 374 - 374. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1951) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging van 1 Januari 1950 tot 31 December 1950. ARDEA 39 (4): 374 - 378. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1951) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Excursie naar De Beer op Zondag 28 October 1951. ARDEA 39 (4): 378 - 378. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1951) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 3 November 1951 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Leiden. ARDEA 39 (4): 378 - 382. |
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Bierman W.H. & Voous K.H. (1950) Birds observed and collected during the Whaling expeditions of the 'Willem Barendsz' in the Antarctic, 1946-1947 and 1947-1948. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 1 - 123. |
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Lebret T. (1950) The sex-ratios and the proportion of adult drakes of Teal, Pintail, Shoveler and Wigeon in the Netherlands, based on field counts made during autumn, winter and spring. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 1 - 18. |
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Bal C. (1950) De nestbouw van Sperwers, Accipiter n. nisus (L.), in Nederland. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 19 - 34. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Lebret T. (1950) 'Gedisciplineerde' vliegevoluties van vogeltroepen. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 35 - 40. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Coomans de Ruiter L. (1950) Vogels van het Quarles-Gebergte (ZW. Centraal Celebes). ARDEA 38 (1-2): 40 - 64. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1950) De Witvleugeleend, Cairina scutulata, van de Grote Soenda eilanden. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 64 - 69. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Daanje A. (1950) Waarnemingen over de slaaphouding en de daaraan voorafgaande bewegingen bij pasgeboren eendenkuikens. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 69 - 76. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Een nieuwe waarneming van de Waterpieper, Anthus sp. spinoletta (L.), in Nederland. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 77 - 78. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1950) Trekvogels 1947. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 78 - 84. |
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de Beaufort L.F. (1950) In memoriam A.A. van Pelt Lechner. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 84 - 85. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Eykman C. et al. 1949. De Nederlandsche Vogels. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 85 - 87. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Verheyen R. 1948. De Zangvogels van België, eerste deel 1944; tweede deel 1948; De Steltlopers van België. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 87 - 87. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1940. Die bekanntesten Vögel Luxemburgs. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 87 - 88. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Mayr E. & Schüz E. (eds) 1949. Ornithologie als biologische Wissenschaft. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
[free copy] |
Bezemer K.W.L. (1950) Boekbespreking. Lowther E.H.N. 1949. A bird photographer in India. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 89 - 90. |
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Bezemer K.W.L. (1950) Boekbespreking. Hoogerwerf A. 1949. I. De avifauna van de plantentuin te Buitenzorg. II. De avifauna van Tjibodas en omgeving. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 90 - 92. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Polygamie bij de Koereiger, Bubulcus ibis coromandus (Bodd.), en het deponeren van het legsel door verschillende individudn in eenzelfde nest. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 92 - 94. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Over de 'schadelijkheid' van Reigers. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 94 - 95. |
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Bezemer K.W.L. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Nogmaals het vangen van vleermuizen door de Indische Wouwarend, Haliastur indus intermedius). ARDEA 38 (1-2): 95 - 96. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Some observations on territorial behaviour of two winter visitors: Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus Tunst. and Robin Erithacus rubecula (L.). ARDEA 38 (1-2): 96 - 97. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Over het vederkleed van enkele jonge Koekoeken terwijl deze nog worden gevoerd. ARDEA 38 (1-2): 97 - 97. |
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van Dobben W.H. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Kan men bij Gele Kwikstaarten de eerstejaars vrouwtjes in het veld herkennen? ARDEA 38 (1-2): 98 - 98. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1950) Daily routines of the Great Tit, Parus m. major L.. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 99 - 135. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Braaksma S. & Mörzer Bruyns M.F (1950) Overzicht van de broedkolonies van de Blauwe Reiger, Ardea cinerea L., in Nederland in 1949. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 135 - 162. |
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Hoogerheide C. (1950) De Eidereenden, Somateria mollissima L., op Vlieland. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 139 - 161. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
de Waard S. (1950) Drie broedparen van de Lachstern, Gelochelidon nilotica (Gm.), op 'De Beer', Rozenburg, in 1949. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 161 - 167. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1950) Een nieuwe Nederlandse vogel: Streptopelia decaocto decaocto Friv. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 162 - 165. |
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de Graaf C. (1950) De nachtvluchten van de Gierzwaluw Apus a. apus (L.). ARDEA 38 (3-4): 165 - 178. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. & Hens P.A (1950) Accipiter gentilis buteoides (Menzbier) in Nederland. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 167 - 169. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1950) Klapeksters, Lanius excubitor L., met één en twee vleugelspiegels in Nederland. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 169 - 172. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Mees G.F. (1950) Waarnemingen over het vangen van vleermuizen door roofvogels op West-Java. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 172 - 177. |
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Walters J. (1950) Broedvogeltelling in weidelandschap. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 177 - 179. |
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Brander P.W. (1950) Waarnemingen over de nachtvluchten van de Gierzwaluw. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 178 - 182. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
van Oordt G.J. (1950) Is de Pestvogel (Bombycilla garrulus) een echte trekvogel? ARDEA 37 (3-4): 179 - 181. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Eykman C. 1949. Taxidermie ten behoeve van wetenschappelijke natuur-historische collecties. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 181 - 183. |
[free copy] |
Meise W. (1950) Zur Deutung von A. Lichtensteins 1793 beschriebenen Vögeln aus Surinam und den übrigen Guianas. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 182 - 185. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Hellebrekers W.P.J. 1949. Measurements and weights of eggs of birds on the Dutch list. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 183 - 183. |
[free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Mededeling over Halycon smyrnensis van Sumatra en Java. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 184 - 185. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Albinisme van Columba vitiensis Temm. op Lombok. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 184 - 184. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Een nachtzwaluw, die een winterslaap houdt!. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 185 - 186. |
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Meise W. (1950) Über einige von A. Lichtenstein 1793 aus Ostindien beschriebene Vogelarten. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 185 - 188. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Over een tot nu toe voor Java onbekende vorm van Aegithina tiphia. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 186 - 187. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1950) Verslag van vergaderingen. Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 11 Juni 1949 in Hotel 'Het Bonte Hert' te Hulst (Zeeland). ARDEA 37 (3-4): 187 - 187. |
[free copy] |
Bal C. (1950) Over de copulaties bij Sperwers, Accipiter n. nisus (L.). ARDEA 38 (3-4): 188 - 190. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. & Bierman W.H. (1950) Verslag van vergaderingen. Jaarverslag. Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging van 1 Januari 1948 tot 31 December 1948. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 188 - 194. |
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Mees G.F. (1950) Enige aanvullende opmerkingen over het voorkomen van de Glanskop, Parus palustris L., in de duinstreek van Noord- en Zuid-Holland. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 191 - 193. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1950) Broedvogels 1946. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 193 - 224. |
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Bierman W.H. (1950) Excursie naar het 'Groot Eiland', Oost-Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen, op 12 Juni 1949. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 194 - 194. |
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van den Oord A.M. (1950) Verslag van de excursie naar 'De Beer', bij Hoek van Holland, op 23 October 1949. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 194 - 196. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1950) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 19 November 1949 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 196 - 198. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 17 December 1949 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Amsterdam. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 199 - 201. |
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Bezemer K.W.L. (1950) Aanvulling ijsvogel-enquete. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 201 - 202. |
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Taapken J. (1950) Oproep tot medewerking. ARDEA 37 (3-4): 201 - 201. |
[free copy] |
Bierman W.H. (1950) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1949. Fair Isle Bird Observatory, first annual report. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 224 - 224. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1950) Boekbespreking. Holm P.A.D. 1950. Trapping methods for bird ringers. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 224 - 225. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Makkink G.F. 1950. Vogels van waddden en riviermonden. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 225 - 226. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1950) Boekbespreking. Mortensen H.Chr.C. 1950. Studies in bird migration. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 226 - 226. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Boekbespreking. Salomonsen F. 1950. Gronlands Fugle, part 1. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 226 - 227. |
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Verwey J. (1950) Boekbespreking. Tinbergen L. 1949. Vogels onder weg. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 227 - 229. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1950) Boekbespreking. Anon. 1948. Bird watching. The fifteenth annual report of the British Trust for Ornithology. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 229 - 230. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Benoit J. et al. 1950. Traité de Zoologie. Anatomie, Systématique, Biologie. Tome XV - oiseaux. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 230 - 231. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. Brouwer G.A. et al. 1950. Griend, Het vogeleiland in de Waddenzee. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 231 - 232. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1950) Boekbespreking. van IJzendoorn A.L.J. 1950. The breeding-birds of the Netherlands. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 232 - 233. |
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Lebret T. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Vroeg begin van de rui naar het prachtkleed bij eerstejaars mannetjes van de Wilde Eend, Anas platyrhyncha L.. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 235 - 236. |
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Tjittes A.A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Mogelijke waarnemingen van Streptopelia decaocto Friv., bij Harderwijk en Oldebroek. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 235 - 235. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Weather-movements in Wigeon (Anas penelope L.) in the Netherlands. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 237 - 238. |
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Lieftinck M.A (1950) Korte mededelingen. Bij het nest van Monarcha trivirgata nigrimentum G.R. Gray. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 238 - 239. |
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Bosch G. (1950) Korte mededelingen. Slaaphouding van een jonge Kraai (Corvus corone subspec.). ARDEA 38 (3-4): 239 - 240. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 25 Februari 1950 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 240 - 242. |
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anon. (1950) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Huishoudelijke Vergadering op 6 Mei 1950 in CafT-Restaurant 'De Boschbaan' in het Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 242 - 243. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1950) Jaarverslag. Verslag van de Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging van 1 Januari 1949 tot 31 December 1949. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 243 - 249. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) Verslagen van Vergaderingen en Excursies. Verslag van de Excursie naar Texel op 24 September 1950. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 249 - 250. |
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anon. (1950) Migration of Geese. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 250 - 251. |
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Voous K.H. (1950) "Zoological record". ARDEA 38 (3-4): 250 - 250. |
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anon. (1950) Oproep tot medewerking aan het onderzoek naar het voorkomen en de achteruitgang van de Ooievaar. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 251 - 252. |
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anon. (1950) Verzoek om toezending van braakballen. ARDEA 38 (3-4): 252 - 252. |
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Deelder C.L. (1949) On the autumn migration of the Scandinavian Chaffinch (Fringilla c. coelebs L.). ARDEA 37 (1-2): 1 - 88. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [free copy] |
van Dobben W.H. (1949) Nest building technique of Icterine Warbler and Chaffinch. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 89 - 97. |
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Broekhuysen G.J. & MacNae W. (1949) Observations on the birds of Tristan da Cunha Islands and Gough Island in February and early March, 1948. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 97 - 113. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1949) The morphological, anatomical, and distributional relationship of the Arctic and Antarctic Fulmars (Aves, Procellariidae). ARDEA 37 (1-2): 113 - 122. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1949) Over de op Java voorkomende subspecies van de Haarkuif-Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus). ARDEA 37 (1-2): 123 - 125. |
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van Marle J.G & Voous K.H. (1949) Description of a new species of Firecrest, Regulus ignicapillus laeneni subsp. nov. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 125 - 127. |
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van Oordt G.J. (1949) Boekbespreking en Referaten. Ali S. 1949. Indian hill birds. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 127 - 128. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1949) Boekbespreking en Referaten. Binsbergen N. 1948. Uit Neerlands Vogelleven. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 128 - 129. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1949) Boekbespreking en Referaten. Tienhoven G.K.C. van 1949. Een ander werkterrein in de vogelfotografie. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 129 - 130. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1949) Necrologie Ir. G. Rooseboom. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 130 - 131. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1949) Boekbespreking en Referaten. Warren H. 1949. Nachtvogels. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 130 - 130. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1949) Verslag van vergaderingen. Verslag van de Feestvergadering ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig voorzitterschap van Prof.Dr. L.F. de Beaufort op 5 Maart 1949 in Resturant 'Esplanade' te Utrecht. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 132 - 135. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1949) X.Congressus Internationalis Ornitholigicus, Upsala, 10-17 Juni 1950. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 136 - 137. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1949) Verslag van vergaderingen. Verslag van de Wetenschappelijke Vergadering op 2 April 1949 in het Indisch Instituut te Amsterdam. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 136 - 136. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1949) 8e Internationale Conferentie van de C.I.P.O. (International Committee for Bird Preservation). ARDEA 37 (1-2): 137 - 137. |
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anon. (1949) Internationale Tentoonstelling van Natuurfotografieën. ARDEA 37 (1-2): 137 - 137. |
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Vleugel D.A., Warren J.A.M. & Wilmink G.F. (1948) Avifauna van Zuid-Beveland. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 1 - 39. |
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Haverschmidt F. (1948) Vleermuizen als prooi van den Boomvalk (Falco subbuteo L.). ARDEA 36 (1-2): 39 - 42. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1948) Enkele aanvullingen op de 'Avifauna van Batavia en omstreken'. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 52 - 61. |
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Coomans de Ruiter L. (1948) Nog enkele opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de 'Avifauna van Batavia en omstreken' van A. Hoogerwerf en wijlen Jhr. Mr. G.F.H.W. Rengers Hora Siccama. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 61 - 70. |
[free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1948) Is het inderdaad Orthotomus sepium ruficeps welke langs Java's noordkust leeft? ARDEA 36 (1-2): 71 - 76. |
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Hoogerwerf A. (1948) Enkele aanteekeningen over Cisticola juncides, in het bijzonder over de van Java bekende ondersoorten malaya en fuscicapilla. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 76 - 79. |
[free copy] |
Hoogerwerf A. (1948) Over de beide op Java levende ondersoorten van Prinia familiaris. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 80 - 81. |
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Lebret T. (1948) Op het water neerstrijkende Zwarte Ruiters, Tringa erythropus (Pall.). ARDEA 36 (1-2): 81 - 84. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Delacour J. 1947. Birds of Malaysia. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 85 - 86. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. De Nederlandsche Vogels. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 86 - 87. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Lovenskiold H.L. 1947. Handbok over Norges Fugler. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 86 - 86. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Fischer J. 1947. Bird recognition. Vol. I. Sea-Birds and Waders. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 86 - 86. |
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Junge G.C.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Pough R.H. 1946. Audubon bird guide, Eastern Land Birds. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 87 - 88. |
[free copy] |
Grimeyer D. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Enkele aanvullingen op 'De avifauna van Batavia en omstreken'. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 88 - 89. |
[free copy] |
Junge G.C.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Kelly R.B.T. 1947. Mountain and Moorland Birds. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 88 - 88. |
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van der Laan A. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Vogelvangst in Japan. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 89 - 90. |
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Kluijver H.N. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. De broedtijd van de Zwarte Specht. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 90 - 90. |
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Baas J. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. 'Samenwonen', ook bij kwikstaarten!. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 91 - 91. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1948) Verslag van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 7 Februari 1948 in het Zoölogisch Laboratorium te Utrecht. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 91 - 93. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1948) Verslag van vergaderingen. Verslag van de wetenschappelijke vergadering op 10 April 1948 in de 'Hortus Botanicus' te Amsterdam. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 93 - 95. |
[free copy] |
Voous K.H. (1948) Vogelwarte Helgoland. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 95 - 95. |
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Mörzer Bruijns M.F. (1948) Oproep tot medewerking. ARDEA 36 (1-2): 96 - 96. |
[free copy] |
anon. (1948) Ledenlijst der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereeniging (1 Juni 1948). ARDEA 36 (1-2): 97 - 104. |
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Verheyen R. (1948) Vogelbescherming in België. ARDEA 36 (3): 105 - 113. |
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Bos G. & Philippona J. (1948) Het voorkomen van de Glanskop, Parus palustris longirostris Kleinschm., en de Matkop, Parus atricapillus rhenanus Kleinschm., in de duinstreek van Noord- en Zuid-Holland. ARDEA 36 (3): 113 - 121. |
[samenvatting] [free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1948) Prof. Mr. Dr. Th. van Swinderen (1784-1851) en zijn werkzaamheid in het belang van de ornithologie. ARDEA 36 (3): 121 - 142. |
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Vleugel D.A. (1948) Enkele waarnemingen over 'vorstvlucht' en 'randtrek' in het Sloe-Schengengebied tijdens de winters van 1935/36 en 1936/1937. ARDEA 36 (3): 143 - 162. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Coomans de Ruiter L. & Maurenbrecher L.L.A. (1948) Stadsvogels van Makassar (Zuid-Celebes). ARDEA 36 (3): 163 - 198. |
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Lebret T. (1948) Waarnemingen over leeftijdsgroepen bij Kolganzen, Anser a. albifrons (Scop.). ARDEA 36 (3): 198 - 200. |
[abstract] [free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Hens P.A. 1948. Avifauna der Nederlandse Provincie Limburg, 3e aanvulling. ARDEA 36 (3): 201 - 202. |
[free copy] |
Brouwer G.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. ter Pelkwijk J.J. 1948. Deze mooie wereld. ARDEA 36 (3): 202 - 202. |
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Brouwer G.A. (1948) Boekbespreking. Strijbos J.P. 1948. Al zwervende vergaar ik. ARDEA 36 (3): 202 - 203. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. & Voous K.H. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. The breeding race of Podiceps ruficollis from the Kei Islands. ARDEA 36 (3): 203 - 203. |
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van Bemmel A.C.V. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Columba vitiensis metallica Temm. op Lombok. ARDEA 36 (3): 203 - 204. |
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van der Baan G. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Waarneming van een Baardgrasmus, Sylvia cantillans (Pall.), bij Amsterdam. ARDEA 36 (3): 204 - 205. |
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van Lynden A.J.H. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Nog een melanistische Kokmeeuw, Larus r. ridibundus L. ARDEA 36 (3): 204 - 204. |
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van Heurn W.C. (1948) Korte mededeelingen. Beschouwing naar aanleiding van een broedgeval van de Bonte Kraai (Corvus cornix L.). |